Happy Birthday, America, Land of the Free

July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, America, Land of the Free

To All my Friends, Ambassador John Malott, and Bloggers in America,

Best Wishes for the Fourth of July. Here are two youtube videos I have chosen to commemorate this special occasion for all Americans.

Happy Birthday, USA, the Land of the Free. Thank you for your generosity and for giving me a good education. You taught me what Freedom means and how it must be cherished and protected. It was the opening of my mind.

As a student in Washington DC, I also experienced to your generosity and kindness. With this, I will remember Professor, Academic Advisor, and Friend, the late Dr. Philip Donald Grub of The George Washington University School of Business. Phil, your Fourth of July Parties were great. Thanks for the memories.–Din Merican

Why Women Still Can’t Ask the Right Questions

by Naomi Wolf (06-30-12)

Naomi Wolf is a world-renowned public intellectual who played a leading role in so-called “third-wave” feminism and as an advocate of “power feminism,” which holds that women must assert themselves politically in order to achieve their goals. She has advised the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Her books include The Beauty Myth and The End of America.


If appropriate public policies were in place to help all women – whether CEOs or their children’s caregivers – and all families, Sandberg (of Facebook) would be no more newsworthy than any other highly capable person living in a more just society.–Naomi Wolf

We are just recovering, in the United States, from the entirely predictable kerfuffle over a plaint published by Anne-Marie Slaughter, former Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and a professor at Princeton University, called “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All.”The response was predictable because Slaughter’s article is one that is published in the US by a revolving cast of powerful (most often white) women every three years or so.

The article, whoever has written it, always bemoans the “myth” of a work-life balance for women who work outside the home, presents the glass ceiling and work-family exhaustion as a personal revelation, and blames “feminism” for holding out this elusive “having-it-all ideal.” And it always manages to evade the major policy elephants in the room – which is especially ironic in this case, as Slaughter was worn out by crafting policy.

The problems with such arguments are many. For starters, the work-family balance is no longer a women’s issue. All over the developed world, millions of working men with small children also regret the hours that they spend away from them, and go home to bear the brunt of shared domestic tasks. This was a “women’s issue” 15 years ago, perhaps, but now it is an ambient tension of modern life for a generation of women and men who are committed to gender equality.—Read On–Project Syndicate: Naomi Wolf

26 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, America, Land of the Free

  1. Yes, echoing Dato Din,

    Happy July 4th to all our American friends ! (including those who are ex-Malaysians 🙂 )

    I also received an excellent education at the tertiary level in the USA and remember my years there with fondness.

    May you reclaim your democracy from your plutocrats just as we
    try to create a genuine democracy here by reclaiming Malaysia from our kleptocrats. trust that you will get your govt to support the true reformers and genuine democrats here in Malaysia.
    Thanks, Dr. Phua for this.–Din Merican

  2. Happy 4th of July to USA.

    “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
    Abraham Lincoln

  3. America,land of the free,will provide the leading light to the new world which is coming pretty soon,stay watchful on what is happening in the world today,be very alert during this critical period.Thank God that we are free.

  4. Naomi Wolf : “….For starters, the work-family balance is no longer a women’s issue ( alone ). All over the developed world, millions of working men with small children also regret the hours they spend away from them, and go home to bear the brunt of shared domestic tasks… ( often to late hours of the night ? ) ”

    So that it is no longer the old problem of ‘ why women were not allowed to ask the right Questions ‘ , but rather the ‘new’ Question why women CAN’T ask the right Questions any more.

    In the Eastern cultures generally, in Malaysia particularly, women are not allowed at all to ask right Questions under any circumstance, and adhere to full obedience of the male dominance, b’coz it is their ” religious” and cultural obligations to be subjugated through prolonged usage or prescription…
    No longer true. Sisters in Islam is not an Obediant Housewives Club. They are strong advocates of Islamic Feminism and gender equality. You should meet people like Zainah Anwar, Marina Mahathir and the rest.–Din Merican

  5. “UMNO should be blamed for converting many educated Malaysian intelectuals into USA worshippers” – hussin
    Hussin, I take exception to your remarks. I will criticise the USA any time and I know that they are big and confident enough to accept criticisms and will learn to do better. If there is anything that UMNO has done good is that they keep sending Malaysians (Malays especially)to the US and elsewhere overseas for their tertiary education.–Din Merican

    I had my share of American bashing as an undergrad in the late ’60s. It was at a time when the loud and ostentatious “Ugly American” referred to by author Eugene Burdick in his novel of the same title made his appearance in Southeast Asia, a character to whom President Kennedy was drawn to and he (the Ugly American) became apparently a subject of study. Cast as a Roman a clef, it describes how Americans were losing the fight for the hearts and minds of people in Southeast Asia.

    Today I am forever indebted to the U.S. government for giving me safe harbor. The U.S. is a beacon of freedom for the Free World. It is the only country that gives foreigners persecuted in their home countries for their views and their association, for the beliefs they hold, a chance to live their lives as they choose – in freedom and safe from persecution.

    But Malaysia will always be my country to which I still swear my allegiance to. And to which I shall return one day before I breathe my last.

  6. What happened to my earlier posting? Disappeared.
    What must have been deleted because it is not relevant to the topic.–Din Merican

  7. Well Mr Bean,

    I regret not spending my Junior Year abroad in a UK university while studying in the USA. (For blog readers who are not familiar with US terminology: Junior year = 3rd year of typical 4 year American undergraduate degree programme)

  8. ………I shall return one day before I breathe my last……Bean July 4, 11:36am
    But Bean, the religous fanatics, Jakim, Jawi and the rest are not ready yet to accept a Malay with a ‘cross’ at the neck.

  9. socialism is very american too. just that the plutocrats squash and rewrite history. i’m a very big fan of the USA and see it as the champion of democracy though i’ve never supported US presidents in the cold war against the ‘evil’ ussr and china. i always see ussr and china, whatever their faults, as a counterweight to us presidents and their politicians. my favs are the lefts like ralph nader, mike moore, noam chomsky, howard zinn.

  10. Hussin, we are not worshiping the US rather we have experienced what’s its like to live free, free from persecution, free to practice our religion and free to express our opinions and free to choose our lifestyle and government. Thus we recognize the difference between the US and Malaysia and make comparison with what is good and what is not good. You on the other hand need to open up your mind and explore the wide world and not remain like the proverbial frog under the coconut shell. If in the end you don’t find the country you like then return to Malaysia and revert back to your old ways.

    God has given us the faculty to choose from right and wrong, from good and bad and thus choose wisely.

  11. “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

  12. ”God has given us the faculty to choose from right and wrong, from good and bad and thus choose wisely”. semper fi

    for malaysians God has given us the many religious administrators who save us trouble and tell us what is right and what is wrong…and to throw fatwas.

    the Land of the Free; the Free means that the liberty is there to think for oneself. the ability to think for oneself is achieved by the unbiased education and the access to information – freedom of information.

    yes Mr. Bean the malaysians rightly envy you!

    I wish all Americans, half Americans, want to be Americans and my ex and also George W, a wonderful Fourth of July celebrations.

    Happy Birthday US of America

  13. The operative words are ” ….they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights….” Kathy – yes, they are powerfull words amongst all mankind, but some muslims have the fallacy to say one thing and in practice do another, that is, in deed they do quite the opposite.

    Muslim malays generally think the ‘ freedom’ the west talk about is freedom in the absolute sense, whereas it is actually limited or confined to ” liberty and the pursuit of happiness ” as their inallienable rights…

    In Malaysian scenario what happens ? Women group NGOs like Sisters in Islam, indeed they have been very vocal and are trying their best shot to change the mindset of religious orthodoxy to no avail….whilst their constant message is for emancipation of women’s Liberty, the authorities like Jais, Mais, Jakim & others, they constantly in their daily sermons, public forums and daily motivational talks, indoctrinate albeit subtlely , short of admitting that they do DESIRE to Subjugate the weaker sex…real ” exploitation” of the Mind on daily basis….good efforts of the NGOs are nullified and of no effect on socities at large…..

  14. While the Americans basked in their past glory of Independence let us not forget that US policies in the Middle East has had little successes to speak of…fewer still when considering the Palestinian-Israel conflict…One reason: with few exceptions (President Carter certainly and President Clinton occasionally…Arabs and the Moslem at large and the Palestinians in particular haven’t trusted American negotiators, who have always taken sides – Israel’s… The last time American policy achieved an outright success was through the Camp David when Israel and Egypt signed the peace treaty…The two countries aren’t the best of friends by no means, and with a newly elected President from the Ikhwanul Muslimin party the future of this peace accord is anyone guess…

  15. “But Bean, the religous fanatics, Jakim, Jawi and the rest are not ready yet ..” timur

    The UMNO-led government has no jurisdiction over foreign nationals.

    And yes Phua. Gotcha !

  16. “Hussin, we are not worshiping the US rather we have experienced what’s its like to live free, free from persecution, free to practice our religion and free to express our opinions and free to choose our lifestyle and government.”

    Well spoken, semper fi.

    The next thing Hussin will say is that we are worshippers living the Western decadent lifestyle. Mahathir broke ranks with past Prime Ministers to sell his own brand of anti Americanism and since then no Prime Minister has had the courage to reverse course or shift to neutral gear. Had they done so Hussin would be singing God Bless America today. Hussin has first to realize that none of his thoughts on the issues are his but UMNO’s. And until he realizes how much UMNO has messed with his head, he will continue to think that what is good for UMNO is good for him and his country.

  17. “Mr. Bean, Malaysians rightly envy you!” reeperbahn

    There are many Malaysians (including Malays) currently living in the U.S. with more inspiring stories to tell about their struggles. I wish they would visit Din’s blog to share their stories.

    We had a few visiting Din’s blog in the past to tell their stories.

    Look no further than our semper fi. His children are successful professionals. They are living proof that Malays don’t need hand-outs to be successful. In fact left alone to make their choices, through competition they emerge better human beings, better able to appreciate life and all it offers. Character is shaped by adversity and not through government manipulation.

    I have a niece who is still in high school, top student across the states she traverses and has scholarships offered to some of the best universities – before she even completes her high school. Talent is recognized early and nurtured in the Land of the Free.

  18. Yes indeed we are blessed to be able to live a free life and to excel in our chosen profession, religion and way of life. Everyone is given equal opportunity to succeed, no crutches needed. The US is not perfect but it’s the best there is for now.

    Guess many Malaysians are envious of Americans and if given the opportunity will at a second notice jump ship and migrate. Like millions of other all dreaming of the “American dream”. In the US you can be who you want to be without any Jakim or Jawi telling you otherwise.
    Bravo, orang malaya di Amerika Syarikat. A biting comment indeed. You are a lucky man.–Din Merican

  19. Well said Mr Bean, yours @ 8.31pm & 9.01pm, yes inspiring…

    ” In the US you can be who you want to be without any Jakim or Jawi telling you otherwise ” @ orang malaya.

    Muslims should not confuse between words like ‘freedom’ and ‘ liberty’ over which the orthodoxy really get jumbled up esp in Malaysia, & so detest the US or the West. Well they are wrong. Freedom does not mean the ‘absolute’ right to do do anything they please, with no limitations. With freedom, one still has to abide by our conscience, more to abide by the rule of law, individually still to abide by ‘religious’ beliefs, all the norms of good traditional values too. So its never absolute.

    There is the slight difference with ” Liberty ” as an Inalienable right given by God. It is in this sense that word ” freedom” is used & universally understood….
    So thanks Mr Bean & orang malaya.

  20. Abnizar,

    On the Declaration of Independence, it is “unalienable” and not “inalienable” rights. It is a common enough mistake. There is a difference.

    This year’s celebration is low keyed in many parts because of the wild fire now raging in semper fi’s corner of the U.S. Maybe semper fi flicked a cigarette butt out on to some very dry leaves as he came out of the Blue Oyster Club. Over where I am temps are rising to 100 F. More like home yet different because of the humidity.

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