Di Antara Zionisme dan Ketuanan Melayu

Di Antara Zionisme dan Ketuanan Melayu

by Amin Iskandar (December 14, 2009)

Di antara kebaikan yang berlaku di Malaysia selepas tsunami politik 8hb. Mac 2008 ialah banyak isu-isu yang selama ini diklasifikasikan sebagai “sensitif” telah menjadi perbincangan umum.

Perbincangan dan perdebatan secara terbuka akan menghilangkan “misteri” isu-isu sensitif tersebut. Diantara perdebatan yang belum berakhir semenjak kuasa majoriti dua pertiga Barisan Nasional (BN) hilang di parlimen adalah isu mengenai konsep Ketuanan Melayu.

Ketuanan Melayu adalah satu konsep yang telah menyebabkan BN yang dipimpin oleh United Malays National Organisation (UMNO)) tidak pernah kalah dalam pilihanraya umum semenjak pakatan tersebut ditubuhkan oleh Perdana Menteri kedua, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein bagi menggantikan Perikatan.

Yang lebih hebat lagi, Ketuanan Melayu telah menyebabkan BN menguasai majoriti dua pertiga di parlimen Malaysia daripada pilihanraya tahun 1974 sehinggalah pilihanraya 2004. Tiga puluh tahun lamanya BN memimpin Malaysia dengan mandat yang begitu besar. Sebab itu konsep ketuanan Melayu begitu penting bagi BN terutamanya UMNO.

Oleh kerana orang Melayu merupakan penduduk yang teramai di Malaysia iaitu sebanyak 14,494,900 orang (50.9 peratus) daripada 28,457,600 orang penduduk Malaysia (sumber Jabatan Statistik Negara, suku ketiga 2009), konsep Ketuanan Melayu begitu penting bagi UMNO dan dipercayai boleh meraih sokongan daripada penduduk majoriti ini.

Ketuanan Melayu

Konsep ini hangat diperkatakan selepas pilihanraya umum ke 10 pada tahun 1999. Dalam pilihanraya tersebut trend pengundian orang-orang Melayu condong kearah pembangkang. UMNO hanya memenangi 72 kerusi parlimen pada ketika itu.

Perubahan trend pengundian orang-orang Melayu pada ketika itu berkait rapat dengan isu pemecatan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pada tahun 1998. Kehilngan sokongan daripada orang-orang Melayu telah menyebabkan isu ketuanan Melayu dimainkan semula untuk menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu akan kembali menyokong UMNO.

Dalam konsep Ketuanan Melayu, orang-orang Melayu adalah tuan kepada bangsa-bangsa lain di Malaysia. Bangsa-bangsa lain seperti Cina dan India dianggap sebagai pendatang di Malaysia.

Ertinya kekuasaan negara perlu berada ditangan bangsa Melayu dan bangsa-bangsa lain seperti Cina dan India hanya perlu mengikut kepimpinan Melayu.

Dalam erti kata lain, konsep ini mengajar orang-orang Melayu bahawa mereka lebih suci daripada bangsa-bangsa lain di negara ini.Di dalam konsep ini juga, orang-orang Cina dan India perlu berterima kasih kepada orang-orang Melayu kerana kewarganegaraan diberikan kepada mereka dengan bantuan orang-orang Melayu.

Sebab itu ada pemimpin UMNO seperti Datuk Ahmad Ismail dalam kempen pilihanraya kecil di Permatang Pauh untuk membantu calon BN, Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah mengatakan bahawa orang-orang Cina adalah kaum pendatang, oleh yang demikian, mereka tidak boleh mendapatkan hak samarata di Malaysia.

Kenyataan beliau yang turut menyebabkan kemarahan parti komponen BN seperti Parti Gerakan, telah menyebabkan dirinya digantung daripada UMNO selama tiga tahun.

Akan tetapi baru-baru ini hukuman penggantungan Ahmad Ismail telah ditamatkan berikutan dengan pengampunan yang diberikan oleh Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.


Malaysia adalah diantara negara yang tidak mengiktiraf kewujudan negara Israel. Ini adalah kerana, Malaysia menganggap penubuhan negara Israel adalah tidak sah kerana telah merampas hak dan menindas rakyat Palestin.

Malahan di mukasurat kedua pasport Malaysia, tertulis “PASPORT INI SAH DIGUNAKAN UNTUK SEMUA NEGARA KECUALI: ISRAEL”. Begitulah setianya Malaysia menyokong perjuangan rakyat Palestin sehinggakan sesiapa sahaja yang menjadi warga Malaysia tidak akan berpeluang untuk masuk ke negara Israel dengan menggunakan passport Malaysia.

Negara Israel dikuasai oleh fahaman Zionisme. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan fahaman Zionisme? Di dalam fahaman ini, bangsa Yahudi dianggap sebagai bangsa yang terpilih. Bangsa-bangsa lain dianggap sebagai kelas kedua.

Fahaman Zionisme memberikan keistimewaan kepada bangsa Yahudi di negara Israel. Penduduk berbangsa Arab di negara Israel tidak mendapat keistimewaan yang sama dengan rakyat berbangsa Yahudi di Israel. Terdapat persamaan diantara konsep Ketuanan Melayu dan fahaman Zionisme. Konsep Ketuanan Melayu mengutarakan bahawa orang-orang Melayu adalah tuan di Malaysia sementara fahaman Zionisme juga berpendapat bahawa bangsa Yahudi adalah tuan di negara Israel.

Jika Malaysia menentang dan tidak mengiktiraf negara Israel, Malaysia juga harus menentang amalan yang sama dalam negara. Jika tidak, apa yang dilakukan oleh Malaysia adalah sama dengan pepatah Melayu yang mengatakan, “kuman diseberang laut nampak, gajah didepan mata tidak nampak”.

Sumbangan bukan Melayu terhadap konsep Ketuanan Melayu

Saya tidak bersetuju jika kesalahan diletakkan terhadap UMNO dan orang-orang Melayu semata-mata terhadap “kepanjangan umur” konsep ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia. Seperti yang dikatakan oleh editor Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamarudin, tanpa sokongan daripada parti komponen BN seperti MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PBB, UPKO, SUPP, PBDS dan lain-lain lagi yang mewakili kaum Cina, India, Iban dan Kadazan, tidak mungkin konsep Ketuanan Melayu akan dapat bertapak dengan begitu lama di Malaysia.

Perlu diingat, pada ketika orang-orang Melayu menolak konsep ketuanan Melayu pada pilihanraya umum ke 10 pada tahun 1999, bangsa-bangsa lain seperti Cina, India, Iban dan Kadazan lah yang memenangkan Barisan Nasional.

Kebanyakkan calon parti-parti pembangkang di bawah Barisan Alternatif (BA) tewas dikawasan yang mempunyai penduduk campuran dari pelbagai bangsa. Manakala di kawasan-kawasan yang mana orang-orang Melayu menjadi undi penentu terutamanya di Pantai Timur dan Utara tanah air, calon-calon parti pembangkang menang.

Orang-orang Cina menolak DAP pada ketika itu dan memilih MCA dan Gerakan. Jaguh-jaguh DAP seperti Lim Kit Siang dan Karpal Singh tewas dalam pilihanraya tersebut.

Ini telah mendorong persempadanan semula dilakukan dimana banyak kawasan-kawasan yang undi Melayu menjadi penentu dicampurkan dengan bangsa-bangsa lain agar undi Melayu tidak menjadi penentu.

Persempadanan semula yang mencampurkan penduduk pelbagai bangsa dalam sesebuah kerusi parlimen atau DUN telah menyebabkan BN menang besar dalam pilihanraya tahun 2004.

Akan tetapi, formula ini akhirnya “memakan BN” dalam PRU 8 Mac dimana calon parti pembangkang menang dikawasan yang mempunyai campuran penduduk.

Jangka hayat Ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia

Jangka hayat Ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia adalah ditangan rakyat Malaysia. Jika rakyat Malaysia terdiri dari bangsa Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan dan lain-lain mahukan ia terus hidup, ianya akan terus hidup. Jika rakyat di negara ini tidak menyokong konsep ini, maka matilah ia.

Di Israel terdapat juga orang-orang Yahudi yang menentang Zionisme. Begitu juga di Malaysia. Ramai juga orang-orang Melayu yang menentang konsep ketuanan Melayu. Malahan terdapat juga orang UMNO seperti Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz yang menentang konsep Ketuanan Melayu.

Mahukah kita satu hari nanti terdapat negara yang meletakkan di passport antarabangsa mereka klausa yang berbunyi: “PASPORT INI SAH DIGUNAKAN UNTUK SEMUA NEGARA KECUALI: Malaysia”. Tepuk dada, tanyalah selera.

42 thoughts on “Di Antara Zionisme dan Ketuanan Melayu

  1. I have long lost my ability to think in Malay and then translate into the language of my choice. Now I think in English, and when I read Malay I’ll be thinking in English and then translating it back to Malay. I wonder what language Ms Maria Ozawa thinks when she’s making love to tean.

  2. How about direct “clap chest, ask apetite?
    Bean no need to think in Malay. Read in Malay and then think in English. Anyway many words in Malay originated from the English and all they add is the isma, and the k instead of c like kronik, concept becomes konsep etc etc. Get the drift?

  3. Read Malay, think English? Ideally we should be reading in Malay and thinking in Malay. Read Malay, think English will give rise to problems. “Apa khabar? Harap anda dalam sehat” would translate to “How are you. I hope you’re in the well”.

  4. Din Merican,

    Like I said before in my previous comments, why the big fuss about this ketuanan melayu issue. And you seemed to enjoy yourself highlighting this issue time and again. Tell me Din, what is your real attention here? Are you trying to incite hatred among us malaysians or you see this issue as a trump card for your party to gain support from the non malays? Whatever your attention Din, I sincerely hope that it will not led to another chaos and anarchy which will spell doom and destruction to our nation! Just remember Din, this sensitive issue was the main ‘motivator’ for the tragedy of 1969, but then, it was the non malays who highligted and incite the hatred toward the concept. It’s irony that this time around it was the malay himself th

  5. ‘tepok dada tanya selera’ roughly translated , beat your own boobs and ask yourself how sex hungry you’re! or it could be worse , beating on someone else’s boobs and ….

    Hotman ,
    In 1969 the west were making love not war…

  6. “Apa khabar? Harap anda dalam sehat” would translate to “How are you. I hope you’re in the well”.
    Bean it should be ” what news? Hope you in healthy”
    Reminds me of the Malay student buying beef ” Give me 5 pounds cow”

  7. -cont-
    it was the malay himself that’s trying to champion the course for his non malay comrades.

    I thinkthe above article posted here was done in a bad taste. How in the world can you compare this ketuanan melayu with zionism. Ketuanan melayu is just a term, a slogan, a wake-up call for the malays to realise their position in a country which have to be shared with other races. They have to realise that to survive, because they dont have anywhere else to go. This country is inherited to them and they must strive hard, with theirr hearts and souls to survive and maintain it as theirs. There are ‘better’ people, enterprising people among them with thousands of years of civilizations that they have to compete with. Theymust and they have to make sure that the power in this land stays in their hands. Because they have suffered enough under colonial powers, one after another. For hundreds of years they have been calling those colonials ‘Tuan’, now they are free and they are the ‘Tuan’ now!!!
    This the background to this term of Ketuanan Melayu. The malays just want to be the owner- the tuan – of their land, that’s all. Why all the big fuss.

    And sdra Amin Iskandar,in this article, went up a step further and associated the Ketuanan Melayu with Zionism. What a joke! Zionism is a political movement to support the re establishment of the Israel state, historically linking the jewish people to the land of Israel. They did it by chasing away the Palestinians, killing them, depriving them of their livelihood and decent living and other inhuman cruelty toward the Palestinians. This is the secular Zionism practice by Israel. Lets compare this to the Ketuanan Melayu (KM)concept : did KM chased oth

  8. -cont-
    it was the malay himself that’s trying to champion the course for his non malay comrades.

    I thinkthe above article posted here was done in a bad taste. How in the world can you compare this ketuanan melayu with zionism. Ketuanan melayu is just a term, a slogan, a wake-up call for the malays to realise their position in a country which have to be shared with other races. They have to realise that to survive, because they dont have anywhere else to go. This country is inherited to them and they must strive hard, with theirr hearts and souls to survive and maintain it as theirs. There are ‘better’ people, enterprising people among them with thousands of years of civilizations that they have to compete with. Theymust and they have to make sure that the power in this land stays in their hands. Because they have suffered enough under colonial powers, one after another. For hundreds of years they have been calling those colonials ‘Tuan’, now they are free and they are the ‘Tuan’ now!!!
    This the background to this term of Ketuanan Melayu. The malays just want to be the owner- the tuan – of their land, that’s all. Why all the big fuss.

    And sdra Amin Iskandar,in this article, went up a step further and associated the Ketuanan Melayu with Zionism. What a joke! Zionism is a political movement to support the re establishment of the Israel state, historically linking the jewish people to the land of Israel. They did it by chasing away the Palestinians, killing them, depriving them of their livelihood and decent living and other inhuman cruelty toward the Palestinians. This is the secular Zionism practice by Israel. Lets compare this to the Ketuanan Melayu (KM)concept : did KM chased other races out so the malays can Tuan? did KM killed anyone to maintain their ketuanan? did KM deprive other race to progress and prosper? In fact who enjoys better living in this country? Who own the main chunk of our country’s riches? Why is it such a bloody sin for the malays to be helped so they too can enjoy the riches of their own country. They are not ‘robbing’ these riches from others, they are just trying to get it from expanding ‘cake’ cooked up by their own government.

  9. Goliath , a tuan of the Philistine’s(Palestinian’s) was a eleven foot giant of a man. The irony of it , he was knocked out cold by a four feet six inch , David.

    Being simply all brawn doesn’t come in handy most times when dealing with matters of dispute.
    The Gringo’s learned this lesson in Vietnam.

    If we need to redeem ourselves than
    the ketuanan frenzy whether in a form of sloganeering or otherwise and all other supriority complex that’ve been bugging us this long , has to go!

  10. Hotman,

    You have totally lost the plot !!!

    The NEP was introduced to help the Malays to raise their standards. Mahathir , influenced by Thatcherism, took it a step further – to create a nouveau riche class of Malays to generate more wealth to the benefit of all the Malays.
    But the rich Malays got overcome by their greed and lusts for power, didn’t they !?! So in the end only the selected elite few got indecently richer while more and more of the poor Malays became even poorer !
    After more than 3 decades of NEP and all the special privileges , as a Malay, don’t you feel at all strange or even ashamed why the Malays, as you claimed,are still stuck at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder and hence still require further assistance. !?!
    “Ketuanan Melayu” may be just a slogan to you but not to Dick heads like Ahmad Said and all the monkeys who have been “brainwashed” in the BTN courses who still insist in labeling Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian citizens, many, whose ancestors have been in Tanah “Melayu” for hundreds of years, as “pendatangs” ! Don’t you think that their carrying of your “heavy crosses” for the past 30 years at least give them the right to demand to be treated as rightful citizens of this country !?!
    For your information, PR is striving for the betterment of all Malaysians , not just non Malays as you have claimed !
    And you know what ? You are right, Zionism is a secular political movement but do you know why ?
    They have acted against the instruction of their GOD. In fact, all the religious Jews, especially the Torah Jews are against the forced creation of the Israeli State.
    The Zionists have sinned against their own God and so have all the CORRUPT UMNO Malays !!! Shame on you !

  11. On race as a pseudo-scientific concept
    that is “socially constructed” and used for political purposes:

    1. See this website —-


    2. My comments —

    Social science thinkers are chipping away at the outdated concept of “race” (a concept that arose and gained strength with the rise of European imperialism and the accompanying need to rationalise enslavement, conquest and exploitation of non-white peoples).

    Likewise, the evidence from genetic research shows that we are all related genetically and that there is only one species of hominids called Homo sapiens alive today.

    “Race” is a social construction and should be replaced with the term “ethnic group” instead. Clear evidence on race as a “social construction” – in Malaysia, we have very Indian-looking people who claim that they are Malays (such as the Zambry guy in Perak; plus the Indian Muslims in the UMNO leadership who champion radical versions of Malay nationalism; one of our former Prime Ministers who downplays the Indian side of his heritage).

    In South Africa, we have the “Coloureds” but no such equivalent “race” in the USA where the “one drop” rule says that you are a “black” if you have one drop of “black” blood in you (so Obama is a “black” although his mother is white and Colin Powell is a “black” although he looks very Caucasian).

    Even in Nazi Germany — the most notorious abuser of the pseudo-scientific concept of “race” — where people of a particular religious faith were reclassified as a “race”, they had trouble determining who is and who is not a “Jew”. So, they had to measure people’s noses, shape of head etc. to determine this and flush out the “Jews”!

  12. hotman ,

    i like to make a few points here vis a vis your truncated comments :

    1. amin iskandar’s vision of seeing ketuanan melayu in the same light as zionism is correct. ketuanan melayu conjures up exactly that same feeling among the malays that they are god’s children and the others are infidels. and you may not know this but this superiority complex on the part of some of the malays is what leads to the excesses as shared by some participants who took part in BIRO TATA NEGARA courses .

    this superiority complex also leads to abuse of non malays in the civil service , the armed forces , the police etc. working with idiots is bad enough, let alone working with idiots with a superiority complex.

    2. the FEDERATION OF MALAYA constitution never stipulated nor made reference to ketuanan melayu . it merely referred to special rights for the malays . i am sure you are intelligent enough to know/realise that ketuanan melayu does not equate with malay special rights .

    3. the 3 way federation of malaysia constitution between sabah , sarawak and the federation of malaya never made any inference to ketuanan melayu . SO DON’T DARE INTRODUCE IT HERE IN SABAH AND SARAWAK. THE NATIVES OF SABAH AND SARAWAK ARE THE TUAN HERE and not idiots like you or the prime minister of 22 years .

    where and how twits like you and dr mahathir are born , i don’t know. governing the country by using the internal security act and racial riots to cause fear , by twisting the constitutional provisions to suit extreme interpretations which were never even intended by our founding fathers and by preventing debate and discussions by threatening to throw people who question these extreme interpretations into kamunting – cannot be the right way to manage a country – period.

  13. Hi Dr. Phua, although many of us will agree with what you wrote, the reality isn’t there, nor will it ever be as long as there are homo sapiens on this planet. If it’s not ‘race’ – as per the “Out of Africa” hypothesis and what genographics have revealed, there will be other spanners thrown into the machinery of simplistic ideation, for instance religion or lack thereof.
    You have ‘hotman’ here as an example. Do you think that our friends ocho or salmiah can change his mind? Especially if he thinks with a ketuanan mentality?
    Maybe ‘hotman’ should research the Hikayat Hang Tuah, and come to realize what ‘Hang’ means…

  14. Dear menyalaker 1:36 pm

    My view is that ideas can have serious social consequences — even false or erroneous ones such as “race” (i.e. race as a genetically determined group of people).

    So, it is important for academicians, intellectuals and other shapers of public opinion such as journalists and religious leaders to let the people know about the latest research on race and ethnicity and also that the UMNO-BN elite have been hoodwinking them all these years using racial arguments to divide the ordinary people, so that they can perpetuate their incompetent kleptocracy in Malaysia.

    I have a much valued book in my personal library called
    “Books That Changed the World” by Robert B. Downs.
    It includes a chapter on Adolf Hitler’s ideas as outlined in Mein Kampf. We know now that Hitler – a failed Austrian artist seething with resentment and blaming his failure on convenient Jewish scapegoats — was influenced by the writings of right-wing, racist intellectuals and thinkers such as the Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain, De Gobineau, Richard Wagner and so on.

    If we don’t do our part in Malaysia, the UMNO-BN ruling elite and their propagandists will use racial arguments to stir up the simple-minded or ill-informed (indeed fascistic MSM such as Utusan Malaysia and nasty pro-BN bloggers such as “barking magpie Pasquale” are already doing this) by playing on their personal frustrations and resentments.

  15. Yes Dr Phua, but the we will be unable to ‘unstop’ their ears, much less make them understand. We need to get down to ‘street’ mentality for the masses. We can continue hammering in that our DNA is 99.9999% the same, yet there will be detractors. What is a ‘practical’ approach to this in the short term?

    It is not easy, for the superiority ‘concept’ runs both ways (we always have to factor in the chauvinistic attitudes of the Chinese and the marginalization ideas of the Indians). This unlike that in a (more or less) mono-ethnic-cultural nation like Germany, Japan or Italy prior WW2. The demographics in this country are vastly different. Whenever they play this ‘ketuanan’ issue overmuch, like now – the risk is real. We must expect the worst will come out of it. Only then can there be a paradigm shift, as in 05/13, this time ‘hopefully’ in a more holistic fashion… I hope that i am just playing the role of a devil’s advocate here.

    I think that only charismatic leaders’ like Anwar and tok guru can stop it, but they will remain cautious because of the inbred political culture. Both have spoken, albeit weakly, this weekend will give them the opportunity to come out more strongly.

  16. Menyalak-er, you are absolutely right .
    The behaviour of these people are worse than that of the children with special needs that I deal with . Losing our tempers and pulling our hairs defeat the purpose of trying to enlighten them, even though it is like confronting a brick wall but patience is our virtue. It’s not their faults, it is the break wall, the indoctrination, that we have to break ! Cheers.

  17. Menyalak-er, Salmiah, Dr.Phua,

    We are winning the war, so to speak. With the advent of the internet, that brick wall is crumbling brick by brick even as we speak. Who would have imagined the destruction of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago ? Cheers.

  18. Don’t get caught up with “hotman”.

    He still lives in the environment of the 60s and 70s, like those Parian UMNO leaders, who trump up this Ketuanan Melayu crap to divide and rule the malaysian society to remain in power.

    His nonsense of creating fear of the May 13 riot is of NO consequence to the non Malays or to the Malays.

    The price UMNO or people like ‘hotman” will pay for trying to instigate another May 13 will be massive now.

    The regional politics and the rise of China and India, the geo political influence of Singapore and Indonesia will make Malaysia pay a heavy price.

    The Malay community knows that the next racial riot, God forbids, won’t be one in which one race whether with military or police silent support will have the upper hand.

    So,hotman, don’t try to insinuate that the non Malays are going to hide because you raise the specter of May13, or that the Malays will come running to UMNO side to start a racial riot.

    Remember,the Malay govt of Kelantan refused to allow any Malay to start a riot in Kota Bahru in 1969.That is lesson UMNO better learn. And for you,hotman,too.

  19. Please read,” Who would have imagined the destruction of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago ? ” as Who would have imagined the destruction of the Berlin Wall, erected more than 30 years ago.
    My humble apologies.

  20. Salamiah/Frank/Ocho,

    Thanks for you responses: Just let me quote the very words of your idol, Anwar Ibrahim when he was still in the govt.

    ” Masa merdeka, kita ada perjanjian keramat, kita berikan kewarganegaraan kepada PENDATANG in exchange for Bahasa Melayu dan keistimewaan orang melayu. Sekarang mereka telah dapat kewarganegaraan, kemudian nak pertikaikan keistimewaan orang melayu…… tak kena. Kita tidak mahu dua-dua isu ini dipersoalkan. Sebab itu kita terima sebagai hiatorical fact.”

    On Dasar Ekonomi Baru, this is what he have to say:

    ” Bila kita laksanakan DEB pada tahun 70an, dalam istilah kaji masyarakat disebut Affirmative Actions, dan ini telah dikritik hebat oleh Barat, tetapi bila berlaku Los Angeles Riot, Chicago, Washington dan sebagainya beberapa tahun yang lalu..Gempar Amerika Syarikat. Saudara baca karya-karya di Washington Post, Wall Street Journal dan Herald Tribune, semua mula menulis (mengenai) keperluan campur tangan kerajaan dan affirmative actions di Amerika Syarikat. Dia terbalik perbincangan itu, we did that 20 years ago. Sebab dia kata, bila ada the poor, slums and the down-trotten, dia akan ada problems.”

    My dear friends, this was his stand and will be till today if he was not kicked out for his ‘sabbatical’ in Sg Buluh. But as a diehard opportunist and a chameleon, he had to change his stand to suck in those naives from the other side of the fence. And I think he did a good job because Malaysia have lots and lots of naives. But at what price, may I ask. It didn’t matter to him. To him, only his personal agendas and ambitions matters..

    Salamiah: so the natives of Sabah and Sarawak too want to be Tuan eh? well, why not….

  21. hotman

    We will judge Anwar Ibrahim what he does,what he says TODAY.

    As much as we judge UMNO today as a Pariah party that misleads Malays, against the more benevolent UMNO of the merdeka days.

    Excavating what Anwar said in his previous life in UMNO is of little consequence to the non Malays TODAY.

    It is the same as how non Malays view PAS before and how nonMalays view PAS today.

    hotman, your attempt to discredit Anwar is STILL not convincing enough.

    Try another one!!!

  22. My comment to you, Hotman, is that Anwar can speak for himself .
    More over, your insinuations are irrelevant because that PR is not against affirmative action. What PR is against is INDEFINITE affirmative action only for the benefit of only one community , whether it is the Malays or any other race, at the expense and deprivation of the equally marginalised sections of the other communities .

  23. Let ‘Hotman’ have his say. It is his constitutional right.

    I believe he is only trying to put out a view that according to him is ‘fair and balance’ – like FOX News, O’Reilly, Glen Beck and those two bitches Michelle Malkin (accused by many of being a racist bitch) and the bony ass Ann Coulter who was ditched in the last minute by her groom-to-be. Ever since she had her neck screwed back to front.

  24. Mr. Bean

    We DO let “hotman” have his say, at least he DID say,not like the other chap(s) who come as “ilham” by spamming.

    Surely, his views should be contested for whatever they are worth, shouldn’t it?

    I did NOT call for ‘hotman’ to be removed. I respect his effort to defend what he had to say.

    I hope you don’t misread the fact that when we contested his views that we are denying his constitutional right to have his say.

    I am not sure whether we need to have an umpire for a freedom of speech on his blog.

  25. ocho-onda,

    It’s indefinite affirmative action for one elite group. You’ll only benefit if you belong to this privileged group. Being a member of that one race does not make you a beneficiary. This inequality should be removed post haste.

  26. Like I said , the govt of the day have all this while been looting the nations wealth and sharing the loot amongst themselves and selected cronies.
    The ‘ketuanan’ chants is just a hoax , a gimmick that’ve got the better of ordinary malay folks like our counterpart hotman , who it seems blindly doing the bidding for the malay political warlords.
    I am sitting here with a chinaman , owner of a large timber company and the malay waiters serving him are all addressing him as ‘tuan’ . So what kind of pride can these waiters and waitresses have when told they’re ‘tuan’ of this land other than an ego-booster?

  27. ” I am sitting here with a chinaman , owner of a large timber company and the malay waiters serving him are all addressing him as ‘tuan’ . So what kind of pride can these waiters and waitresses have when told they’re ‘tuan’ of this land other than an ego-booster?”

    Danildaud – December 17, 2009 at 1:13 pm

    That is exactly the fodder that fuels the Malay Supremacist ideal !
    It is really demeaning for anyone to be addressing anyone else as “Tuan” at this day and age. Period !
    But the only way for the Malays or any race, for that matter, to redeem their Pride is by earning it.
    And help and assistance if granted , should be accessible to all,not this NEP nonsense !

  28. That is exactly the fodder that fuels the Malay Supremacist ideal ! – ocho-onda

    Now! Now!You’re letting your good sense drift into a narrow path here!
    If you’re suggesting that it’s a form of insinuation than you’re dead wrong. Whatever race a person may be is of secondary importance. In this particular instance a Chinaman is being address as ‘tuan’. What’s the big deal?
    I make a habit of greeting and i’m sure you too greet respected elders as sir or tuan regardless of their race.

  29. ” I make a habit of greeting and i’m sure you too greet respected elders as sir or tuan regardless of their race.”

    Danildaud – December 18, 2009 at 1:15 am

    Get your point. Thanks for the clarification.
    That is different, then . It all depends on the context and how the “word” Tuan/Sir” is used, at the end of the day.
    Over here, be ready to be plucked when you are as “SIR” 🙂 Cheers.

  30. Frank(Dec.16 8.14 PM),

    How dare you accused me of trying to instigate another13th. may. Read my comments carefully and use your sense and see that it was I who was advicing Din Merican not to highlight and make a big fuss over this issue just for the sake of gaining some votes from people like you. Do you really think that I wished this dreadful incidence to happen again,huh Frank? And I sensed, there are elements of threat to the malays when you mentioned about the regional politics, the rise of China and India…..

    I just want to have my say here..my point of view. and FYI, me and Din Merican have agreed to the principal of ‘ WE AGREE TO DISAGREE’ and to put up our arguments intelligently not emotinally.

  31. hotman

    You are the one who raised the specter of racial discontent by insinuating that Din was “Are you trying to incite hatred among us malaysians”.

    That in itself is already bad enough to bring back ugly memories of May 13 even if you don’t have to mention the date May 13.

    That had been the dirty trick of those Pariah UMNO Malay leaders in the last 10 years especially Hishammuddin Hussein and those UMNO divisional chiefs, especially the mamak UMNOs.

    There is this sickening attitude of the ultra Malays with the silent concurrence of the Pariah UMNO Malay leaders to allow this insinuation of racial riot of May 13 which is as bad as trying to instigate May 13.No difference/

  32. Yes Frank, I did asked the question to Din to make him realised what he was doing is tantamount to the act of opening the floodgate to the free expression of racial hatred among Malaysians. This should be stopped. And what about those terms- the “pariah UMNO malay leaders” and ‘ mamak UMNOs’,- your favorite reference to those you hate so much, does this mean you are just a bloody racist as they are. Mind you, Pariah is a ‘dirty’ word to Indians and ther are lots of Indians here who belong to this caste. Do you think they like it if you make such reference with this kind of conotation. And what wrong with mamak anyway. I know who you are refering to Frank, but mind you, we, the malays, dont have any problem to say he was and will always be a Malay, a true Melayu!! And you ‘unshamely’ declared to the world that you are an angel, supporting the ‘non-racist’ doctrine! Anwar Ibrahim was right when he said “kita tidak mahu isu ini dipersoalkan, kita terima sebagai historical facts” . Can we just take this advice and leave it at that. We must accept the fact that there are things that should be discussed behind close doors.

  33. hotman

    Get your facts right, pariah is not a caste.Don’t go insulting the Indians and their caste system.

    You can call me racist. I have no problem with that. If you think calling those UMNO Malays, pariah Malays, well I can accept your definition of me as a racist as much as I have called those MCA Chinese as a bunch of UMNO lap dogs. The MCA Chinese lap dogs can call me a racist and the pariah UMNO Malays can call me a racist. Suits me fine because these UMNO Malaysa ARE pariahs in the eyes of the majority of the Malay masses and those MCA Chinese are castrated lap dogs of those pariah UMNO Malays in the eyes of the majority of mainstream Malaysian Chinese.

    Nothing wrong with mamaks, I enjoy their food and have plenty of good friends, but there is plenty of wrong of those UMNO Mamaks whose greed sucks up the NEP and use the Federal constitution to hijack the word Malay because they are muslims and are Indian by all accounts but became opportunists in UMNO in their greed to be more Malay than a Malay.Look at Mahathir, that Ahmad Ismail who called chinese squatters, look at Abdul Azeez of UMNO Putra who is the godfather of the UMNO youth inspired Mat Rempits and the those UMNO mamaks who tore Koh Tsu Koon’s photo and got away scot free.

    Yes I do have plenty to say about the opportunists of the UMNO Mamaks, who refused to be an Indian and join Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress but to become a racist “celup’ Malay and aggravated UMNO’s already racist tendencies.

    Why should we keep things closed door as you suggested while allowing those parian UMNO Malays and the opportunistic and NEP-greedy UMNO Mamaks display their racist attitudes and behaviours in public and getting away with it.

    Those pariah UMNO Malay leaders and those “celup” Malays ie UMNO Mamaks and the former pork-eating pro-UMNO Ridhuan Tee who is more anti Chinese in his chinese-looking face.

    I am as happy if the MCA Chinese, the pariah UMNO Malays and the UMNO Mamaks and the spinelessr MIC Indians call me racist in one voice. You can include yourself in that list. I will wear that on my shirt button.

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