Malaysia deserves better than Najib’s Leadership

September 23, 2013

Malaysia deserves better than Najib’s Leadership

by Dr. M Bakri Musa
Morgan-Hill, California

“We must change the nation’s sorry trajectory by dispensing with the current leadership. The excuse that there is no one else capable may be solace to Najib but an insult to all Malaysians. Allah would not be so unkind and unjust as to deprive us of our share of leadership talent. To get our rightful due however, we must first stop indulging our present incompetent leaders, beginning with Najib. Only then could we diligently search for better ones.”–M. Bakri Musa

Najib’s glaring leadership deficiencies have now been glaringly exposed. Malaysia deserves better. His performance has not been up to par even when compared to his lackluster predecessor. If under Abdullah Badawi Malaysia had the modernity of Manhattan but the mentality of Mogadishu, under Najib, Malaysia risks degenerating, period.

NajibNajib is not terribly bright or introspective. Like a little child, he always hunger for approval. He is also severely “charimastically-challenged.” A leader could survive or even thrive despite having one or two of these flaws, but to be cursed with all three is fatal.

All his adult years Najib has depended entirely on government paychecks. No surprise then that his worldview is narrowly circumscribed. His solution to every problem is to distribute government checks, well exemplified by his many “1-Malaysia” handouts. His recent Majlis Ekonomi Bumiputra was no exception; likewise its hefty price tag.

Not being introspective, Najib does not and never will recognize his shortcomings. Consequently unlike his immediate predecessor, Najib will never resign voluntarily; he would rather destroy his party and country first. If UMNO does not recognize this, it too will go down with him; likewise the country.

A good leader, to paraphrase a hadith, is one who protects his followers from his hands and tongue. Najib does neither. Functionally, he slipped his hands into the pockets of Malaysians when he raised the price of petrol. He wants to do it again with his Goods and Services Tax (GST). Meanwhile his smooth tongue bribes us with his ever-generous “1Malaysia” gifts, using the rakyat’s money of course.

While being smart is an obvious asset in a leader, not being one would not necessarily be a handicap. Reagan, one of the most successful American presidents, was far from being brainy. He, however, knew his limitations and duly compensated for that; his cabinet was full of intellectual heavyweights and individuals of proven achievements.

Incidentally my comparing him to Reagan, no matter how unfavorably, only feeds Najib’s delusion. Najib thinks he is super smart; he frequently parrots the latest buzz words. It is not just an increase but a quantum leap! It is not just any strategy but a blue ocean one! Meanwhile the ship of state is headed straight to the bottom. He does not appreciate his fundamental problem. You cannot scour the ocean on a leaky sampan with a crew familiar only with the rakit (bamboo raft), and hope to survive.

The embarrassing caliber of Najib’s cabinet and advisors reflects his blissful ignorance of his deficiencies. He had over four years to scout for fresh talent, only to end up with the same mediocre core ministers he inherited from his equally dull predecessor. I cringe whenever I hear any pronouncement from them. They are all “half-past six.”

Even on the rare occasion when Naijb picked a bright star like Idris Jala, the formerGuitar Playing Singer Idris Jala chief executive of Shell, the sparkle is gone. It is hard to soar like an eagle when surrounded by turkeys. Idris is reduced to and consumed with making elegant Powerpoint presentations to any willing audience.

Tasked with “transforming” the government (note the bombastic buzz word!), Idris Jala either severely underestimated the enormity of the task or generously overestimated his talent in executing it. He forgot the evident reality that the government of Malaysia is not Shell with respect to size, scope of activities, availability of talent, or any other matrix. The bureaucratic inertia of the civil service pales the physical one of a loaded supertanker.

If Idris had appreciated the enormity of the challenge, or had a wee bit of humility, he would have focused on only one or two areas, and learned from the experience. Once successful, he would have minimal difficulty selling his ideas and initiatives.

If Najib had been introspective, he would have assigned Idris a specific portfolio and then let him do his own “transforming.” Idris would then be able to show  instead of just merely tell  us his managerial capabilities.

Like a skillful carpenter, a good leader knows when and where to deploy his finest tools. Implicit in that observation is that a good leader must first recognize which tools are sharp and which ones are dull, to be discarded. It is precisely this critical insight that Najib is severely lacking.

Dr MNajib’s second weakness, his hunger for approval, is equally crippling. He tried to ingratiate himself to extremist Malay nationalists by brandishing his kris dipped in tomato sauce, but to no avail. During the last election he had his son utter a few words of Mandarin and gave generous on-the-spot grants to Chinese schools. Likewise, he visited Rome for an audience with the Pope. At home he garlanded himself in that outlandish floral arrangement around his neck while visiting Batu Caves. Voters readily saw through those silly overtures.

Like a spoilt brat who had grown accustomed to being indulged upon, Najib could not accept the harsh rebuke that was the last election. He reacted like the over-pampered kampong kid by sulking; hence his shameful silence during the many recent crises.

Lacking self-awareness, Najib has pretensions of great charisma. If contrast is the essence of art, then his on-stage performance with the South Korean Gangnam Group, Psy, during the last election campaign was truly, well, artistic. If that were his only gig, that would be harmless enough. It was however, mildly funny, even if it was at his expense.

A charismatic leader could at least attract talent to his cause despite lacking competence or not being generously-endowed intellectually. Najib does not attract the best. He confuses endless slogans for substantive efforts, frenetic activities as decisive actions, and sulking withdrawal as deep contemplation.

Take his endless sloganeering. First there was glokal Malay (contraction for globalMalaysia-- Endless Possibilities and lokal, Malay bastardization for local). Lacking traction, he shifted to “One Malaysia.” Streams of slogans later, it is now “Endless Possibilities!” What’s next? Najib is the leader caricatured by Shahnon Ahmad’s lead character in his novella, Unggappan.

We must change the nation’s sorry trajectory by dispensing with the current leadership. The excuse that there is no one else capable may be solace to Najib but an insult to all Malaysians. Allah would not be so unkind and unjust as to deprive us of our share of leadership talent. To get our rightful due however, we must first stop indulging our present incompetent leaders, beginning with Najib. Only then could we diligently search for better ones.

Malaysia deserves better than to be saddled with Najib Razak.


bakri-musaBakri Musa’s essays on Malaysian issues have appeared in local publications as The Sun Daily and Education Quarterly, as well as international ones like The Far Eastern Economic Review and International Herald Tribune. His commentary has also aired on National Public Radio’s Marketplace. His latest book is Liberating the Malay Mind.

Bakri received his undergraduate, medical and masters degrees from the University of Alberta , and was awarded a Research Fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada to pursue research in transplant immunology. A published author in his scientific and professional fields, Bakri is a board-certified surgeon and a Fellow of both the American College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada .

Prior to coming to California in 1981, Bakri practiced in Oregon , Alberta , and his country of origin, Malaysia . He used to scuba dive and sail his sloop Makan Angin in Monterey Bay, but that time is now taken up tending his Katahdin sheep and free-ranging chicken on his ranch in Morgan Hill , California.

18 thoughts on “Malaysia deserves better than Najib’s Leadership

  1. By letting Najib be prime minister of Malaysia are we depriving a village of its idiot?
    Does that sum up what the writer is trying to say?

  2. Insightful comments by Dr. Bakri who knows Najib better than most of us since he was Tun Razak’s family doctor when he was a medical doctor here in the 1970s. I do not expect Najib to be a transformational leader. But I do expect him to be a responsible Prime Minister. That job requires him to be accountable for his decisions and actions. I also wish he would stop all the sloganeering and get down to the serious business of government. Don’t play politics with our nation’s future.–Din Merican

  3. ‘…Malaysia had the modernity of Manhattan but the mentality of Mogadishu…’
    This is not true. Malaysia is one of a kind, uniquely its own, not a hybrid or a mongrel. The same is true for Mogadishu or Manhattan,unique.

    But on dipping into the people’s pockets for petrol price hike, creeping up with the GST on the populace, and being 1Malaysia slogan n’ billboard PM, that is quite spot on.

  4. Another fool :

    If people want to erect a memorial to Chin Peng, they don’t need his ashes to erect the memorial. His birthplace (house, if it still exists) would suffice. If I am not wrong, his home – a shophouse – still exists in Sitiawan.
    Are these fools going to spend hard-earned tax payer money to tear down the shophouse ??

    Any of his urban hiding places or sites of major battles during the anti-Japanese war and the anti-colonial, anti-British “Emergency” (at least until up ti 1957) can also be made the site of a memorial. Bodoh sombong UMNO Baru-BN fools !

  5. The “Bright Star” Idris Jala reduced himself to “Machai” status the moment he accepted Najib’s offer for a BN cabinet post. Can he deny the fact that he is part of a corrupt government? He should learn from the experience of those who had tried to change from within. He is not so bright afterall to not understand this.

  6. “I do not expect Najib to be a transformational leader. But I do expect him to be a responsible Prime Minister. That job requires him to be accountable for his decisions and actions. I also wish he would stop all the sloganeering and get down to the serious business of government. Don’t play politics with our nation’s future.”–Din Merican

    Din, you are expecting the sun to rise from the West. You are in for a major disappointment.

  7. Sometimes I am not sure I should envy or curse, it seems some people are more equal than I am. Such folks seem to get away with everything

  8. Dr. Bakri’s is NOT to be discounted at all. All the more so when one has read his constructively critical selfless thoughts.

    Mahathir’s and Daim’s remarks about Najib directed at governmental action like BRIM and through his Perkasa mouth piece had little effects and ignored. This goes to show he doesn’t care else we would have seen those remarks considered and taken action.

    When Mahathir is gone, who else do we have to at least loud hailed what’s not right. The smart ones would simply hedge their wealth elsewhere waiting for things to correct to their liking before attempting new thoughts. Meanwhile FDI are equally smart to stay sideline and observe risks status. What else beside petrol $ and CPO $ do we have to develop. So we can expect new avenues to raise government kitty other than GST and raising petrol prices. Expert higher taxes for harm stuff next. Liquor and gaming tax, tolls etc. Where are incentives for export from reduced export tariff etc. Next would be ways to raise tariffs. All these simply inflate our ways into high income society.

    Who will come in to invest? CHINA for China views risk differently. When western world funders ran away, China invested in Indonesia for China views credit and country risk differently from the west. We don’t know what is exchanged with China but we know, it is a very shrewd dealer in grabbing resources it need and the market inroad that it need. To balance this Najib might agree with TPPA to open up our economy. This is good for free trade to counter protectionism. Can the malay communities stand up to it? Some perhaps like those who have not depended on UmnoB. Those in the like of Dr. Bakri will flourish because they have learned to international and have been resilience like their Chinese brothers.

    There is little doubt the Chinese communities are every ready because they have been resilience all the while; harnessed by suppression to look beyond our shores and have survived. They have hedged their business mainly in China. The same can be observed of Philippines Chinese. Just check the number of Malaysian Chinese SMEs (MCSME) already flourishing in China from 20 years ago. The MCA is spat on in China by these MCSME. The MCA has no advantage and might be a liability once out of Malaysia. Even some Chinese work ethics in Malaysia are frowned upon by Chinese investors. If one has been long enough in China and have mingled with the MCSME, their actions speak.

    The PRC businessmen think on their feet, work very hard, decisive and act very fast with the funding powers. The TPPA will play into their hands handsomely.

  9. 600 years is a full cycle since Admiral Zheng He fleet was recalled. The Chinese almanac told of it regaining its greatness after 600 years. It came to past from a clean slate in 1949 for a 100 years agenda. By 2049. PRC will be like it was in 1449. Along the way, those who had paid tributes 600 years ago will do so again. Admiral Zheng He’s era was when the first Chinese human wave were distributed to all shore. A repeat is now playing while the fleet is building its second and third AC. History repeats itself amazingly isn’t it? Political economy is so interesting as the aged XO cognac.

    Dr. Bakri obviously is a well read man for his imaginative associativities of the little powers that be in Malaysia against the BIG power that be in the world. If his thoughts are every to be considered long ago, there would be more resilience Malays like him. But might that liberalism weaken the Umnoputras? Seems so otherwise why the pacifying handouts?

  10. Dr. Bakri:
    We, Manhattan? ha? Spore might be. Someone such as Malaysiakini ought to give a continuous monthly regional comparative economics report of where we stand among asean then we can introspect into those retrospectives. We used to be ASEAN number 2. We still are but shared with others. Soon we might be number 3 sharing with Vietnam and Philippines.


    The sun will rise from the west because the umnoputra look at the sun from their Porsche back mirrors.

    Pok Li:
    Idris is smart. He plays to the tune of his boss. He is laughing all the world to his off-shore bank. His boss is his customer and he knows how to keep his customer happy. Customer is KING. Mind us, Idris only tell part of the statistics, the beautiful part. He had no mandate to report to the lousy 80%, just show the 20% icing while the 80% cake is stinking expired gardenia bread and not tiramisu.

  11. “itbis difficult to soar like an eagle when he is surrounded by turkeys” Classic.Can I add when surrounded by eunuchs!! Idris Jala: busy playing and collecting guitars See the Star today. Chinese New Tear Drummer flying around with big mama attending conferences where he will understand nothing. The Keralan lost in space selectively amnesia. The rest of the pack fighting for party posts.(shhh some guarding the borders for CP ashes ) Most Malaysians paying through their nose for their next meal.

  12. The budget is ON ! Najib is going to parliament to get approval to raise spending by alot.

    Also the debt ceiling debate is on in U.S..

    Unlike the US, the president’s side i.e. democrates can oppose. Here all YES men. NO men gets no share. Pakatan has direct distribution from the budget.

  13. The servant is a reflection of the master( The Citizen) so say the English. The Party of three million has spoken based on a deal to deliver the promised land. Now the Citizen Masters have to speak. Your time will come in GE14 and I hope that the remaing citizens will be given a fair chance to speak. In the meantime BERSIH muist keep the pressure in order to ensure that the electoral roll are besihed and the principles realted to postal voting is not applied to all essential services but only specifically to those from the essential servoces who will be on duty on election day.

  14. Budget round the corner – US and Msia

    JP Morgan Traces out Bearish Reversal Pattern (video)
    September 23, 2013 at 1:21 PM | written by Arthur Hill

    JP Morgan (JPM) broke short term support with a sharp decline on Monday. With a lower high taking shape, the stock is forming a larger head-and-shoulders reversal over the last few months. Also notice that JPM shows relative weakness and the Accumulation Distribution Line already broke the summer low.

  15. You expect Najib to be responsible leader, did you say Dato? Well, sorry to disappoint you but it has just been revealed in parliament today:

    i) we paid McKinsey RM20 million to prepare the Education Blueprint;

    ii) we paid RM2.88 million for the recent Hari Raya open house at Seri Perdana;

    iii) PERMATA Childchare under the fat lady still gets RM100+ million per year allocation with no program to speak of

    Cry until no tears – Chinese proverb

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