Obama in Malaysia: A Strategic Partnership?

by Joshua Kurlantzick via Council on Foreign Relations
April 8, 2014

During his upcoming late April trip to Asia, President Obama will visit two nations in Southeast Asia, Malaysia and the Philippines, in addition to stops in Northeast Asia. The White House already has been briefing reporters on the overall messaging of the trip, and the specific themes the president plans to hit in Malaysia and the Philippines. In Malaysia, it appears from several news reports and from speaking with several administration officials, President Obama will add to the Malaysian government’s self-promotion that Kuala Lumpur is a successful and democratic nation, an example of other Muslim-majority countries, and a force for moderation in the world. The president apparently plans to hit these themes despite the regional anger at Malaysia’s handling of the Malaysia Airlines vanished plane, which exposed to the world many of the problems with Malaysia’s governance.

No matter, say some Southeast Asia experts. Some of Obama’s advisors, and many Southeast Asia experts, are urging the president to use the trip to cement a strategic partnership with Malaysia and establishing a roadmap for the kind of higher-level strategic cooperation that the United States already enjoys with Singapore and Thailand, among other countries in the region.

This approach to the Malaysia visit would mean downplaying – or simply not even discussing – serious regression in Malaysia’s domestic politics, including the recent sentencing of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to five years in jail for sodomy, the highly flawed 2013 national elections that barely kept Prime Minister Najib tun Razak in office, and the increasingly shrill, anti-Chinese and anti-Indian rhetoric and legislation of the Najib government, hardly the kind of sentiments a supposed leader of political moderation should be espousing. According to this logic, if President Obama were to bring up such unpleasant issues as the Malaysian government’s crackdown on opponents over the past year or its unwillingness to reform pro-Malay policies that have entrenched a culture of graft and self-dealing at many Malaysian companies, that would sink the visit.

Under Najib, Malaysia and the United States have, on a strategic level, moved beyond some of the acrimony of the Mahathir and Abdullah years, and have made progress on a wide range of military-military and diplomatic cooperation. Najib definitely deserves some credit for this rapprochement, though growing Malaysian fear about China’s South China Sea policies are probably the main driver behind closer strategic ties with Washington.

But simply ignoring the disastrous Najib policies on human rights, political freedoms, and economic liberalization would not be a wise move by Obama. For one, it would play into the narrative that Obama cares little about rights and democracy promotion, a narrative that has gained significant force not only in Washington but also among many Southeast Asian activists and young people in general. And ignoring Malaysia’s opposition politicians, who won the popular vote in the 2013 national elections and enjoy their strongest support among young Malaysians, would be alienating the biggest growing pool of Malaysian voters. As in other countries in the region, like Cambodia and Indonesia, these young voters are increasingly favoring opposition parties or new figures like Jakarta governor Joko Widodo, breaking from long-ruling, autocratic parties. The United States should be cultivating these young voters who will prove critical to the region’s democratization. This new generation will eventually power the Malaysian opposition, in some form, to the prime minister’s office. It would be a shame if the United States president had ignored them, and their party leaders, before then.

15 thoughts on “Obama in Malaysia: A Strategic Partnership?

  1. First, this trip was a delayed event. The Obama administration would like to show that Asian diplomacy is not just East Asian focus. S E Asia is important too. Both Malaysia and the Phillipines are English-speaking countries and hence more amenable to comprehend the American message. Here Obama comes.

  2. Obama’s Middle-East policy is in shambles, China’s new aggression a serious problem especially the North Korean issue god-knows where its heading, Eastern Europe also in crises, South East Asia is an effortless success that can be leveraged even more.

    By ignoring Malaysia’s domestic policy, the US gets Malaysia to owe it something and can leverage it. Malaysia’s domestic policy is no threat to US interest in the near and medium term. Long term the flawed policies will hurt Malaysia long before it hurt the US..

  3. Frankie,
    Me don’t know la but since I knew you are indeed a singapore. Please ask Lee Hsien Loong to buy MAS. I understand that Madhater who screwed Lee Hsien Loong & Lee Kuan Yew over Telekom Malaysia to Singtel. In fact, LHL says that singtel or Temasik Holdings’s purchase of Telekom Malaysia would be lotsa sing sing song song but never mind………purchase of MAS also beri good………Hahahahaha! Memory of MSA

    Ask Lee Hsein Loong to stop singing “I can’t help myself” la! Plus, you singaporeans screwed up bing time kicking out George Yeo. I shook hand with George Yeo. He’s the best successor for singapore! One for giys & gals

    P.S : I bet Kamsiah would love that song! Pak Bean too! And Bernard Khoo in heaven

  4. Ocho,
    Frankly, I prefer Bill Clinton to come back to be the President but of course, after mogadishu mishap, Clinton has become a sissy.

    Guys & Gals,
    It’s le weekend. Time for a song

  5. Obama as guest of the Malaysian government cannot use his upcoming trip to make cryptic remarks about Malaysia’s ‘democracy’. He will leave it to his deputy to do so, and not while he is on a visit to the host country. But so far Biden has his plate full.

  6. Rightways,
    Read history. China did have allies from time to time through history. At times, it’s the other round where the Melaka sultan got to pay homage to Ming emperor together with his hulubalangs. One of them called Hang Tuah. That’s where melayu kangkung made famous. Oh by the way, China got USA blessing when China decided to whack Vietnam in 1979

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