Clampdown on Suaram boosts Civil Society Activism

September 23, 2012

Clampdown on Suaram boosts Civil Society Activism

by Ida Lim@

Outrage at Putrajaya’s clampdown on Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) appears to have given a major boost to civil society activism here, likely affecting the Najib government’s bid for votes from middle Malaysia ahead of an election expected soon.

The Human Rights Watchdog has been instrumental in the French probe on Malaysia’s multibillion ringgit purchase of two Scorpene submarines, a high-profile scandal that many believe will unearth incriminating evidence against top government officials here.

Global Rights Group Amnesty International had yesterday raised suspicion over the timing of the government’s sudden interest in SUARAM’s operations and funding sources, saying the probe was opened only four weeks after the organisation revealed documents showing a close associate to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had allegedly sold Malaysian naval secrets to the French.

A new citizen group has now sprouted, joining the burgeoning of other civil society movements nationwide in a campaign to help SUARAM keep the Scorpene scandal in the limelight.

Calling themselves the “Scorpene Never Dies” Action Team, the group of youths and “concerned citizens” has demanded that the Najib administration stop its “politically-motivated” investigation against SUARAM.

Team coordinator Ng Yap Hwa said this was a poignant moment for Malaysians as their failure to band together to protect SUARAM would only encourage the government to continue to quell public dissent.

“We feel we need to stand by Suaram in this critical time. If we as citizens don’t rally behind a human rights defender, the government could easily clamp down… no more people can stand by us in the future,” he said.

The team is organising a one-hour candlelight vigil next Tuesday at the historic Merdeka Square in the city centre here where several other protests fuelled by civil society activism have taken place recently.

The team has also urged Malaysians nationwide to hold simultaneous events next week to record their disdain for the alleged harassment against SUARAM.

Ng said that if members of the public keep silent now, “we will be the next (victim)” one day. He said that to “defend Suaram and to stand by Suaram” is for everyone’s benefit.

Ng added that the team would not be applying for a police permit for its 8pm event at the historic Merdeka Square, as it was every individual’s “constitutional right” to have a peaceful assembly.

“Let us spread the Scorpene submarines issue far and wide to express our solidarity with the human rights defender, thereby warning the government that even if it could keep down SUARAM, the Scorpene submarines issue would never die and we would carry on the struggle to uncover the truth of the Scorpenes scandal and uphold justice for Altantuya,” the group said in a statement.

SUARAM recently came under close scrutiny of the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) due to its foreign funding sources and the government agency said earlier this week that it plans to charge the activist group for its “misleading accounts”.

The human rights NGO has been actively pursuing the Scorpene scandal in the French courts, determined to expose the government of alleged corruption in the purchase multi-billion submarines in 2009 and possibly reopen the murder case of Mongolian model Altantuyaa Shaariibuu, which is said to be linked to the deal.

In April this year, the Tribunal de Grand Instance in Paris began its inquiry into Suaram’s claim that the French naval firm DCNS had paid some RM452 million as a bribe to Malaysian officials to obtain a contract for two submarines. Suaram had filed the complaint with the French courts in 2009.

At a May 30 press conference in Bangkok, SUARAM’s French lawyer Joseph Breham had revealed that a highly-document government document on the Malaysian navy’s evaluation of the Scorpene submarines it planned to buy was sold by Terasasi (Hong Kong) Ltd to DCNS for RM142 million.

Abdul Razak Baginda, a former think-tank head who was at the centre of the 2006 investigation into Altantuya’s murder, is listed as a director of Terasasi with his father, Abdul Malim Baginda. Abdul Razak is said to be a close associate to Najib.

“It was a secret document by the Malaysian navy, an evaluation for the order of the submarines, which is a highly confidential report,” Breham had said at the conference.

A total of 138 local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and 56 regional NGOs recently pledged their support for SUARAM, calling for a stop to the “harassment” while the group has also launched its own “Stand up for SUARAM” campaign to garner public support.

Dataran Merdeka has this year seen two rallies by civil society – the April 28 sit-in protest for elections reform by the BERSIH 2.0 movement and the Janji Demokrasi pre-Independence Day rally. Unhappiness over environmental issues such as the Lynas rare earth plant in Kuantan has also prompted rallies.

Najib recently wrote to young voters in Selangor, asking them to consider if a “confrontational” approach would be the best way to solve problems and push for reforms.

His administration had passed the Peaceful Assembly Act earlier this year, a legislation which is said to allow freedom of assembly in accordance with “international norms”.

Barisan Nasional (BN) insiders have said that several recent surveys show that the coalition needs to work harder to get a convincing victory in the coming polls especially with some 2.2 million voters casting ballots for the first time. The next general election is only due after April 2013 when BN’s mandate expires.

It is understood that the compilation of surveys had revealed that BN could win up to 146 parliamentary seats with at least 80 sure wins, more than the 140 won in Election 2008.

Najib’s approval rating from the Chinese and Indian communities had slipped after the government’s highly-criticised clampdown on the April 28 BERSIH 3.0 rally although the latest survey by pollster Merdeka Center showed the leader’s percentage points climb to 69 per cent, largely due to a surge of support from poorer Malaysians.

Let Us be Inspired-Duty, Honour, Country

24 thoughts on “Clampdown on Suaram boosts Civil Society Activism

  1. I dont think we should upset at PutraJaya’s clampdown on SUARAM. As an organisation they have rules to follow or be complied with.You submit your annual return,keep your account clean and didn’t involved in illegal activities,nobody can touch you.
    Hamid, not in Malaysia. Why are they defending NFC, Lynas and other matters. Corruption.–Din Merican

  2. Let the Action Group led by Ng carry out their candlelight vigil peacefully at the Merdeka Square. Afterall they are unlikely to cause any traffic jams or other nuisance to the public at that hour. Tourists and other members of the public might just join them to relax and chat. Hope the authority will not be foolish enough to provoke them. Of course the Police should be around just to keep order. But I don’t understand why Altantuya is still connected with this Scorpene thing when the time-lines do not coincide or I might have missed something here.

  3. Hamid, I am afraid you are wrong. In Malaysia these lying thieving scumbags can do ALMOST anything to destroy you. WHY? HOW? you may ask! Simple man, these THIEVES own ALL the machinery needed to strangle hold this country and they will do anything to DESTROY anybody in their path.

  4. Of course this is only wishful thinking but it needs to be said. In the event that Putrajaya falls into the hands of the political copposition, Razak Baginda should be offered immunity from prosecution (not a plea bargain which is not practiced in Malaysia) for his testimony into what he knows. It has to be more than transactional immunity. It has to be use and fruits immunity giving the guy immunity from later prosecution by another jurisdiction. That is the only way this case can come to an end.

    But Malaysia currently lacks the tradition and the statutory law for it to move forward.

  5. “Najib recently wrote to young voters in Selangor, asking them to consider if a “confrontational” approach would be the best way to solve problems and push for reforms”.

    The answer is YES. It is called democracy. Our justice system is also based on the adversarial system – unlike that of the French model of prosecutorial system. While democracy is noisy and messy at times and like our justice system adversarial, and imperfect it may be it is so far the best system we have on offer.

    Najib confused this with management styles. He is like Mitt Romney the wannabe President who thinks he is the man fit to occupy the Oval Office because of his records as CEO, creating jobs, picking winners and losers and make profits for himself so he could stash them away and live off the spoils paying a low 14% of the US$11 million in terms of taxable income he makes in 2011. You are not managing a company here but a country of some 230 million people. As for Najib the only job he created is the one for his other half by dumping the one before that when he could have created three other jobs.

  6. Hamid, not in Malaysia. Why are they defending NFC, Lynas and other matters. Corruption.–Din Merican

    Why not in Malaysia Din ? Only fools and idiots who can’t decide their fate will kowtow to foreigners and asked for financial help.

    It is well known to many that PR and it’s stooges are receiving foreign funding.Strange, SPRM is not investigating Anwar Ibrahim of his ill gotten wealth.

    To all Malaysian’s, never allowed yourself to be hoodwinked by PR empty promises.It’s easy to make promises when one is not in power.


    To those who owe no allegiance to Malaysia, there’s greener pastures next door or in America and they welcome you with an open arms.
    Both sides make lots of promises; but the one with power of government has the best chance to implement them. Why are they not doing it? Have you considered that. Why is corruption so rampant? Your problem, Mr Ilham, is that you are in a state of denial.

    I am critical because I want my country to be and do better and I know we can. It is a question of leadership, which is sadly lacking since 2004. Before that, the leadership was okay, but it got power hungry. I do not agree that only in Malaysia, we can be Malays. There are Malays everywhere and they can compete. Only in Malaysia, we are spoilt and led by our noses.–Din Merican

  7. “But I don’t understand why Altantuya is still connected with this Scorpene thing when the time-lines do not coincide or I might have missed something here” — Hussin

    You didn’t miss anything. You just couldn’t understand that one plus one equals two.

  8. “I dont’ think we should be upset at PutraJaya’s clampdown on SUARAM” — Hamid

    We are not upset to hear this from someone who made a public confession of receiving a Merc 350 from Taib Mahmud for ‘services rendered’. Should we be upset to know that you failed to declare this in your Income Tax Return??

  9. “I don’t understand why Altantuya is still connected with this Scorpene thing.” — Hussin

    Scorpene is not just anything. It is an overpriced French submarine that doesn’t submerge. Imagine if Hamid is given a Merc 350 by Taib Mahmud that cannot that cannot take his fourth wife to the wet market. He is not going to be hot around the collar he is going to get wet too.

    Besides the sweeterners that comes with the submarine purchase, Najib and Razak Baginda worked not only to fill UMNO coffers but lined their own pockets. Tuya was disposed off not for wanting a share of the spoils but for attracting too much attention. She’s a woman scorned. And a woman scorned does what a woman scorned always does. Some go for a ride on the back of Sir Lancelot. In her case she went confrontational. Where do you think Najib got the idea that being confrontational is bad?

    Let’s hope Hussin can now put two and two together. But if he still cannot it will not be a bad idea to get one of the men who has never spent a day in prison to put a stick of dynamite up his ass — and ask him how he feels like.

  10. More colonial-era thinking / inferiority complex: why is it that when NGOs get money from abroad, people think the NGO has to kowtow? Has anyone ever considered that maybe, just maybe, Malaysian NGOs are fighting for universally accepted values and ideas, and because of that, foreigners want to help those NGOs out?

    Didn’t Mahathir support the PLO, ANC, and others for the same reasons (i.e. notionally helping out other people in other countries who are trying to do some good)? But for some reason because the NGOs are on the other side of the political divide, all foreign help is evil or involves some kind of kowtowing.

  11. “To those who owe no allegiance to Malaysia, there’s greener pastures next door or in America and they welcome you with an open arms.” — Ilham

    Why do you thnk two million Malaysians have since moved abroad? Your political masters have already identified greener pastures for themselves and their families abroad. We can only hope that you have the wherewithal to pick up a few scaps of land in Medan to plant your jagong.

  12. “Only fools and idiots who can’t decide their fate will kowtow to foreigners and asked for financial help.” — Ilham

    There are greater fools who are happy just to be able to put their noses up the rear, to scoop up all the shit left behind while their masters milk the proverbial cow.

  13. “There is no place where the Malays can call bumi Melayu” — Illham

    Says who? Says the Old Goat? ‘Bumi Melayu’ is where all men are created equal, where your rights come from God not from government (certainly not an UMNO led government) and among them are our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happines. It is something you cannot be expected to understand.

  14. To Ilham and his ilk –

    Why are we afraid of piddling little monies coming in from foreigners? If this country and this government and this rakyat are as righteous is as often made out to be, why the fear and insecurity? Your Creator and Sustainer will bela your nasib right, as long as you are righteous?

    Berani kerana benar, kalau takut pasal dah buat tak betul la kan.

    And what about the fact the the Malaysian govt funding the ANC to topple the apartheid govt over the years? Kalau kita buat kat negeri orang it’s all good lah is it? Now that the shoe is in the other foot dah tak boleh?

    Hilarity inevitably ensues when the emperor is finally acknowledged to be without garment. I cry inside as I laugh at the absurdity of this government and its apologists.

  15. Would Suaram have filed its petition in the French court if its legitimate concern of atrociously inflated purchase price of the 2 submarines been adequately addressed by the government?

    Would Suaram seek information on behalf of Malaysian taxpayers in France if there is a level playing field at home?

    If there is indeed nothing to hide, let the Paris inquiry runs it course and wait for its findings. I believe the French justice system would not be so callous to time its procceding with the 13 GE.

    If the question of NGOs foreign funding is the issue, let Suaram provides all the documents sought by the government and let the government proclaim its findings. I also suggest that all the other NGOs voluntarily declare the identity of their foreign donors (and its terms and conditions). Also let the self-funded NGOs declare their status. Lastly let the government funded NGOs declare the same. My point is let’s be fair and consistent and transparent. And let the people be the judge after the facts have been established. If this approach is ludicrous, then leave Suaram alone.

  16. Why do you thnk two million Malaysians have since moved abroad?
    Mr Bean says: September 23, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    Two million Malaysian have since moved abroads, most of them Chinese who were given Singapore citizenship because of economics reasons and felt more chineseness when in Singapore.

    The big tycoon’s did’nt left for Singapore but they parked their money in Singapore.

    Maybe Din Merican want to try his luck in Singapore where merit is the key to success and not race factor, unlike in Malaysia.
    Mr. Ilham is going overboard. He just cannot be given a chance, because he speaks not of facts and truth, because he is blind to the flaws of those he seeks to defend and because he cannot accept that we can differ with cause.–Din Merican

  17. Referring to Dato’ Din’s remarks to posting by ilham, I agree the corruption eradication effort by the government & relevant authorities is lacking in political will and thus not adequately effective. There is no need for anyone to remain in a state of denial in this topic.

    On the question of leadership found to be lacking since 2004, I would say even before that year the leadership could have been challenged & made to appear lacking if the Internet and the Alternative Media were widely available and used then. Probably with Mahathir’s “My Way – the only way” approach, it would not be even possible for him to last the 22 years.

    Perhaps he wouldn’t even have the opportunity to hand over to Pak Lah, not to mention Najib. Najib is trying to adjust his leadership style to this challenging new environment. Whether he is successful in this attempt or not, we will see the result soon.

  18. Mr. Bean,
    You must be a very bitter man to use very crude phrases against commentators who are not in your groove. You suggested offering Razak immunity if PR comes into power. The way the Razak/Najib close relationship was depicted by the media made it unlikely for Razak to ever turn against his close friend – after all he has already suffered the humiliation and jail time during the trial. So, looks like as you said, without Razak’s testimony this case will not come to end. But why? Since you seem to know a lot about Scorpene designed not to submerge, Tuya (you called her that) as a woman scorned, dynamites and so much knowledge, as a trained lawyer, about 1 plus 1, 2 and 2, surely you can do something to bring the matter to an end. SUARAM too can do well with your expert advice.

  19. “Referring to Dato’ Din’s remarks to posting by ilham.” — Hussin

    Hussin is apparently overlooking the stick of dynamite sticking out of his ass. Maybe we should send Bendover Signh to go light the fuse?

  20. You said it Ilham, meritocracy is practised in Singapore whereas in Malaysia, everything is based on race factor! All my Malay friends, in our TTT session (Teh Tarek Talkcock session) agreed that this very race-based policies have destroyed the abilities, independence, the hardworking and intelligent Malay race to subject them under the thumb of the ruling party.

    Sadly some Malays like you and your friend Hamid love this because you get a Mercedes S350 by just fronting for Taib Mahmud. And knows no shame in saying this out loud. So freaking proud!

    The truth is people will migrate to greener pastures. I am Malaysian Chinese, I have both Singaporean and Australian permanent residence status… am I going to Australia because of its “whiteness” since you accused us of going to Singapore for its “Chineseness”?

    Only people like you think of race and hope to get some three meals on the table because of your race and not having to lift your finger to earn that!

    Not others, be they Malays, Indians or Chinese, most of us are more happy to go anywhere in the world which offers us peace, stability and an EVEN FIELD TO PUT THREE MEALS ON THE TABLE! But you won’t get this into your head… go drink your kopi-O and read your Utusan…
    Thanks, Greenbug. Well said. Malaysia can be a great place but it is not because of racist politics, discriminatory policies and corruption.Most of us are not quitting just because people like Ilham tell us to do so.It may take eternity but we will turn the sails, since we cannot turn the wind (as Swahili proverb says).–Din Merican

  21. “After all he (Razak Baginda) has already suffered the humiliation and jail time during the trial” — Hussin

    You look upon Nik Raina as a test case, ignoring the fact that she is somebody working to support her family, help put food on the table and did not commit any crime. You say JAWI is above the law.

    You are now showing the same callous attitude towards the law. We are talking murder and conspiracy to murder here and a Prime Minister who is knee deep in shit. It is also about a handicapped kid who will have to grow up without his mother and a father devastated by the loss of his daughter who was the sole breadwinner.For him there will never be closure. You treat Razak Baginda as if he is a victim. You are in no position to educate readers on hukum syarak and how Muslims must live by it.

  22. All hard-working honest citizens in this country must stand up against corruption of any kind. Suaram is standing up against this. Should we not give them our full support? Come and support this cause peacefully. Do not cause any inconvenience to any of our fellow Malaysians in the process. Let’s do this out of LOVE for our country NOT hatred for anyone. Let’s not agitate the police to become violent but just exercise our right to peaceful assembly and enjoy the company of all Malaysians present. Syabas! Malaysians boleh!!

  23. Suaram should set up a fund raising campaign to collect fund and at the same time to let the world know about submarine’s corruption/murder issues.

    We need to let all Malaysians aware of the case by donating RM 5 each to participate and take part to fight corruption/abuse of power at the international platform.

    We need to set up an independent party (ICAC) to fight the corruption and abuse of power in Malaysia instead of depending on the useless MACC belong to BN.
    Is there any platform for RAKYAT to fight corruption/abuse of power/murder if local agency trying to cover up the case? (Including Royal commission enquiry?)

    Let us have the Suaram’s account and start getting donation to fight corruption/murder.

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