“Muhyiddin is more credible”, says the Oracle of Syed Putra

September 3, 2011


“Muhyiddin is more credible”, says the Oracle of Syed Putra

by Dato Ariff Sabri*

Many of us have fond memories of former Kedah Menteri Besar, Sanusi Junid, for 1,001 reasons. He can be comical at one time, deadpan serious at another. Sanusi, who joined UMNO in 1963, used to regal many of us with his caustic remarks aimed at disarming UMNO president Najib Tun Razak or discrediting Najib as it were.

He related his many conversations with Najib’ father, Tun Razak. One of these conversational bites was when Tun Razak was sighing about how Najib couldn’t cut his teeth into politics. Sanusi would let out a half smile when he tells us of the moment when he cheekily asked: “Why Tun?”And Tun Razak replied: “Too much skirt chasing.”

According to the Oracle of Syed Putra, there is a growing divide between Najib, UMNO and the Malays. (Incidentally, the Oracle is the alter ego of Daim Zainudin. You can almost say what the Oracle says is what Daim thinks.)

According to him, the low estimation of Najib as Prime Minister and UMNO President is no longer just confined to the man on the street whose opinions may be justifiably dismissed as idle talk. But the same opinions are being said and repeated by UMNO luminaries, people of some significance, indicating a very serious perception problem.

Umno leaders complaining

So what is Najib doing now? Najib is seen as being busy finding ways to channel money to Chinese vernacular schools and that is alienating the Malay voters farther.He’s seen as appeasing non-Malays more and more.

It seems to me his way of solving problems is by paying his way through. Yet the UMNO  warlords from which UMNO and its President depend for political power are not amused. They are NOT receiving projects for their areas. For example, the UMNO leaders in Kedah are complaining. They have been asked to set the agenda to retake Kedah yet they have not been given resources to go into battle.

Forget ’3M’ grouping

Speaking of Kedah, I asked the Oracle what’s his take on the 3M grouping of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz (Mahathir’son)?

“I wouldn’t give much credence to the 3M thing. For what purpose? For Muhyiddin to ascend to the PM post? He can do that by other means at his disposal. He is enjoying better credibility with his Malay first, Malaysia second attitude with the Malay hoi poloi.

“To prop up Mukhriz so that Mahathir will lend his weight to Muhyidin? That is possible. But how long can Mukhriz survive in politics by hanging on the coat-tails of his father?

“It’s like you said about Najib being cornered to come out with his last resort defence when attacked on his policies. All he could muster was – he is Tun Razak’s son. How long can you sell that? So why should Muhyiddin be a party to declining forces?” said the Oracle.

‘Najib is politically finished’

According to him, Muhyiddin isn’t as stupid as he looks. He thinks the 3M thing is just another red herring to disguise some sort of power struggle within UMNO. It could be even be something the Najib camp is manufacturing to justify isolating Muhyiddin.

“Najib is politically finished. He is isolating himself with a band of highly self-opinionated advisers. He has this habit of abandoning friends and dismissing advice and frank criticisms.He prefers the advice and company of greenhorn advisers.They may be clever people, but haven’t got the political wisdom and savvy,” said the Oracle.

So, who does Najib have for advisers? Are they as ‘good’ as those that Mahathir had? Mahathir had Daim, Anwar Ibrahim (then), Sanusi and Megat Junid who were his operatives. They did the ground and underground work so that Mahathir could do what he does best – which is, projecting himself as an unrelenting crusader to almost anything on earth.

Why was Mahathir able to do that? Because he had a team of sewer workers. Najib hasn’t got people who will want to do the dirty work for him.

*This excerpt is from the writer’s blog sakmongkolak47. The writer is a FMT columnist

21 thoughts on ““Muhyiddin is more credible”, says the Oracle of Syed Putra

  1. IF that were to happen, Malaysia have got no other choices, ONLY three choices left ( like it or not ) : DSAI, who must be freed from encumberabces first, then we have got YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, and, YM Tunku Abdul Aziz…..( others may have their own list ) –

    Forget about the rest….even if the Oracle thiinks it wants to project its own ” icon/s ” , who had proved to be ” Cons ” in the past… What choices have we got ? ?

  2. It is SO disgusting, reading this article about just how low Malaysia has sunken into. Whether or not Muhyiddin is as ‘clever’ as it has been suggested, this character is full of poisonous venom, far more greedy for the loot and power than even the old crook Mahathir. And that is in comparison with the current PM who has been accused of cruel and wicked murder, and many other evil he has committed. We MUST get rid of UMNO!

  3. Najib a skirt chaser?

    He would book a room at Hotel Merlin and would ask for his favourite masseuse No. 3 and would ask her for a hand job. Of course she would always oblige him for an extra RM30. She would tell me, “Itu Najib, dia banyak nakal punya olang.”

  4. The Oracle of Syed Putra talks about young and smart but not wise and politically savvy advisors behind Najib. He forgot about APCO, FBC and other foreign con-sultans who are racking in millions of ringgits for giving advice which are irrelevant to local culture and politics. I feel Najib needs the comfort of big name PRs consultants since he himself is plagued by personal problems and cannot think straight.

    Today, after more than 2 years in power, he is under seige. Rosmah is not helping him either as she is very engrossed with herself. She has ruined his political career and one of the causes of unpopularity. If he does not control her, Najib will be heading for more trouble. So he must enjoy the perks of power as much as he can before they are taken away from him.

    Muhyiddin is more credible than Najib, no doubt given recent boo boos by the Prime Minister. He says he is Malay First, Malaysian second. He has not budged from that position. He is firm and focused. But he knows when he assumes high office, he is a Malaysian Prime Minister. He is street smart and more down to earth with the soul of the common man than the aristocratic and aloof Najib. Furthermore, he does not have an albatross like Rosmah Mansor around his neck. Puan Sri Noraini, his wife, is a humble, simple and unassuming person and she will be his greatest asset. All the best to you, Tan Sri Muhyiddin.

  5. The Malays in UMNO are angry at Najib not because he’s flip-flopping but because they don’t get projects? Don’t equate themselves with men on the streets. Most of us are angry at Najib because he flip-flops too much. But I guess they are right about Najib’s love of paying to solve his problems.

  6. Dato Din,

    I believe I told you this story before. Najib is very scared of Rosmah. On a visit with Musa Hitam in the early 80’s, Najib gave me some money to buy presents for his children from his earlier marriage. I was to give the presents to Najib and said that it was from me if Rosmah were to ask.

    It was a sad day for me when a father had to lie to give presents to his children. What kind of man is he? It is his right as a man to give his children presents and no business of Rosmah. It’s his money and they are his off springs.

    It’s also the day I lost respect for Najib. If Petronas is planning to do a Hari Raya tear jerker commercial consider this storyline.

  7. ” It seems to me , his way of solving problems is by paying his way through.” – extracted from article above.

    This seems right , that his way of solving his problems is by paying his way through.

    Second , and even more alarming is his ” you help me win GE 13 and i will help you “. This is what this sitting premier told the indian community at least two times in the recent past. The question that went a begging was , why can’t this sitting prime minister help the indian community now ? Why wait till after GE 13?

    Would’nt helping them now, help him and his coalition during GE 13?

  8. Given a false dilemma (when only 2 choices are considered, when in fact there are others), i’d have to choose dPM for consistency and determination, if nothing else.

    Semper is absolutely right wrt to The Fear in Jibbo’s eyes, but then who are we to talk about another person’s marital bliss, or lack thereof?
    I would put it to you, that it all boils down to ‘pukau’ and koro. See here:


  9. Semper earlier introduced this video. Our bloghost has abdicated his position as DJ and so I thought it’d be fitting to introduce the same video for the listening pleasure of visitors to this blog as a reminder to all of us as to who is in fact in charge of our beloved country.

  10. Here’s a song Malaysians living abroad have for the country they once called ‘home’. And there’s a line that resonates well with how they feel. Guess which?

  11. The song by D Mercy tells it all. Plug in your own lyrics to befit your situation. Sad especially at this stage of our lives that we have to be reminded that “tiada lagi kan ku datang lagi untuk mu Malaysia”

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