Najib gets a dressing down from DYMM Tunku Mahkota Johor

June 5, 2015

Najib gets a dressing down from DYMM Tunku Mahkota Johor

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has received a royal lashing from Johor Crown Prince DYMM Tunku Ismail for not attending the dialogue session dubbed ‘Nothing to Hide’ this morning.

“How can you have a dialogue called ‘Nothing2Hide’ featuring a person who has everything to hide? Obviously he won’t show up,” read the bi-lingual post on the Johor football team’s Facebook page.

Tunku Ismail is the Johor Football Association President, and regularly posts his views on this Facebook page. Najib was scheduled to attend the dialogue at PWTC this morning but withdrew at the eleventh hour because the Police had cancelled the event due to security concerns.

TM Tunku Ismail of Johor

Tunku Ismail’s post also suggested that the Prime Minister could have lost the confidence of the people. For those who have been entrusted with the responsibility, do not blame the people for losing confidence and trust in you, but think of why they no longer have the confidence and trust in you,” he said.

In an interesting twist, the scathing post was removed from the Facebook page for about an hour without any explanation, and this sparked off various speculations. However, the post was re-uploaded at about 7pm.

The Crown Prince is known to be straight shooter, and had taken swipes at Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin and the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) in the past.

Najib has come under fire from former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, primarily over the handling of the 1MDB debacle. Mahathir had questioned how the Finance Ministry-owned company could have racked up RM42 billion in debt within just five years of operations.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (L) and his wife Rosmah Mansor (R) arrive at the airport in Tokyo on May 24, 2015. Najib is on a three day visit to Japan.   AFP PHOTO / Yoshikazu TSUNO

Najib avoided Dialogue with Mahathir and  the NGOs at PWTC today. He has no sense of public duty and accountability.  So he is not fit to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia.  The Police gave us  a stupid excuse. It is not safe for him to be at PWTC.

He also took Najib to task for failing to shed details on the funds redeemed from 1MDB’s account in the Cayman Islands. Mahathir was present at the dialogue this morning.

12 thoughts on “Najib gets a dressing down from DYMM Tunku Mahkota Johor

  1. Is this Seditious?

    If not, how about defamatory?

    Can someone says another person has “everything to hide” and get away with it, especially when that other person is a PM?

    For a royal family member to come out right into the open and accuse the PM of “hiding” things, things must be really really bad.

    TDM is now truly not alone. He must be a very happy man today. Things worked out perfectly, down to him being shut down by the police. I was hoping for more drama like TDM being physically carried away from the podium, like the way the Perak Speaker in the previous State Assembly was carried out of the House.

  2. A real chicken. PDRM had no right whatsoever to stop Mahathir from speaking. Since when have they got such authority?

  3. Out of the blue, Johor heir-apparent is on hate-Najib fanclub? Have no idea what this is.

    But the fact is Najib chickened-out AND THEN HE LIED..Again confirming HE IS MORONIC..

    It should be clear he is a moron when his reply to Mahathir arguments that BR1M does not win Chinese votes is “cash is king”. Because Mahathir was really arguing that it does not last while his answer is either he did not get it or he did not care. Transfer payments while it can take voters hostage for a while, eventually becomes entitlement and hence ineffective. The opposition has stopped campaigning on removing BR1M and what is he going to do after that? Raise it? Even if he does not raise it, someone down the line even more irresponsible than him could and it would be disastrous. BUT Najib either did not understand or he did not care i.e, basically MORONIC.

    There are more evidence that Mahathir gave a lot of effort to finding out questions on 1MDB – he went to Argentina and used his own contacts to confirmed 1MDB investments. He contacted or sent people to Kazakstan to confirm the facts and only went he found either no evidence or contrary he went on the offensive. THAT is why Najib won’t debate him. He knows Mahathir knows too much and he is a moron compared to him..

  4. No debate with Dr M over 1MDB.

    No debate with former Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim over
    the Budget.

    No debate with the wife over her spending patterns ?

  5. Looks like Johore royalty is not a stooge of anyone. They have steered clear from political interference /subordination and no more a rubber stamp.

  6. Recently in Pahang, it was claimed that he received support not only from the ordinary people on the streets but from the palace as well. Now a blasting from a different palace.

  7. Now this brave Bugis warrior has gone hiding his head in Saudi Arabia’s sands. His days to abuse the GST funded aircraft are numbered.

  8. What do you expect from a young man like TMJ, as any other highly spirited youth but who’s raw in the political history of this country..??

  9. In as much I agree completely with the young prince’s comments , I wonder if anyone had advised HH that he should not be making comments on politicians especially in FB. Unless of course he also welcomes comments from the public.

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