Compassionate Najib cancels holidays in Hawaii due to Floods in Malaysia

December 26, 2014

READ THIS from The Washington Post: What Game is this Pro-Democratic Party tabloid (since the days of Philip Leslie “Phil” Graham and Katherine Graham’s friendship with John F. Kennedy) playing? Najib is a victim of US domestic politics.–Din Merican

Floods in Malaysia: PM Najib got the message and will return home after golfing with President Barack H. Obama in Hawaii

Dato’ Seri Najib Razak will return to Malaysia tomorrow to personally oversee the emergency response to Malaysia’s worst flooding in decades that has seen nearly 120,000 people evacuated, after a torrent of criticism about his golf round with US President Barack Obama.

A government spokesman said the Prime Minister will fly to Kelantan to chair a meeting and receive briefings from the National Security Council, the National Disaster Management and Relief Committee, the state government and local emergency responders.

The media statement said Najib will also meet people affected by the flooding and discuss new measures to support those who have been displaced.

Golf with Obama, Floods in Malaysia“I am deeply concerned by the floods”(?)

“I am deeply concerned by the floods. I feel for the people who have lost their homes, and the families who have lost loved ones.While I have been away, I have been in constant contact with the National Security Council and the National Disaster Management and Relief Committee, who have assured me that they are doing everything they can to help those who have been affected. But I want to see the situation for myself and be with the people,” Najib was quoted as saying in the statement.

Najib had come under heavy criticism, following news and pictures of him golfing with the US President in Hawaii, at a time the country was hit by severe floods.

“Najib’s rounds surprised some of his countrymen, who are calling on him to return home to deal with massive flooding that has displaced tens of thousands,” said the Washington Post in a report today.

The daily noted that Obama had also come under attack for playing golf after the beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis) militant group.

Floods in Malaysia StatsYesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin defended his boss, and said he would monitor the flood situation while Najib took his “well-deserved” break.


26 thoughts on “Compassionate Najib cancels holidays in Hawaii due to Floods in Malaysia

  1. Some people want him to go on an extended holiday so that UMNO can sort out who should succeed him as the next Prime Minister. It amazed me that he decided to take a break when the flood situation in the country was bad and worsening. I attribute this to wrong advice given to him by his close advisors. No excuses for this Public relations disaster.–Din Merican

  2. Yes the former meter reader said let him enjoy and I am here to take care of things.But this is dog eat dog kind of presence of mind where one is happy the Najis is out of the country and the najis feels insecure and flies back.OR IS THIS GOOD COP BAD COP scenario.Whatever what the hell is this najis up to in Hawaii when 120,000 Malaysians are in deep water.Totally irresponsible.

  3. Guess what the same thing happened to Maggie Thatcher but then again she got more cojones than this pinky lips

    One song for Jibby

  4. Quote:- “I am deeply concerned by the floods”

    Yes, so concerned that he even missed an easy putt, and had to be consoled by none other than the most powerful black man in the World.

  5. The most direct path from Hawaii back to Malaysia is to fly west over the
    Pacific Ocean.

    However, according to Malaysiakini, his plane flew east (to Los Angeles
    and then it landed at Indianapolis in Indiana). This is a strange, and longer flight path indeed.

  6. Yes major public relations disaster….but, no worries, come next GE, take out the old play book and crank up the politicis of race and religion. Paint a picture that Dap is out to grab power from the Malays and turn us into a Republic, throw some BR1M here and there, give out some free milk powder, milo, school bags ….and all will be forgiven and forgotten.

  7. Actually ah, when muhyiddin said let najib enjoy his deserve break, so that he can make the necessary arrangement for the takeover. Najib will only leave for home when you know who has finnish shopping. Shiiiisshhh ! What a pm ?

  8. Phua,
    Rosie wanna go shopping la. If not where got to help the kelantanese. Meanwhile those idoitic PAS UG folks are helping Jibby. No wonder Jibby can take sweet time to come home

    See this is what happen if you never listen to ktemoc. Support Anwar la……..Hahahahaha! Go debate with ktemoc in aussie land

  9. Looes74, fantastic and how apt that Jibby “must go now”. However it is too little too late. Warning though, who will succeed him? Kuti Jr. or is it the new UMNO faction- Ibrahim Ali, that kampong goon. Both ways we, the pendatangs will loose.

  10. Like you said Dato if Najib prefer leisure than managing our country, the best option is for him to step down. He does not have the full support of rakyat anyway.

  11. Aisay, Christmas and Obama spends time on the golf course with Najib??? Of course, flood or no flood some people in Malaysia will be very jealous lah. Lain kali main SNOOKER lah Najib – less class in that game and it will not make people jealous.

  12. Lee Kuan Yew used to play golf with big nation leaders to make him and others feel that he was in the big leaque.

  13. Poor old 1PM! He’s just a ‘goog Malay Muslim exploiting our Christian festivities’. But sure he names a short story long by taking a long detour!
    If he is real serious about the floods, then he should look into if incompetent officials are helping mother nature to make this Xmas more miserable, if not all together deadly. The untimely opening of the floodgates in many places caused the flooding. Last year people on Cameron Highlands said they received the deadly warning less than two hours before the surging waters hit them. In my old KK, folks said they were awaken in th early hours and had only about one hour to react. Others claimed there was no warning! Something is seriously wrong here. Flood waters from Upper Perak usually take several hours to crest at the old KK. in other words, someone screwed up things and they must answer for it. Maybe the victims should seek compensation from the floodgate keepers, like Tenaga?

  14. Yes, looes74

    If the plane lands in New York City or London or Paris or Milan,
    then the Missus was completing the holiday season shopping.

  15. Dear Mr Frankie

    But Lee Kuan Yew is in the big leagues. (I’m not one of his fans as I dislike his elitism and ruthlessness toward political opponents). He has a lot of respect all over the world and he really earned it by building up Singapore, with the help of talented henchmen such as Goh Keng Swee, and through inviting TNC investment, going up the skill ladder and by practicing meritocracy and zero tolerance of incompetence and corruption. Lee Kuan Yew has a lot of respect amongst American conservatives and Mainland Chinese neo-Confucianist pseudo-communists.

    By comparison, our Doctor only has respect amongst the right-wingers and neo-fascists of UMNO Baru. And Malaysia is going down the tubes under the leadership of his UMNO Baru successors.

  16. Dear Mr Frankie

    Forgot to add that Lee Kuan Yew also built up Singapore by attracting
    all the Chinese-Malaysian “pendatang” brains and most talented people into its civil service, universities, the PAP etc.

  17. There have been endless public relations blunders with Najib not to mention an equal amount coming from his wife. And he does not seem to learn at all. Either he is a goof, his advisors are dumb highly paid consultants, he is being played out or he is just being himself. I cannot imagine the calibre of the last 2 PMs that Mahathir hand picked.

  18. No, ‘ loosehead ‘ , I think you are wrong. I seem to think the Balinese, although they are largely Buddhists/Hindus, are closer to the ‘ spirit ‘ of Islam……in their everyday life, they Revere Nature, see the daily rituals how they spread flowers along footpaths, and there is invocation by way of their own ‘mantra’, and I seem to see the surrounding vegetation reciprocate. like as if it is ‘ alive ‘ – good omen. – the ‘Tauhid ‘ or the Aqidah part of Islam is something else.

    Btw , see the rebuke by DYMM Sultan of Kelantan, on the calamaties caused by the outrage of nature’s fury due to flooding, there is connection to the ‘ wrongdoings’ of Man, Muslims & non-Muslims alike…..
    In good times……we seem to be complacent, take things easy, relax , and do nothing to improve the environment or living conditions, even if beset with impoverished situations – the Lesson,? We have to ‘wake’ up and resort to Scientific ways to upgrade our environment , and Hardwork as well as resourcefulness – without these, Al’ Mighty will not reciprocate all our prayers…….

  19. Phua,
    Oh you have forgotten Toh Chin chye (Taiping born! Me too!) and Rajaratnam. Actually these 2 fellas plus Devan Nair kept PAP elites in check. In fact, those 3 fella who spearheaded PAP into Malaysia. PAP Malaysia has seen evolved into DAP

  20. Abnizar, this “Hahahahaha!” is a straight cut and paste from looes74. It’s a laugh I find both strange and irritating. But, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when you called him “loosehead”.

    I imagine you as someone who wouldn’t and couldn’t hurt a fly but it seems there is still some mischief hidden within.

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