A Bit of History for The Donald

September 18, 2017

Notes and Comment–A Bit of History for The Donald

6 thoughts on “A Bit of History for The Donald

  1. Trump has an absolutely sick mind. He retweeted a GIF video of him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball and knocking her down as the mentally unwell president is encouraging violence against women.


    The man occupying the White House is the lowest of the low. Trump is encouraging violence against women. It is time to stop dancing around the truth about this man. Not only is he unfit to be president, and not mentally well, but Donald Trump is also an abusing low-life whose behavior is more suited to a prison cell than the Oval Office.

  2. My fellow Republican Ana Navarro laid into Trump for being a jerk, and Republicans for being hypocrites who criticize Democrats while normalizing Trump’s vile behavior.

    Navarro said: “When decent people, decent Republicans who I knew – I know would judge Democrats differently give and normalize what Donald Trump is doing. We cannot normalize this kind of behavior from the president of the United States. He is still an example. If your six-year-old son did this he would be punished and so this 71-year-old should not be accepted. This is he being a jerk and he’s not being a president.”

    Navarro was right on all points. Trump is not normal, and those who are normalizing him are injuring their country for partisan gain. GOP is turning a blind eye towards a complete jerk of a president who is acting in a way that is beneath the dignity of the office and an embarrassment to the country. Republicans can’t have it both ways. They can’t play moral police with Democrats and then excuse Trump’s promotion of violence against women. It doesn’t work that way. The country will be harmed if Trump’s behavior becomes the new normal. Presidents set the cultural tone for the country, and Donald Trump and his unstable behavior cannot be allowed or excused.

    I watched Ana on CNN. She tends to be emotional and talks too much for her own good.–Din Merican

    • Din:
      Many Latina I know talk like rapid machine gun. Ana Navarro has served in a number of Republican administrations. Though she is a lifelong Republican, she is vehemently anti-Trump, and revealed that she had voted for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. She supported Jeb Bush’s 2016 presidential campaign.

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