Open Letter to Dr. UMNO

April 13, 2012

Open Letter to Dr. UMNO

My dear Tun Dr Mahathir,

I’m at a loss as to whether you are hallucinating or failing to see the reality.Your views on Penang and Selangor are misconceived and misplaced.

You come across as a dishonest politician determined to score political points and mislead Malaysian voters. You do no credit to yourself nor do you live up to your reputation as an elder statesman (Bernama,  January 29,2012).

Your statement, “They have already been given a lot of chances. A lot of unhappy things have happened in Penang, the same (is happening) in Selangor,” does not make any sense at all. “They have been given a lot of chances”, you unreasonably claim.

Pakatan only came to power on March 8, 2008. They have been in office only for four short years. What chances were given to them and who gave them those chances? What are you talking about? What miracles were you expecting them to perform in this short period of time?

Compare their short term of office to the Barisan Nasional’s nearly 55 years of tenure – truthfully and honestly. We can justifiably throw back at the BN the very words you had uttered: “They (BN) have already been given a lot of chances. A lot of unhappy things have happened in Penang, the same (is happening) in Selangor.” This is indeed a valid observation requiring an honest answer from you, dear Tun.

More than half a century

Indeed, 55 years is a very long time. It is more than half a century. The BN have been given all the chances it wanted and needed. But what have the BN achieved during their long tenure in office except undermining our unity and keeping the people apart? Our unity has been destroyed by senseless and thoughtless policies and statements without a care for the welfare of the majority of Malaysians who are peace-loving and poor.

Yes, Tun, if anybody had been given too much chance it is the BN. Indeed, what more can the BN do which they had failed to do during these 55 years? What miracles can the BN now perform to transform this country into a haven for all citizens and provide them with a dignified livelihood?

What do you actually mean by claiming, “They have been given the chance. What’s there left to try. If we allow the situation to deteriorate badly, it will be difficult to repair.”

Your rambling statement, “If we allow the situation to deteriorate badly, it will be difficult to repair” comes across as ridiculous and garrulous. What has the Pakatan done that has brought about the deterioration? What is that they are doing that would render the problem beyond repair? Please be specific and enumerate the wrongdoings of the Pakatan.

Don’t make statements you can’t back up

Tun, you should not make sweeping claims that are without merit. Many Malaysians are truly disappointed and disillusioned with you and justifiably feel that you have out-lived your usefulness as a political leader. You had your time and you did things the way you wanted to. That period is over and done with. There is nothing more for you to do.

Both Penang and Selangor have attracted the biggest FDIs totalling more than RM15bn, which is unmatched by the BN-controlled states. Doesn’t this indicate positively that the Pakatan-controlled states are performing very much better in spite of their short term of tenure and lack of administrative experience and expertise? Honestly, dear Tun, doesn’t that deserve some praise?

You kept everything under wraps and resorted to the Official Secrets Act (OSA) to deny citizens their right to be informed. A lot of scandals and corruption prevailed because they are kept from the purview of public scrutiny and guarded as state secrets.

The Pakatan-controlled states in Selangor and Penang, on the other hand, have promulgated a Freedom of Information Act in order to be transparent and accountable. Tun, isn’t this something that has to be complimented?

Cronies and corruption

Under your tenure for 22 years, many crony politicians became wealthy beyond imagination and without being accountable for their wealth. Elected representatives and cabinet ministers declared their assets only to you and, according to certain well-informed circles, you had used this information to secure their unquestioning loyalty. That was how you had your way – it was your way and no other way!

We are reminded of the episode concerning the removal of Osman Aroff, the then Menteri Besar of Kedah, who had enjoyed the support of the majority of assembly members in Kedah. These assembly members went to see you, dear Tun, to plead for the retention of their MB. You, reportedly saw them individually and after that they all returned to Kedah abandoning Osman Aroff. Rumour had it then that you had a file on each of them and that forced them to fall in line behind you.

Dear Tun, Pakatan-controlled states of Selangor and Penang did something that you wouldn’t dare dream of doing. All their Exco members declared their assets publically. This is something that civil society of Malaysia has been campaigning for, for a very long time, claiming that this would curb corruption and check abuse of governance.

But you would not be persuaded. You wanted to be the sole privy to the corruption and abuse so that you would have absolute control over politicians holding public positions.

Many Malaysians, in the past, have worked loyally and faithfully and had contributed to the progress of this country. These old timers who retired many years ago are forced to struggle to live a hard life with their meagre pensions in these times of hardships. Their counterparts of modern times, on the other hand, draw reasonable pensions to lead a decent life. The hardships suffered by these senior citizens have not been addressed. Their contributions were not even acknowledged.

But the Pakatan government in Penang has been giving out RM100 once a year for the last three years to express their appreciation to these senior citizens. Admittedly, this isn’t very much but the very thought of appreciation really warms the hearts of these people. With the vast resources available to the BN, they are placed in a far better situation to do more to help these unfortunate people. But why, dear Tun, did the BN government not bother doing this? They could have shown a generous face and given more to these people with all the wealth at their disposal. But they did nothing!

Corruption has become so rampant that so much of our wealth is either lost or stolen to the detriment of the nation. Contracts given to crony companies with inflated costs have drained our wealth.

Highway toll agreements, the Tajuddin Raml-Malaysia Airlines out-of-court settlement, the rescue of Bank Rakyat and Bank Bumiputra, the reckless forex fiasco in the UK, the bungling Maminco tin-buying spree, to name a few – they have all resulted in the loss of billions of ringgit that could have alleviated the plight of the poor.

These are, unfortunately, dear Tun, your legacies that brought terrible hardships for the homeless and the helpless.

Uplifting the People

You wouldn’t have open tenders for projects that would have saved billions of ringgit and secured the services of contractors with ability and proven expertise. That would have prevented some contractors from running away without completing their projects and ensured that buildings wouldn’t collapse because of poor workmanship and inferior materials. But repeated episodes of cheating contractors and uncompleted projects did not seem to disturb the conscience of those in charge. It was business as usual and billions of ringgit were regularly squandered without a care in the world.

On the other hand, now we have open tenders in the Pakatan states and Class F contractors are very happy and contented with this arrangement. According to these contractors, under the previous BN government, one had to have connections to get a contract and one had to give inducements to be considered favourably.

Otherwise, getting contracts would have been impossible. But now, with open tenders, the deserving have been rewarded with contracts and they have delivered the completed projects on time. Isn’t this something that has to be appreciated, dear Tun?

Malaysian workers have been struggling for years for a minimum wage policy. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) has been championing this issue for decades. But it was opposed vehemently by the Malaysian Employers Federation, which wanted to reap hefty profits from the sweat of the workers. And the Malaysian government did not have the political will to implement the minimum wage policy. Thus we lost our local skilled workers and builders who left the country to work elsewhere. But the exploitation continues to this day with the employment of foreign workers.

Isn’t it praiseworthy that the Pakatan government in Selangor has implemented a minimum wage policy for all its employees in GLCs as from January this year? They are paid a minimum salary of RM1,500. Shouldn’t the employees enjoy the fruit of their labour, dear Tun?

Farmers in the new villages of Perak who have been tilling the land and growing vegetables and fruit for the country for generations were exploited and kept in a state of uncertainty as to their livelihood as they did not own the land. Every election this became a moot point for the farmers. Whether their TOL would be extended or cancelled was a worrying experience for these farmers. And when the BN wins the election in Perak, the TOL of these farmers would be renewed. The message was very clear. Vote for the BN or your TOL would not be renewed. They were beholden to the BN for the extension of their TOL.

The Pakatan government gave them the land titles and their dignity and freed them from their unnecessary anxiety. The rational was these farmers have been on the land for generations and have been serving the nation with their produce and they deserved the land titles. Isn’t this something wonderful that deserves to be congratulated, dear Tun?

Every voter who dies in Penang and Selangor is given RM1,000 and RM2,500 respectively for funeral expenses. This assistance is greatly appreciated, especially by the poor. For the first time a voter receives something very specific and substantial when he or she dies. This had never happened under BN rule. They bribe the living for their vote and forget them when they are dead. Under the Pakatan rule they take care of the living and the dead! Don’t they deserve a pat on their back, dear Tun?

All this caring and giving must make a great impact on the people. If given more time there will be other good policies that will benefit the people and perhaps make it difficult for the BN to make any headway in the future. Is that what is worrying you, dear Tun? Is this what you meant when you sounded the warning to the BN, “If we allow the situation to deteriorate, it will be difficult to repair”?

You have correctly foreseen the inevitable doom for the BN. You have realised that it will be difficult to undo the good deeds of the Pakatan. In comparison, the BN will be cast in poor light and cursed for neglecting the majority of the deserving Malaysians who are poor. You are seeing what is impending and you have the right to fear the inevitable, dear Tun!

P Ramakrishnan is the Past President of Aliran

19 thoughts on “Open Letter to Dr. UMNO

  1. This Al-Kutty is our Numero Uno ostrich. His entire book, Doctor in the House, is intended to justify his corrupt acts and abuses of power. Our country is paying the price of his follies. Yet most Malays still kiss his feet. I cannot believe that those Malays can defend this man.

  2. Dear Mr Ramakrishnan,
    You are too kind to address him Tun & Dear. His grave stone is calling him soon to answer for the damages he had done to Malaysia. Nevertheless this type of so called leader should not be given any face @ honor.
    He is so worried that when Pakatan take over, more shit will hit the fan.
    Anyway, thank you for telling him off.

  3. “If we allow the situation to deteriorate badly, it will be difficult to repair”

    No. It’s Beyond Repair should UMNO win GE-13. Meanwhile, His Lembekness is taking a leaf outta Octo-nomics with the mega, untendered projects, ripping off blind and deaf farmers, cynically couching police control mechanisms into revisions of old laws and corrupting the young with all sorts of ‘gutter’ politicking. In other words, FUBAR.

  4. Bean,
    He’s been on Tongkat Ali a long time. He also loves Lemang Pak Ali and Mee Pak Abu. There the ED medication called “mycoxaflopin” that he’s been prescribed to help him rise to the occassion. The side effect is not just election exhaustion but mouth diahhrea or inability to keep his trap shut.

  5. Dear Tun.

    When you become Prime Minster in 1981,Ananda is only worth 5 million ringgit,he is only a broker and oil trader.He make his first break when you allow him to buy Selangor turf club land for 100 m.You ask him to built the Petronas Twin Tower .He sold 51 percent of his land to Petronas for 600 m.Before you retire in 2003’he sold the balance of his shares to Peronas for 1.3 billion.You give him telecominication licence,Sattelite licence,Astro,and Power plant.He just sold his power plant to 1MDB for 8.5 billion.He is now worth almost 20 billion.Thank to you.

    You give IPP to YTL at the highest rate and at the term detremintal to TENAGA.Market talk was your son Mokzani owner 30 percent of the shares.This was eventually comfiem by Francis when he was iterview by bloomberg.

    You owner a house in The Mine Resort.Did you pay for the also owned a house at Putra Jaya lake view.People said Syed Mokhtar built the house for you.

    You have destroy the Malaysia economy,You spend Petronas money almost 30 billion to built Putra Jaya,

    Please la Tun ,give us a break.

  6. does Mr Ramakrishnan expect a reply from this specimen suffering from geriatric depression?
    a wise man knows when he is no more wanted.

    please leave lah
    you have caused enough damage
    even umno can be salvaged if this idiot is no more there.

    malaysian have one chance to save malaysia, that is by hook or crook, prevent umno-bn from winning GE-13!

  7. Jika betul Saudara Hamid, ini lah yang di-nama kan ” Kemabokan ” yang sabenar…..Yang semacam ini, tentu Accountable di-hari Akhirat….

    Ulama Islam, sila ambil faham apa yang di-tulis oleh Mariam Mokhtar tentang Hypocrisy. jangan lah perkara kechil-kechil di gembar-gembor kan…
    nanti ulama pun terbabit…bersubahat….

  8. “deMahathirization “ there’s a good slogan ( thats if we’re all into sloganism). However to ensure that we must rid of the clan altogether then we will be free of this virus.

    Thats right Hamid, all that you have listed about Mahathir is an example of “mabuk” (intoxiction) in the Koran. Beer puts you to sleep. Thats nothing compared to this mabuk of power and money.

    Let he (and Umno) be an example to everyone who doesnt understand what the Koranic “mabuk” means.

  9. 30 billion for Putra jaya? Can we even visualise what 30 billion could have done if put towards education? This little country M’sia is a gold mine . If we calculate how much money taken by those thieves, the people would have benefited now after 50 years.

    They shouldnt just go away. Thats too easy. They should be investigated and answer for their crimes.

  10. “He (Mahathir ) has been prescribed Tongkat Ali and is now rising to the occasion” — semper fi

    To further achieve his vision so that he will go blind sooner, I’m now sending over a bar of his favorite soap that I saved all these years from Proctor and Gamble.

  11. He must and shall be court martialled when PR took over the Govt for all his misdeed to the country and people of Malaysia.I cherish the day when I see this old man handcuffed and drag to court…..I want to see justice is done to Malaysia.

  12. The Cyclopean concept – the Cyclop is allegorical of the One-eyed thief so huge like the mythical Dragon that wants to swollow Everything, its eyes fiery without mercy….its claws & jaws tear everything apart and then swallow in one Gulp !
    Why all these ambitious Mega things, George Soros says its the hidden 20% (not the traditional 10%) that goes out ‘under the table’ to satisfy the Cyclop’s insatiable Desires ( it is Kurrafah really, or worst). Without Mega desires, HOW does one “justify” taking out Petronas Monies, worth 80 Billion annually ? So the Cyclop needs all the Instrumentations to justify it ” Legally”.
    All done, Nobody is interested to see if Project is viable, and making enough Income or revenue to cover Costs….not the least interested, coz Unjust Enrichment has been complete at the Inception !

  13. he can be compared to any thinkable monster but what is he without the people who support him? they being the poor rural malays out of their loyalty to king and country and the umnoputras with their unsatiable hunger for money.

    the opposition has to promise us that they will. as first measure, bring to book all umnoputras who have being plundering us. only then will the opposition get the full support of the people.

    ”I cherish the day when I see this old man handcuffed and drag to court…” It kol Jalil Ithnin
    also the million or so malaysians abroad would come home to boo him and finally piss on his grave. wait and see old man, your soul will be drenched before it reaches hell!

  14. I am a middle age tax-payer, still strong, hale & hearty with an occasional thirst for beer.
    I pray to God/Allah/Buddha/Ganesh/KwanYin/Jesus/Mighty Nibokanizer that i will live to see the day, these bn crooks are handcuffed and hauled to jail. And also, all ill-gotten monies & assets returned to the Rakyak’s coffer. Amin.

  15. Please la Tun,give us a break…Hamid.
    Please la Tun,no need to give us a break..instead…take a break…an Eternity Break!

    Hidup Malaysia!
    We will..we will..rock you…come Bersih 3.0!

  16. Dear Mr Rama,
    Thank you for spending time to write that open letter. It must taken you some efforts and energy to write it. I salute you, as I had always wanted to do something like that, but I cant get down to doing it.

    It is such a pity that political leaders like to think that we are all morons who will take in line, hook and sinker . It is time that we should give the opposition a chance to rule. Attention must now be diverted to all the rakyat to look towards Penang and Selangor as a guide in casting their votes in the coming election. I can safely say that all Penangites are very happy with the PKR -led govt.

    All of us who love the country must do our bit to save us from rotting further. Thank you again for such an inspiring letter.

  17. Gandhi said:-
    ‘In time of despair, I remembered that all through history, the way of TRUTH and LOVE have always won. There is always tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Always!’.

    I believe the GE13 is the time for UMNO/BN to fall. I sincerely hope all these lying thieving scumbags are punished for the CRIME they had inflicte on the RAKYAT of Malaysia.

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