Congrats to MACC: Malaysia is World Champion in Corruption

December 14, 2012

Congrats to MACC: Malaysia is World Champion in Corruption

by The Hindustan Times (12-13-12)

Abu Kassim of MACCDespite Malaysia’s high-profile anti-corruption crusade, half of the corporate executives surveyed by a global corruption watchdog believe that competitors have obtained business in the country through bribery.

Transparency International said Malaysia scored worst in the 2012 Bribe Payers Survey. It asked nearly 3,000 executives from 30 countries whether they had lost a contract in the past year because competitors paid a bribe, and in Malaysia, 50% of them said ‘yes’.

Second on the dubious honor roll was Mexico, which was at 48%. According to the Wall Street Journal, Japan was ranked as the world’s least-corrupt place to do business, with just 2% of respondents saying they had lost out due to bribery.

Malaysia’s neighbour Singapore was second-cleanest, which was at 9%. Even Indonesia, with a long-standing reputation for corruption, fared better than more-developed Malaysia. By comparison, 27% of respondents in China said they thought bribes had cost them business, the report said.

“It shows the attitude of private companies in Malaysia, indicating that bribery in the public sector could be systemic and in a sense institutionalized,” Paul Low, President of the Malaysian chapter of Transparency International, said.

33 thoughts on “Congrats to MACC: Malaysia is World Champion in Corruption

  1. Well, we can blame our archaic laws for this. MACC and Pemandu can explain why we are corruption champions. Don’t be in a state of denial. Even Indonesia is doing better. Singapore is, of course, highly ranked as least corrupt because the government in that city state does not tolerate corruption and acts promptly by putting the corrupt in Changi prison. –Din Merican

  2. Stick a HALAL label and presto all corrupt gains are legitimised !!! Commit sins and get cleansed by performing the umrah !!! Semua boleh in Bolehland !!!

  3. This is because UMNO has rename it as commission and the rest as rezeki.

    Further enhance by NEP for order taking and sell everything thereafter for quick profit, bribery is even quicker without risk.

    As the kampung folks says, Ada rezeki, Jangan ditolak

  4. Whose perception? MACC or it’s bondage master, UMNO?
    The baseline data was from the businessmen, who have little to gain by denial.
    One can do all sorts of things with raw data, but empirical truths cannot be trivialized.
    Perhaps, Pemandu will come up with their own set of tweaked baseline KPI/NKRA data, and that’s where the blind leads the blind.
    However, i think it’s quite useless to compare with other nations, because ultimately comparisons always cause irrational apologetics and puerile attempts to confuse the issue. Such as the Lembek idea of ‘Perceptual Bias’.
    It is said: ‘The Truth will set you Free’.

  5. When we have political leaders giving support to their own party leaders, it is astonishing to note that no immediate action or investigation to probe on such alleged corruption and this attitude can not be tolerated by the rakyat. Most of them are sitting in the same boat with tainted black mark with approval on such evil act. As what the former Welfare and Women Minister Sharizat disclosed at the time of her resignation that other UMNO leaders are also having problems. In view of many reports that appeared in the media, let them tell us how good are they to talk about best anti-corruption work and best democratic country. This country is being governed almost like a “ONE MAN BAND” .

  6. Hurry to Hussin & Company. Your team scored another first for Malaysia. Hip, hip hurray. Say a few word please, who would you like to thank? Your mother, father, your bosses…who…who. Oh! you got the deep throated?

  7. Congratulations Malaysia and well done MACC. The success must also be attributed to Minister Nazeri Aziz for his contributions. UMNO members must be crying in joy to celebrate this achievement.

  8. I guessed with so much fanfare the MACC deserve a big bonus this year. What you say guys? Hussin, you must be celebrating since you are not notices around this blog. Hurray again Malaysia. Well, done for all the firstes for the wrong reasons, hehe.

  9. Wassamater? Didn’t MACC do a great job that it is designed to do?? I agree with Budak UMNO. The role of MACC is that of a laundry. UMNO’s dirty linen is put through it, only to come out clean. Folks get to smell it. Husin gets to wipe his ass with it and the rest of you guys get to pay for it..

  10. “This is perception only. We are better than India and so what is the Hindustan Times talking about.” says Budak Umno.They are talking about ass lickers like you and still you are so stupid to not understand,ohh sorry,you don’t faham English,just like the former MB with 2 mohammads to his name,no understand ingrish.Dah lah Bodoh sombong,skrg nak buat pandai pulak,you disgust me claiming to represent the Malays..Bolloooh punya olang…Oouch!!!

  11. MACC is not there to enforce the legislation on corruption but to ensure legalization of corrupt practices.

    It’s no longer perception, its reality. First hand experience.

  12. The question really is this – with all the touting of Islam and Islamisation, why is it so hard to rid of corruption then?

    When under pressure, Malays, politically as well as personally turn to Islam for answer. And while UMNO was corrupted and debased for decades by Mahathir and Mahathirist, PAS remained a pillar of strength despite the onslaught..

    Yet, when it comes to removing corruption even the fight against, Islam has failed the Malays miserably and even PAS is not immuned from it even if its top leaders have been exemplary.

    The truth is corruption in modern governance is not the same as personal corruption. Corruption is about modern government and modern principles that include accepting new technology and new realities of human understanding that is not in religo-text even in Islam. There is nothing in Islam about the merit of accountabiltiy, checks and balance, limits of government, protection, definition and value of private rights and private assets including Intellectual Property..

    Its why the answer to UMNO’s evil, is not the morality of PAS even though it has been a bulwark of onslaught in the past. The answer must be the professionalism, accountability and transparency of secular modern government..

  13. -_- well even musa aman 40 million case have been nullified,all the evidence is there,but what they said.the 40 mill is only “bantuan politik”.fuck off,i wonder how many other have get that bantuan politik

  14. But wait a minute Din, some may say that it’s something to do with attitude problem where all must go to BTN session. Funny thing’s there are many malaysians working in singapore who are given the assignment overseas. They are acknowledged to be as equally professional & clean

  15. Why are you guys so mad about, we are top of the list, aren’t we? We should give a tap on our back and go out there and have a teh tarek or two and cheer each other up… Lee Chong Wei lost, Harimau Malaya lost… at least for this one we are tops!!! Hip Hip Hooray!

    Let us be honest, with what is going on in this country – with billions being transferred out, projects directly negotiated, with a young 28-year-old Wharton young ciku jumping around Ms P Hilton, our A-G bonking his assistant at his new 3-storey bungalow in Seremban II with electricity contractor’s bill allegedly paid by a huge company, ex-IGP talking like a canary, carpet seller printing 26-page tell all, RM40 million political donation, rice smuggler getting lion share of 4G telco business with no experience, we will score any less than FIRST PLACE?

    Just gave my youngest son a spanking… I passed an AES camera along NS Highway at slightly more than 90kmh and I said, oh no I think I have been snapped by the speed camera and junior went… “never mind one, just pay the sergeant off kopi money lah…” apparently he learnt at the playground from the other kids…. OMG I think this country is beyond redemption… corruption is now a culture deeply ingrained!

    I should be spanking that old Mamakutty for this than my own son, for destroying this country! He has done it this time….

  16. What happened to all those fancy committees that were set up to oversee MACC’s operation and performance? Any visibility or transparency on their meetings and activities? What are their various terms of reference?

  17. We have good constutional laws to govern the country but due to lack of forceful enforcement to probe on such alleged corruption and bring those to court , it defeats the purpose of having the best laws for guidance. We believe that MACC have to follow the steps as they are under the Prime Miniister’s Department.

  18. Always compare ourselves with the best hence we could be and do better. Interestingly we hv goons always love to compare oneself with the worst list. The mentality is that “bersyukurlah” to be best of the worst of them all!

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