Happy New Year 2013

January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013: “A House divided against itself cannot stand.”      

Dr Kamsiah and I wish you all a great 2013. This is an Election Year in Malaysia and we think by April or May we will have elected a new government. After that Dr. Kamsiah and I hope that we can focus on moving our country forward, each of us doing our part in nation building.

Happy New Year3

Between now and polling day, we will be served with all kinds of stories, exposes, and disclosures. Temperatures will rise as each side in the political contest  tries to outdo the other with promises and goodies. It is in the nature of adversarial politics because politicians are interested in winning elections. Power is very seductive.

As citizens, we need to put things in perspective.  We must keep our cool, vote wisely, making sure each vote irrespective of our station in life counts, and ensure that there will always be unity, peace and stability in our country. To quote American President Abraham, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. May God Bless you and your families.–Dr Kamsiah and Din Merican

Respecting the Dignity of Difference

13 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2013

  1. Dato,happy new year 2013 to you and family,thank you for all your kind efforts,by the grace of God,this morning I came across the following y-tube,and saw the morning paper saying “Allah” is now an issue with PKR – the coming government in Malaysia from year 2013,
    Jewish rabbis and Priests confirm that muslims worship the same God (Allah).

    Allahu Akbar (Arabic: الله أكبر)
    Thanks, Jack. I have used it as part of our 2013 message. Harussani, the Chief Mufti of Perak should listen to this youtube and also read Rabbi Jonathan Sach’s The Dignity of Difference.–Din Merican

  2. Dato + Datin,
    A blessed 2013, “the year of realigning for reassigning” not only for you both but all Malaysians. Yes crunch time is nigh. We all must pray that there will be a smooth transition from BN to PKR in March. God bless Malaysia

  3. A very happy and prosperous 2013 to you and Dr Kamsiah and also to all the other followers of your esteemed blog. There are so much to read and a lot of effort must have been put in by the respective authors. I agree with you that as a responsible Malaysian , we have to do our part and vote wisely so that those whom we put into the Dewan Rakyat will spend their time and energy in formulating good policies and moving our nation forward; that those whom we have elected will not engage themselves bickering over trivial matters, enriching themselves through corrupt practices, etc.
    Thanks, Weng. Collectively, we can make a difference. The action by one followed by another and yet another has a snowball effect on the final outcome. All the best for 2013. Look forward to your comments.–Din Merican

  4. Dear Datin Dr. Kamsiah and Dato’ Din,
    all the best for 2013 and hope your wishes, regarding our country’s politics and future, would be fulfilled.
    ‘united we stand strong’ should be the new motto for our politicians of all parties. even the USofA can’t be strong if they don’t stand united.

    my New Year Wishes to all on Dato’s Blog, whichever corner of the world you are!
    reeper, you have been AWOL for a while. Hope you are okay. Best wishes for 2013.–Kamsiah and Din

  5. thanks for asking Datin and Dato’, I’m fine and AWOL visiting my very sick father in SS3.
    yes, I’m under the scorching malaysian Sun which is not yet been claimed by any political party as their very own, what luck we malaysians have!
    2013 is the year of snake for the chinese and also the year that is going to decide upon the destiny of our Nation, Malaysia.

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