Ugly Malaysians: You are giving our country a bad name

October 15, 2011

Ugly Malaysians : You are giving our country a bad name

Cambodia has banned its citizens from going to work in Malaysia as maids, its Prime Minister said yesterday, following a series of horrific reports of beatings and rapes.

The order follows a similar ban imposed by Indonesia on its citizens from taking new jobs as domestic workers in Malaysia, where maids are common in middle-class households, thanks in part to a large migrant labour pool.

“I would like to congratulate the Prime Minister for the suspension,” Cambodia opposition lawmaker Mu Sochua of the Sam Rainsy Party told Reuters after the decision by Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Cambodia’s Community Legal Education Centre, which is working with abused domestic workers, said there had been reports of three maids who were killed in Malaysia, and two were raped and kept in isolation, their passports held from them.

Indonesia banned its citizens from working as maids in Malaysia in 2009 after several highly publicised cases of physical abuse by Malaysian employers, which triggered anti-Malaysia demonstrations in Jakarta.

Both countries held discussions and reached an agreement in April this year after Malaysia pledged to improve working conditions, but Indonesia has yet to allow hiring to resume, worsening a growing shortage of domestic helpers in the country.

Immigrants make up of 21% of workforce

Malaysia is dependent on migrant workers who total up to two million people or 21 percent of the country’s workforce. Indonesia is the main source of foreign labour in Malaysia. One in every 16 residents in Malaysia’s capital hires an Indonesian helper, according to data from the Indonesian Embassy.

An Bunhak, president of the Association of Cambodian Recruiting Agencies, said it would uphold the order from the government to stop sending people to work as maids in Malaysia.

“The Ministry of Labour is enforcing what the Prime Minister has said,” An Bunhak said, adding that about 50,000 maids have sought work in Malaysia since 2009.

Cambodian recruitment agencies also this year decided not to send maids to Kuwait after complaints by human rights groups of abuse by employers there.

– Reuters

25 thoughts on “Ugly Malaysians: You are giving our country a bad name

  1. Malaysia becoming a “pariah” nation. Other nations are not only discouraging but even banning their citizens from seeking work in Malaysia. Malaysia needs to wake up and start having tougher laws in dealing with abuse of foreign workers.

    These domestic helpers are human too, not slaves. Malaysian employers treat them like slaves, working them long hours for the minimum pay they are paid. Often times they are made to do other things over and above those duties of a maid for which they are hired for.

    Malaysian employers are arrogant and heartless. Sometimes not only the parents even the children are encouraged to abuse the maids. All these for the measly sum of RM 800 or RM 900 per month?
    Semper Fi,

    There are laws to deal with these ugly Malaysians, but enforcement is weak. It is time for us to deal firmly with the recruiting agents and employers of these maids. Send both to gaol for abuses. Remember to the Nirmala Bolat case. Nirmala’s employer ended up the slammer.–Din Merican

  2. What can we expect from a government that can’t even deal with the messy Ah Long sticky ad. pasted everywhere.

  3. The government must endeavour to make sure that the perpetrators of such horrendous crimes will be dealt with severely.

    And to take remedial steps to make it mandatory that all prospective employers of foreign workers undergo an induction to make them fully aware not only of their responsibilities as employers but also the employee rights of foreign workers and the severe penalties that ensued should abuses occur.

    Most importantly, to remind them that foreign workers are not slaves ! They are human beings seeking a decent living and deserved to be treated with dignity .

  4. The solution is there but we are not looking at it. First of all remove the middlemen. At least in the case of the maids let employers get the maids directly and hold the employer responsible for getting the maid to return when she has completed her tour.To ensure that make them pay a deposit that is equal to the airfare and other charges related to deportation. Employers must be responsible to renew the visa at their cost and not deduct form the maid’s salary. Salary must be paid into a bank account on a monthly basis without fail. Passport and the bank book are the property of the maid and it must be held by her. Cost of bringing the maid here must be borne by the employer and should not be passed on to the maid.

    Now what happens is that employers pay the agents to renew the visa but they do not do it and then Home Affairs has to be called in to sort out the mess.

  5. Good move Cambodia. No slavery for money or for anything. Create conditions locally where people don’t have to leave home & loved ones to make a miserable living abroad.

  6. Far too many employers who do not have the slightest idea of decent and human values – but the first step must be, as has been suggested, to cut out the middlemen.

    Even with male immigrant workers – their constant complaint is the middlemen.

  7. Ugly Malaysians?
    Yup. I present to you “Ecce Homo (Behold the man)” – a wretched animal without virtue, egoistic and selfish, sensual and lustful, aggressive and cruel, domineering and conquering – a will to overpower, kill, rape, steal and torture. Are Malaysians really any different from other nationalities, or is it something in their psyche that has not changed over the epochs.

    While it’s convenient to blame this and that, the problem of such beastly behavior among a minority of Malaysian employers of ‘domestic helpers’ cannot be satisfactorily resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Slavery, no matter how modern, is still slavery. Predatory behavior can only be negated by establishing new tasks, new values and new goals besides the need to redirect basal instincts to a higher plane of existence.

    I have employed something close to 20 ‘domestics’ over the past 30 years – to help in household chores, care for my kids and aged parents – and honestly, i wish i could have done without them. I’ve contributed much to the coffers of the Philippines and Indonesia, besides those helpers who did not run away in a flash – because their ‘abang’ was waiting outside my house-gate. Nowadays, my kids and dogs keep me company – and i’ve decided let the house fall into a slum. Any questions?

  8. C’mon there is no way the Authorities on both sides of the divide are gonna take out the middle man. This opportunities for corruption is humongous and is probably the single most important source of income for immigration, police and local para military bullies.

  9. I agree with CLF. How to take out the middle men when they are the sons, brothers and uncles of Ministers. There’s the son of a former Dy. Home Minister whose house is across KGNS with cars parked like a used car lot,. The permits are money printing press. Blood money as they earn money on the blood sweat and tears of the maids.

    In the beginning the maids are real hard working employees. Very often they come from real poor villages and are not familiar with the gadgets in Malaysian homes. They need to be taught and trained to use these gadgets. But no, we Malaysians instead of teaching them we call them stupid and idiots. We expect a fully trained French Maid or Nanny for the meager sum of RM 700 per month for which the employer deduct the agent’s fees and what not.

    The problem worsen when Malaysia brought in male workers and failed to monitor the illegals that came in using visitors pass. These male and illegals are street wise and befriended the maids and so we see an increase in theft from the homes.

    With over 3 million legal and illegals working in Malaysia the government is now only discovering that it is incapable of administering the migrant workers problem and social issues associated with it. This is all attributed to the lackadaisical attitude of Immigration in enforcement and the “duit kopi” syndrome. Malaysia’s border is a porous border. Foreigners come in and they just blend in and disappear off the radar.

    There’s also the ego of the Malaysian employers displaying their wealth and tempting the maids. Malaysian employers also like to show off by having multiple maids to upkeep a house with a family of 4. If everyone chip in the daily chore you will only need one maid. Malaysians are a spoiled lot.

  10. “There’s the son of a former Dy. Home Minister whose house is across KGNS with cars parked like a used car lot,”

    What happened to Megat Junid, the father? Deceased?
    Yes, this unrepentant Mahathir balachi/crony died a few years ago. –Din Merican

  11. Certainly true, without a doubt what Mr Bean & CLF are saying is the truth, nothing but the truth : these are the parasites, the bloodsuckers in between the Agents and “some ” Immigration underworld officials, working in cohorts to suck blood of desperate people who come to try & earn meagre livelihood so that their children might have two meals per day in their homeland…..

    What ” conscience” ? these are ” beasts” in human clothings….wolf in sheep-clothings are better ! i don’t pretend to know, but wait when karma (retribution) dictates its ” law “, in the beastly kingdom, the proverbial ” humans in crocodile-clothings ” do get their meals from their prey all right…..but when the puddles of water dries up…..see how the preditors themselves facing agonising death !

    Don’t beleive that parable, its only in the astro footages….so no fear, carry on as normal….in this ” devouring game ” of natural selection, survival of the ” butes” is called survival of the fittest….

  12. Pak Semper,

    It is about the rule of law.

    Over where we are, the Constitution applies to citizens and non-citizens alike. Even illegal aliens have rights protected by the country’s Constitution. A foreigner be he a journalist on a visa should take note when in Malaysia (fast becoming a rogue state among third world countries) you could be deported without due process. Not to mention an impoverished, illiterate illegal alien and a victim of a slave trade.

  13. Mongkut Bean
    Apart from the rule of law, we are dealing with a fellow human being. How can we be so cruel towards another human being. Over here cats and dogs are treated better, not just because of rule of law but by common decency and love for life be it an animal. Even wild animals are rounded up and sent to safe shelter in wild fires.

    The employment of maids in Malaysia borders on human trafficking or slavery. Disgusting to even think about it.

  14. I recently watched a documentary on MSNBC about a slave trade which has its beginning in Cambodia and ending in Malaysia. Malaysia has earned its place as a pariah nation within the community of nations. It is no longer a Jewish plot originating in Hollywood.

  15. malaysians are a convoluted lot. what with all the different races, religions and cultural bonds and shackles? what with all the loony indian imports in Astro that shows you how to treat maids and women? what with all the escapades, corruption and scandals of the prominent peoples including our First man and Fräulein? what with our criminal inefficiencies of the civil Servants?
    you expect the malaysian public to be ANGELS?

    do away with the middlemen, how lah? they are there to collect the money from employers and maids and pass it on to the immigration officials.
    as they say of fish, the rot starts at the head. boot out umno/bn then sort out the problems.

    we have a maid the last ten years to help out with my aging father. she does all the chores that we don’t want and can’t do. we should be respectful and thankful to her for that.

  16. Ugly Malaysians are mostly corrupted ones and incompetents, no efforts in office got the money, lazy in home works and hire foreign maids, cheap labors. That is why immigrants Chinese and Indians .. were brought in by the Brits in colonial-era as slaves, kulli….

    Blame who?

  17. Methinks we shouldn’t entertain racism of any sort from parochial pea-brains like rightways, who would do better cultivating bonsai and playing with goldfish. Most of us are trying desperately to build up this country, which is the only one we’ve got – but these idiots (er, peasants, as per the original meaning) are still stuck in the Great Cultural Revolution of Chinapek-Land modus operandi.

    See what BN under the auspices of Octo has done? The fanatics from all sides are creeping outta woodwork. Can’t even admit they are idiots. At least i’m a fruitcake (mostly banana), but these guys are Lemons!

  18. It is Sunday morning. Over here it is. You guys need to take it easy and not let matters go to your head. Enjoy the bloghost’s hospitality and have a cup of coffee as did Ambassador Malott when he dropped by to give a word of encouragement to our Dato in his role as DJ (pro bono of course).

    The DJ is back by Demand

  19. Where is the link between bringing in foreign maids and Chinese and Indian immigrants brought in by the British? Malaysia has been independent 57 years why keep harping on colonial practices? Is Malaysia still a colony and need to be freed with help from PRC?
    According to Rightways every Malaysian is incompetent and lazy and only the Chinese from PRC are competent and hard working. Give me a break.

  20. Ever heard employees pouring hot water, iron their body over their indon maids ?.. and more tortures for simple mistakes of house chores. I

    Why these malaysian did all the barbaric act only God knows. The ugly malaysian faces splashed across the media when taken to court and sentenced to jail told the stories. Faces of sourgrapes and hatred…and most of the victims are indon maids, for whatever reasons.

  21. I support all foreign govts should BAN their citizens from coming to Malaysia to work as housemaids.

    This will teach those middle class to rich Malaysian families a lesson… they think they have money to treat maids like modern-day slaves.

    The children of these families to ill-treat the housemaids are indolent young bastards and wasteful young bitches who have no respect for another older individuals employed by their parents.

    Teach those custom-jewellery fat ass women to stay home instead of going out every afternoon to play mahjong or to play golf.

  22. spot-on, Frank….all decent Malaysians should support your call….if not for anything else, Malaysian ” employers” are arrogant lots…becoming lazy coz of ” easy” wealth ?
    Arrogance ? look at the Arabian Kingdom or middle easter nations, flushed with oil wealth…becoming TOO arrogant….for may be minor mistakes by their Indonesian maids, BEHEADING ! ! What’s this ? We are taught God shows mercy & love….these people are ” above” God !
    We should all of humanity go into this problem of Theodicy : About why ” Evil” exist in this world…enigmatic…inexplicable…confounding….
    Why is there so much of ” hate ” ? ? ?

  23. Not all the employees are cruel to their maid. But also not all tbhe maid are feel responsibility to their work. You want people good to you,first you must let people trust you. Like me i trust my maid,i give her my house key. At last she stole my money and gold and runaway. But what the camborian embassy do to settle this case? Non thing. Please think about employees situation too. One hand can not to clap. In this case not just blame to employees ,

    the maid also need to be responsibility.

  24. My story is very similar. But I SURVIVED to be able tell my story one day if someone will listen to it.
    The perpetrators were some very high profile wealthy Chinese Malaysians
    in KL with extensive Asia wide business interests in retail and
    Evil Psychopaths of the highest order hiding behind their
    social camouflage and continued prestige to this day. In ensuing years I
    moved to another country, got married and learn’t English so I could write &
    tell people about it in my extensive memoirs that has been able to bring
    myself closer to closure of my barbaric dehumanizing treatment, that almost 4
    years later I still have nightmares about..

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