More on Sarawak’s White Rajah (Taib Mahmud)

August 18, 2010

EDITORIAL(–August 17, 2010

The MACC Untouchable White Rajah (Taib Mahmud) and His Business Empire

When the wealth of Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud was exposed to public viewing, the reaction was one of utter disgust. How could a political animal earning RM20,000 a month amassed such a colossal fortune? Where did he get all the extras? Was his massive business empire built on legitimate foundation? Or was it all ill-gotten gains? Of course, where he gets his money and what he does with it is his private affair. But when a person holds a high public office, he is no longer in control of his personal domain. It becomes public property and thus subject to scrutiny. If a person has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear. Only when he covers his misdeeds, is he open to censure and even trial.

The most disturbing aspect of the whole sordid affair is that Sarawak, the largest state in Malaysia, is still mired in poverty while the man controlling its destiny is fabulously rich. The Land of the Hornbills was once ruled by the White Rajahs whose paternalistic reign lasted for 100 years. In all those years, the indigenous people were protected against exploitation. Then came eventual independence in the larger Malaysian federation.

And now comes another White Rajah who has been around for nearly 30 years. In that period, he grew powerful and became well-heeled. He ruled the state like as if it is his fiefdom. No one dared stepped on his toes, not even the federal masters, past or present.

But Taib is not living in the Stone Age. An intrepid news portal, The Sarawak Report, was all this while probing into his wealth. It followed his trail of affluence and discovered, to the horror of the public, the source of his minted money: he and his family members owned an “overseas business empire worth billions of ringgit”. When the pot of gold was unearthed, the White Rajah hit the roof and wanted the public to believe it is all lies. But the documented proof is solid and indisputable. It is pointless for him to claim innocence: the whole world knows his billionaire status. A public figure cannot run and hide in a hole and expect the storm to blow over. It won’t.

The tempest is still raging. The White Rajah must explain to quell the growing anger. He must speak the truth or resign on moral grounds. But he chose to keep quiet. He gives the impression that he is in total control of the situation. In the absence of his side of the story, the allegations against him stand: he made his pile from land, forestry, and palm oil concessions. Most of the projects went to his family members and cronies. They all became rich while the indigenous population – Melanaus, Ibans, Bidayuhs, Penans – continues to wallow in misery. The White Rajah stays in a palatial mansion but the indigenous people have to fight to keep their ancestral lands. In many encounters, they lost out to the combined might of the police, army and timber merchants. Taib does not want to share his wealth with his people. He does not want the natives to block his “rape”of the virgin environment.

Sarawak is rich in natural resources. Taib knows it. The people know it. But what Taib did not want the people to know is his plundering of the state’s wealth. For 30 long years he has been the master of all he surveys. During all those years, he could have used his power to enrich the people. Instead he enriched himself. He did have his dream. He told the people about his vision: he wanted to make Sarawak the richest state in Malaysia by 2030. Which means he wants to stay around for another 20 years. God forbid.

12 thoughts on “More on Sarawak’s White Rajah (Taib Mahmud)

  1. Why only pick on Taib? How about Samy Velu, Mahathir, Badawi, Najib. Their wealth is known to be beyond the salary of public position? Even the best financial adviser in the whole planet could not have created the level of wealth they own.

    It will be like the fall of the dominoes. You start with the first crook and the rest will fall.

    Ultimately, the power is in the hands of the Rakyat, particularly the Malays and the Natives. The non malays can be subdued under threat of ISA and sedition. Malays and natives are imune to these threat.

    So the the intregrity and recovery of the country’s wealth lies in the hands of the Malays and the natives with the support of the non-Malays.

  2. Mr Robert Chelliah, malays are not immune to the threat of jail. Witness RPK, Anwar and so many others. Anyone who is a threat to their insanity is a threat period. I am not so sure we should be dividing this fight between the malays and the malays with the support of others. Arent we supposed to be united to fight this evil. If we separate they will use this against us. All over again? We are a new generation who are sick and tired of all this . We want it stopped . We are Malaysians of one country. We want the money that is stolen back where it belongs and we want those corrputed ones to face the full wrath of the Law . We want the Rule fo law back and we want the country to be put back on track towards taking care of everyone. This NEW fight or shift must be a united one .

  3. Hi Kathy
    I agree that the battle can only be won with the bundle of sticks and not individual twigs.

    The UMNO/BN uses the racial divide to persuade the Malays to fear the non-Malays. The bogey man for the simple minded rural Malays and the natives are the non Malays, as propogated by the UMNO/BN. The balltle for us is to educate and win the hearts and minds of these majority Malays who by and large subscribe to the values of fairness and justice. Without winning their support the non-Malays will be projected as the threat, and it is in this context I used the racial divide.

    I have posted a lengthy article in the website of Human Rights Party, where I have denounced the racial divide in preference for a response based on needs of class structure.

    It boils down to to the powerless rakyat battling the small group of UMNO/BN elitists who control the ciivil intruments of the country.


  4. Taib was merely playing catch up to the proxy Maestro Mahathir. Someday all their ill gotten gains will be revealed…and hopefully restituted to the country’s coffers,in the same manner as Marcos in the Phillipines and Suharto in Indonesia.

  5. With one foot already in the grave, just how much more does he want? His greed knows no bound. He’s already among the world’s richest. On the other end of the scale, the poor are really dirt poor in Sarawak. Yet he sees it fit to steal whatever little that is left to their name. I remember one contractor who told me that he had to pay Taib RM27,000 for every single unit of shophouse he built. That was 20 years ago. Rumours abound that his eldest son is dying from HIV. Looks like his Mat Salleh son-in-law will eventually inherit all his money. Or more correctly, Sarawakians’ money.

  6. imwatchingu-Enough is never enough with power; money is the adjunct of power( no mon-no-fun!)
    walter- Wishful thinking.Give you an e.g. of TR, the Bumi who milked MAS of nearly everything (to the level of even contracts for the supply of tooth-picks for in-flight use). Is MACC doing anything? not a sausage.Can give you lots more names, but being a non-Bumi the MACC might get my email and thereafter me (Ah a “convienent excuse”-was it you Brian, who mentioned this somewhere!!!) This just proves my point.
    Kathy -Are you Malaysian?, off course the Malays are protected. Picking a few Bumis as you have mentioned does not give credibility to your argument. The non-Bumis are powerless (this is mainly due to their own complacency and false fears, most of the time a convenient excuse).

  7. Now is Bulan Puasa. When we do something that is right we wnat tell the whole world. But when we do something that is wrong we do not want anyone to know – even our family.

    I hope that my leader will do at the beginning what he will be foerced to do unsuccessfuly in the end. Confrontation is not an option because if does happen our political geography will look exactly as it was in the early 1900.

  8. Land of Hornbills? Nah, with the ecological disaster on-going – it’ll be land of bills, without the horn. The horn, aka the “ripe raja” (the only ‘white rajah’ should be the Brookes) will abscond this planet soon. His next stop is “Nibiru”, sometime in Dec. 2012. Don’t blame me – that’s what the idiotic 2012 prophecy says..

  9. Brian, yes I am Malaysian. I know the non malays have been perceived as a threat ( note Sayang Bangsa’s fear of Umno not being in power anymore because non malays will not treat the malays well and right)

    So ok more non malays are the target of unfairness and inequity . What Ia m saying is more and more malays are too especially the educated ones and the ones who refuse to play by their games. The numbers will go up if this regime stays long enough and wont change or take heed of the people’s wishes.

    In fact I have read that it is now a fight between the middle class malays and the Umno malays. So dont worry we are not counting numbers here or trying to belittle any one’s persecution. What is needed is a shift in fight. What is needed is the United Malaysians of the younger genration and too put down what they want form t e government .

    A list. 1. education.2. Healthcare. 3. Rule of Law. 4. Transparency and Good Governance. etc, etc and not focus on race at all. That is what I am trying to say here. The demand is bring those in power to be accountable to the people, if not the people will change the government.

    The language of your fight with the Government must be about policies as Malaysians and nothing else. No matter how much they try to provoke you with the mention of race , your language must be more superior to their and about their policies ( or lack of) period.

  10. Malay/muslim support of umno must not be misconstrued as blind faith that the malays have towards its leaders . There is more to it than that . Historical facts for instance linking the malays to umno not just as a political platform that eventually led to independence but more importantly umno the party , has all along stood as a symbolic factor hence a vivid indicator of a prominent and succesful struggle to free themselves from the clutches of half a millenium of colonial conquest. The sentimental value of being attached to an entity which finally returned malay supremacy in Tanah Malay can’t simply be discarded. The leaders maybe but not the party.

  11. What is freedom when you can be charged for saying the truth…and lies are made to be truth…please MALAYS or MELAYU bangkit lah cepat dan jangan jadi BODOH sombong…

    Siapa Raja – tiada RAJA, masuk lubang enam kaki tahu lah nasib semua!

  12. Maybe someone in Malaysia should start doing as the Sarawak Report does and korek korek all the properties and investments and money our Malaysian political Rajahs have distributed and hidden all over the world, instead of just talking about it. This is the time to do it as election is just around the corner.

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