Patriots and Pretenders:The Discourse continues

September 25, 2011

Patriots and Pretenders: The Discourse continues

by Nigel Aw@
Sep 24, 11

At a time when the country is grappling with a question on its independence history – was the country ever colonised to begin with – academic Kua Kia Soong attempts to make sense of the “patriots” and “pretenders” of the country’s struggle for freedom. independence.

kua kia soong new book launching patriot and pretender 240911 1So, who are the patriots and pretenders? According to Kua, (left) the common folk were the patriots for they lay down their lives against the colonial masters while the pretenders tried to take credit for the country’s independence without shedding any blood.

“The patriot are those who defended their country with their lives and their freedom. They sacrificed themselves in at least two important wars, against the Japanese fascists in the second world war and against British colonialism.

“The pretenders are the one who did not lay down their lives but claimed that the country’s independence was gained by them… Independence was gained by the anti-colonial war movement made up of the workers, peasantry and the progressive middle class, people who were in AMCJA-Putera…”

These were the groups that had demanded independence, long before UMNO, said Kua during the launch of his latest book, “Patriot and Pretenders: The Malayan Independence Struggle” in Kuala Lumpur last night.”

kua kia soong new book launching patriot and pretender 240911 psm nasirAlso present were Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) chairperson Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim, PKR vice-president N Surendran and Centre for Independent Journalism executive officer Masjaliza  Hamzah.

The 159-page book takes a class perspective on the country history and also looks at the unsung heroes of the country’s struggle for independence.

Text books display communalistic intent

The book takes a particular interest in the 1948 emergency period, with Kua pointing out some misconceptions about that history perpetuated by school textbooks. Kua said while the communist insurgents were often portrayed as the aggressors, but they had only declared an armed struggle six months after the British declared the emergency in Malaya.

“After the emergency in June 1948 the colonial government went from one repressive action to another and it took the CPM right up to December to declare the armed struggle. That is a fact.”

kua kia soong new book launching patriot and pretender 240911 3Aside from pretenders, Kua who presented a briefing on his book said the country’s history is also often manipulated for communalistic purposes particularly in regard to the emergency.

“More than 100,000 Malayans were killed by the Japanese, but we can forgive the Japanese, emperor Hirohito is welcome in this country but Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) leader Chin Peng cannot come to this country to visit his parents’ graves… there is a communal intent in the government’s handling of the emergency,” he said.

He added that this is again reflected in the recent Bukit Kepong controversy where PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu had praised Mohammed Indera who led the attack on the Bukit Kepong police station in 1950 as a freedom fighter.

“In recent years, practically during every general election, the Bukit Kepong film by Jins Shamsuddin will be aired on television… I don’t see any Mat Indera who was supposed have been leading the insurgents (in the film)…all I see is Chinese,” he said.

Historical selectivity’s damage

Amid the fierce debate on who were the true fighters of independence, Kua took the National Professors’ Council to task for suggesting that the country had never been colonised.

“We see the problem of history in this country, it is not just a problem of UMNO domination of our history and ideologues who are asked to write them… now we even have these professors who are responsible for some of the most idiotic interpretation of history,” he said.

kua kia soong new book launching patriot and pretender 240911 2He challenged the professors to publish their points in internationally recognised journals, saying that they would turn into jokes.

Kua also highlighted the selectivity in history, pointing out that the government had in the past commissioned a scholar to write on the country’s emergency, only to reject it later.

“Anthony Short* was a Universiti Malaya lecturer and was commissioned by the Malaysian government to write the history of the emergency, when he finished it was rejected… Why was a government commissioned report on history rejected?”

* He is the author of The Communist Insurrection in Malaya, 1948-1960.

28 thoughts on “Patriots and Pretenders:The Discourse continues

  1. “…we even have these professors who are responsible for some of the most idiotic interpretation of history….. I challenge the professors to publish their points in internationally recognised journals…”- Dr Kua Kia Soong

    Dr Kua forgot one thing and he should not have proposed another thing:

    (1) He should have said”..we even have these KANGKUNG professors …

    (2) He should never even raise the idea of having these Kangkung professors to write the History of Malaysia in any international journals. Because these Kangkung professors might take him on… and where can the educated Malaysians, students and those who had graduated show their faces after that?

    Idiotic professors breed idiotic graduates!!!
    Frank, Dr Kua knows that the writings of these Kangkung Professors will not see the light of day in referred historical journals. Maybe, they will be accepted by one of our Universities like USM or UKM for their journals. Utusan Malaysia will welcome them.–Din Merican

  2. “National Professors Council”? Goodness gracious, another one of those shady outfits run by ‘hallowed be thy name’ flurs, who pretend they are intelligent.. What are they professing?

  3. The “Bukit Kepong” movie by Jin Samsudin does more than just showing Malays [even if the Malays characters in movie were in the obvious employ of the Tuan Putihs] against Chinese [conveniently labelled as communists]. That was the first stage, and a long time ago. The current spin by the same movie is to agitate the Malays that they are under siege by greedy Chinese, and they should die defending their honour.

    With all the mega and BN-linked corruption cases happening today, it would be more appropriate to make another movie where normal Malaysians [especially the Orang Asli and natives of Sabah and Sarawak] of all races and creed defend their stockades against greedy politicians and government officials.

    The British as I had said earlier, needed Malaya’s revenues at all costs to prop its motherland’s economy. It is only natural to assume, under conditions of desperation, resort to all ways available to achieve that.

    I hope Malayans have learnt from this episode to do more thinking for themselves rather than leave the thinking to others who do not have our interests at all. Malayans have swallowed the hook, and to pull it out from their stomaches now, would entail excruciating pain because we were fed lies and relied on those lies to form our thinking.

    As such Malaysians must do away with many of our history books, and entertain thoughts for new ones.

    Books like the “Interlok” cannot be allowed to see the light of day because it simply perpetuates more of the same lies.

  4. “The pretenders are the one who did not lay down their lives but claimed that the country’s independence was gained by them… ” Kua

    Well, had they laid down their lives (as opposed to putting their lives in harm’s way) they couldn’t claim anything. Could they?

  5. So..killing and murdering people especially the kampungs folk in Malaya during those years by the communist terrorist whom are mostly chinese is considered human?

    Come on ..I will never forgive the comunist for kidnapping my relative and dumping his brutally murdered body into the jungle whom was never found.

    Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas nya.

    Let the wise malaysian whoever you are gave a good long taught!

  6. “While the communist insurgents were often portrayed as the aggressors, but they had only declared an armed struggle six months after the British declared the emergency in Malaya.” Kua

    A case of mischievous reporting or a deliberate distortion of the facts in an attempt to rehabilitate history itself to suit the mood of the time? Which?

    In their effort to indoctrinate the world with their ideology, it is common knowledge that the Communists believe in a 2-fold strategy i.e. through peaceful, legal and constitutional means and extra-constitutional and through the use of force. In Malaya, the first was to last until the MCP was declared illegal. And it was declared illegal in July of 1948 the same year the Brits declared ‘Emergency’ and took the fight to the Communist terrorists who had murdered three British planters earlier the same year — all civilians and which resulted in the passing of preventive detention laws which survived to this day.

  7. You need to look at the broader picture here. Another war was raging at the same time in nearby Indo China i.e. over Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. The French, Brits and Americans were not prepared to give independence to the Communists. Ho Chin Min was first a nationalist and second a Communist. The Americans became involved in a civil war in Vietnam which they know now they should not have. It is all about the Domino Theory. In Malaya the Brits were not prepared to give independence and hand over the country to a Communist government. The issue of race unfortunately serves to complicate matters since Malays being natives and are Muslims do not make natural recruits or easy prey to this foreign ideology.

  8. It was the nature and attitude of BMA as conquering losers, that caused widespread revolt. The Commies (all races), were first and foremost driven by ideology; while the nascent ‘Malayans’ (of all races, too) fought for Independence and Nationalistic goals. My uncles fought on the side of the latter, and they were Chinese if i’m not mistaken. I think race should be kept out of the equation. Realistically though, the ‘Emergency’ could not have been won without the Chinese compliance. Brigg’s Plan notwithstanding.

    No one it seems can look at this period without emotive jaundiced eyes. There is a need to come to some consensus, without political or racist interference. But that ain’t possible, is it?

  9. Wars and insurgencies are brutal, tragic, inhuman, unforgiving and driven to their conclusions single-mindedly. Atrocity is not a vulgar word in war. Death is natural consequence

    Let us face it… atrocity is committed by both sides. The atrocities committed by the Americans in Vietnam is well known (read: My Lai), and so were the Vietcongs.

    Likewise, the Communists in Malaya, the British, and the Malayans who fought against the communists, whether the prize was independence or not.

    So, let us not get sentimental about this whole issue. Those communists who fought in the jungle had never forgiven the UMNO-led Malayans for siding with the British and for hunting them out like animals.

    So for anyone here saying they will never forgive the communists because their relatives got killed, you will have the same sentiments said against the UMNO-led Malayans and the British. This type of argument does not contribute anything substantive except to vomit out raw emotions.

    One other thing: I think it is silly and dumb to talk about patriotism in our discourse on the Malayan Emergency because both sides could claim the same. UMNO-led Malayans do not, nor the communists, have the monopoly of patriotism in the fight for independence.

  10. The Brits were running out of cash, eventhough British Malaya brought them a lot of money, but it was a still major cash-flow problem. So what the Brits did was to force (coerce, cajole, encourage) Malayans to sign irrevocable forward contracts on its resource industry favoring the Brits, and in return gave the Malayans what we know today as “Merdeka” which Malayans thought was the ultimate (some kind of panacea, if one could analyse the fever drummed up during those times).

    And UMNO, MCA, and MIC were the rearguard to cover the Brits’ withdrawal. Of course, the Brits knew who would eventually take control – the Brits were silently reassured of the affinity of this newly-born Malaya.

    Perhaps, the three groups did not know what they were doing because they as pretenders were intoxicated with newly-gotten power, and also had to deal with racial politics purveyed by the Brits as a hedge against any treachery (or non-compliance) from any of the three.

  11. “So what the Brits did was to force (coerce, cajole, encourage) Malayans to sign irrevocable forward contracts on its resource industry favoring the Brits, and in return gave the Malayans what we know today as “Merdeka” …”

    Nice use of foreign exchange language here.

    Yes. When you import goods denominated in USDLS you hedge against fluctuations in the money market by entering into forward contracts in USDLS. In my days local traders were not allowed to have foreign currency accounts and they will need to sell off their holdings of foreign currencies to Central Bank.

    Yes. That’s one way to put it.

  12. The CPM main aim was only to convert Malaya or Persekutuan Tanah Melayu and later Malaysia a communist state till 1989 when they finally decided to surrender and gave uo their struggle.

    So..why claim the CPM as ffighting for independence when still commiting atrocities till 1989 like the murrder of IGP and Perak CPO?

    And for muslims..they will never accept the communist doctrine..and fhe frustration led to their atrocities to the majority local folks who are mostly mislims that never supported the CPM.

    As for a muslim like mat sabu..I hope he repent soon and may god guide him in his future political gimmicks!

  13. Malaysia has no future, no root if we are unable to rethink our history which is written and twisted by winners: the canny Brits who have been toying with Malayan Sultans into colonization with unequal treaties and the so called laws and orders.

    Very true, “The patriot are those who defended their country with their lives and their freedom. They sacrificed themselves in at least two important wars, against the Japanese fascists in the second world war and against British colonialism…

    “The pretenders are the one who did not lay down their lives but claimed that the country’s independence was gained by them… Independence was gained by the anti-colonial war movement made up of the workers, peasantry and the progressive middle class, people who were in AMCJA-Putera…”

    These were the groups that had demanded independence, long before UMNO, said Kua”

  14. The CPM main aim was only to convert Malaya or Persekutuan Tanah Melayu and later Malaysia a communist state till 1989 when they finally decided to surrender and gave uo their struggle – yusoff saifullah

    I beg to differ. It was the facts that CPM automatically laid down their arms struggle after independence, NOT surrender.

  15. I can understand the crippling ‘thoughts’ of CPM trying to dominate British Malaya politics. It thus became what if? And thereafter the possibilities of world politics which we never saw because the Brits’ intervention made sure it did not go that particular way, to serve its allies’ and own interests.

    Many of us did not have the helicopter view to postulate many scenarios. Worst still, many of us chose to remain ignorant and continue to whimper and grovel in the dark, stuck with sticky propaganda in our minds.

    It is as if many of us live in modern high rise but our brains are still not ‘lighted’. We cannot see beyond the shores of Malaysia because we are comforted by our own emotions, and refuse to consider other possibilities.

    At this day and age, it is a great pity because it gives an indication to foreign powers that many Malaysians do not have sophisticated thinking and therefore are still very gullible.

    Melodrama pervaded Malayan and Malaysian politics when atrocities were committed by both sides during the emergency. Emotions rather than rationality clouded our judgement, to our own disadvantage.

  16. Most Malaysians cannot “think critically” even they are British or American educated, the so called the best! Their best cannot be equally our best, most probably the worse!

  17. Most Malaysians cannot “think critically” even they are British or American educated, the so called the best! Their best cannot be equally our best, most probably the worse–

    Who is “their” and who is “our” Am I missing something here? Hello teacher help me please.

  18. The truth is the communist only interested turning Malaya then into a comunist republic.

    They were never patriots who defended this country in two wars.

    What wars?

    The communist began only as resistance group known as anti-japanese army MPAJA so-called with hit and run tactics. That is not war at all but merely gureilla strategies then.

    Dont forget Askar Wataniah was also formed at that time by the locals to fight the japanese.

  19. Another war so claim is the communist fighting the Brits for independence?

    I beg to differ. The Brits never came to wage wars in 1880s when they first arrived unlike the Portugese in 1511 or the Dutch in 1641. The Malay Rulers then accept the Brits only to be advisors to the Malay States pertaining to proper state administration, infrastructure development and economic progress. Thus began the influx of immigrant labourers from China and India to the Malay States. Later more came as traders.

    These trend of course continues till now with more influx of ommogrant from neighbouring countries in this region like Indons, Bangladeshis,Pakistanis, Mymars. Kampuches,Vietnamese etc

  20. Most Malaysians cannot “think critically” even they are British or American educated, the so called the best! Their best cannot be equally our best, most probably the worse!

    Who is “their” and who is “our” Am I missing something here? Hello teacher help me please. – webelos

    Clearly, “their” refer to British and Americans; “our best” refer to Malaysia with colonial-era roots.

    The Brits and Americans colonized and dominate the world with their interests, not ours. Can Malaysia equally do the same? The worst is that colonial-era roots don’t know how to be a boss, always like a dog!

  21. The facts are:

    Brits treated Malay Sultans like toys, gave their best, the canny advices to the Malay Rulers on how to mange the country, but effectively colonized and exploited Malaya to its fullest.

    Chinese and Indian were not immigrants at all but brought in by the British colonists as slaves/hard laborers/Kuli to work for British exploitation as Malays could not meet Brit’s’ expectation of work.

    However, when Brits were defeated and cowardly flee after Japan invaded us and replaced as new colonial ruler, the communists, unfortunately most of them were Chinese who fought the Japanese occupation with cruelty and atrocity.

    When Japan surrendered at the end of World War II, the British returned to Malaya, the communists were recognized by the British as HEROES with medals and awards, like BOE (Orders of British Empire) for Chin Peng, etc.

    Chin Peng and CPM did not agree to British return as colonial masters again but wanted independence from Britain. As a result, CPM arms struggle with continued with the British, from hero to zero!

    Eventually, Malaya gained independence from the British colonial rule, Correct the facts that communists automatically gave up arm struggle themselves, not defeated or surrender to anyone.

  22. Only the communist fought the japanese occupation?

    What about Askar Wataniah formed by by the majority Malays and Force 136 made up of local soldiers trained in India by the Brits and parachuted back into the Malayan jungles?

    When the japs surrender ed the Malay Rulers however agreed to the Brits return to Malaya to administer the chaos left by the japs,hence the BMA was enforced and that matters.

    After all who is Chin Pene ompared to the Rulers to disagreed with the Brits return ? Chin Peng and his followers was never the authority unlike the Malay Rulers with their soverign powers over the Malay States or Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

    The communist even dared to raise arm struggle against the Brits with the same weapons and armoury given to them by the Brits during their resistance against the japs earlier. The case could be likened to Malay proverb ” saperti kacang lupakan kulit” or “beri betis hendakkan peha” !

  23. When the japs surrender ed the Malay Rulers however agreed to the Brits return to Malaya to administer the chaos left by the japs. – yusoff saifullah

    Credits should be given to all Malayan peoples who fought the Japanese and the British colonial masters who occupied and exploited us.

    So you are happy and glorifying the Brits who toyed politics with the Malay Rulers?

    Weapons captured from Brits and Japs belonged to victors, why can’t use them?

  24. Tne Brits did tried to toy politics with the Malay Rulers but however they failed due to strong opposition from the masses especially the Malays led by Tun Jaafar Onn against the Brits.

    The idea of Malayan Union rooted by the Brits was an icing on the cake for them to reduce and removed the Rulers but were heavily protested by the Malays by show of defiant throughout Malaya in 1946. However the communist kept their silence or perhaps for once agreed with the Brits about the Malayan Union.

    The Malays even today are very attached to their Rulers and will not allowed anyone even the Brits whatsoever to undermine their role as enshrined in the constitution. They are the roots of the existence of the Malay Kingdom that makes what Malaysia today!

  25. Get your fact correct. The weapons were never captured from the Brits or japs, in fact those weapons were given by the Brits as military aids to fight the japs not only to the communist but also to Askar wataniah and Force 136 as resistance forces against the japs.

    The question of glorifying the Brits do not arise here.

    Let me reiterate once again that the communist were never the patriots or fighting for independence of this country. It is sheer nonsense to say the least that people who commits unimaginable atrocities to the citizen of this country be regarded as patriots. They are only sacrificing their lives for the sake of their belieff in communism, nothing else.

    In reality today communism has never met any light at the end of the tunnel and fast diminishing into the twilight zone. Even China made drastic reforms to their economic ventures and policy.Now they even speak the English language everywhere. The same language that we communicate now!

    Just look at North Korea, so-called the last communist bastion in the east . They are suffering from lack of food and facing famine and drought. International aids are forbidden by their selfish communist leaders who rule behind the iron curtain.

  26. What a LOAD of BULL!

    -The chinese MPAJA fight against the Japanese because they were fighting for their motherland in China
    -The Japanese were treating the Chinese badly for their involvement (direct or indirectly) in their FIGHT for their Motherland

    And why woulld they fight for Malaya?

    -The chinese communist wasn’t a CITIZEN back then…
    -The jungle of Malaya was a good location for guerrilla attack on Japanese

    And why would the MALAYS want a COMMUNIST government?

    THe Chinese are fighting their own war and the war for their own survival

    The Chinese wasn’t involved in the fight of Melaka against Portuguese
    and the Dutch
    The Chinese wasn’t mention in the assassination of J.W Birch

    The only part of History that Chinese was involved in Malaya was the support for Malayan Union….

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