Mode Change Minister says: Cabinet is firm on Section 114A

August 16, 2012

Mode Change Minister says: Cabinet is firm on Section 114A of the Evidence Act

by Bernama (08-15-12)@

The Cabinet is “carefully studying” Section 114A of the Evidence Act 1950 which is much discussed in cyberspace, in line with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s directive.

NONEInformation, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim (left) said today the government held a firm stand on the matter but so far, there were no plans to make new amendments to the Act.

The amendment to Section 114A was one of two made to the Act which were gazetted in July this year, receiving various reactions from Internet users.

A campaign was mounted against the Act by the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) with its banner titled, ‘Stop 114A’, appearing on Facebook and downloaded by Internet users in the country.

The development has caught the Prime Minister’s attention who is now in Mecca to attend the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Extraordinary Summit, and he has straight away asked the Cabinet to discuss the issue, through his Twitter account yesterday.

Rais said the Cabinet got an idea from what was tweeted by the Prime Minister on the issue, and Section 114A was now being scrutinised.

Rais was met by reporters at a breaking-of-fast organised by his Ministry with the cooperation of the Malaysia Islamic Development Department and Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council at the Putra Mosque, here.Earlier, in his speech, Rais urged the Muslim community in Malaysia to strengthen unity so that Islam would continue to flourish.

– Bernama

23 thoughts on “Mode Change Minister says: Cabinet is firm on Section 114A

  1. “The Cabinet is “carefully studying” Section 114A of the Evidence Act 1950 ………..”
    “… Minister Rais Yatim (left) said today the government held a firm stand on the matter……

    Now which is which?
    If you are “firm” then what is there to “study”?

  2. “Carefully studying” did he meant they “carelessly” whack through the act in parliament. ? This “kowsai” minister is a real head damaged.

  3. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Extraordinary Summit – it is about the situation in Syria. Iran and Algeria are against moves to isolate(punish) Syria. what is M’sias position?

    the PM attending such a meeting concerning a despotic and autocratic country should realise that repressive laws like section 114A have led Syria to the state it is in today. incapable politicians unlimited powers have already done their damage on the malaysian society and political structure.
    for a starter sack the mode changing minister and replace with an intelligent person. the press and the internet media should be given freedom to save malaysia from bankruptcy through corruption and misuse of power.

    while the islamic countries ‘ kaki goncang’ and discuss the situation the kafir west is already helping the civilians and the opposition fighters to stop the butchering. what is OIC going to do, more meetings and communiques, who’ll intervene?

  4. What is wrong with our Parliament and our 222 Members of Parliament, they have debated the amendments to the Act and now they are debating through the media that the amendments were not proper. What type of law-makers are our Wakil Rakyat. They all should resign!

  5. Yup, one heck of Ampu-Bodek. This flur was once in a purgatory of irrelevance. Traumatized exceedingly. Doesn’t want to return to that mode of existence. He should be put out to pasture in Jelebu, and spend time redrafting his PhD thesis: “Freedom Under Executive Power in Malaysia: A Study of Executive Supremacy.”

  6. Kicking Syria outta the OIC or Arab League ain’t gonna make a difference. The atrocities will pile up. NATO is mired in their own economic grief and Iran is supporting this Alawite regime. It’s Shia i guess, but let’s close one eye, shall we? That’s the information, communications and culture.

  7. Randy Rais has reversed himself and is entitled to his WTF moments like everybody else. It comes from working under a boss who doesn’t know if he is going or coming. He is not even sure if he should be coming or going when it comes to Rosmah. Don’t smother him folks!

  8. Why not have him as Foreign Minister? It will surely please a bunch of egotistical Malayans who think they are better than any body else.. What they failed to realise is that they have a lions share of despotic Ministers and YB,s both side of the political divide…

  9. Bean, your randy rais has been having far too many WTF moments. Maybe he ought to take it down a notch?

    “What is wrong with our Parliament and our 222 Members of Parliament, they have debated the amendments to the Act and now they are debating through the media that the amendments were not proper. What type of law-makers are our Wakil Rakyat. They all should resign!” – Adam Abdullah

    Sure they debated the amendments but it was still passed. I’m sure it wasn’t passed with everybody’s consent thus the debate in the media.

  10. Bean, your randy rais has been having far too many WTF moments. – didi

    Gee, I didn’t know Mr. Bean and randy-rais had their WTF moments together. Changing modes together. No? What’s going on, Mr Bean?

  11. Randy Rais is cocksure about the governmnet stand being firm. Who is to say, didi, if he has too many WTF moments. You and I have our moments. Though not together.

  12. Guys & Gals,
    I do wonder…..don’t you think it’s very obvious that the government is doing everything to keep itself in power. well, this time voters should be going in to vote with eyes wide open. Again there is one lovely song by David Soul. Perhaps, Din can use it for sunday

  13. Mode Change Minister ? Laughable, all these Mood-changing Ministers, always changing their moods at their whims & fancies of their ways of ‘ governance’ ( in BM its is called Melatah…)….
    That’s the trouble in Malaysia, reeper – b’coz under Tun Mahathir’s regime they did not want ” yang cerdik pandai “. difficult to manage or control. They preffered the ” creepy-crawllies type….” – so all have been trained or ingrained with the concept that since they are the ‘chosen’ ones, so they can manage the nation in accordance with ” their ” changing moods. What an easy way to govern ?

  14. I get your point Frank, that’s correct for Randy Rais MODE changing, but i also intended to say that for all the Ministers appointed by the PM, they do things & govern the nation in accordance with their changing moods, at their whims & fancies all the time : they do not seem to understand the Rule of Law, despite being lawyers…..
    i agree too, we willl be happy if they are all ” changed” by the next Election…..

  15. Dato Din, do you think Rais defied and embarassed the PM directly by not discussing the Sect 114A amendments in cabinet on Wednesday as PM has promised the people? Is there defiance and “lawan tuan” at work here?

  16. That’s funny. When I wrote that I didn’t see Frank’s posting thanks to the delayed moderating mechanism put in place by our bloghost. Great men think alike they say. Hyancinth Goddard and her raincoat and all.

  17. Guys, Randy Rais and yours truly were admirers of beautiful women when he was at Dunearn Road Hostel SU in ’69 and I was visiting. But today he has taken the art of ass kissing to a new and different level.

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