Obama will be seen to be on the right side of history

November 14, 2012

Obama will be seen to be on the right side of history

by W Scott Thompson*

THE only reason there was any suspense is because the good pollsters intended to confuse. The “17 per cent likelihood” that Barack Obama wouldn’t win the Electoral College simply didn’t exist.

The 17 serious pollsters knew he had a lock of better than 1 per cent in each poll so they simply added that up to keep the hopeful jokesters on the other side off balance. Did you notice that the state-by-state predictions were precisely right?

Now it is true, that I didn’t get my landslide and government will remain divided. But look: a new president doesn’t come in alone, he brings 3,000 or so with him that have various constitutional or political responsibilities to carry out. You want Karl Rove’s people or Rahm Emmanuel’s? We aren’t spending the next year either, with Congress again trying to resist the Obama programme; Obama is simply applying lessons learned already so his people, who’ve spent four anguishing years, can apply these gains as they move ahead, throwing into the dustbin of history these “theories” of government whereby if you make the really rich people at the top feel even more comfortable, they’d invest more and every one would benefit.

Now apart from the illogicality there’s also the “how does it look” aspect. It looks pretty awful. What had always made America look good, even to inspire, was precisely that it was never a zero-sum game, until Rove, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush et al discovered that they really could get away with it, not to mention the destruction of Baghdad.

Now the curious fact about this campaign is that the Republican nominee arguably couldn’t have cared less. An amiable and smart guy, he was the first nominee with no agenda since Franklyn Roosevelt — but who for his part had got one fast in 1932 and wrote most of the political history for three generations.

It looked like Mitt Romney’s advisers would see an opening in the middle, and would say “give them a little more of that Massachusetts stuff”, and Romney would say “sure, sure, why not? If its free give them two.”

If his vice-presidential candidate would worry about how this looked, Romney would say, “we’re going to get rid of Planned Parenthood”, which was news to a lot of Americans who relied on it. He thought his smile, economic success story, and general “hail fellow well met” would prevail.

But on the other side, there was no choice of agenda; there were ways to accomplish the agenda which had been formulated and made more precise over four years.

The Republicans also seemed to rely on “feel good” factors. Get ahead of the President of the United States and all would be well. Obama was relying on thousands of poll and resident trackers, not airy puffs of wind.

Anyone who saw that Obama machine get into action last Tuesday knew the field-watchers, working from their own houses, would be down soon to pick up undecided voters, who wouldn’t remain undecided much longer. Obama likes to come in for a crafted kill, that has been thought out, agreed upon, and then celebrated. It isn’t much different from the raid that got Osama bin Laden.

There’s something else that needs to be celebrated. All those billions that the Koch brothers and their kind promised to deliver for a final knock out of liberalism may have found that huge checks didn’t have the same effect as multiple small donations; they’re not even easy to administer.

I think Obama’s first term will be remembered for the careful establishment of a strategy and the means to carry it out, with perhaps a bit of smugness knowing that the other side wouldn’t ever even be able to play catch-up. And on the foreign policy side to give “The Donald” the drubbing he deserved, as the only one there knowing what was happening on the precisely opposite side of the world.

Second terms may be “lame duck” terms, but that’s not all they can be. Continuing thoughtful new programmes, letting beneficiaries do the pushing for more immigration reform, making America see that this is the turning point … that’s where we are right now: Waiting to knock out Tea Party forces everywhere and getting on with it.

We now are a multi-ethnic great adult country led by a man who is bound to be seen as on the right side of history.

*W Scott Thompson is emeritus professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, United States

9 thoughts on “Obama will be seen to be on the right side of history

  1. With Congress divided, how can Obama get business done? The Republicans are determined to make him a lame duck President in his second term.

    The option he has is to go back to the American people for support. Obama is a charismatic communicator and should have no problem to explain his policies to them. One way is to emulate Franklin Delano Roosevelt who used to chat by the Fire with the American people.Of course with the Internet and social media, Obama will have more options.–Din Merican

  2. The Republicans are determined to make him a lame duck President in his second term — Dato

    But right now it is a lame duck House with the U.S. Senate and the White House under strong Democrat control. The mid term elections may shift the balance of power back to the Democrats if the Republicans are seen as being obstructionist merely for obstruction’s sake. The U.S. President can always resort to the controversial use of Executive Orders (given the number of liberal justices who sit on the U.S. Supreme Court today) and take all the credit that comes with these..

  3. If I were an American,I’d stick with Obama n ride the roller coaster of economic turbulence and perhaps comes out pretty well,much2 better than Daddy n Little Bush left it in the first place.Stick with him and for the next coming 4 years,just concentrate on what American do best,invention,pour more money into those private companies making electric cars,stop drilling in the Alaskan wilderness,take a look at solving the eco problems seriously,try rediscovering Low Fusion Power sources ect2.Build infrastructure to cater to mass charging stations for them electric cars,wean off forsil fuel gradually.

  4. Yes Bean,
    If republicans didn’t play their cards well, they may lose their majority in the house of representatives. Frankly, the demographics doesn’t favour the republicans. The latinos is on the rise. The truth is Bush Junior survived because his brother Jeb able to secure sufficient Latino votes. Mark my words! Republicans are the ones who should start worrying

  5. Yes Lok1, you said it all in anticipation of four good years of harvest for America…..

    As Obama himself had ‘ predicted’ on the day of his Victory : ‘ For America, the Best is yet to come…’
    Methinks, which resembles his good nature, it’s a ‘blessing’ that he had spontaneously blurted out, and the Heavens might grant his best wishes for his Beloved America….what say you, friend ?

  6. Soon after his first victory Obama called President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority. He embarked on a tour of the middle east, underlining his determination to achieve peace in the region. Unfortunately the realities of American politics set in, and the peace process has been at a standstill for most of his first term. Will he do better in his 2nd term? Does middle east peace have any priority in Obama 2.0?

  7. The real deal really is cut Medicare/Medicaid for tax increase/military spending..What Obama is trying to do is get the tax increase first before making the deal so it won’t be so bad for him. Congress knows it and instead pushing for closing tax loopholes so they get to demand more Medicare/Medicaid in return for the tax increase. Because he got Obamacare in the first term, he really don’t have a choice and give up the numbers for Medicare/Medicaid for the tax increase and modest military cut…

    Its really the only deal that can be done..

  8. Mazlan,
    Seriously, till today, me still don’t understand why some folks so obssessed with palestinian/isrealis issue. Yet few muslims talks about rohingya issues. I have listened to BBC yesterday that one Gaza resident said that he is sicked & tired of politicians making use of them for political milleage
    Enough is enough la dey

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