Malaysia is at its most important turning point, says John Malott

September 21, 2008 (via e-mail)

By John Malott*

Today Malaysia is at the most important turning point in its history. Ironically, the man who has the opportunity to decide which way Malaysia will go is the man who has been considered an ineffective if not a failed leader – Abdullah Badawi.

Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam said it best in an interview with Malaysiakini:” If Abdullah lets the democratic process take place and does not stifle the country with arrests and emergency rule, it will be his finest hour, and he will go down in history as the man who liberalised the democratic system in Malaysia. But if he reneges on his word to not invoke the ISA, then he would only be digging his own grave”, Ramon said.

Although the attention of the world has turned to the financial crisis in the United States, interest in Malaysia has never been higher. The world is watching. Malaysia can redeem itself in the eyes of the world – or it can become an international pariah – all within the space of the next few weeks.

The Malaysian people should not underestimate the influence and impact that Anwar Ibrahim has overseas. The 18 months that he spent abroad after his release from prison allowed him not only to reestablish his old connections but also to develop new ones. He spoke widely throughout the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia and developed a new cadre of admirers. He is without question the most well-known and respected Malaysian in the world.

So when he again faces more sham charges of sodomy and is carried away by a SWAT team, or when he then pulls off one of the most stunning political comebacks ever, the world pays attention. But it is not up to the world to decide who should govern Malaysia, it is up to the Malaysian people.

What the international community does expect is that the contest should be fair. For too long the Malaysian Government and UMNO have relied not on the forces of democracy and persuasion but on the powers of intimidation — the ISA, the sedition laws, the denial of business contracts, spying by the Special Branch, financial “largesse,” and propaganda and even outright falsehoods disseminated by government and party controlled media. They too often have ruled by fear.

Ten years ago few people dared to speak up. But this time the people are not afraid. They know what is going on in their country, and now they want the right to decide their own future.

After Anwar was sacked from the Government ten years ago, the question was who would replace him. Mahathir had announced that he would be stepping down in the near future, so the new DPM was likely to become Prime Minister. I was having lunch with a newly-arrived High Commissioner from a Commonwealth country. We were speculating who might replace Anwar when I said, ”No matter who it is, he will have a hard time. It is always hard to follow a strong, tough leader. Look at Morarji Desai after Indira Gandhi in India, or John Major after Thatcher, or Goh after Lee Kuan Yew.”

Since he was newly arrived, I gave him my impressions of Badawi and Najib as potential successors, as I had dealt with both of them. I said that they were not as authoritarian as Mahathir, and they were more “hands off” in their leadership style. Neither of them were men of vision. So we were likely to see a kinder, gentler, but weaker leadership. My colleague told me that he had spent a lot of time in Africa, so don’t count on it. Weak leaders are even more likely to rely on the secret police and internal security laws to stay in power, simply because they are weak.

So here we are, 10 years later. Was I right, or was he?

When you look at Badawi’s record over the past five years, the verdict of history already seems clear. Race relations are worse than at any point since 1969. The economy is suffering. Corruption and scandals are rampant and even touch the highest offices in the land. The opposition has achieved its greatest electoral victory in history. The BN coalition is breaking apart, and UMNO’s unity is shattered. By any measure, history seems ready to record that Abdullah Badawi was a failed leader.

But the Prime Minister still has a chance to turn this around. Tan Sri Ramon has framed Badawi’s choice well. Dig your own grave, or turn this into your finest hour. The choice is Badawi’s, but the verdict will belong to the Malaysian people – and to history.

* John Malott was former Ambassador of the United States of America to Malaysia. Since returning to his country some years ago, John continued to take a deep personal interest in political and socio-economic developments of our country. He has many friends in Kuala Lumpur and around ASEAN. It is my privilege to know him, and we do engage in free and frank exchange of views on US-Malaysia relations and other matters of mutual academic interest. The views expressed here are entirely his own.

58 thoughts on “Malaysia is at its most important turning point, says John Malott

  1. Yes, I remembered H.E. John Mallot, a most courageous and respected Ambassador of the United States of America to Malaysia who dared to speak out for justice and equality, knowing well he ran diplomatic risks during those turbulent days.

    Thank you Your Excellency and Malaysians welcome your support in our quest to build a New Malaysia.

  2. If I were the PM, I would choose to go down in history as the PM who did the impossible (because his party would not let him) by making it possible for DSAI to help him fulfill his 2004 promises.
    PM, do the right things now! Convene emergency Parliament session!
    You will go down well either way in history!
    You may even be remembered as a ‘Genius-in-disguise’!!!!

  3. New Sunday Times Pg 10.
    ‘Anwar to blame for poor investments.’ – Nor Mohd Yakop.

    Yes, blame everything and everyone but yourselves. Way to go, BN.
    telur dua, what credibility does Nor Mohamed Yakop have? He was a clerical officer when I was in Bank Negara but to his credit he got a degree from University of Malaya and MBA from Belgium. That said, he messed up the management of our reserves when in 1992 Bank Negara lost rm30 billion by speculating in the British Pound, not to mention the tin speculation (Maminco?) which Mahathir blamed Tun Hussein Onn.

    Nor Mohamed then went to the private sector and was with a listed company which he messed up (the 600 page report by GERAK then headed by the now infamous Ezam Noor was sent to the Prime Minister Badawi, but no action was initiated against him for possible CBT). He became Minister of Finance No. 2 and he now has messed up the economy. The fact that economy is in such bad shape is entirely due to the incompetence of his boss and his own inability to deal with economic (both monetary and fiscal) policy issues. A currency trader remains a currency trader. He does not understand macro-economics.

    He is like a parrot who echoes what his boss says. If his boss said something stupid, he will also say something stupid. Tun Dr. Mahathir regards him as Malaysia’s financial genius. Why? Because Nor Mohamed Yakop is a self serving parrot who “ikut perentah”.—Din Merican

  4. Again, the Ball is on Pak Lah’s court. I hope he will be strong and set yourself and all Malaysians free of the corrupt UMNO. The millions that he can steal will not be remembered or taken to the grave, but the good that he can do for our country will be set in history.

  5. Dear Din,
    Is it right some mentioned that a Genius and a fool can be only a hair line different? Ironically, Bodowi hours is either He can bury himslef or make into his finest hour. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is more to it. Whatever Bodowi choose to do or not do, One thing is sure. He is guaranteed a place in Malaysia history as :
    The Failed PM in defending the tyrantt old nation. ( When DSAI takes over)
    The Failed PM to tranform New Malaysia ( If Umno stays )
    Either way he is a Failure. He knows best.

  6. Anyway, with all due respect. My deepest heart of heart still tells me Badawi is a nice person. He’s just the right guy for the wrong job at the wrong time with the wrong party. He is just a patsy for the real culprit, we know who.
    It will be a nice ending if God suddenly transform him into making DSAI as the new PM and then perhaps He can join the right party PKR at the right time and continue to do what he does best: PKR’s Foreign Minister. He and his new love will lived happily everafter. What a fairy tale? Sometimes, it may come true, Right? Everybody wins.
    Reformasi!! A New Nation is born!!!

  7. Nor Mohamed Yakup was Bank Negara’s main forex speculator who played with our reserves amounting to RM30 billion in 1992. He later joined Mun Loong and also messed up there. He is just as clueless as Bodowi when it comes to economics. Malaysian economy now is in such a mess because of these two clowns and now they want to blame it on Anwar. How convenient and in the holy month of Ramadan too.

  8. The economy is in a mess. The politics getting feverish. The government has gone unstable. Racial relations is almost finished. Race politics is no more the people’s choice. The saviour is Anwar Ibrahim. He is a man to watch. The only man who can now lead the country is Anwar Ibrahim and his political philosophy. Malaysians now want him to be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia. The world too wants him to become Malaysia’s leader. GOD BLESS ANWAR.

  9. I totally agree with Tan Sri Ramon and also John Malott that the ball is now in Badawi’s feet. Yes, he can either go down in history as an ineffective leader or turn the tide around to leave a legacy as the most democratic Prime Minister of Malaysia. He can do this by gracefully meeting PKR leader Anwar to find out if he really has the numbers to take over the government. If so, then Badawi would have the finest chance to do the right thing to regain the respect and appreciation of all Malaysians in the final days of his administration. Except for a handful of BN politicians and supporters who are still hoping to be able to continue to rob the people, the country at large would forever be grateful if he is able to calm this political tension and instability.

    Badawi is also faced with enemies within and outside of UMNO. This has made it impossible for him to ‘fight’ his enemies as they are now all around him. The reason that his enemies are anxious to ‘dethrone’ him is because his perceived weakness would result in BN losing power to rule as is happening now. If it really happens, all these politicians, ministers, supporters etc.. would be open to investigations into wrong doings by the new Government. This is what really scares the shit out of them.

    So Badawi get an excellent chance to kill 2 big birds with 1 stone. Hand over power in a democratic and honourable way and let the new Government take appropriate actions against all your political enemies. Winner?

  10. John Malott, you are the real pariah. You failed to see that whatever is happeing is nothing new to this vibrant, colourful and “never a dull moment” political landscape. In 1987, the political landscape is not dissimilar and Westerners like you and ditto for the Western media were quick to describe that the country is in deep political turmoil, quagmire, etc. Tell me Malott, following the so-called “turmoil” in 1987/88, 1997/98, are there not more univerisities and colleges in Malaysia, are there not more foreign students studying here in Malaysia, are there not more private and govt. hospitals, are there not more first class super highways, are there not the twin towers, are there not the Formula One races in Sepang, are there not visits to this country by Google and Microsoft big bosses like BIll Gates and Vinc Serf and the likes. Please answer these questions. So, don’t be too quick to use the word pariah.
    Kayangsari, I will say that Malaysia will become a Myanmar or Zimbabwe, if we continue to govern as we are now, and ignore human rights. Yes, we will be a pariah state. It is people like you who cannot see what is happening to our country.

    More universities and university colleges, yes, but the quality of education is down. My own University of Malaya in the 1960s was among the top in our region; today our degrees are meaningless when we produce graduates who are unemployable; more hospitals, yes; yet people have to ask for public donations for specialised treatment; Formula One, yes for the benefit of the elite; Monsoon Cup for rm300million a year, what is the benefit, if it is not for the high society and at the expense of the poor and struggling fishermen of Terengganu; how would you explain that US100 billion left the country in the form of corrupt money (Morgan Stanley report) since 1981? Twin Towers for whose self glorification when not far from it people are living in abject poverty.

    People like Bill Gates and others have not invested heavily in Malaysia, wonder why? Even Malaysians are taking their money offshore and foreigners are not investing here. These are facts, which you refuse to accept.

    Yes, Malaysia will be a pariah state, if we remain indifferent and do not hold our leaders to account for their abuse of power and mismanagement of the economy. —Din Merican

  11. Our PM is a nice guy but to slow in detecting who are the pretenders around him. He should have known in any organizations, watch out your no … man. But it is too late now. No one will help you and soon people will abandon you even you closes friends.
    You will not regret Pak Lah if the democratic process of handing your power to DSAI is carried out soonest. Common Pak Lah … the best option for you to be remembered by Malaysians and the world.

  12. It’s time for one to stop pushing the river. To go with the flow or get drowned.

    The winds of change have swept across our shores, en route to other places all over the the world.

    There’s no stopping an idea whose time has come.

  13. kayangsari: Learn the difference between a country’s ‘image’ and a country’s economy then you will realise how shallow you were.

  14. kayangsari,

    You just made ‘pari bakar’ of John Mallot. Anyway, he can speak for himself!

    BTW, I agree with you we have all those, specially the Twin Towers!

    I have a request for you if you can help this little girl get her father back for Hari Raya and all the other Hari Rayas she might have missed with her daddy— her picture is here :

    If you run out of ideas, you could put her on top of Petronas Twin Towers, maybe the World can then see her and come to help her!!!

  15. The loser will always put the blame on someone. Or worst , if no one is listening to him than beware ! He will tear up your picture!! All having said and done, Malaysia is our Mother ! Lets give another Son Anwar a chance. He is no stepson but one of of our own sibblings. May peace be there in our Motherland and May God guide her children.

  16. HOOKAY… Pak Lah is BENGGAP then.

    Well, if UMNO wants to maintain a BENGGAP Presiden, I suggest Pak Lah appointed a KELDAI (Mule) as his Proxy and sits in Sri Perdana. KELDAI is anytime more presentable than Pak Lah, especially to the foreign investors.

    4th Floor boys can do all the hard work, and let the KELDAI decides. Pak Lah then can spend time onboard Cobra Sultan off Black Sea, near Georgia!

  17. 6 degrees of difference, pa lah however was given or did he give himself the shovel to dig his own grave and given the wand to wave away the bestialities, waved the wand away instead. Is there any space left in the margin to recover the error of his ways – he was given many chances to rewrite his chapter in history. What’s left?

  18. H.E. John Mallot is spot on in his frank, honest and uncluttered perspectives on the country, its politics and leadership.

    It is a nightmare to continue to witness our politicians show total disregard for the citizens’ dreams and hopes. Self-interst, self-gains and addictive power seem to be winning.

    The future of Malaysia appears set in a forked direction. The ultimate wrong turn if taken in days ahead will make Malaysia an ‘international pariah’.

    And if we turn for the worst, who takes the brunt? The rakyat of course. The powers that be will harvest the spoils while the tax payer will only have the barren earth to till.

    We are in fact paying the price for the two decades of Mahathirism – truly.

  19. YES. ‘A GOOD NAME IS BETTER THAN RICHES.’ Good name can last forever, riches can only last before you die. If i were AAB, i will choose for good name, at least every malaysian will remember me after hundreds year from now. AAB think about it?? Which one better? Think about your age? Think about your name? There are a lot he should think about? History will remember you? Malaysian will remember you? Which worth???

  20. Bro Din:

    The rakyat is with Anwar, and there will be good news very soon.

    Do you recall one Suresh who predicted about the BN’s hold on power continuing. He cited Jupiter’s position in Sagittarius. Looks like a half-baked self-claimed astrologer. Jupiter is the most benefic planet. He is all about fairness and JUSTICE. In this, his position is unique and unchallenged. Just imagine which way will it go. The problem with guys like Suresh is they attach anyhting and everything to astrology. When he talks of the “birth” of a nation, astrologically speaking, it shows his very shallow understanding about the subject. Astrology is about individuals.

    As much as I said there will be good news after the election, there will be more good news soon. I have had always made my sound bets on Anwar. From the time we used to discuss those days, it has become stronger and never for once abated. Whatever ways or tricks they try, it will just backfire. The “forces” are with him. I can bet on that.

  21. Do we have to listen to this Mallot? I guess we have to listen a lot more if DSAI takes over…listen to their interest…
    mwrmmg, you dont have to. That is your choice. But I think Malott made his points clearly and that is enough for me. If I disagree with him, I do it agreeably.—Din Merican

  22. Pak Lah has a tunnel vision of the political, economic and social scenario of Malaysia. He is naive, over-trusting and dependent on others to lead our country. Pak Lah is a puppet and is susceptible to the influences of his cronies who are puppeteers skilful in the art of using him for their self-gains and hidden agendas.

    Pak Lah could not see the forest and the trees. The parts of the forest and the trees he could not see caused him to err in many of his decison making processes. Although Pak Lah is a caring, good nature and amiable person who wants very much to lead the country to greater height of success, he is not able to achieve his goals because of his permissive, soft and lenient nature. . His indecisiveness is due to his lacking of self-esteem and confidence which became the major causes of his failure to push and drive his teams to achieve his vision and mission.

    Pak Lah has high respect for social order and security. He adheres to the rule of the law. He is unlikely to step down unless he is removed formally according to the stipulations of our constitutions.

  23. kayangsari,

    It is hard to rid of the notion that UMNO/BN works for the people. So hard that even with obvious arguments and facts, right in front of the eyes, for some people such as kayangsari, they still cannot see. They end up repeating what they have been taught. The country can have all the physical elements but when you have a third world government trying to act first world we end up with misfits such as the UMNO leaders and Ministers.

    Many Malaysian such as kayangsari need to visit other countries and see for themselves what we are missing compared to what used to be comparable or lesser nations such as Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.

  24. I agree that blaming the Americans is a device often used by politicians to distract people.

    Basically, what Malott is saying is that the US is solidly behind Anwar and so the Barisan government should think twice before they do anything to him.

    That’s fine for him to say but we should not fall into the trap of applauding him for we don’t know what the motives of the US are.

    The US props up all kinds of people around the world for reasons of its own, not all of them benign, and we should not be lulled into thinking it is our friend.

    As for Anwar and Pakatan’s intentions for the country, we can take it at face value that it is for the good of the country but they will have to prove it to us when they take power, which I hope they do.
    Dharma, Malott is expressing a personal opinion and does not speak for America. And by the way, do not take Anwar and Pakatan’s intentions at face value. We can be challenged and are always receptive to ideas and proposals from the public.—Din Merican.

  25. Badawi has nothing to lose now. He is as good as out of office and he can do the people of Malaysia, whom he has let down all these years in power, a favour by upholding the democratic process. He should also realise that UMNO, who has been in power since independence, is like an aircraft. It is time it’s taken out for servicing and maintenance and shouldn’t be allowed to fly until these safety measures are taken. In other words it is no longer air worthy. Let another aircraft take to the air.

  26. Din,

    i guess the present UMNO has everyone except intellectuals, the had railway guard building palaces, teachers who carry millions to shop in australia n claim he dun understand english … now i realised we have a fcukin’ clerk running d economy

    i do not wish to run down the ordinary man of the street with this comment but UMNO has filled their leadership with self fulfilling bigots and idiots who will take this country to the dogs

    the other day i bumped into an staff who happens to be a guard in my workplace today he flashes me a card that carries Ketua Bahagian of a cawangan in Penang

    god bless us


  27. AAB has to realise his time in govt is drawing to a close, more rapidly than he had hoped for. He has no control over events that are fast unfolding. The only one thing left that he can shape, is how history will judge him, what future Malaysians will be saying of him in the years to come.

    Will he go down the road in ignominy, as someone who was hounded out of the premiership by his own party, who left the key institutions of the country in tatters, who left the country to wolves…?

    Or will they be saying here was a man who tried to make good the mess he inherited from his predecessor, and against all odds, succeeded? In these last days, he has the ability to return the country back to the people by meeting with and working alongside DSAI, to usher out the old days of BN’s sinful excesses.

    When he first took office, Malaysians saw him as the one who would be dismantling 20-over years of Mahathirism. The task proved beyond him. His own colleagues in UMNO are being unkind when they blame him for BN’s losses in the elections. It is supremely ironic that the person most vociferous in calling for his dethronement, Dr M, is himself the one most to be blamed for the electorate’s abandoning of BN.

    There is no denying that AAB allowed some opening up of democratic space after the claustrophobic confines of the Mahathir years. People credit him for Anwar’s early release from an unjust incarceration wrought by a scheming Dr M.

    Maybe if he comes to his senses, looks at the larger picture, he will do the right thing for a just and humane Malaysia, and finish what he fleetingly started. Then, in the years to come, his legacy will be this: his own part in the freeing of Malaysia.

  28. Omar

    Kayangsari views are not different from that of Mahathir, KuLi, KJ, Muhyiddin, Rais, Syed Hamid, Najib and all those in UMNO today, including I suspect a significant portion of their divisional leaders as illustrated by Ahmad Ismail from Bukit Bendera.

    They fail to understand that if the majority does not really have to compete for a living, they never will. All they want is fish, without ever having to understand how to fish.

    Whether or not the poor of the country have a better future is not a concern for them. If it is, they should be happy to structure their dealings and commissions to better the welfare of our people, rather than simply to wallow in their wealth. And they are capable of fooling a substantial population in their unsustainable program of affirmative action by race, and pompously show off apparent capabilities in building towers that are financially supported by the country’s oil wealth, rather than towers that made commercial sense.

    Yes, we could be proud of the Petronas Twin Towers. But who built it? Who designed it? And who are the tenants ? Does the twin towers make commercial sense? It is no doubt a beautiful tower. Can we not do better with the funding ? Look at all those beautiful mosques, are they not excessive. Is our faith in God demonstrated by wealth or by our true belief? Is our country better off with such excesses?

    My standard of judgement is simple. Everytime I take the train, I see the poorer side of our country, one that is neglected as the train system itself. Look at all those poor people that live in the train corridor from JB to Butterworth. This is the real Malaysia that the government has ignored. It is openly displayed for all our tourists to see the disparity of our country between the extreme poor and the opulence of the Government.

    What kind of country would allow its people to live in squalor, and then show to the world the highest building, the international race tracks, and all those only for show, with no substance? This is what our country has become. It is just for show. Our leaders dont care about us. They only show they care so that they can loot our treasury. If they care, how could a deputy Prime Minister get away with a 500Million commission? How could Khazanah be used to bail out MISC, etc, etc. How could Liong Sik get away with the Klang Port corruption? How could companies of no substance get incredible entitlements? It is an endless list. It would be a horror of all horror just to have one such instance in any other country where the leaders are true public servants.

    No one can bullshit that they are the leaders of our country when the basic needs of our people, as shown by all the squalid squatters lined up from Butterworth to JB are allowed to live in such conditions. Yet after 51 years, this is the first sight that our tourists gets – the squalor the stench – Malaysia Boleh?

    Kayangsari, you can sing a beautiful song about UMNO all day long, but the stench from the sewage perpetuated by UMNO cannot be masked no matter how you try.
    James, I agree entirely with your comments. This UMNO-led Barisan Nasional is not interested in the welfare of the ordinary Malaysian. They use Malay rights to feather their own nest. During the last General Election (March 8,2008) I campaigned and spoke at places like Sungei Lallang, Kuala Ketil and Naka, all in my state, Kedah and was shocked to see how Malaysians really lived. It is a disgrace. I wonder how come with all the oil weath, they cannot clean water, good clinics and roads!! The real reason is CORRUPTION.

    Kayangsari does not understand this as he is taken up by government propaganda on TV and in the mainstream newspapers.–Din Merican.

  29. Pingback: Malaysian News Network » From the eyes of an American who had been amongst us before

  30. DSAI has a strong and dynamic personality. He is well informed and have a satelite vision of the political, economical and social scenario of our country. He is a puppeteer among a group of puppets. He is a conductor of an ochestra.

    DSAI has a clear vision and mission of the future of Malaysia. He has the drives and the energy to take our country to greater height of achievement.

    DSAI has excellent analytical skills. He looks at a situation from many angles and is capable of generating alternatives and anticipate the consequences and outcomes of each alternative in his decision making process.

    DSAI is influential and has also excellent intellectual skills that enables him to generate and dessiminate sound and rational ideas to win support from the intellectuals.

    DSAI has high self-esteem and is confident and persistent in his quest to take over the leadership from Pak Lah.

    Pak Lah will not hand over his position on a silver platter. DSAI has to use the constitutions to get Pak Lah to step down.

    Should PR succeed in overthrowing the Barisan regime, the political situation will not be stable as the MPs can hop from one party to another.

    DSAI announcement of a fresh election six months after he takes over the government is a good move. I hope DSAI will form a new party free from coalition to avoid the issues of jumping frogs thus ensuring a stable political climate for the growth and progress of our country.

  31. “Yes, Malaysia will be a pariah state, if we remain indifferent and do not hold our leaders to account for their abuse of power and mismanagement of the economy.” —Din Merican

    The issue is not whether we want to see Malaysia move a few notches down and take its place among the pariah states of the world. In the context of the video clip you provided earlier to readers, where is the lead buffalo?? What good is a herd of buffalos without the lead buffalo?

  32. The PM should set his foresight focus either he will be remembered as the
    worst PM or a most gentleman PM. There is no more horizon left in UMNO time
    to fold up. BN is heading south without a sound pilot.

  33. Dear Kayangsari (& other BN supporters),
    I am afraid you lost your argument on this one. John Mallot has a point and Din Merican has substantiated it well. His description of MoF2 is spot on. I remember Maminco and the fiasco on BNM currency speculation well. (I must be as old as you are, Din!)

    When DAP’s Kit Siang raised it in parliament then, the given answer was; it was only a a paper loss! PM and BN MPs are known to lie through their teeth in our honourable Parliament! Does anybody remember what happened to a listed company, Mun Loong? Ask MoF2 for some clue! He and his boss have got records on failures and ineptitude.

    For once, I, like Din and many other good hearted Malaysians were very proud of Malaysia. But search your inner soul, my dear Kayangsari and BN supporters. Who benefits most from Twin Towers, if not Anakanda Mahathir, A.Krishnan! Not people of Kampung Baru & Keramat, KL, for sure!

    Who benefits most from Monsoon Cup expenditure of over RM300 million, if not Patrick Lim and KJ. Certainly not the poor Terengganu fishermen or boatmakers of Pulau Duyung!

    Who benefits most from Sepang’s F1, if not the late Tan Sri Basir and the young guns of UMNOs in their colourful red and yellow Ferraris, including Mahathir’s son Mokhzani! (You see them there doing their spins on Sundays on an exclusive track built by their fathers!) Do they allow the poor Mat Rempits to use the track when not in used? Of course, NOT! This country is too elitist for that! We are a wealthy country, not poor.

    The fact is, it is bad news when you are poor in this country, especially under the present BN govt. You mentioned education, more schools, colleges and universities. A wonderful choice of topic indeed! But have you seen any primary schools lately? Obviously not! I suggest you to visit any rural schools in any part of the country and see it for yourselves. See the poor conditions of the schools and its facilities. See the poor students, some of whom still struggling to read and write despite been years in school! Some schools have not received new investment for years and years. And the level of training they gave to teachers…! And what have happened to smart schools, fully computerized, which the govt claimed to have spent over a billion RM?

    As for colleges and universities; yes, its true we have a lot more of them except that mostly are located above shophouses, with no proper facilities. Most students called it URK (University Rumah Kedai) or UTM (University Terbuka Malaysia). That says a lot for quality education and student motivation in our education system!

    And you touched on Health facilities? My God, dont go very far, my friend. Just go to University Hospital in PJ, the most urban and most developed area of Malaysia. Pretend you are ill and see how long it takes you to get treated! See the queues, talk to the sicks, wait for the medicine and you can judge it for yourselves! And mind you, its not free anymore!

    So you tell me, Kayangsari and all BN supporters; are we not heading to becoming a pariah state under BN Govt?

  34. james,

    ur right, while d nation is wide awake of the perils this country undergoes, we have UMNO warlords minting millions out of the blood sweat n tears of their own race as well as others …. n

    to have kayangsari cursing US for our own internal problem we ain’t gonna go no where:)

    many an intellectual were frustrated out of the system of patronage. they moved away or simply got screwed within the system for a simply reason that they r a threat to this brainless moronic regime

    we have a Home Minister who lies thru’ his hairless crown to the nation and a sotong PM who clings on to a chair he hardly fits to seat …. d list goes on n on

    oh well ….. nid another beer 🙂


  35. man from dubai ….. lol,…… ur all out for battle creek brawl a.k. jackie chan …… good one bro

    din managed to jog our rusted mind about the happenings in da past that they got away with 🙂


  36. Wow, Man in Dubai, you nailed it so precisely! Now, let’s get to one critical issue – we have 4 millions Malaysians who are descendants of Yemeni immigrants. Can I know why they are classified as ‘Bumiputra Melayu’ when the Qurans clearly states that they embraced the purest form of Judaism (the Tawheed) during the time of Queen Balqis and King Solomon (read Sura En-Naml Verse 23-44). So are Malays descendants of Jews?

    Hamid, as one Yemeni to another, I’d like to say ALL Arabs and Mizrahi Jews are descendants of the Prophet – Prophet Ibrahim. Perhaps you followed your ancient Jewish Laws to trace your origin to the Prophet’s Jewish wife – Saffiya Bint Huyayy Bin Sheikh Akhtab – the chief of Bani Nuzhair tribe?

  37. I’m afraid endorsement from people like Malott sounds rather suspicious. Malaysians want a change in government for good reasons. But why do the Americans want this so much? Is it because of their pseudo-love for democracy? Comments by people like Malott only makes me afraid that there may be other hands and other motives at work behind Anwar.

    I hope Anwar and Pakatan make it clear that they are beholden only to Malaysian voters and no one else.

    Dharma, read Malott comments carefully. Blaming the Americans every time we screw up our own country is an old trick in the book. Mahathir used it every time and yet he paid a few million ringgits through Jack Abramoff to shake George W. Bush’s hand and to have picture taken with the US President in the White House. What a hypocrite!!

    Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat will protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. We will serve the people, not live off them.—Din Merican

  38. well…

    i keep it very simple… someone used to tell me if you are good it’s either you are as good as a Dimond so you shall be, or if you are a shit you are remain to be like it shit no matter what you do or how you do… so be it and one have to decide for itself….. cheers and good luck

  39. Could the man be holding on to power long enough to pave ways for his “friend” Anwar to replace him ?
    Swapping Finance for Defense ? Under him, to prevent the use of force of what is to come ?

    A planned “implosion” of the UMNO ?

    We might have to thank the man who makes the “ultimate” sacrifice !

  40. Whether Anwar Ibrahim is a stooge of the U.S. government or not would depend on how former U.S. Ambassadors and U.S. Department of State officials openly declare their ‘affection’ for him. Statements like this serves unfortunately as proof of a self fulfilling ‘prophesy’ if you will of what lies ahead in the field of international relations.

    Are we going to allow ourselves to be just another instrument of U.S. foreign policy, part of the grand design of U.S. imperialism in a post 9/11 world, or will the Anwar Administration turn Malaysia into a beacon of freedom for moderate Islam part of a neutral bloc of nations unaligned to the west?

    What would be our policy towards Iran and the issue of nuclear weapons?
    I can say with conviction that the Anwar Administration will make friends with those who choose to be our friends. Yes, we will be a beacon of freedom, democracy and justice in our region. Malaysia will be a voice of reason in the community of nations and will uphold the UN Charter and the ASEAN Charter once all members ratify it in their respective parliaments. We are a small country, but we will play our role appropriately.—Din Merican

  41. It has become somewhat of a trite to be apprehensive of any comments made by foreigners but when we Malaysians voted to support Pakatan, we did not get advice from the Americans, neither did DSAI solicit help from the Americans to convince us. In fact, it has become a joke that DSAI need not have to lift his finger to claim the crown for Pakatan, the indecisive and comical actions of Umno and Barisan have done much of the damage and consequently piled up the plus points in favour of DSAI.

    So, we Malaysians have reached a level of political maturity where we can decide who should entrusted with the mantle. DSAI is a harcore nationalist but this does not mean he cannot or should not deal with other countries, including the USA, to get what is good for Malaysians. We want that. Recently he had mentioned that he had talked to the Saudis to get them to invest here. He is not one leader who has been resting on his laurels. His leadership will bring immense economic benefits to this country.

  42. I feel that too much can be made of this “being in the orbit of USA Foreign Policy and designs” and this detracts from our real debate – which should be the good governance of Malaysia. Not every American is pro USA Foreign Policy and one only has to observe that country to notice the extent of opposition to some of their country’s policies especially their foreign adventures. Some of us may be loath to admit this but there are many in the USA who are friends. So let’s just see WHAT is being said and not WHO is saying it.

    Big powers will always play a disproportionate role in the affairs of others but astute leaders are ones that can harness this phenomenon for their country’s benefit. So the best option is for us to keep our doors open to everyone and keep ideology firmly on the back burner.
    “keep ideology firmly on the back burner”, that is right, Isa. You must lecture our Foreign Minister Dr.Rais Yatim since he needs a few lessons on international relations. He seems to think that playing kampong politics is diplomacy. Because of that, he has become an embarassment to our country. In Singapore, he received a dressing down by none other than Dr. Condi Rice.—Din Merican

  43. Just because a former Ambassador thinks Anwar will make a better Prime Minister does not mean that we will become USA’s puppet. If we can recall, Anwar gets much stronger support from Islamic scholars and leaders when the second accusation of sodomy was brought against him compared to those given by H.E John Malott. Many of these leaders were very critical of the Americans too.

    Anwar gets this kind of support because of his international exposure and networks. He was a Visiting Professor at John Hopkins University and that makes him well regarded by the Americans. Anwar is easily the most recognizable and well-known Malaysian alive today. It is natural for him to be noticed and anything that affected him would raise attention all over the world.

    No these statements from USA or the Islamic scholars do not make him anybody’s stooge! Anwar is his own man with his own ideas and believe systems that many in US especially the Plutocrats and Republicans may not like that much. However, that also is not a good reason for the US not to stand up and notice what is happening.

    President Bush have praised the Malaysian Government under Dollah Badawi many more times and much more highly than what we hear from H.E John Malott. Does this make Dollah Badawi USA’s stooge?
    At APEC, Bush even talks of Islam Hadhari without knowing a thing or two about this Badawi invention. That is diplomacy for you. Soon both Badawi and Bush (2Bs) will be retiring from public office soon. —Din Merican

  44. Dharma said, “Comments by people like Malott only makes me afraid that there may be other hands and other motives at work behind Anwar.”

    Methinks Dharma is a secret xenophobe, like Dr M is. Dr M, according to Tunku Abdul Rahman, had a massive inferiority complex about the West which coloured much of his pronouncements about the US and Jews. He mouthed and spewed, and he tried to make people believe Anwar was an agent for American causes.

    This is just a vomitted rehash, nothing more.

  45. Anwar Ibrahim has been labeled as Jewish agent because of his close association with Paul Wolfowitz. It was Wolfowitz who authored the doctrine latter to become known as the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes and unilateralism.

    It is all about perception. How many times have we heard said that in politics perception is reality.
    Hebat, Sdr. Bean, dari Perundangan kepada Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa dan Diplomasi, semua boleh. Kita suka main politik kampong diruang antarabangsa dan ini lah yang jadi masa’alah untuk negara. Salam.—Din Merican

  46. Due to the imminent-impending change of Govt, never before in the 50 years under the Ruling Elite Regime, Ameno kucar-kacir, kelam-kabut, sudah panik-station!

    Gerakan & MCA pulling out of BN, maybe joining PKR enbloc?

    Dr. Toh KIn Woon, Gerakan heavy-weight, endorsing and supporting DSAI openly! Dr. Tan Kee Kwong s/o Tan Chee Khoon, already joined PKR.

    Wanita MCA Dr. Tan Kee Yew also PKR advocate now. Tunku Aziz, NGO proponent, is a die-hard DAP Chief now.

    SAPP & Yong Teck Lee already OUT of BN!

    After Mac. 8, PRU-ke12, (Tsunami 1), Permatang Pauh by-elections (Tsunami 2), obviously People-Power is clearly DEMANDING a CHANGE of Govt after 50 years of racial-political-dominance.

    Malaysia New Dawn is imminent & inevitable!

    Power to the People! The Voice of Malaysia! People-Power will be the decisive-factor in electing the Govt of Choice – Pakatan Rakyat!

    Sejarah & Era Baru untuk Malaysia! Syabas & Tahniah kepada Rakyat Malaysia!

  47. Dharma,

    I agree. Just because an ex-ambassador says something good about Anwar, we cannot use it against Anwar. USA may see that Anwar is making good progress in becoming the next Prime Minister and they want to be a friend early enough.

    We can all together judge the performance of Pakatan Rakyat and if they cant perform we should all make sure that we change them.

    Pakatan Rakyat has provided tehcountry with a new platform of democracy -a realistic chance of a two party system. If Malaysians do not make use of it we only have ourself to be continuously blamed.

  48. “I agree. Just because an ex-ambassador says something good about Anwar, we cannot use it against Anwar. ” Din Ahmad

    Dharma also says,

    “That’s fine for him to say but we should not fall into the trap of applauding him for we don’t know what the motives of the US are. The US props up all kinds of people around the world for reasons of its own…”

    The suspicion countries have over the real intention of the U.S. government is to be expected in the wake of the invasion of Iraq. The U.S. government knew that Iraq did not have WMD.

    Nobody is suggesting that since U.S. Senator Joe Biden, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and also the presumptive candidate for V.P., and U.S. Secretary of State Rice have both voiced concern, Anwar is therefore a stooge of the U.S. government or a Jewish agent. Their concern is for the transparency and the rule of law in a newly emerging democracy like Malaysia – not so much for the personal safety of Anwar Ibrahim. It is for what Anwar and leaders like him stands for.

  49. Man from Dubai wrote:

    “When DAP’s Kit Siang raised it in parliament then, the given answer was; it was only a paper loss!”

    I wonder who said it was a paper loss when this question was raised in Parliament. If you guessed it was Anwar Ibrahim, you would be spot on.

    “Who benefits most from Sepang’s F1, if not the late Tan Sri Basir and the young guns of UMNOs in their colourful red and yellow Ferraris, including Mahathir’s son Mokhzani!”

    When the F1 takes place in Sepang, ALL the five-star hotels raise their rates because their rooms are fully booked up by visitors during this period. BMW alone spends more than RM10 million on their activities promoting their brand through local marketing companies during the F1. Foreign visitors bring in hundreds of millions of RM worth of foreign exchange every year. So lucrative is the F1 that Lee Kuan Yew confessed that he had made a mistake in not allowing the F1 to take place in Singapore when it was presented to him. Singapore has benefited from the F1 indirectly as many of the F1 fans visiting Sepang also drop by to visit Singapore. Having observed the benefits, Singapore has agreed to also have the race there. This will also be lucrative for Malaysia as some of the fans there will also visit Malaysia. Both races are expected to be important tourism money spinners for both sides of the causeway.

    I believe our political culture is somewhat undeveloped because we seem to see things in absolutes and in black and white. If you oppose Mahathir, then everything done under his administration must be wrong. There is also an unhealthy state of denial among critics as though Mahathir and his administration had illegitimately forced itself on the people. Did not we and/or our parents vote his administration in over his twenty two year of rule? Or were we forced at gunpoint to support the BN?

    During previous elections there were also alternative parties competing against BN for our votes, particularly class-based parties of the left such as Parti Rakyat and, earlier, the Labour Party and the Socialist Front. The voters, namely, the current bloggers who love to denigrate Mahathir, true to form, always fell in line at every election, perhaps with the exception of the last election, to overwhelmingly support the race-based parties of the BN. Ideology and propaganda no doubt played a great role in the scheme of things.

    I have always supported the class-based parties because class cuts across ethnicity and makes meritocracy more acceptable than does race-based politics. Race-based politics inevitably favors the elite at the expense of the masses of their own race. All the countries with strong social democratic traditions and inputs have placed class politics at the centre stage of their platform.

    We need change but certainly not under a questionable leadership like Anwar’s that flip flops between free market and state interventionist policies, depending on which audience he is addressing his remarks to.

    The greatest threat to the South is US imperialism. Its wants to preserve the profligate life style, or American way of life, by imposing its free market ideology through military might. Its military bases ringing the globe are certainly not to bring about freedom and democracy but to buttress its corrupt allies so that they may continue plundering the resources of the South. Most of the vile and corrupt regimes in the South are nurtured and supported by US imperialism. It is right, therefore, to question why this imperial power should issue homilies about freedom and democracy to Malaysia, especially when it has caused the deaths of over a million Iraqis and five million refugees in a short five years of military occupation in that sovereign nation.

    If the State Department and Condi Rice, as well Joe Biden, are so concerned about Malaysia’s human rights practices, how come they have nothing to say about their ally Lee Kuan Yew’s abysmal human rights record? Not even when it affects their own citizen, lawyer-blogger Gopalan Nair who relinquished Singapore citizenship and became a US national, was sentenced to three months jail for criticizing the railroading of opposition activists. These interventionist statements from the baby killer, Condi Rice, and her ilk smacks of hypocrisy and are not welcome. It is the Malaysian people who will determine the type of government we shall have. If we want to rely on the US to help us bring about democracy, then God help us.

  50. Dear Shahidan,
    Thanks for your response. I feel obliged to correct a little bit on your statements.

    The one who replied in Parliament on forex losses was Mahathir. Pls ask Kit Siang to confirm.

    Re Sepang circuit, pls read the opening line again…’Who benefits most… ‘
    Govt planners must have got their knickers twisted if the tangible return on investment is a mere RM10m, as you said, plus a chance to profiteer on hotel rooms over a two day event once a year!

    Sure, I agree with you, Mahathir did some good to the country as well. Nobody denies that. After all he introduced punch card system to the civil servants so everybody came on time. He also helped several guys to become billionaires overnight. He privatised MAS to TR and then buy it back when TR couldnt perform, and paid him higher than the market price. He built Langkawi, he built Bakun Dam, he helped Ting to get Bakun contracts, he helped Vincent, A.Krishnan, established Maxis, Astro as a monopoly, etc. etc. The list goes on.

    But like you said, those who criticise him have undeveloped mind, so I cant possibly remember them all. Will anybody care to add to the list, pls?

  51. Dear Man from Dubai,

    Despite your best efforts to refute me, you are only proving my point.

    You write: “Govt planners must have got their knickers twisted if the tangible return on investment is a mere RM10m, as you said, plus a chance to profiteer on hotel rooms over a two day event once a year!”

    I wrote: “ BMW alone spends more than RM10 million on their activities promoting their brand through local marketing companies during the F1.”

    In a word, I did not say the tangible return on investment is a mere RM10m. I said BMW alone spends more than that amount. And this does not include the other brands which have their budgets to market their products. My next sentence reads: “Foreign visitors bring in hundreds of millions of RM worth of foreign exchange every year.” These are visitors to the F1 Grand Prix who visit Malaysia for several days. The Sepang circuit cost RM300m, but the foreign exchange revenues to the economy from visitors to the F1 alone would have been more than the invested amount within the first two years alone. The fact that MAB may not be making profits is another issue.

    The five-star hotels which are pivotal in the tourism/hospitality industries benefit immensely from the F1 or Singapore would not have opted to have the race there after having initially rejected it.

    Your comment, also wrongly attributed to me, reads: “But like you said, those who criticise him have undeveloped mind, so I cant possibly remember them all.”

    What I said was: “I believe our political culture is somewhat undeveloped because we seem to see things in absolutes and in black and white.”
    You will agree that a lot of the criticisms against Mahathir are very personalized and do not take into account systemic issues.

    To begin with, Mahathir was running a post-colonial underdeveloped capitalist economy, made up of a racially compartmentalized population and which featured a distinct identification of race with occupation. In the context of capital accumulation in this system, cronyism and corruption is par for the course.

    In fact, the scale of corruption in the developed US, benchmarked by its local apologists for us to emulate, is even more intense. The current financial debacle in the US should leave no one in doubt as to who the beneficiaries of the great bailout are. The Treasury bails out its own class. It has been described by an AFL-CIO spokesman as socialism for the rich. The working class and the middle class are left in the cesspool of capitalism.

    Meanwhile, the trillion dollar war in Iraq benefits the major shareholders in the arms industry who happen to be represented by the political leaders. Corruption on a massive scale, but deemed part of the business cycle with no moral implications.

    So let us critic the Mahathir administration’s track record and demand more democracy and accountability, but let us do so in systemic and institutional terms so that we may widen our horizons.

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