Bukit Selambau’s Manikumar is a winner for PKR


bukit selambau by election 300309 kalai vanar pcIt is indeed unfortunate that B. Kalaivanar of our Jerai PKR division together with 500 supporters, according to this malaysiakini report, decided to quit our movement for change. Having made his choice, I wish him all the best in his future political endeavour. He is now free to support to MIC and Mr. Samy Velu, knowing fully well that MIC, not PKR, did nothing for the Indian community for decades. Even Maika Holdings, the vehicle for Indian economic empowerment, is in shambles due to mismanagement and Indian savings were lost.

People often disagree for reasons best known to themselves.To disagree is common, but to quit is rather unusual. A committed man to the cause of freedom, democracy and justice stays on, overcomes the odds, and makes sacrifices.

Anwar Ibrahim and the men and women of Reformasi 1998 are examples of what it would take to change the political landscape of our country. They made the supreme sacrifice and suffered economic hardships and political repression but they are still around fighting for freedom, democracy and justice. Their spirits are strong and their resolve unwavering. Now it is just a matter of time before PKR and Pakatan Rakyat will be in Putrajaya with the help of AlMighty God and the Malaysian people.

To expect our Jerai man to do that is like barking at the moon. He abandons his cause just because his party leadership picks another candidate to stand in Bukit Selambau. Too short sighted and impatient. He should look at himself closely and honestly and understand why he was deemed not suitable to contest this ADUN seat and resolve to do better and ready himself for 2013 or thereabout. In stead he quits with a band of 500 misguided support.

PKR is a party founded on democratic principles. It allows open debate and free expression of views. But at the end of day, a decision has to be made by the top leadership of our party. The decision to field local boy, S. Manikumar was taken after a careful assessment of a number of potential candidates.

One important criterion is winnability. This requires consultation with people on the ground, taking into account the considered views of our party leadership, our friends in Pakatan Rakyat (PAS and DAP), and our strategists and campaign operatives. Anwar made his decision in the best interest of the party he leads. He does it time and time again unfailingly.

Anwar knows that he cannot please everyone when he made his choice, but he and his colleagues are confident that given clean and fair elections, Bukit Selambau’s Manikumar can emerge a winner of the contest between PKR-Pakatan Raykat and UMNO-led Barisan Nasional on April 7, 2009. Mani  is a likeable person, has local knowledge, and enjoys considerable support from Bukit Selambau voters, cutting across ethnicity and culture. Furthermore, we have assembled an excellent strategy and campaign team to support Manikumar. We can win in Bukit Selambau—Din Merican


PKR’s Kalai quits over by-election snub

by S Pathmawathy

March 30, 2009

Jerai PKR division leader B Kalaivanar today resigned from the party along with 500 supporters, claiming that party leader Anwar Ibrahim had forgotten all that he has done for the opposition party.

He is also upset that Anwar had overlooked him as a candidate for the Bukit Selambau by-election. “I am very unhappy with Anwar and PKR. The party has not done anything for the Indian community,” he told reporters at a press conference in Sungai Petani. “They have become ungrateful,” he added.

The Jerai division was also dissolved today following Kalaivanar’s decision to quit the party. About 500 members from the division have opted to follow Kalaivanar out of the party.

Kalaivanar also hinted that he would be throwing his support behind the Barisan Nasional in the forthcoming by-election on April 7. “That will be known in the coming day,” he said.

His resignation from the party was widely anticipated when the party picked greenhorn S Manikumar for the polls, where the party candidate will be facing MIC’s S Ganesan and 13 independents. Kailaivanar, 45, had previously claimed that he stood a good chance of winning the seat as he has a strong grassroots support in Kedah, especially among the Indian community.

He stood as a candidate for the Gurun state seat in the last general election but lost. The former PKR leader, who was Kedah PKR Indian Community Development Committee chairperson, plans to concentrate on his non-governmental organisation work.

12 thoughts on “Bukit Selambau’s Manikumar is a winner for PKR

  1. It is good that Kalaivanar resigned now and took 500 lalangs with him to join BN. In our quest for change, we have no place for opportunists as such it is better they pack their bags and leave now.

    All the best to Kalaivanar.

  2. Din,

    It is good that this scumbag has left PKR and be assured that the Indian community isn’t that naive. If you remember and as Malaysiakini reported above, he has been blackmailing the party since the seat became vacant and when he was left out, he accepted MIC bribes.

    I’m happy that PKR could see through. Anyway, he is from Jerai and not from Bukit Selambau Dun or even the parliamentary seat of Merbok where the Bukit Selambau seat is found. Let him go to hell and in 8 days to come, he will know his fate. You remember a bunch of sore losers from Kedah “quitting” PKR at the height of Permatang Pauh duel? Only for DSAI to increase his vote? That will happen again.
    Thanks, Rashid for your comments. —Din Merican

  3. Din,
    If you have been following Malaysian politics you will not be surprised with B Kalaivanar’s actions. My guess is, he was paid handsomely by MIC/BN to create chaos. Most probably among the 500 are MIC members who are not from Bt Selambau. Imported from elsewhere.

    I remember in 1990 thousands of PAS members were quitting the party everyday to join UMNO, that is according to the TV and print media. Every little man was given TV air time to criticise PAS. Finally PAS won the general elections. This happened again in 1999.

    Now its happening in Bt Selambau.This man is a scumbag. We can see his true colours. Good riddance.
    Dap man, I know what you are talking about. PKR is cleaning up and Anwar is committed to eliminating political opportunists of the UMNO mould from our ranks. That will take time, but we will be there and one day soon we will be a model political party and government in our region, admired around the world as a democracy where Malaysians are free to be the best that they can be. Thanks for your comments.—Din Merican

  4. Hello, Kalai Thamby!

    Lu mau lari dari PKR lu boleh belah tamby!, Saya manyak suka lu pigi jadi lumbu sama itu Samy Vellu? Lu mimpi lagi 50 tahun lu punya MIC mau tolong sama lu.

    Itu MIC punya cara mau jadi kaya kalu, lu mau kena jilat kuat kuat. Lu punya tauke busar sudah jilat UMNO berpuluh puluh tahun dan dia sudah kaya raya. Lu ingat lu pun bolih kaya jilat sama itu UMNO pigi…pi tumpang jilat. Pooorah

  5. The moron looks and behaves like Samy Vellu. When he can’t get his way he throws a tantrum. What makes him think that he is such an influence in the party? PKR is better off without him. Let MIC have him. I’m sure Samy would be pleased to have a clone of himself in MIC.

  6. Saudara Din,

    My eyes in tears when reading the part that writes “Anwar Ibrahim and the men and women of Reformasi 1998 are examples of what it would take to change the political landscape of our country. They made the supreme sacrifice and suffered economic hardships and political repression but they are still around fighting for freedom, democracy and justice. Their spirits are strong and their resolve unwavering. Now it is just a matter of time before PKR and Pakatan Rakyat will be in Putrajaya with the help of AlMighty God and the Malaysian people.”

    Oh God please give us a big win in this coming election.

  7. “To expect our Jerai man to do that is like barking at the moon.”

    Have you noticed that if you bark at anything long enough it will disappear?? Even the moon and the sun?

  8. I would say it is good riddance. This guy has obviously been bought over by his uncle Samy. The press statements and the tv cameras being there for a small fry like him looks staged and who could have arranged it better but Samy no value. It is also reported that he accidently ran into Muyuddin Yasin. Utter crap. It must have been arranged by both parties.

  9. I feel a strong sense of disgust about this eerie ex-PKR man. I think PKR leadership knows his background and that was why he was not chosen to be their man for Bukit Selambau, Kedah. He is just an opportunist in the same category as Samy No Value.

    Character matters in politics, as in business and in the professions. That is lacking in our country today– people of character and high morals. No small wonder, we have become a third rate nation with a fake democracy where you are free to speak today and silenced in the next day.

  10. Kalai’s actions are exactly the same as a person betraying his family by joining forces with the enemy to destroy his own family just because he doesn’t get something that his brother got.

    So it’s good the family disowns him.

  11. Kalai resembles Anakin Skywalker who turns to Darth Vader with the guidance of the Emperor aka Samy Veloo. This is the dark side of the force. Rest assured the good will always triumph over evil no matter how long it takes; as justice may be delayed but will never be denied.

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