Mahathir Vs Anwar: Who is the Inveterate Liar at RCI (Sabah)?

September 22, 2013

MY COMMENT: Consider it a privilege or a misfortune. I worked with both Tun Dr.DM latest3 Mahathir, my hometown hero, and Anwar, the ambitious and impatient former UMNO superstar. Their styles are different.

The Tun was a hands-on manager with an attention for details; so nothing escapes him. That is why I cannot accept his “saya sudah lupa’ or “saya tak ingat” excuses. He is an amazing politician who operates astutely and acts decisively. He could have been a great leader if he could be humble enough to acknowledge that he is not infallible.

On Hari Raya Day

Anwar Ibrahim was his student; whether he is a good or a poor student is another matter. But he is an equally shrewd politician with a excellent oratorical skills. But unlike Mahathir, Anwar is bored with details. That makes him a big picture politician. Because of his past experiences in UMNO and his subsequent persecution, Anwar is very cautious and does not trust people around him easily. In dealing with people, he is someone who believes that he can sell ice to an Eskimo by smooth talk and lofty ideals.

My exposure to both of them makes me realise that politics is not my cup to tea. In politics, a capacity to lie is a distinct advantage. Ask Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Their performance at the RCI Sabah merely confirms my view that both the Tun and Anwar are incapable of telling the truth. Everything they both do is politically motivated. So I am not disappointed about what they said at the recent RCI hearings. Both the Tun and Anwar are two of a kind, blaming each other at every turn.–Din Merican

Mahathir Vs Anwar: Who is the Inveterate Liar at RCI (Sabah)?

by Phlip Rodrigues
Executive Editor

Last updated on 21/09/2013 – 20:19

Posted on 21/09/2013 – 20:00

COMMENT: Either Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is an inveterate liar when they both spoke before the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah. The whole world wants to know if the former Prime Minister and his Deputy knew anything about Project IC – a sinister scheme to indiscriminately issue identity cards to illegal immigrants in Sabah for a political purpose.

Mahathir ruled the country from 1981 to 2003 and Anwar was his Deputy from 1993 until 1998. For 22 long years, the doctor presided over the destiny of the country and surely he must have been privy to many secret schemes carried out either to discredit his political opponents or tighten UMNO’s grip on power. Anwar’s stay in the cabinet was shorter but he served the government for 16 years and surely he too must have got wind of some nefarious strategies designed to change the demographic landscape of some states like Sabah.

Still abusing Government's property.

Still abusing Government’s property.

Project IC allegedly started in the early 1990s after UMNO planted its foot in Sabah. As soon as UMNO took root in this rich soil, it set in motion a chain of events that eventually saw the ascendancy of the Malay-based party in Sabah politics. A native party, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), once a powerhouse in the mid-1980s, was eclipsed with the entry of UMNO.

Let us not delve deeper into the murky politics of Sabah. Suffice it to say that the cover on Project IC was first lifted in 1999 when a court in Sabah nullified the result of the 1999 state election for the Likus seat based on the fact that thousands of dubious names were on the electoral roll. Project IC was mentioned in court although one of the witnesses, an UMNO chief information officer, denied its existence. It was a tangled web of intrigue involving government agencies such as the National Registration Department (NRD), the Immigration Department, National Civics Bureau and the Election Commission. All seemed to conspire to register illegal immigrants as voters.

Over the years strong evidence of the existence of Project IC emerged and voices in Sabah grew shriller in protest. Even the RCI heard the testimony of a former NRD officer who said that about 100,000 blue identity cards were issued to immigrants in Sabah in 1993. How was it possible that Sabah was suddenly flooded with immigrants if not for Project IC? Where did the foreigners get their blue identity cards from? Why was it that most of the new citizens were mostly Muslims from Indonesia and the southern Philippines? There must be some truth in the allegations that the unwanted foreigners were given their ICs so that they would all vote for UMNO and guarantee its dominance for many years.

Now where was Mahathir when all these disturbing events took place? Was he hiding under the bed? Was he busy globe-trotting? Has he forgotten that Sabah is part of Malaysia? He was the supreme leader and yet at the RCI hearing the doctor said he had never heard about Project IC. He must have suffered from a massive attack of amnesia. On all other national affairs his mind is clear but when it comes to Project IC his mind went blank. He chose the easy way out: he put all the blame on Anwar.


Where was Anwar when blue identity cards were showered on the immigrants? Was he in deep slumber? Was he deliberately kept in the dark about Project M (Mahathir)? Was he busy fostering ties with the Western world? He was the second most powerful man in the country and yet he too said he never knew there was such a secret scheme dubbed “Project IC”. He too chose the easy way out: he put all the blame on Mahathir. He even called his former boss a liar.

Now what are we to make of this farcical scene? How can the truth be revealed? Twist Mahathir’s arm until he confesses? Use waterboarding technique on Anwar until he croaks out an admission of guilt? Clearly, the two men were using the RCI platform to continue their political duel. Each was trying to get political mileage out of this mud-slinging match.

The whole inquiry is rapidly descending into a circus because no one seems to be taking the investigation seriously. Nowhere in the RCI terms of reference is there any mention of giving the panel the powers of prosecution. Even if the RCI were to pronounce Mahathir or Anwar or both guilty of committing a crime against the people of Sabah, these two protagonists on the country’s political stage would walk away unscathed. When the RCI finally folds up its tent, Sabah will be no better than before: immigrants will continue to pour in until the identity of the state is erased.

21 thoughts on “Mahathir Vs Anwar: Who is the Inveterate Liar at RCI (Sabah)?

  1. A country led by liars. I had expected Anwar speak up but to my UTTER disappointment He did noteven croak loud enough. He just smothered over the whole issue. What a bloody cheat that he did not know.Of course being birds of the same feather no one is going to the NSC meetings to confirm that HE DID NOT KNOW. LIARS.How can they ever look people in the eye or even sleep at night??
    Now we have the Chinese drummer who lost the popular vote,had the gall to force a no contest for his post, left the Vice posts open, and then flew off to the US with big mama at our expense for some silly reason etc when the nation is BURNING with many issues.
    God save Malaysia.

  2. Anwar is more of a visionary leader than his rival Mahathir. He is more charismatic. The problem with this type of leadership is it doesn’t survive the person. It dies with him and gives rise to problems of succession.

    Mahathir does not trust anybody and has a cynical view about human nature and therefore is more hands on.

    As for granting of red ICs, it goes back as far as the ’70s. My wife was called by Special Branch for an interview. They wanted to see wedding photos etc. Now that’s the work of the Immigration Department and they have issued the red IC. A turf war between the two?? Or is there something more?

  3. Both Mahathir and Anwar are politicians.All politicians are liar.They will talk to their audience about what will please their ears.

    I think the Sabah RCI is a waste of money and time.Najib wants to please the Kadazans and the Chinese in Sabah before election.

    Najib and all UMNO leaders knew about the IC project.In fact Tun Mahathir was very upset when Najib announced the formation of Sabah RCI. Dato.Don’t be upset.
    Not all upset, Hamid, just very amused.–Din Merican

  4. Wrong Alie. Who are the greatest in Malaysia? It’s people like you.

    It won’t be a waste of time if it conducted the way south africa has conducted.

    Anwar charismatic, yes. Visionary.Hmmm…..????? You want visionary leaders. The dreamer. Rajaratnam is the one.

    Guys & Gals,
    As for coverups. Watch this documentary

  5. Mahathir may be more detailed but as when you are first unprincipled and malicious, the skill of details could be even worst as you surround yourself with people who are mediocre and unprincipled. Anwar is not only just visionary, he clearly willing to stake himself out more compared to Mahathir. Its because he has staked himself out so much that he has been able to bring a diverse group of people together, some of them clearly far better talent than anything Mahathir has to offer.

    Its very likely Anwar is also lying about Sabah given what we know of the corridors of power in this country. But Sabah leaders who have complained for so long about it are also likely lying that they also could not do much before. There is enough blame to go around but the bucks and most of the blame goes to Mahathir for treason..

  6. The objective of Project IC in Sabah was clear cut. To smother Sabah with Muslim numbers and dilute Kadazan / non Muslim majority in Sabah. The project was run by the NSC at the PM’s office, with Mahathir orchestrating the effort. Anwar and BN cabinet members and leaders in Sabah including Pairin Kittingan were definitely aware of the project and in a sense indirectly culpable. Corruption rules, within BN and officers on the ground and Mahathir manipulated the situation to pave the way for UMNO’s entry into Sabah. The proximity of Sabah to the Philippine muslm majority Sulu coastline and common border with Indonesian Kalimantan made it easy to bring in the Muslim numbers. So Mahathir/Anwar are Muslim heroes and Sabah becomes an UMNO/ BN fixed deposit .

  7. It is wrong to put the blame on Anwar or any cabinet minister. In an environment of collective responsibility everyone follows the will of the Leader. It is impractical to oppose and resign everytime there is an disagreement in the Cabinet. At that material time Anwar was put in charge of getting rid of PBS and he did it. After 10 years and being out of the Cabinbet he may have a different opinion and regret his past action.

  8. One is Definitely an Incorrigible Liar .

    The Other, I Believe, After Jailed for 6 Years and Black Eyed, Largely Undeservedly for its Severity, was Not Telling the Inconvenient Truth Fully,
    Have Shown Remorse, and Most Importantly, …Changed.

    …and the People are Hopeful for CHANGE , soonest, because it had been Done at the Great Expense of the Rakyat. The Country Cannot Continue to Afford the Luxury of the Such Detrimental CURRUPT Practices in the Abuse and Misuse of Power and Position that are Wasteful and Harmful …..
    …and are Bleeding the Nation to Irrelevancy and Demise.

  9. Dear Din Merican,

    I was the Regimental Medical Officer with 14 RMR at Lok Kawi, Kota Kinabalu from 1974-75. Whenever I travelled to town, I could see huts along the beach occupied by illegal immigrants, mostly Muslims from Philippines/Indonesia. My CO told me that there were about 150000 illegal immigrants in Sabah. General Esa also told me the same. The GOC was the late Zain Hashim. At that time, statistics showed Kadazan-Dusun consisted of about 40%, Chinese 30%, Bajau 10%, Muruts 7% and the rest. There are few Malays mostly from Brunei side

    It was common knowledge that Tun Mustapha Harun of USNO party encouraged the Muslims to settle in Sabah as permanent residents to offset the Christian majority. Mustapha even forced convert some natives in Sabah. He was interested in Islamization. Razak Hussein also said he wanted an Islamic Empitre in South East Asia.

    When PBS and USNO were fighting for power, Mahathir secretly backed Muslim led USNO instead of staying neutral since both parties were in BN. Pairin considered this as “stab in the back” The relationship between Pairin and Mahathir was never good or smooth. Mahathir was propagating the Agama-Bangsa-Negara policy.

    Just before the 1990 Election, Pairin pulled out of BN and supported Gagasan Rakyat led by Razaleigh, Mahathir’s political foe. Mahathir got very angry and said, “Pairin stabs on his back.” Mahathir promised revenge. Mahathir was very involved in the politics of Sabah & he planned the down fall of Pairin and PBS. For Mahathir to say that he did not know about the Project IC is most likely a lie. I think Anwar would know as he was involved in Sabah election.

    Pairin was charged for corruption. Pairin said it was politically motivated. Pre-Kitingan governments of Mustapha and Harris Salleh were extremely corrupt

    Jeffrey Kitingan was detained without trial and in solitary confinement under ISA. Reason – Jeffrey wanted Sabah to secede. How could he????? This is Mahathir’s modus operandi as he did to Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who broke down and cried publicly and he was released upon resigning as UMNO Youth Chief. Mahathir knew about the Muslim illegal immigrants who would support him if they were given Malaysian identity card to vote.

    The 1994 election was hotly contested There was a BIG JUMP of about 103,000 voters. Money was distributed openly in coffee shops Apparently Anwar gave the Chinese schools RM30 million

    Pairin campaign – Sabah for Sabahan; 15% oil royalty; Sabah TV station and University

    Mahathir campaign – promised development; SINK & SWIM with Harris Salleh; CM to be Sabahan; rotational CM among the major groups

    BUT Pairin and PBS won 25 seats to 23 seats to UMNO. Harris Salleh asked the Governor Robert Adnan to swear Mustapha as Chief Minister. But Musa Hitam intervened. But the defections of 21 frogs sealed Pairin’s fate. Pairin said RM3 million was paid to each frog to jump. Apparently Lajim wax the first frog. Kurup and Bernard Dompok jumped. When Jeffrey also jumped, it was the end. Jeffrey succumbed after 2 years under ISA. Apparently Jeffrey striked a deal with Mahathir. James Chin of Middlesex University in Britain said the split in the native Kadazan-Dusun community was the cause of their downfall.

    Robert Chan

    Corrections welcome. Written spontaneously from memory.

    23 Sept 2013

  10. It is good that everything is out in the open now. Malaysians must look further. There must be other than the current group of politicians whom the people can put their hope and aspirations for a better Malaysia.

  11. For the Sabah RCI to be effective, it must subpoena documents dating back to Mustapha Harun’s era. In this regard they can get the help of some Kadazans who was in the civil service then. Simon Sipaun might be helpful since he was in the government during that period.
    I believe Mustapha initiated the IC Project to help the Suluks from the Philippines. Al-Kutty later saw the potential and expanded it.
    All politicians are born liars. But in this instance I believe in Anwar. Why? Because I spent some years in Sabah un the seventies and one of more ex-colleagues was a beneficiary of the project. This guy was an Indian from Kerala, with a house, kids and one wife there. And yet being Indian-born he was holding a permanent resident status, a blue IC and a Malaysian passport in Sabah, in addition to his Indian paaport!!!

  12. They are both Liars, one supposedly repent while the other thinks he’s immortal, to me they don’t deserve to lead Malaysia, coz they are really both Egyptians, living in denial.Oouch!!!

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