PKR’s Only Policy is “MAD”(Mutually Assured Destruction)

December 29, 2010

PKR’s Only Policy is “MAD”

by Manjit Bhatia*

COMMENT: Perhaps combusting is the wrong word to describe the ongoing fracas within PKR. And maybe fracas is the wrong word to describe what clearly is amounting to a little more than a mêlée within the party that promised so much and has given little, if anything at all.

PKR’s disarray certainly must be disconcerting to its supporters, many of whom have been deserting it in droves, to those voters who took to the sidelines after the last general election, and to those who would become eligible to vote for the first time by the next poll, in 2012.

For all that, Anwar Ibrahim, the so-called spiritual leader of PKR, who is faced with his own set of personal legal woes, even if these have been politically concocted by his enemies, the ruling UMNO-BN coalition, of which he was once a high-profile member, has been quite curiously mum.

And maybe just as well – so far as UMNO-BN is concerned. Not that the ruling coalition would be worried otherwise, anyway. The fragmentation of PKR, having fallen under the spell of self-inflicted madness, has been deepening over the last 12 months.

And you can bet that UMNO-BN would be enormously gleeful about the growing prospects of regaining its two-thirds majority at the next election.

This is not to say that the 2012 poll will be a sitter for BN. But the more the accusations fly to and back, the more the dissent, suspensions, expulsions, recriminations and flight of leading politicians, the less it will take rocket-science calculations to suggest that UMNO boss and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will be sufficiently emboldened to call a snap poll in the first half of next year.

And he will likely take Sarawak to the polls with him, if only to protect that state’s chief minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, and his ill-gotten wealth, just as Golkar did in protecting the Indonesian dictator and murderer, Suharto, his family and their ill-gotten wealth.

As ugly as PKR’s internal strife has looked, increasingly, it is has been extremely self-destructive. In fact PKR looks headed for calamity of the worst kind of self-annihilation.

The first round of the reformasi movement in the late 1990s had helped galvanise the regime’s opponents across the national political spectrum. It helped to forge PKR as a ‘viable’ political alternative to UMNO-BN. It had the ruling party on the run, seen glaringly by the 2008 poll result.

PKR should have been capitalising more on its popularity by hammering the ruling coalition for its embedded corruption, cronyism, nepotism and incompetence. It could have gone further to expose the out-and-out stupidity of most, if not all of its politicians, the regime’s policy bungles and its unrepentant, barefaced racism.

Instead it left these jobs to just two or three of its key and competent political hands, like Tian Chua and Pakatan Rakyat coalition partner DAP’s Charles Santiago especially, and perhaps Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh.

BN regains political momentum

The rest seem rather useless. For the rest have been too busy trying to cement their political positions by way of horse-trading, bitching, bellyaching, sitting on their hands and thinking that, like the UMNO-BN politicians, they too were entitled to equal measures of fame and fortune.

This, meanwhile, has allowed UMNO-BN to regain the political momentum through its usual, nefarious monkeyshines that are born of its long-renowned cowardice.

There’s no second coming now for PKR. The morphing of Reformasi I into its second, more vociferous and effectual reincarnation looks terribly impossible, even if Anwar were to be found guilty – again – for sodomy, and jailed.

Knowing the corruption that is inherent up and down in Malaysia’s ‘justice’ system, as indeed in its armed forces, the police and government, including most likely the cabinet, Anwar’s conviction and imprisonment will neither surprise his supporters nor him.

To that extent it is understandable that Anwar has been massively distracted from strictly running PKR and inspiring the party and its theologians for what it had promised Malaysians, or at least those whose souls the UMNO-BN had not bought like Satan.

Yet Anwar’s political debilitation also speaks volumes of his other serious weaknesses. The indictment he faces today is serious enough. It will almost certainly kill off his political career and ambition permanently.

He has become a lousy political strategist and an ineffectual leader. He has allowed other political leaders within PKR to develop tribalistic motivations and purely selfish intentions that stem, clearly, from the hunger for power and the material spoils of political office. This has now begun to seal PKR’s fate.

It matters still less if the likes of Zaid Ibrahim, either out of despair or desperation, tear themselves away from PKR to form their own opposition political parties. PKR is in tatters, but Zaid’s party , if he forms one, won’t last.

It’ll seriously lack the following required to make a 5 percent dent in the polls to be remotely relevant. And Zaid barely has the charisma that Anwar used to wield.

Fence sitting for disenchanted voters

Moreover, disenchanted supporters and general voters will return to sitting on the fence or, worse, vote for the devil they know than the devils that new parties spawn or the ones that PKR seems to have heralded.

They will vote for the BN coalition despite all the rot the regime has nurtured and protected that goes against the spirit of Negaraku and all other ludicrous, parochialistic tripe, so long as the economy plods on and their jobs are safe.

Therein lies another monumentally serious problem for Anwar and PKR: the sheer absence of any credible, alternative policies – real ones, in a real world, that seriously pursue the national interest, that will seriously challenge the regime at the next poll.

Since its formation, PKR has offered nothing. Rather, it has, at each turn, merely appealed to the basic political instincts and primordial sensibilities of the people. Its politicians, including aspiring ones, have employed parochialism and communalism wherever necessary.

pkr congress 281110 nurul izzah anwarAnd, ironically, it has promised that PKR is more just than the regime could ever be or has ever been.

PKR’s many failures require immediate redress. Its only policy has been MAD – mutually assured destruction. It looks too late for Anwar and PKR. The PKR ship is listing, badly. Salvage crews are deserting the ship.

More and more rank-and-file members are less willing to listen. They’re bailing out, even if Anwar’s eldest daughter, Nurul Izzah, positions herself to take over the party that has lost its way and shredded its promise.


*MANJIT BHATIA is an Australian academic, writer and journalist. He is also research director of AsiaRisk, a risk analysis consultancy. He now divides his life and work between Australia, Britain and the US.

24 thoughts on “PKR’s Only Policy is “MAD”(Mutually Assured Destruction)

  1. PKR is a party in the making and we can expect many more hard times before it reaches maturity. More than anything else, it is in urgent need of leadership. For the sake of a genuine opposition in the country, we wish PR well. But for the moment they should put their heads down and try to show the electorate what they can achieve in the states under their control.

    Their biggest problem? Anwar Ibrahim … no leadership qualities whatsoever.
    Isa Manteqi,

    Happy New Year. Yes, PR is doing fine in Penang and Kedah. PKR should focus on getting its organisation right. Go beyond protests because governing a country is a very serious business. –Din Merican

  2. Momentum lost cannot be regained. Ask any strategist and he will tell that it is true. This is because in politics, as in business, credibility and the brand matter. Once both are damaged, recovery is difficult, although not impossible.

    The force of 2008 Tsunami has dissipated as rapidly as it hit Malaysian shores. It is now clear to me at least that GE12 was about Badawi and his policies, which Pakatan Rakyat was able to exploit.

    Najib is obviously different since he has been able to introduce new policies and programmes which will form the core of his manifesto for a new mandate from Malaysians. 2011 is a different thing all together. And our hopes for a strong two party system for Malaysia have dwindled. Anwar’s party has been severely damaged due to hubris and incessant infighting, the Gobalakrishnan episode being the latest. It is due for rebranding and overhaul, but this is not likely in the near term.

    In the meantime, UMNO-BN is bouncing back and the question is how Najib’s popularity (69% approval rating according to Merdeka Center) will translate in votes for UMNO-BN in GE-13. UMN0-BN propagandists and bloggers have been able to take advantage of the Internet, Facebook, Twitter and related tech tools to spread the new message of change and revitalisation. Even the mainstream media is working hard to project UMNO-BN as a reformist group of sorts in terms of governance and foreign policy. –Din Merican

  3. As PKR has gone MAD, its now left to Haris and gang to come out with the opposition or rather “independent” party. At the rate we are going we are clutching to straws. GE 12 came with a bang, now PKR are going out MAD. Our hope is that Harris and gang will form a credible front, although it is such a short time for them. I pray they do not lead us up the aisle as did these MAD people.
    As for us, the voting public, lets not point fingers to any one but ourselves. Do not make the mistake we made at the 12GE by not voting the BN out. All we did was to curtail their 2/3 majority, big deal!!!. VOTE OTHER THAN BN, I say, even if its a dog standing for election this 13GE. Is this wishful thinking on my part, somehow even I tend to think so. Dream on old chap, what else can I do?

  4. ” In the meantime umno bn is bouncing back … “. – Din merican.

    This is all poppy cock talk because is based on the 69 % cunfusion. Like in 2008 , the people spoke very eloquently – definately more eloquently then the author of this piece – but they ( the people ) remained quiet and low profiled till it was time for them to speak. And they spoke in unison.

    They will speak again when the time comes . And this time their voice will be louder then the slurps you hear when merdeka center says quietly please – they are 69ing.

  5. Almost 3 years down the road since the 2008 tsunami, we get hard-hitting criticisms on anything and everything about PKR without a blink of the eye. We, the voters, put them where they are. So did the many who put up with the antics of BN for 53 years. Some of us behave like loose cannons, hitting back at every opportunity we get at the law makers on the opposition side. I dare say, some of them voted in do deserve the brickbats they get. Is it because they are political novices just learning the ropes to be WAKIL RAKYATs or ADUNs, lacking in competence and commitment, self-importance. big-headed, power crazy, and a combination of many other negative attributes, thus failing hopelessly to meet the great expectations of the people. I am inclined to believe this is the blatant truth. As a matter of fact, it was openly admitted by none other than Anwar Ibrahim. He and his fellow comrades-in-arm from PAS and DAP were swept of their feet when the 2008 tsunami resulted. The people power has spoken and change for the better in the name of reformasi was the national agenda. Is it any surprise BN caught the drift and came up with their own reformation plans as well? Even Najib did not mince his word when he warned his UMNO/BN to either shape up or get shipped out.

    PKR, PAS and DAP leading the opposition should by now show astute resolve to get their act together to come up with the right recourse and instigate remedial actions to overcome their moral deficiencies to weed out problematic persona who are causing grave danger towards an early demise of the struggle and sacrifices of the people who supported the cause for change. Keep their ears close to the ground on dissents, dissatisfactions, disappointments, trouble-makers, from within their ranks, be it elected representatives or members, and from without, whose motivation is none other than to destabilise and wreak havoc the very foundation of the oppositions’ struggle.

    A word of caution, the ruling BN is a formidable powerhouse with deeply entrenched well-oiled machinery in their armour in the police force, AG, judiciary, MACC, SPR, the main mass media they are in control of, who they can call at will to be on the offensive or defensive. For now, the opposition can’t fight tooth for tooth with BN’s acknowleged fire-power in terms of organisation and money at their disposal. Not even with the opposition’s ideals of free speech, transparency, democratic improvisations and perfections, can work to their advantage. These ideals, though are the basic tenets of good governance, are also opened to be circumvented by all and sundries.

    One ommission or commission of a weakness or issue by opposition, will be fully exploited by BN e.g. suspension of 4 for 6 months on the subject of APCO. On the contrary, all is hush-hush and not a whisper in the main mass media on the report that appeared in the alternative media of the alleged rape in 2007 of an Indonesian maid by a senior minister.

    We must play a role to bring about change and not waiver from the spirit of 2008 exploits. Exercise our rights to give constructive criticisms and demand for pro-active solutions and actions on any failings of the opposition parties to steer them and make them stronger and be good leaders that we trust they can deliver for a better future.

  6. The present so called turmoil in PKR in hindsight could be a blessing in disguise. It would be time for them to mature /evolve with casting out of all the dirty/ unscruples /trojanrses /greedy/unprincipled/ easily bought over and host of unsavoury characters would have made freddy shiver.

    It is time to get their things in order to be relevant. They have the political will. By going through the gauntlet of fire and lead they can come strong and relevant and yes, credible.

    Who is this Manjit Bhatia ? How much he gets for writing this crap . All so called analyst like Baradan kuppan, Joceiyln etc are probably paid very high sums of monies to discredit PR, especially PKR. This is a media cum internet campaign. They are all consorting to give , especially PKR the killer blow, slowly and surely.
    Gobalakrishnan, an ex MIC CC member, trying to rebel and create fuss unwarranted behaviour do not ruffle the feathers of PKR. Greater men like Ezam, Zaid, have left and the party is still standing.
    BN is spending billions , not millions in this do or die campaign. This is not a level playing field.This monies from taxpayers of Malaysia.

    Welcome to the merry go ground.

    Malaysia Boleh.

  7. Din,
    Do you know where is Mongkut hiding lately? Without him and Frank, your blog is rather dry.

    I know Tok Cik is finishing his X-Mas Moet- Chandon. Come on Tok Cik, make sure our kerbau is safe while Malaysians are in celebration mood after beating Indonesia.

    Danial and the Borneo geng are still celebrating the arrival of their new Queen, married or bought by a white Rajah recently.

  8. Tean
    Mongkut Bean has traded his LLB for a Juris Doctor. He is present but chose to remain stealth and writing under a different moniker

  9. i remain sober throughout xmas Tean but having hang overs all the same .. Speaking of Queens! Did you see the necklace the not at all white Rajahs latest concubine.. oops! well i admit , i am being rude here..ok! pardon me , Queen wears around her neck?. Based on reports it cost the rajah a whooping 50 mil as in 50million ringgit. Like what Ceaser said “Good to be the King” eeh

    “remained quiet and low profiled till it was time for them to speak. And they spoke in unison”. Salmiah Hassan

    You are confused here in fact you remained confused circa 2008. The Government prior and post 2008 is still BN

  10. “Mongkut Bean has traded his LLB for a Juris Doctor.” – Semper fi

    Is that for a fact? You mean Mr Bean is now coming on to Mean Street from his crystal glass restaurant hide-out thinking about what’s under the table instead of the food above?

  11. Its Mr Bean. Had a very Merry Christmas did you?

    Why do they refer to Anwar as their spiritual leader? Why talk of charsima only? M’sians always look at the surface and nothing else. We need action. We need the leaders to do differently . We need policies that will change M’sia for good. Not just charisma. Who cares about charisma.Enough of charisma that leades to nothing. We need doers not talkers.

  12. Kathy
    You can only change things if you are in the driver’s seat. At this point in time DSAI is not in the driver’s seat and don’t have power to change anything He can make policies but don’t have the authorities to deliver or act on it. That’s why we need to give PR a chance to see if they can deliver.

  13. Politics has become war by other means and more so in Malaysia now and definitely up to the eve of GE 13.In war there are only two forces- they and us and both must locked horns to win and rule.GE 13 is going to be a real brutal war without quarters given.By now we should have chosen our side already otherwise we are going to die being killed and mauled by both parties.Under which flag are you fighting now?This is not a conventional war where the war field is neutral but a field under total control of one party name it: the media,judiciary,police,macc,palaces,legal service,administrative service,teaching service and myriads of other satellite services up and down the country plus the general ignorance of the people upriver the so called fixed deposit class.Only the armed forces which is still neutral or not tested at least for the moment.Do not punish ourselves by giving a victory to the other side on a silver platter with blue ribbons by renegade politicking and backstabbing after all PKR was born out of the barrel of reformasi movement and its long march and not through a normal birth.
    It is very easy to say that we need another leader to replace Anwar at this critical time and to replace him now is a recipe for a total defeat in this GE 13 and a comatose certificate to the two- party system dream for a very long time.Don’t deceive ourselves of hoping for another savior of Anwar’s stature for years to come.Whatever the deficits in his leadership no one can replace him at this trumpet sounding moment.Whatever the mutinies on the bounty the mission to win must prevail.Let the crews killed each other but the breadfruits must be delivered to the people.Only under the present Captain that we can deliver this.PKR,DAP AND PAS leaders must smoke their pipes and talk strategy to win NOW.This is not cultist but realpolitik.

  14. Din’ In my mind leadership requires convincing the citizens with regular masterful but sensible oratory presentations to deflect nonsence. I am not sure if Anwar is doing enough here.

  15. If Anwar were to sit in Putrajaya today, with all the instruments of authority and all the institutions at his disposal, would he do a better job than Najib or the ones waiting in the wing like Muhyiddin, ada lagi? If answer is yes, give him a chance, if answer is no, kick him out. Lets get to the point, no need to insinuate and make wild allegations. Waste time only.

  16. With a national debt of RM400 billion plus and still ballooning and a civil service that refuses to shrink (they are gonna be adding 500,000 RELA lagi…) there isn’t much time for Bolehwood. It is a do or die option… no others!

  17. What the rakyat truly deserve is a two-party system. If Party A falters there is Party B and vice versa. There’s a healthy competition. We can’t allow one party to rule for decades without a stop.

    It’s alright with Singapore because they have people with integrity at the helm. But over here we have thieves, murderers, fraudsters, molesters and lately, rapists, calling the shot.

    What’s coming to this country?

  18. “What the rakyat truly deserve is a two-party system.”- Tok Cik


    Malaysia not only deserves but badly NEEDS a two-party system.

    I don’t buy this “heads in the cloud” intellectual airy-fairy adventure of some arm-chair politicians to havea Third Force or MCLM putting up candidates for voters to choose from.

    Some of our intellectual bloggers have over analyze the problems facing our political landscape and come up short. They are still trying to justify the ridiculous to maintain their silly idea.

    A Third Force is anathema to a Two Party System. Any fool knows that!!!

    Malaysia cannot claim itself a true democracy when its people are still afraid of a two-party system and still crouched sheepishly in fear of UMNO-BN.

    Malaysians have allowed UMNO to make Malaysia a modern feudalistic country run by fascist government.

    Malaysians, for all their high level of literacy and dozens of universities built, are cowards when it comes to doing the right thing for themselves and for the country.

    They vote in fear and out of fear. They vote with their tails between their legs and not with the God-given intellect between their ears.

    All the more Malaysians need a Two Party System to take out the stench of ingrained corruption,cronyism, incompetence and racially divisive in our bureaucracy and government.

    Yet when election draws near, semua pun lupa… $$$, sewing machines, murukku, Ringgit in envelopes and contracts-on-the-lap take precedence.

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