Statement from Din Merican on RPK TV3 Interview

April 13, 2011

My friends, both in government and the private sector, smsed and telephoned  this evening to inform me of the Raja Petra’s exclusive interview with TV3(as reported below by The Malaysian Insider). I also received a call from Ms. Sira, a journalist from The Star, who had the courtesy to call me  a few minutes ago.

I was surprised to learn that I have been linked to attempts to discredit Prime Minister Najib and his wife Rosmah with regard to the Altantuya case. There is no basis whatsoever in fact. I am personally disappointed that Raja Petra Kamaruddin should see it fit to get me involved in a matter where I have zero knowledge.

Like many bloggers, I was unhappy with the Badawi Administration. After Badawi’s resignation in 2009 and Prime Minister Najib succeed him, I quietly left Parti KeADILan Rakyat. I know PKR Leaders personally. I also know UMNO-BN Leaders. My links with both sides of the political divide allow me to deal with issues in a dispassionate manner.

I have no disagreements with Prime Minister Najib. Let me state that I am not anti-Najib; in fact, a number of commentators in my blog have severely criticised me for being “soft” on our Prime Minister and his policies.

BUT it is a fact that Raja Petra called me to seek confirmation from Anwar Ibrahim regarding the reliability of a certain military intelligence officer. When I received confirmation from the PKR de facto leader, I relayed it to Raja Petra. That was all to the whole matter.–Din Merican

RPK on TV3 , explains his Altantuya Stories

KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 – The pro-government TV3 station aired an exclusive interview with blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin tonight, where he claimed that he was merely writing accusations made by others against Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife over the Altantuya murder case.

“I never accused the Prime Minister or his wife of being involved in the murder of Altantuya Sharibuu,” Raja Petrawas quoted as saying in a transcript made available at the private television station’s website.

The interview in Perth recently was conducted by a senior editor, Ashraf Abdullah, and aired over the prime-time Buletin Utama news programme at 8pm.

The transcript said the Malaysia Today news portal editor said he was pressured and influenced to carry the news by individuals who did not want Najib to take over as the country’s prime minister. Najib succeeded Tun Abdullah Badawi as prime minister in April 2009.

It reported Raja Petra as saying his statutory declaration dated June 18, 2008 was based on information from these individuals, adding that a lot of people accused him of slander without actually reading his sworn statement.

In the statutory declaration (SD), Raja Petra said he received information from several individuals that the prime minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor was at the site when Altantuya was killed.

Altantuya was killed in late 2007 when Najib was then deputy prime minister.“In the SD, I related the tale that these people told me the story and they should relate it. And that the authorities should investigate and call these people in. That’s what I wrote in the SD. I personally did not make an accusation. I did not say I knew that the wife of the then deputy prime minister was at the crime scene. I didn’t say that. I didn’t make such an accusation. What I said was that people told the story and it was up to the authorities to investigate it further and for these people to come forward. And I named these people. I revealed this during the police investigations,” he was quoted as saying in the transcript in Bahasa Malaysia.

According to the transcript, Raja Petra said he received the information from individuals linked to several politicians including opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. TV3 named them as Nik Azmi Nik Daud, John Pang and blogger Din Merican.

Raja Petra also mentioned that a military intelligence officer identified as Leftenan Kolonel Azmi Zainal Abidin also gave the same information.

“I didn’t accept the story. Because I thought it was impossible. No way that the Prime Minister’s wife can go to the scene as it is in the jungle and I didn’t think she would climb a hill, enter a jungle in the middle of night, at 12 midnight. I thought that was impossible,” he was quoted as saying in the transcript.

Raja Petra was quoted as saying that their task was to ensure Najib did not take over as PM when Abdullah stepped down.He said when he met Nik Azmi, he had asked the reasons for making the statutory declaration.

“What do you hope to achieve? He said Pak Lah will resign, if we don’t block Najib, Najib will be the prime minister, replacing Pak Lah,” he added.

According Raja Petra, he then asked Din Merican to get confirmation from Anwar.“Din Merican contacted me back and said he spoke to Anwar and Anwar had given the green light. He said OK, this man is no problem, what he says we can trust. Anwar knows him well and he usually meets with Anwar.. this leftenan kolonel. And he has told many stories to Anwar about this issue. He said to proceed, I then proceeded,” he was quoted as saying.

Raja Petra also said all the individuals had promised to be witnesses if he was charged in court. TV3 said it will carry the second part of the interview at the same news bulletin tomorrow.

78 thoughts on “Statement from Din Merican on RPK TV3 Interview

  1. I know you would come straight on this issue. Is it related to the Sarawak postings in your blog? Just stick to the truth and may Allah bless you with his choicest blessing. Ameen.

  2. At the height of the controversy and exposé (and I am not one to take RPK popular as he is, seriously), I remember greeting the frenzy that had the Malaysian public dazed, with a fair mix of glee and horror.

    Horror at the thought that Malaysians treated out-of-court sworn self-serving statements as substitutes for the truth. SDs are not evidence but are heresay and not worth the paper that they are written on unless their makers attend court to give testimony – and when they do it is their testimony that is the evidence.

    RPK’s statements were in fact second and third and fourth hand heresay. They carry no weight. When I dropped by his blog it was for the comic relief it afforded me. Cold, long winters there is nothing much to do.

    And glee, at the thought of how some people are so gullible as to believe what RPK writes.

  3. Is this an attempt by RPK to wiggle himself out of a criminal defamation law suit? Laying the foundation for his defence and preparing to come back to Malaysia??

  4. Disappointed with RPK. If he wanted to say all this, he had his own platform. Why go to TV3 and sell his soul? Question running through my head now is, was he paid for this? Why now, just a few days before Sarawak? RPK, you’re a bit suspect now!!

  5. RPK says Rosmah did not deny those two were from her security detail. Because that is the truth but what has that gotta do with being at the scene of the crime?

  6. “..but he had adopted those allegations as his own.”

    Yup, absolutely.
    Any person with half a brain would have noticed RPK’s spinning and weaving, but most are cretins are they not? Congenital idiocy – they only hear what they want to hear.. He’s making an ass of himself.
    MCLM? hahaha
    Seems like Datuk got dragged in for good measure.
    Truth? In vino veritas.

  7. Is this how Malayans operate? After all the ho-ha by the editor of Malaysia Today online portal… we have come to this? Hmm!! .. I’ll be understanding and assume that we are seeing civilized human nature in its basest conceivable aspect.

  8. Look like the First ladys charms are working. RPK has fallen for them. Everyone has a weakness, it is just a matter of probing.

    Lately RPK seem to here and there. Guess the Toyboy and Carpetman stories yielded some results.

    Why no proper investigations. An RCI also can on the Mongolian woman murder. A sex tape need RCI. What the hell.

    Malaysia Boleh!

  9. why tv3……?

    once the going gets rough
    the tough get talking..

    Act 1 Scene 2:

    (curtains go up and Balasubramaniam steps in)

    Bala: ladies and gentlemen..I did’nt say all that
    I only signed the SD, so I’m not
    guilty lah!

  10. Why is Anwar Ibrahim reading the contents of the statutory declaration regarding what someone has had to say when that someone is next to him? Is that not heresay? Anwar has no personal knowledge of the truth of what was being said. It is Bala and he’s right there.

  11. C’mon guys, tis truly non event. Danil is right – very much a ho-ha, although Datuk feels quite put -off. We should reserve our vitriol for self- preservationist ‘saints’ for another day. And Bean, Rosmah can’t carpet munch, no matter how bovine/ruminating it sounds.

    Better we concentrate on he Sarawak elections though no one knows exactly how’s that’s gonna turn out. Fascinating.

    For Din:

  12. I’ve never liked RPK. Sometimes I think he goes overboard with his stories. As for Altantunya, maybe she killed herself and blow herself up afterwards. Military grade explosives must be easily accessible in Malaysia.

  13. Tuya killed herself and then later stuffed C4 into you-know-where and blew herself up. Suicide bomber style – except that she got the sequence wrong. Why didn’t we think of that before?? Who would have thought?

    The same happened to Teoh who strangled himself, then looked for a window so he could fall out. The same must have happened to the guy who thought he was playing badminton.

  14. for Dato’, in trying times may you be protected

    “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
    Reinhold Niebuhr

  15. RPK was close to Anwar and even headed the Freedom for Anwar campaign. Why would RPK seek Din’s help in getting the green light from Anwar? Maybe it’s just that Din’s was at one time in the inner circle of PKR? or maybe it’s Dins Integrity which allowed RPK a certain level of confidence.

  16. The real question that people should be asking is “why TV3, which is a tool for BN” suddenly has an interest in getting RPK on TV?….all seems very strange.

  17. Dato Din,

    Suddenly, I felt a deep sense of dignified distrust of a man whom I always had a deep respect for…and I felt very upset that RPK had chosen to implicate you as one of his sources, contrary to any good sense of “journalism”.You remain one of the last bastions of truth, honesty and fairness and so, please remain steadfast in your principles and ideals – it shakes the common man to know that what is the truth today can becomes heresay…and someone whom you respect as a bearer and a fighter of justice can easily turn the other way. It’s so sad!

  18. It’s Spring and I’m surrounded by seagulls, reminded yet again of the Jonathan Livingstone Seagulls that live within all of us.

    There is no Heaven, but only perfection that comes with a better world found in the perfection of knowledge.

  19. Tuan, tak perlu risau bila dibabitkan dalam dakwaan RPK kerana orang itu tak boleh pakai, tak boleh lagi dipercayai.

    Cuma, nampaknya selepas ini tuan (Din Merican) pun dalam kategori yang sama? Itu yang kena dibersihkan…

  20. Let’s get straight to the point: The truth will be this: Who has the motive to murder Altantuya? Definitely not the two UTK personnel or their superior as they do not know her. Then, who knows Altantuya and the two UTK personnel (and their superior) at the same time? This is the fact.

  21. Anybody wants the truth .Asked the police to investigate the names mentioned in the RPK Statutory Declaration without malice and together with PI Bala first SD.

  22. Except for the timing of the interview which TV3 exploited to the hilt, nobody has done anything wrong with regard to RPK’s statutory declaration, which object was to prevent a corrupt and scandalous person from becoming a act which should be regarded of national interest.

    Najib was involved in the corrupt Scorpene’s purchase involving US100mill ,of which the Macc just refuse to investigate, a clear breach of their statutory duty. Had the Macc investigated the matter, we would know who the beneficiaries and recipients of the US100mill are. Had they got evidence from Razak that part of the money goes either to Niajib or Rosmah, Najib is dead. They got Teoh beng Hock killed for a rm2000/ case but failed to interview Razak when he was lingering in prison.

    Najib & wife were also suspected of being involved in the Altantuya murder.

    Strip of its details, RPK’s SD amounted to this if a police report had been made in its place…” I received information from reliable sources( which he had named) that Rosmah and 2 army officers were involved in the killing of Altantuya’.

    All RPK did was to check the reliability and credibility of this source through Din Merican, Anwar and John Pang..of which he must necessarily do so bf signing the SD or making his report.

    You see all what they had done was for national interest; prevent Najib becoming PM.

    So, blame all these whole thing on the MACC for not investigating the corrupt scorpene deals and the police for not investigating the allegations that

  23. 39.

    Except for the timing of the interview which TV3 exploited to the hilt, nobody has done anything wrong with regard to RPK’s statutory declaration, which object was to prevent a corrupt and scandalous person from becoming a act which should be regarded of national interest.

    Najib was involved in the corrupt Scorpene’s purchase involving US100mill ,of which the Macc just refuse to investigate, a clear breach of their statutory duty. Had the Macc investigated the matter, we would know who the beneficiaries and recipients of the US100mill are. Had they got evidence from Razak that part of the money goes either to Niajib or Rosmah, Najib is dead. They got Teoh beng Hock killed for a rm2000/ case but failed to interview Razak when he was lingering in prison.

    Najib & wife were also suspected of being involved in the Altantuya murder.

    Strip of its details, RPK’s SD amounted to this if a police report had been made in its place…” I received information from reliable sources( which he had named) that Rosmah and 2 army officers were involved in the killing of Altantuya’.

    All RPK did was to check the reliability and credibility of this source through Din Merican, Anwar and John Pang..of which he must necessarily do so bf signing the SD or making his report.

    You see all what they had done was for national interest; prevent Najib becoming PM.

    So, blame all these whole thing on the MACC for not investigating the corrupt scorpene deals and the police for not investigating the allegations that Rosmah & gang were suspected to have been involved in the killing. Both the public bodies in clear contravention of their public statutory duties chose to cover up the real issues which are of nat. interest.

    La – April 14, 2011 at 8:44 am

  24. First the blue film episode and now this . Imagine the cost of all this diversions – and that is all this is – DIVERSIONS. Wonder if RISDA paid for this interview too.

    Friends , our focus should remain on the Sarawak elections. This is all a sandiwara being used to divert our attention lah. The timing of the release of this interview says so.

  25. What comes after this? Altantunya never existed? She’s just a fragment of our imagination?

    Anyway Dato’, RPK has just said that you are washing your hands in this matter. What I don’t like about RPK is that he always thinks that he’s so good but most of the things he wrote are crap at best.

  26. I read this in The Star this morning (April 14, 2011):

    Din: I was not in cahoots with Raja Petra

    PETALING JAYA: Blogger Din Merican, who was named by fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin as one of the individuals implicating the Prime Minister’s wife in the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, has denied that he was involved.

    In expressing his shock over being named by RPK in the TV3 interview, he said he had no idea that RPK had planned to sign a statutory declaration implicating Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who was the Deputy Prime Minister then, and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in the murder.

    Din said he was never part of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s inner circle planning such strategies.

    “I was part of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s team, not Anwar’s. And at that time, people were fed up with Pak Lah (former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi).

    “It had nothing to do with trying to stop Najib from succeeding Pak Lah.

    “Also, I have never implicated Najib. In my blog, I focus on issues, not baseless allegations,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Anwar posted a two-word Twitter reply to queries raised by the online community on RPK’s revelation.

    “Sarawak election,” said Anwar in his tweet yesterday, after a person called sivamsubang tweeted that RPK’s revelation was another slander against the Opposition Leader.

    John Pang, another person named by RPK in the interview, could not be reached for comment.

  27. Exactly what is RPK’s immigration status? If he has been granted asylee status in the U.K. that could explain why he is free to move. Why has the Malaysian government not withdrawn his Malaysian passport? It is after all a privilege and not a right to own one. Is there something more than meets the eye here?

  28. My question is simple – why RPK agreed for the interview in the first place? I don’t mind if it is with BBC, but TV3? All of us know how TV3 spin the story, yet still fall under the trap? Maybe old age has taken its toll on RPK as he has slowly becoming more sloppy.

  29. This is unbeliveable, PI Bala twist, now RPK turn, everybody’s guest how much $$$$$ is involved in a deperate bit to save BN sarawak. RPK really sold his soul, then we have the 3 frogs in perak, i sincerely think they have no dignity at all, they actually sold the trust that people put in them, which they will be able to regain forever.

  30. Wonderful distraction….I hope that RPK knows what he’s doing…..Anyway, lets focus on Sarawak election

    Focus! Focus! Focus!

  31. Why is there so much “hate” from anti-BN writers??? I don’t understand… When the real truths is expose..they can claims RPK is being “bought”. So what about the time when RPK was asked to make the ‘SD’ and his ‘exposal’ of this issued..was he paid by PR & DASI??? Renung2lah kawan…

  32. Though not directly related, political campaign is like major battle campaign.

    I strongly doubt RPK’s plan in setting up MCLM from the beginning. RPK was born in Surrey. I studied in Surrey. In 1997, Lib Dem was making a major push in Guildford, fighting for free tuition fee for even international student like me. Because I am from the Commonwealth, I have the right to vote in town council & parliament

    Fast Forward to today, Lib Dem together with Tory formed a coaliation party…….What happen? International students still got to pay full fee 13K-16K pounds per year. British student tuition fee went up to 9K pounds

    You can watch the videos who students up in arms against the so called THIRD FORCE WHO RENEGED ON THEIR PROMISES

  33. Suprised? not really.. but more like we know for sure who’s who and maybe now we can connect some dots… not waste time on this kind of ‘diversion’, move on.

  34. Forget about the 3rd Farce, looes.
    They yearn for ‘power’ and are self conflicted..
    As i said before, many think and act beyond their means, lacking integrity and conviction.

    Although the timing of this so-called revelation stinks to high heaven, the damage is to RPK’s personal reputation, nobody else. From now on everything he mutters, mumbles or rambles is ‘hearsay’. That’s the problem with vulgarities that so afflict his writings. Now he’s saying he’s a tool epitomized by lack of discernment – yes, a Mercenary deux machina.

    Najib still has a lot to answer for, and Umno-BN is still far the greater evil. Corruption of the lowest order.

  35. CLF,
    I am deadly against 3rd force in Malaysia. As for RPK, he’s like the DAVID MARSHALL of Malaysia. Or better still TE Lawrence of Malaysia.
    Anyway, lets stop talking on this & focus in fighting for victory in sarawak. I hope Din & the rest would heed this advice
    The song by Joan Boaz……WE SHALL OVERCOME

  36. I don’t think a lot people in this blog really understand english especially that Mr Bean. Seriously. Read the SD and then listen to the interview. There is a major difference between never accuse and not responsible.

  37. CLF,
    Thanks! My mum always adore The Beatles. Very nice meaningful songs. Hahaha
    I heard Dr M saying that Taib should not be like Wan Mokhtar & retire soon. Ah so, shall we flip up this song? Also my mum favourite…..Sir Cliff Richard

    Comedy Court has made a parody song on Samy Vellu. Enjoy! I have one more coming up for SUPP too

  38. Looks like we have someone here with no spine, going where the wind blows. He is such a disgrace to those who has believed what he has written. It looks like people can write anything that is substantiated with docs, and later denied all, and push the responsibilities to others. What a nut/idiot we have here.

  39. The definition of ‘heresay’ is technical and may not be easy to understand.

    If A says he was at the scene of the crime and says he saw B, and then he tells C and C tells D. C repeats what A tells him. That is heresay. D repeats what C tells him to E. That is second hand heresay and it goes on.

    When you have no personal knowledge of what you are saying – merely repeating what somebody tells you – that is heresay. Don’t get me wrong. It could be true. But how do you test the truth of a hearsay statement? You cannot.

    To prove the fact that B was at the scene of the crime, A will need to come to court and tells the court he saw B at the scene of the crime and be cross-examined by counsel. A could be lying but that is another matter that requires its own proof.

    Z heard from C who heard from A that he saw B, goes to the notary public, makes a sworn statement to him about what C had told him and the statement was reduced to writing. Is this evidence that B was at the scene of the crime? No.

    Was Z by his sworn statement accusing B+ who is married to B, that he is involved in the murder? If he is not accusing, then why did he make the sworn statement? Z now wants to remind us that he did it in the hope that B and B+ would come out swinging and bringing evidence of their own to show that Z is wrong. Z now says that he does that in the hope the authorities would initiate an investigation into the truth of the allegation or allegations made by A and repeated by him (Z) in his sworn statement. He failed both. The response was a bare denial by B of her non-involvement in the murder.

    Where did I go wrong so far?

  40. In a criminal trial of B and B+ on the charge of murder and conspiracy to murder, and as counsel, can I go to court and wield this statutory declaration by Z as proof that B+ was involved in the conspiracy to murder?

    Yes, I can. But it would only be proof that I am in the wrong profession.

  41. RPK 2008: Najib & Rosmah murdered Altantuya. Anwar to Din Merican to RPK and Bala, proceed with the SD.

    Hail RPK, you are a man of principle, you are one in a million star. No money can buy you. You are our hero. bravo.

    RPK 2008: I never believed Najib & Rosmah murdered Altantuya. It was CONSPIRACY by Anwar to stop him from becoming PM at all cost. How could Rosmah be in deep jungle in midnite. Ridiculous accusation to be believe.

    Damn you RPK. You sold your soul. How much BN paid you. You drunk fella no principle. TV3 interview is a conspiracy. Its a fake RPK, he can’t be that bulky stomach. TV3 spin, its not what RPK meant. It psy-war wakaka, Saifudin has proof cheque payment by UMNO to RPK. Focus on Sarawak, Taib paid RPK bla3 million. No video poof but Najib still murderer. Anwar on sexvideo, its not Anwar its conspiracy by Hishmamuddin. Bla3. RPK now sold his principle to BN for $$$millions. Money can buy anything.

    I pity these Pakatan people. They are so confused now.

  42. correction – RPK 2011: I never believe….

    RPK 2008: Najib & Rosmah murdered Altantuya. Anwar to Din Merican to RPK and Bala, proceed with the SD.

    Hail RPK, you are a man of principle, you are one in a million star. No money can buy you. You are our hero. bravo.

    RPK 2011: I never believed Najib & Rosmah murdered Altantuya. It was CONSPIRACY by Anwar to stop him from becoming PM at all cost. How could Rosmah be in deep jungle in midnite. Ridiculous accusation to be believe.

    Damn you RPK. You sold your soul. How much BN paid you. You drunk fella no principle. TV3 interview is a conspiracy. Its a fake RPK, he can’t be that bulky stomach. TV3 spin, its not what RPK meant. It psy-war wakaka, Saifudin has proof cheque payment by UMNO to RPK. Focus on Sarawak, Taib paid RPK bla3 million. No video poof but Najib still murderer. Anwar on sexvideo, its not Anwar its conspiracy by Hishmamuddin. Bla3. RPK now sold his principle to BN for $$$millions. Money can buy anything.

    I pity these Pakatan people. They are so confused now.

  43. Didi, people go to my blog because I discuss issues, not heresy. I treat it an opportunity to engage in an exchange of ideas and views for the betterment of our country. As long as it presents different viewpoints as fairly as possible, it will get attention.–Din Merican

  44. Well RPK did not had a game plan! He fell line hook and sinker when those glorious chaps made him a sucker! He believe in those guys that made him do that SD crap.
    The story is simple , as RPK was taken by them very convincingly . He became the fall guy when those connieving gang did’nt lift a finger to come to his rescuse when promised.
    His SD was based on a report [there was never a report at all] by a certain no 2 of the Military Intell.He believe those guys and as as
    said its payback time… all of a sudden we do see an awakening to haunt them now….Perhaps Najib is in very good company nowadays or is it?????
    Rpk bit the bullet for nothing….

  45. Din

    I had a good laugh after reading all the accusations and denials!
    If someone asks you to verify a fact and you check and confirm it, that has nothing to do with any consequential events.
    In the current context, your handsome face now have national coverage on TV as well as being on the front page of Utusan! I think all the Wanita UMNO swoon over this handsome hunk! Better watch out! You cant walk in the streets without being accosted!

  46. 1. I am afraid most of the commentators here are die-hard BN-haters. When RPK wrote something that chimed with their prejudiecs, they praised him. But as soons as exposes their errors, they cry foul. What criminal jokers?
    2. Please think nicely of our nation and people, and work for their betterment. Do not sink into the mud. Tell me which leader in the world does not make mistakes. They say, “To err is human; to forgive is divine.” The task of good citizens is “to enjoin good, and prevent evil.”
    3. I salute RPK for telling the truth, when it needs to told.
    4. Sarawak election notwithstanding, we need to rid our politics off criminals. Sooner or later, the bitter truth wills out. Whe it does, the good citizens will rejoice. Those stuck in BN hatred, they have only themesleves to blame! My advice to them is: “Get out of the mud!”

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  48. God will find a way where there seems to be no way….only God and the perpetrators will know what they have done…it will catch up on them..Japan after the second World War…it has caught up with them somehow…let us pray justice prevails soon enough. You believe in Karma it will come back…as the saying goes..what goes round comes round…you reap what you sow…the wheels of change. Good people will eventually be blessed by God. Trust in him.



  50. Rajasegaran
    I thought that statement was from John F. Kennedy and not Honest Abe.

    Mongkut Bean
    Get RPK on to Saturday Night Live in NYC. Or better still get him on CNN, guess he’ll love the chance to be interviewed by Christiana Amanpour or Barbara Walters.

  51. If RPK claims that he knows the truth, let him be. RPK had earlier indicated he was not aligned anymore with Anwar’s antics. So far so good then as he wants to reveal and clears his conscience. Time and age make one more matured and wise isn’t? Alhamdulillah. But if he plays by the carrot, truth will prevail sooner or later. Don’t worry.

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