Why NO to Hudud Law for Malaysia

March 19, 2015

Why NO to Hudud Law for Malaysia

by Azrul Mohd. Khalib@www.themalaymailoneline.com

najib-on-hududNajib must have forgotten what he said on September 25, 2o11

The tabling of the Shariah Criminal Code Enactment II 1993 (Amendment 2015) in the Kelantan State Assembly and any move to amend the Federal Constitution to allow for the implementation of hudud at the State and Federal levels needs to be opposed by all right thinking Malaysians.

Personally, I will never support the imposition of hudud in this country. These are my four reasons:

Hudud is not needed in Malaysia.

The law should be and is more than just about punishing others. It is about the deliverance of justice. The penal laws at the centre of hudud were written during a time when harsh measures were necessary to impose peace, order and stability amidst a period of lawlessness, conflict and turmoil. They were guidelines for civilised behaviour formulated when and where there were few laws and men. Hudud was necessary there and at that time. Today, in our country, hudud law is neither necessary nor required.

We already have civil and criminal laws which provide for separate sets of laws and punishments. One of the primary tenets of Islam is about the deliverance of justice. The discourse surrounding the adoption and implementation of hudud in this country has barely made justice a mention, much less a priority. It has, however been very much about politics, punishing other people and posturing to “out-Islam” each other.

The adoption of hudud into practice, to me, would represent a failure of our existing legal systems to deliver justice. It would also represent a repulsive need to show others how Islamic we are and how holy we can be at the cost of signing away the liberties and freedoms of others.

Instead of delivering justice, hudud would compromise our existing systems and result in situations which cannot be easily explained away by holy verses and theological arguments.

Lack of accountability, transparency and standard of care.

Our religious department officials have hardly been paragons of these virtues. Whenever these issues are brought up, they have bristled with outrage, indignation and accused others of undermining or questioning their authority.

JAKIM’s Director General Datuk Othman Mustapha recently denounced the questioning of religious authorities as being part of a liberalism movement. As if you needed to be part of an ideology, belief system or movement, to be able to ask questions and demand accountability and transparency from civil servants who are paid with our (Muslim and non-Muslim) tax money.

In 2012, an amendment was made to the Mufti and Fatwa (Kedah Darul Aman) Enactment 2008 by the Kedah state government and passed unanimously by the State Legislative Assembly. The amendment made any fatwa of the state Mufti or Fatwa Committee, whether gazetted or not, unable to be challenged, appealed, reviewed, denied or questioned in any civil or Shariah court. In short, approving a measure which would effectively put a fatwa above the law and above the Federal Constitution.

NIK RAINA INTERVIEWNik Raina–Victim of JAWI’s Persecution

Consider the case of Nik Raina who has been pursued relentlessly by the Wilayah Persekutuan Religious Department (JAWI) despite a defective charge. JAWI’s actions were determined by three courts of law (civil and Shariah) to be illegal, of bad faith and unconstitutional. Yet they still are pursuing her after three years. This case has been the very definition of injustice and a neglect of the standard of care required of a legal criminal case. Instead they have been dependent on the tactics of bullying, intimidation, fear and oppression in the hope that they can beat Nik Raina into submission and defeat.

Islam requires the utmost prudence, caution and compassion in the enforcement of the law and prosecution of cases. The enforcement of hudud will be dependent on the religious departments to demonstrate a clear understanding of the basic legal principles of justice, fairness and compassion. They must also be open to dialogue, criticism and debate. They must be accountable, transparent and exercise prudence and care in enforcement of the law.

Based on recent examples and their behaviour, the parties involved in the discussion of hudud which include religious authorities, thus far have been anything but transparent and open with their intentions. They feel that they are above criticism. That they can do no wrong and are infallible. They feel themselves accountable to no one and need not explain themselves. That to criticise them is to question Islam.

Peddling away fundamental freedoms.

There is a reason for the Shariah system to be where it is under the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. Imposition of the hudud law involves changing the very agreement in which this country was founded on.

Hadi3The Father of Hududdism

Make no mistake, the attempts to rewrite the Constitution are no longer silent. Those who make the self-righteous claim to the mantle of champions and protectors of Islam seem to not hesitate to peddle away our freedoms and liberties at the altar of politics. Such repulsive behaviour is not the exclusive domain of one particular party but can be seen across the chamber and even in the civil service.

There will be those who will ask, why should you be afraid if you have nothing to fear? We know all too well that we have much to fear when the state becomes engrossed in persecuting its own people, looking for sin, finding fault where there is none, jumping at shadows and imagined threats. We have seen enough evidence of it.

Anyway, why should being a Muslim make it alright to be tyrannised and inflicted with injustice? Do Muslims not have the right as non-Muslims to equal protection and treatment under the law? Are we as Muslims to be deprived of rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Federal Constitution simply because of our religion? Why do we allow ourselves to be subject to possible bias, discrimination and religious tyranny?

Implementation of hudud will, without any doubt, affect all regardless of religions, ethnicity or creed. Non-Muslims should not and must not be silent just because they are allegedly not affected by the proposed laws. The eroding of our fundamental freedoms and civil liberties in the name of religion, affects everyone.

We must not allow these people to sacrifice our fundamental freedoms and rights for votes which will last only so long as the next election cycle or the setting of the sun. In these circumstances, there is no such thing as kasi chance lah. What is taken away will be very hard to be given back. If implemented, hudud will change our way of life as we know it in Malaysia.

Unjust means do not equate to Islam and justice.


The reasons used to justify the imposition of hudud have not evolved far from “It’s God’s law!” and calling those who criticise its imposition as liars, infidels and munafiks. This lazy defence of hudud not only amounts to religious blackmail to accept it wholesale but also implies that questioning it makes a person less of a Muslim in the sight of God.

These are some of the arguments which the champions of hudud in this country depend on. The great Islamic caliphates of old held great stock in intellectual curiosity and debate. Religious leaders back then were often also lawyers, students of jurisprudence, mathematicians, astronomers, medical doctors, philosophers, explorers and teachers. They were wise men and women who drew on the lessons of the world to decide when to use the spoken word, the pen and the sword to arbitrate and administer justice. Compare them to who we have enforcing religious laws in this country today.

The Quran also clearly states that there is no compulsion in religion. Yet, those who fight for hudud in this country tolerate no dissent or contrarian opinions and require unthinking, unblinking and blind obedience. When people tell you that you shouldn’t or are not allowed to use your mind or akal to reason or rationalise these issues, you know, you have a problem. They want unquestioning compliance and obedience.

Yet, the first word revealed to the illiterate Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was Iqra, which means read or recite. It implies the need to learn. That there should neither be blind adherence nor unthinking compliance. Doing so would make us vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, bigotry and injustice which are all too human.

And as those who enforce hudud are human, they are neither infallible nor free from bias or prejudice. Vulnerable to ego and pride. Sins of arrogance, takbur and bongkak. We have seen evidence of this in the Nik Raina case.

How can we also trust these same people to implement and enforce a criminal code when they have barely been able to keep up on matters such as ensuring the rights of women on issues of inheritance, divorce and child custody?

Finally, let us not be naïve in thinking that non-Muslims will not be affected by these measures. The contents of a Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) strategic paper which states that hudud should be applicable to all, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, tells me that regardless of whether there is the requisite two-thirds majority support in Parliament, there are people working actively behind the scenes to make this universality a reality. The words of a former Chief Justice bring to mind how far up such sympathies can go. We cannot afford to be complacent. This is not just a political issue. This imposition affects all of us.

Muslims and non-Muslims have a right to speak out as we, as Malaysians, are all stakeholders of this country. At the end of the day, it is beholden on us as citizens of this country to decide how Malaysia should be. We look to the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Sultans to safeguard the interests of all citizens, Muslims and non-Muslims.

For me, I will not subject myself or those who I care for and love to those who would use God’s name in vain in their overzealous pursuit for godliness and to demonstrate their individual or collective piety.

For all these reasons, I will never support hudud in Malaysia and I will resist any  measure which seeks to change the fundamental nature of Malaysia and its people.

*This is the personal opinion of the columnist.

39 thoughts on “Why NO to Hudud Law for Malaysia

  1. Quote:- “Are we as Muslims to be deprived of rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Federal Constitution simply because of our religion?”


  2. We can criticize the implementation & enforcement of Hudud carried out by people such as the ISIL/ISIS/IS, Boko Haram and the Talibans. Even closer to home, we can criticize JAWI’s continued action against Nik Raina. But we should not use them as the basis of our argument against the Syriah Laws or Hudud because the implementation & enforcement by those people might NOT reflect the truth on Hudud or Syariah Law. They could be perceived as biased but even our civil court system & the Judiciary do not seem to be able to escape those wild accusations. It is even said by some that in our civil courts, it is the LAW and the LAW alone that matters, not ethics, not moral values and not even justice or perhap the truth BUT THE LAW. Generally most Muslims accept that the Syariah Law & Hudud are based on the Quran, Sunnah/Hadiths, Ijma’ and Qiyas. That means they are Allah’s Laws with Divine Origins. Hence, SINCERE Muslims would, at least at heart, find it VERY HARD to agree or accept that any man-made laws, THE CONSTITUTIONS included, could ever be imagined to have the authority to SUBORDINATE Hudud & the Syriah Laws. If that were the case, we can begin to understand why JAWI is doing what it is doing now. To criticize is very easy, but if one is in the position of authority with responsibility & accountability to the ONE & ONLY in afterlife, one would be careful to make sure to do the right thing right the first time. I wouldn’t like to be an official of JAWI right now.

  3. Malaysian sun? I thought it was a Moon – a pagan one at that too?

    Btw, aliefalfa, why are you talking to yourself? If anyone try to fulfil God’s Law, they will fall far short. So much for ‘Divine Laws’. You need Grace, not Laws. Need i to say more? No.

  4. “Are we as Muslims to be deprived of rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Federal Constitution simply because of our religion?”

    You do realize that your so called special rights under the Constitution is derived from your race and religion ?

    “Why do we allow ourselves to be subject to possible bias, discrimination and religious tyranny?”

    You are already. What do you think JAWI does ?

  5. Religions are man-made , for self-serving purpose of dominance and sustained power over humanity. So are the laws derived from them or made in the God/Allah’s names are anything other than serving God-Allah and people. The laws derived from religions, including Hudud, are inapplicable to all (Muslims and non Muslims) in Malaysia. It is also incompatible to the Federal Constitution which Malaysians and the country named Malaysia and its institutional entities including PAS, owe their existence.

    in the circumstances, Hudud would never be relevant, unless the Federal Constitution adopted by and for Malaysia is torn down.

  6. aliefalfa @ March 19, 2015 at 11:13 pm

    With the integrity of the present judiciary system in a convoluted mess, one will be tempted to use Kelantan as the test bed to determine the flourishing or demise of the effectiveness of Hudud Law in practice.

    Having said that, one is also wont to be apprehensive, if the Nik Raina debacle is a synopsis of what any derailed runaway system can cause.

    I do not think that any decent Muslim or Christian for that matter, is fearful of being judged by God’s Laws. The conundrum is the availability of men of integrity who are able to dispense God’s laws with sense and sensibility. The answer is a dismal naught if the UMNO paid clerics are the standard to go by.

  7. It all make sense BUT face it, religo politics does not make sense – THAT IS WHY ITS ATTRACTIVE TO POLITICIANS. No matter what you do, they can hide behind UNREASON. Why do they think the west created Secularity?

    Honestly, when there is SO MUCH MORE RELIGO-TEXT – mainly out of politics over the single main text of the Quran, the unreason of religo-politics have a long long lead over reason. Trying to beat the odds stacked like that, its simply too steep to climb – too many countries failed and here we are going backwards..

    The West faced Reformation before Islam partly because THEY HAD FEWER TEXT. By and large they confined themselves to one text, making it easier to fight against unreason, forcing people to reason. In Islam, the truth is the more text they have, the worst it is for reason – AND the real reason why Tunku insist on secularity when we started..

  8. Watch out when religious zealots rule the polity
    e.g. John Calvin’s Geneva, Spain during the Inquisition,
    Salem USA under Puritan rule, Afghanistan under Taliban rule,
    portions of present day Iraq and Syria controlled by Daesh (ISIS/ISIL).

    As an atheist and sociologist, I can only shake my head at how some sections of humanity willingly shackle themselves with the products of their OWN creation.

    Read the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach on religion :


    And brother Bob Marley on freedom :

    “No chains around my feet, but I’m not free”

  9. Hudud law and enforcement is a cause of great distress to a majority of Muslims like me. I do not confess to understand the Koran, Hadiths and the Sunnahs better than most ulamaks but I am aware of the happenings on the ground with regards to Islam and Hudud globally.

    Muslim issues are global issues and are of concern to everyone, living or dead. It is also of concern to non-Muslims. At this present time it’s giving Islam a horrendous name. So get lets real about Islam and specifically Hudud.

    This week a forum was told that many young religious scholars returning from the Middle East score top marks in reciting the Quran and Hadiths from memory, but utterly fail when dealing with real world issues or with analytical thinking. That’s our young religious scholars, while I am aware since time immemorial that it is more so with the older scholars who knows no other scholarly disciplines except the Koran, the Hadiths and the Sunnahs. To them only the fires of hell awaits those who thinks differently from their interpretation the Koran, Hadiths or the Sunnahs.

    Muslims love to label other Muslims because they think that they have all the answers and others don’t. It is this act of labeling or branding a Muslim, a moderate, a liberal, a secularist, a deviant, a non-believer, a murtad, keluar Islam and destined for eternal hell that many refuse to think and speak up. I am a Muslim nothing more than that and no labels. And Allah is great.

    Allah in his infinite wisdom gave us a brain to think, to deduce and to ikhtiar. Civil Laws are from the brain of the thinking human being. It’s Allah’s will that we use and are under Civil Laws and it has served us Muslims, our multi-religious and multi-ethnic population very well for 58 years. Civil Law comes from the mind of the God given thought faculties of God’s human being.

    God says ikhtiar, ikhtiar did the human beings.

    Our secular Penal Code is far superior to that of any concept of Hudud in Islamic law, here or anywhere else. Our Penal Code is the primary legislation that consists of 511 sections that encompass a wide range of criminal offenses that are punishable in the court of law, in Malaysia.

    Other than the Penal code, there is specific legislation like the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, Firearms (increased Penalties) Act 1971 and Essential (Security Cases) Regulations 1975 to govern special areas of the criminal offenses with its own arrest, bail and sentencing procedures. There are checks and balances and a trained policing force for that purpose. Civil Laws undergo improvements and refinements over time. Civil law policing changes with time and in tune with the level of the citizen’s education and acceptance of the changes. Murder cases have forensic science and rape cases are designated compassionate female officer to handle the cases, not indifferent horny males officers. Policing moves with the times. There are levels in the judiciary where you can make appeals over appeals. Judges too have their own code of conduct. Nix all that for hudud.

    Evidence in a civil court by a woman carries the same weight as that of a man. Nix that for hudud.

    Hudud does not even scratch the surface, it cannot and will not. In Islamic jurisprudence, hudud covers crimes such as theft, robbery, adultery, rape and sodomy. Rape have been removed from the Shariah Criminal Code Enactment II 1993. The Punishment for the crimes is severe, such as death by stoning, impalement, cruxification, amputation and flogging. According to the Koran you cannot add or subtract from hudud, thus forensic science, a simple fingerprint, DNA and other later developments cannot be used for purposes of Hudud. If you do, it’s not Hudud anymore. Now that rape is removed from the proposed enactments, is the Kelantan “Hudud’ really “Hudud”?

    Hudud is all politics in Malaysia. Politics of the Ulamaks. “Gods Law,” fallible patriarchal men disposes. Hudud can be manipulated. That is what scares most Muslims.

    Yes, Sharia is God’s Law in Islam and they are immutable, cannot be changed.

    God is perfect but fallible patriarchal man disposes. Allah is perfect and man is definitely not. God’s Law, man interprets, misinterprets and reinterprets. Kelantan removed rape from the Shariah Criminal Code Enactment II 1993 to be dealt with under civil laws, ask yourself as to why. Say what they may, it’s because rape under Hudud is patriarchal, archaic, impractical and obsolete. Women are always the victims even though they are the victims. Twice a victim.

    Hudud has failed Pakistan many times over since Zia ul-Haq imposed syariah laws and Pakistan is reconsidering Hudud. Just last month Pakistan has allowed forensic evidence for Hudud rape cases and the past history of rape victims cannot be used in the syariah courts against her. Kelantan and Pakistan are just two of God’s law where man interprets, misinterprets and reinterprets. So, who compensates the past cases of rape victims who are unjustly whipped or incarcerated, the ulamak judges or God?

    Mention Brunei. Then make Malaysia too a welfare state like Brunei, where everything is free, even stamps for your envelopes. And the people in power are just and fair and coincidentally, the Brunei royal family are exempt from Hudud. Now, that’s their version of Hudud

    Man with all his fallibilities interprets, misinterprets and reinterprets God’s Law, it’s still happening, so is it God’s Law now?

    In Kelantan Hudud, non- muslims are exempted from hudud but Kelantan will have every right to amend the enactments to include non-Muslims, as Acheh had done, at a later stage, if and when Hudud is seen to be ineffective as it is in Acheh.

    To some Muslims by not supporting Hudud means that one is no longer a Muslim, a murtad. I would rather not support Hudud than be a party to wrongly stoned women, dying under a law I supported. Severed hands when other means of help and deterrent are available. Caning of rape victims with senseless number of lashes when forensic evidence is available. How will God take it in that event? It’s God’s Law after all, patriarchal men enforces and which could be subjected to manipulation.

    There are other community issues in Islam to be properly addressed before Hudud is implemented.

    The priorities in Islamic governance are justice, kindness and wisdom. Zakat too and the welfare of its citizens. The Kelantan government cannot even fully inculcate these into the population and they want Hudud. Kelantan MAIK could not effectively even address the core problem of delayed child maintenance, that is, weak enforcement and in helping women claim child maintenance from former husbands. That’s the least of the women’s problem in Kelantan.

    There is the question of poverty, beggars, rempits, thrives, burglary and Hudud, as they say, Hudud will strike fear in the hearts of these perpetrators. What can hudud do which the Penal Code cannot? Hudud will fail twice over. Saudi Arabia has weekly beheading after Friday prayers for the past century, why? Because hudud does not strike fear in killers and thieves. In most emirates, floggings of Muslims are frequent, especially for adultery, prostitution and drunkenness, with sentences ranging from 80 to 200 lashes, frequent, so, is Hudud a deterrent if it is happening frequently? Only criminals are not afraid of Hudud or civil laws no matter how harsh the laws are and hudud is not a better option over our civil Penal Code. Except it’s God’s law. Of course, when you use religion you win.

    Legislate Hudud and every village buffoon will want to be an enforcer. In Kelantan the trishaw man or anyone can report you to the religious authorities. Syariah enforcers on the ground comes from the lowest rung of the community in Saudi Arabia. Refer to our nearest neighbor Acheh, for Hudud enforcement, it’s the same all over the Muslim world. A recipe for disaster, just like the 2014 floods in which this Islamic government could not even rise to the occasion and handle the disaster, before, during and after the fact. And they want to impose Hudud.

    Hudud is present in the Jewish Torahs, the Christian Bible, the Hindu Danda and the laws were already in practice by the Arab communities even before Islam, just as they observed that the pagan Arabs were already worshiping idols in the Ka’abah before the coming of Islam.

    Yet, even as the Jews, Christians and the Hindus ceased practicing their concept of Hudud, God in his infinite wisdom did not cast a pall, rain his wrath over or destroyed all of them.

    Instead, the Jews, Christians and the Hindus had risen from the ashes to be a formidable group of people, whose inventions, products, your TV, automobiles, trains, buildings, computers, radios, drugs, smartphones, washing machines, electricity, radios. music, skyscrapers, airplanes, ships, books (incidentally the Quran and the Bible, too, since they are printed with western technology), diapers, pens, cameras, water sanitation systems, drugs, education (medical, science, technology, astronomy, cosmology, engineering, chemistry, physics, agriculture, biology, etc.), food processing, fisheries, animal husbandry, textiles, etc., etc. and most everything used by Muslims are made by them.

    On the other hand, look at the state of Islam today, Sunnis kill Shias and Shias kills Sunnis. That takes care of 98% of the Muslims in this world killing each other. Everybody kills Ahmadiahs. Try have Hudud solve that crime. Malaysia deems Shias a deviant group, yet they are allowed to enter Mecca and perform their haj. And then there’s the DAESH.

    Too much emphasis were put on Hudud to cure the ills of those Hudud compliant countries, it’s a divine law after all. Hudud a patriarchal inspired law was evident even before the coming of Islam, Hudud failed them all. “Gods Law”, fallible patriarchal men disposes. Hudud failed Pakistan big time and it will fail Malaysia likewise.

    Secular laws have not failed us, the people in power failed us. Weak people in power who corrupts, look after their own and their cronies. Our crime index will be higher with Hudud and the ulamaks will fail us yet again.

    When you quote the Koran you win. Too many Muslims, however, there is only God’s right and God’s constitution. All other concepts and doctrines cannot be above God’s command. but when you read the Koran, understand it and follow what the Koran asked of you, travel until China for knowledge, you become an unblinkered Muslim, you move to the present and use your common sense. Otherwise, you get stuck in the mud of Mecca of 1400 years ago.


    The safest countries in the world do not have hudud.
    Say NO!! TO HUDUD.!

  10. Phua,
    Mao is an atheist who is responsible for massive famine in China that costed 20 million live. It is always humans that are problematic. Like Lupus has said, It is impossible to fulfill God’s law. Simply because we are humans.

    Secularism is neutral. Hence, you wanna be religious, go ahead so long that it matters to you only. Lupus would share more on this. Wait for his sermon

  11. Those who follow Buddha accept that there are at least four different types of Buddhism.
    The First is the authentic Buddhism, The education of understanding the true reality of life and the universe originally taught by Buddha . This kind of Buddhism is rare and difficult to encounter.
    Second is the religious Buddhism. Originally, Buddhism was not a religion but now it has become one. In most parts of Asia it is displayed as a religion.

    Third type of Buddhism is the Philosophical study of the teachings of Buddha. The content of the Buddha’s education is a complete university of knowledge and wisdom.

    Fourth type of Buddhism is the one regarded as one not by the Book and externalist Buddhism.

    The followers of Buddhism are encouraged to recognise these four types and think carefully as to which way is most beneficial to them and the one they will ultimately follow.
    Extract from The Art of Living: Huston&Dallas

  12. Dr Phua, ’tis is not the time to wax lyrical about atheism. You have X’mas for that. Scapegoating ‘religion’, is not a panacea for human proclivity for violence against his brother. You need to look at the Christian anarchists like Tolstoy who so influenced Gandhi Ji, Mandela and Martin L. King

    And the old worn out, tired argument about ‘Religious’ violence and wars are no longer tenable, as almost all wars are about material (or lack of), space and other aspects of ideology (of which all religions are part of). That’s why hunter gatherers who cannot afford standing armies remain egalitarian and ‘socialists’ (Communists, some say).. Utopian views about reduction of conflict with the advent of Westphalian type democracies is pure rubbish, as witnessed by the horrific World Wars last century and atrocities of many similar localized and regional conflicts.

    What is important for all of us (religious or otherwise) is to practice the dictum:
    “In necessriis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas.” (In essentials, Unity; in doubtful things, Liberty; in everything, Compassion)
    It has been used in theological debates, but it should be used more often as conscience dictates – and especially in divisive Politics. A nation cannot stand with a mish-mash of discriminatory or preventive laws especially those with capital punishments like amputation and death.

    It would seem to me that such Laws of Retribution – so-called God’s Law – harks from the unenlightened primordial soup of Man’s inhumanity to Man. It is Man’s Inequity, using God as a crutch. Totally Sinful. But then, what do i know..

  13. God is Perfect, Man is not.
    His Laws are Perfect, thus the 4 Fundamental Forces of Nature that govern this Universe.

    Is Hudud Perfect? It cannot be, because it is administered by Blinkered Man. Utopia is in the Mind, not in Laws. Therefore fulfil the basic human needs first, before talking of God – otherwise it is Idolatry. God cannot be found in empty stomachs. But, Hudud is PAS’ Idol of Prioritization.

    It is the same answer, i gave to my fellow Christians who insisted that the 10 Commandments are applicable to all Believers. What about Deutronomic Laws? So much for Biblical inerrancy and religious hypocrisy. Morality is a function of Conscience – as God and the environment creates. It is not ex-nihilo, therefore the need of Codes of Conduct relevant to the times.

    Ask Ashoka, who tried to disband his Army without success, after he eschewed violence and wars.

    Thus, before Hudud can be implemented – the Muslims need to be enlightened and ‘reformed’ first. Their environment at the moment, sucks. The cart before the horse sort of thing. Moral policing is discriminatory at it’s core.

    So PAS needs any crutch since they are beyond redemption. Spent as a political force with no new ideas nor contributions. It is NOT only patriotism as the last refuge of scoundrels, but in this case – Hudud. Unity of sorts with UMNOboss huh?

    So embattled Jibros can have his distractions..

  14. Ini sebagai jawapan ringkas kepada yang bertanya mengapa yang bukan Islam (ada Cina Islam macam Ridhuan) menentang hudud walaupun tiada kena-mengena dengan mereka.

    Subahshini Rajasingham. Indira Gandhi. Banggarma Subramaniam. Teoh Cheng Cheng. Chang Ah Mee. Shamala Sathiyaseelan. Nik Raina Nik Abdul Aziz. Revathi Massosai.

    Kes-kes mahkamah ini belum lagi menyentuh hudud dan kebanyakannya kes undang-undang keluarga sahaja. Itu pun sudah banyak konflik dan dispute. Dalam kes Nik Raina dan juga kalimah Allah, sudah jelas perbohongan demi perbohongan dilakukan apabila seseorang mengatakan Syariah atau Hudud tiada kena-mengena dengan yang bukan Islam.

    Apa hukuman untuk pendusta, penipu dan pembohong?

    Negara ini bukan berlandaskan al-Quran tetapi Perlembagaan. Cubaan melarang jualan buku Irshad Manji dalam bahasa Melayu sememangnya tak masuk akal memandangkan versi bahasa Inggerisnya masih dijual. Ini masalahnya apabila manusia tak pakai otak buat kerja sia-sia. Kalau nak gam, laranglah arak, rokok dan buku tertentu daripada dijual kepada orang Islam – nak beli tunjuk IC. Saya ada hak nak baca buku Irshad Manji sebab saya bukan Islam!

    Sekarang ramai rakyat Malaysia yang keempunan agar hukum Hudud dilaksanakan di Kelantan dan negeri-negeri lain. Masalahnya negara ini masih ada undang-undang, ada perlembagaan. Kalau Parlimen lulus pun boleh dicabar di mahkamah tinggi atau mahkamah persekutuan. Kalau ahli-ahli DUN atau Parlimen bodoh pun hakim-hakim semua kena ikut sama-sama bangang baru boleh jadi.

    Yang lulus pun pembaharuan versi undang-undang hudud 1993, rang kanun jenayah lama tidak digazet yang diperbaharui. Ini semua mainan politikus-politikus yang mengabui mata rakyat. Mengatakan kononnya undang-undang hudud tidak akan dikenakan ke atas orang bukan Islam tidak bermakna kehidupan mereka tidak akan terjejas. Peraturan kecil seperti pengasingan tempat duduk wanita dan lelaki macam tutup sebelah mata saja untuk maksiat sesama sejenis.

    Bantah hukuman hudud PAS kerana bercanggahan dengan Perlembagaan dan bidang kuasa Persekutuan dengan Negeri.

    #1. Asserting authority beyond their jurisdiction – undermining the Federal Constitution

    Bantah hukuman hudud PAS kerana cubaan parti politik menegakkan interpretasi songsang / terpilih hukum-hakam tazir, qazaf dan hudud

    #2. Asserting authority beyond their ability – undermining the integrity of Islamic jurisprudence

    Bantah hukuman hudud PAS kerana membelakangkan kontrak sosial dan pembentukan negara Malaysia

    #3. Asserting authority beyond their capacity – undermining the principles agreed upon by our founding fathers.

    Sampai bila rakyat Malaysia nak diperbodohkan?

  15. “Why NO to Hudud Law for Malaysia”

    Also to share this…

    “…What crimes are punishable under hudud?

    Crimes punishable by hudud (as set out in the Kelantan and Terengganu Enactments) are consumption of alcohol, robbery, theft, adultery and apostasy. Falsely accusing a woman of adultery without reliable witness is also a crime.

    Both enactments prohibit sodomy, and the Kelantan enactment has further provisions banning sexual relations between women.

    UPDATE: In the amended bill passed in Kelantan on 19 March, sexual relations between women are no longer criminal.

    “Bestiality and necrophilia” are also not criminal. But sodomy within marriages is criminal (19/03/2015).

    The punishments are amputation of the right hand (for theft), 100 lashes of whipping and imprisonment (for sodomy or sex between unmarried people) and stoning to death (for adultery).

    Those who wrongly accuse a woman of adultery receive 80 lashes of whipping, and the punishment for apostasy is death…”.



    If introduced by “Default” (in UMNO – will Backfire/checkmate UMNO, when the chickens come home to roost) in Malatsia could we end up like this…?”

    Welcome to Kelantanistan the Muslim capital of Bolehland…!

    You be the judge.

  16. Quote:- “I can only shake my head at how some sections of humanity willingly shackle themselves with the products of their OWN creation”

    Wrong. It is to shackle other people.

    If you are a Mullah at the top of the religious food-chain dispensing so-called god’s laws in a manner according to how you feel that morning, you and those close to you are untouchable, e.g. why no JAWI action against the tudungless FLOM? That is why the top leadership of PAS have no fear of hudud.

    Who wouldn’t like to be a dictatorial Caliph, with an assured place in Heaven thrown in?

    BTW, does the hudud in the Kingdom of Brunei equally applicable to the sultan and his immediate family?

  17. Quote:- “No chains around my feet, but I’m not free”

    Yes, religion does not bind your body. It binds your mind and, if it exist, your sorry soul.

    The 64 dollar question is why people allow themselves to be so bound?

    Possible answers:-

    — insecurity?

    — low self-esteem?

    — infantile longing for a father-figure?

    — seduction of eternal heavenly pleasures?

    — irrational fear of Hell Fire?

    — simple stupidity?

    — none of the above; just born into it.

  18. I’d say the vast majority of the time, it is human vanity and ego which is at the root of most problems related to abuses of religion and all sorts of attempts to enforce various teachings and edicts supposedly for the good of “sinners”. Throw in politics and the mess is beyond comprehension.

    Art Harun’ latest video is pareticularly enlightening and relevant:

    Hudud – Art of the Matter

  19. I notice i hate n’sync who I had a couple of good arguments with on another blog I used to frequent has chimed in. I didn’t realize you posted here.

    As a heretical Christian oh well to make it easier atheist, I have seen no evidence to support the idea that God is perfect.

    With that in mind, all laws (whatever their source) are imperfect. It is interpreted by men who are not perfect. We have enough problems with our [secular] civil and criminal laws, which is why this abomination of hudud, is comically tragic.

    BN and PR made this possible egged on by partisans who would say and do anything to vanquish the other. I do not blame BN for this. I know who they are and what they stand for.

    But PR esp PKR.

    What the hell does voting your conscience mean ?

    You either support the Constitution or support a fascist construct meant to enslave the general population.

    And the DAP.

    I guess all that sucking up to PAS moderates and harassing DAP members who did not drink the kool aid is really paying off now, eh ?

    PAS lost all its forward thinking secular left leaning leaders a long time . PAS believed the hype bolstered by the cyber militia of the DAP. You play with fire you get burned.

  20. Quote:- “The safest countries in the world do not have hudud”

    Who are they?

    The Top Ten are —- Canada, Singapore, Sweden, New Zealand, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland.

    So if the Ulamaks in PAS are right, Allah will very soon rain hell fire and brimstone onto these infidel countries.

    Hopefully not Singapore which has a large innocent Muslim population and more mosques per Muslim capita than Kelantan, and perhaps more importantly some people in PAS may have relatives or children studying and living there or having large monetary deposits in banks there.

    BTW, Mustakshaik, knowing the SOP of these holy people, be ready for rape and or death threats coming your way.

  21. Many would argue that the renewed vigor in which PAS pursues the hudud enactment is a well calculated political decision.

    I could care less.

    It would be easy to say that non-Muslims will naturally be against hudud because they are disbelievers. This essentially further demonizes Muslims who disagree with PAS’s hudud enactment. PAS believes it is within their democratic right to fight for the implementation of hudud for muslims, which is actually true. But it is also within our democratic right to disagree and fight this. The basic premise here is that the hudud enactment widens the door towards theocracy. What we need to protect here is not just our secularism but against the ever slippery slope towards rule by the ulama. It is not the cruelty of the punishments or the strange provisions of witnesses, it is the BASIS in which such punishments are justified. What care I have for whatever your holy book says? Having separate laws governing the same crime is plain injustice when our people is discriminated by their faith. How stupid are our lawmakers really? Do they realize that by embracing hudud they are essentially handing over their legislative powers to the theologians? Everyone should just join PAS and listen to their Spiritual Leader, why bother? Agreeing with PAS’s hudud enactment is equivalent to wholesale endorsement of their interpretation of the faith. How can we even argue against the architects of a new Malaysian chapter where they hold the key to divine prescriptions?

  22. I guess Malaysia will be disbanding its judicial system . If hudud is applicable to all Malaysians, it will also be applicable to all those who are visitors ….. the next census will show a decrease in Malaysia and the Ringgit will continue it’s downward trend. Be careful of what you wish for….it might come true!

  23. It’s the first time I have read a comment from Mustakshaik and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially his running theme about God’s Law – Man interprets, misinterprets and reinterprets. How true and sad.

    How come He didn’t know that that was inevitable?

  24. “Why NO to Hudud Law for Malaysia”

    ktwong87 – Yes indeed & Art Harun has his beautiful layman’s explaination, legally speaking…

    Wayne – BTW, does the hudud in the Kingdom of Brunei equally applicable to the sultan and his immediate family?

    Suppose so if revealed/caught in Brunei – but fun times are always abroad…!


    This could be the trigger point of Sharia in Brunei…





    Wayne – “The safest countries in the world do not have hudud” – Singapore…

    Yes indeed.

    Just to share this…

    Rapat Hari Kebangsaan 2014 (National Day Rally 2014 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PanmOWE7Dg

    You be the judge.


  25. I don’t get it ! Why are the Muslim Ulamak confining themselves to the God’s spiritual laws and/or only on the side of moral & ethical laws , bickering about Hudud ?

    What about the Laws on this Physical dimension of human existence, aren’t we governed by Scientific laws which concern the Law of Matter?
    My oft-repeated quote, just to bore the Ulamas and the learned :

    ” As the Aggregate of all the Laws in the Universe – the physical laws, the scientific laws & the moral or the ethical laws – God is the Highest Perfection ”
    (Baroch Spinoza , the Shephardic Jew of Spain ) –

    Isn’t that clear that God is the Sum=Total, the Aggregate of all the laws which governs both the spiritual and the physical laws of our Material universe ?
    To ponder on the Physical laws alone might be too elaborate here. Suffice to say, that our own planetary system, moving in a very Elegant way, interacting within the larger Constellations of other Planets &
    Stars , which are the Large scale objects, going into the very minute reality of Energy particles in the Atomic and sub-atomic particles in the Quantum Domain of Physics…..ARE THEY NOT LAWS ( of God ) THAT MAKE ENTIRE HUMAN EXISTENCE POSSIBLE ?

    Why Confine only to a tiny and insignificant fraction of the Sum-total which the Learned Ulamas term as ‘ hudud’ (the spiritual law ) to be the ‘ ONLY’ criteria for our Collective human existence …..?

  26. How do the Scientists who tell us about the planetary motion interacting between the smallest to the large scale objects, the smallest in their internal motion, and the large scale in their External motion relative to the others, how do they believe that its the work of a highly Supremely Intelligent Force which keep the Universe ‘ intact ‘ ? In another word, the entire solar system is not by accident or by chance but by the One Most Supreme (Omnipotent) ?

    Our planet Earth itself is hurtling at the velocity of 5 miles per second, or @ 17,000 mph, just imagine that. So all the Scientists like Sir Isaac Newton , Albert Einstein, and few others , are CONVINCED that in the absence of this Central Force, all the planetary system with all its planets will spiral into Chaos, going into different different direction, and ultimately heading into a Collision course…. With these kinds of speed in the planetary Motion everything becomes Unstable….
    The paradox is that, even as we stand on the surface of the Earth, everything ‘appears’ motionless to Man

    So the Scientists conclude that they are in Awe about our Elegant Universe…

    Hoping the Ulamas try and understand things from Scientific perspective in addition….

  27. Abnizar, Abnizar, you want our Ulamas to include Quantum physics in their Friday sermons? 🙂

    They have not even gone beyond rape, sodomy, theft, adultery and separate queues for males and females at supermarkets.

    What we really need from science, urgently, is a Time Machine to send them all back to 6th Century Arabia. They should feel right at home there or then?

  28. PAS’s introduction of Hudud only reaffirms that it creates tons of incomprehensible problems than it tries to solve, perpetually.

  29. “Why NO to Hudud Law for Malaysia”


    Good analysis.

    “Our planet Earth itself is hurtling at the velocity of 5 miles per second, or @ 17,000 mph, just imagine that…”

    Wayne:”… you want our Ulamas to include Quantum physics in their Friday sermons?”

    Now how about this one…?

    No comments…

    You be the judge.

  30. @Abnizar and flyer,
    There is no need to introduce Quantum Field Theory and Einstein Theory of Relativity, unless the classical Newton Theory and Laws on Motion by itself is insufficient to explain the validity of their theories and laws, elegantly. Likewise, the theory of politics and ideologies (democracy, socialism communism and the likes), otherwise it would only confused the already confused PAS and Hadi further.

    In Malaysia case, we had already adopted and accepted the political Model based on ”a Democratic British Westminster system of parliament with a constitutional monarchy which our founding forefathers and the people had agreed that it to be adopted ONLY. It CANNOT be others, unless the Federal Constitution is torn down and replaced.

    We need to fervently emphasize and explain this fundamental fact to the people,the MPs and State Aduns, to avoid further abuse of the constitution or suffer chaos and disorder.

  31. Quote:- “…unless the Federal Constitution is torn down and replaced”

    Quote:-“Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between church and state must therefore answer a difficult question: why would we trade a system that has served us so well for one that has served others so poorly?”

    ― Sandra Day O’Connor

  32. @kllau , good point….my purpose to highlight the Quantum Field theory, the theory on the law of Motion, and Relativity by Einstein , as a CONTRAST : These people of the Sciences have a much greater Idea & Faith in ” God ” , than with befuddled people obsessed solely with ‘ religion ‘ of which they understand very little, AND, what more with blind Ignominy of such Ignoramus characters , talking unintelligently about ” God’s ” laws called Hudud…..

  33. @ Abziar, Thank you.
    I think our government leaders of the 58 years should take the blame for the (un-) education systems, selfishly and un-shamefully cross the line stated in the Federal Constitution on the role of religions( particularly Islam ) and on how it should be played in the country, on out-doing each other,the Umno and PAS, blindly even in the face of God-Allah who never takes side, but for what He pertains.

  34. kllau , I just thought about it – actually if you were to read Descartes, he explains lucidly that ” Motion ” is one of his Attributes of God himself , and , because of the universal law of attraction or gravitational attraction, Motion is then ‘ converted ‘ to Electro-magnetic waves which enable our telephonic apparatus or Television sets receiving the digital information in split seconds @ speed of light !

    In other words , it is no accident or chance happening, but by ‘ design ‘ by an Extremely Super-Intelligent Force to make things happen conducive for human habitation…..we can never predict what else might unfold in millennium to come

    ( Scientists are now excited about this possibility , awaiting the result of their experiments pertaining to HIGGS Boson by their latest Hedron Collider ),,,,,
    Exciting times !

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