Focus on Putrajaya, says Anwar

January 15, 2012

Pakatan Rakyat National Convention: Focus on Putrajaya, says Anwar

By Yow Hong Chieh@

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) must stay the course to topple Barisan Nasional (BN) and seize federal power, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today.

“Man can plan. We may face many tests but it should not weaken or erode our conviction that… God decides,” the opposition pact’s leader told the PR convention here.

“Neither should we feel threatened, trapped or lose out because of money or threats. So we must be consistent and committed to our struggle to uphold justice for all Malaysians.

Anwar stressed that there was no room in PR for those who have been seduced by the promise of power or money, and urged its component parties to “clean” such people from their ranks.

In an oblique reference to PAS’s sacking of Datuk Hasan Ali, the PKR de facto leader commended the Islamist party for acting swiftly against errant members who threatened the pact’s goals.

“It’s better that we clean Pakatan Rakyat of those who want to defend power and money, not idealism,” he said.

“I want to congratulate Hadi Awang and the PAS leadership for taking… stern action to show that PAS will defend principles and idealism, and is willing to face some internal problems in defending Pakatan Rakyat rather than sacrifice unity and its noble aspirations.”

The PAS central working committee sacked Hasan, a former vice president and Selangor liaison chief, as a party member on Sunday for breaching party discipline.

The Gombak Setia assemblyman was axed for urging opposition supporters to avoid the January 9 rally in support of Anwar as his sodomy trial verdict was handed down.

Anwar also stressed today that PR could focus fully on seizing Putrajaya from UMNO — “an old lion with no teeth” — now that he had been acquitted, and urged the opposition machinery to memorise and spread word of the pact’s policies proposals. He further assured that opposition rule would bring change for the people, not for “revenge… or personal gain”.

“It’s going to be a no-nonsense administration. You perform, you stay. You’re corrupt, out you go!” he said.

29 thoughts on “Focus on Putrajaya, says Anwar

  1. Focus on Putrajaya OK but tell the rakyat what PR will do differently from BN and tell the rakyat what PR will do for the rakyat. Cite some examples like raising the welfare payment, introduce food stamps for the poor, build more low cost housing in every town and village, introduce national health system, remove the quota for entry into public universities, and along those lines.

    Then make a pledge to fulfill those promises and outline the punishment if PR fail to fulfill those promises. Don’t just say Focus on Putrajaya. It shows that PR is only interested in gaining power but not committed to uplift the welfare of the citizens and to make changes on the bad BN policies.

    Draw up a roadmap with clear routes towards the destination.

  2. agree wth semper fi, this is the time to put up some kind of road map. outlining the most important problems to be tackled first. PR should show that it is interested in the welfare of the people. how about first abolishing the peaceful assemby bill. Bar Council and other NGOs should come up with a replacement.

    revamp the education system and free them from the shackles put on them in the last 30 years. you can’t change it overnight but you can put up a timetable of how you are going to do it.

    employable malaysians should be first considered for a job and then only should an alien worker considered.
    in a rich country like malaysia no malaysian should be poor and go hungry. it is a shame on umno/bn for producing poverty.

    and rid malaysia of the INSECTS!

  3. They don’t even look where they are going.- Mr. Bean

    I agree totally with Mr. Bean. once PR comes to power every malaysian gets a free…..COMPASS! so they know where they are heading.

    I think road maps got famous because of G.W.Bush and his road map for peace in the muddled middle east!

  4. Pakatan’s road to Putrajaya is THROUGH the BACK ROADS of the Malay Rural Heartland,

    Pakatan’s roadmap MUST HAVE many many back roads leading to and leading out of the kampungs in the rural Malay heartland.

    If Pakatan’s roadmap consists of Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Ipoh. Johore Baru, Seremban, then the road will NOT lead to Putrajaya, but to Petaling Jaya

  5. Listen DSAI,you have a unfinished business with the GOM/Najid/Mahathir n half of your PKR members,just become an advisor n groom Nurul to be President of PR,you n azmin has tainted Umno blood running thru your veins,the last scene is over n stop acting,we appreciate your contribution towards getting the opposition together,we thank you for that,politically you are at the end of your tatters,so please get someone else to take over the mantle,you are an Emperor without clothes too,just like Najib,just go around the country n promote a much better n younger person who can relate to the internet savvy youth of this present generation,no more from the Fire into the frying pan for me,you obviously don’t remember me,I advice Dato Johari about the Eskay tapes,n I told him outright that I don’t trust you,it was supposed to be a15 mins meeting but instead it turn into a 2.5 hours lecture/opinion from me to him,if you so desire the PM’s post,you stand a better chance of winning the sports Toto from Vincent Tan,guide PR but just on an advisory role,or else PR will only manage, Insha Allah, to get a Hung Parliament.

  6. Guys,
    Just as what Nelson has told his men……..Just it would said to all Malaysians…….Malaysia expects that every man will do his duty………Lest sink the BN

  7. Najib vs Anwar: The sincere one wins
    Zaid Ibrahim
    1:04PM Jan 14, 2012

    COMMENT The current prime minister has many things to give to the people, including cash, for them to vote for the BN.

    But the truth is, are these measures taken out of concern for the welfare of the rakyat or just to win an election?

    The ruling coalition has failed to show so far that they are sincere at a time when the rakyat just want an honest government.

    They want straight answers and they want leaders who are not only sincere, but also competent and fairly knowledgeable, just like them.

    Watching BN ministers deal with issues the country faces is too often a disappointing, even sad experience, for they rarely show any sincerity in their answers.

    NONEThe cash handout of RM500 given just before an election is an attempt to buy votes, and not a sincere attempt to prop up the economy by increasing consumption. So are the other benefits announced recently.

    Buying votes are par for the course in our country; thanks to certain “election judges” who would never think of giving an election petition for bribery the time of day, if it means the BN candidate would be affected.

    When I questioned the purchase of Second Generation Patrol Vessels or SGPVs for the Navy, a deal that will cost us at least RM10 billion, all we got from Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi was a flippant reply.

    He said that the amount was already in the budget, which meant there was nothing wrong with the purchase.

    If that is considered a good enough an answer, then Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil can also put forward the same argument to explain her current imbroglio.

    Having a budget allocation is one thing, but buying something at such a ridiculous price without proper evaluation is another.

    His invitation for me to discuss the matter with him was just a publicity stunt, for if he had been sincere he would have issued a letter stating the time and place we should meet.

    Keeping with the times

    Watching the debate between PAS vice-president Husam Musa and Minister in the PM’s Department Nazri Aziz has also been revealing, and is another example of how BN ministers find it difficult to give straight answers.

    When asked why indelible ink was not used in the 2008 general election, Nazri said the attorney-general would not allow it and there was no fatwa on the matter then from the National Fatwa Council (which was not true).

    Four years later, the same AG said indelible ink was, in fact, legal and the Fatwa Council also decreed its use to be permissible.

    An honest answer would have been that Umno was not prepared to use the ink.

    An honest answNONEer would have been that pressure from Bersih 2.0 and the international community forced the BN to decide on using the ink.

    People appreciate honesty under any circumstances.

    On the question of free and fair elections, Nazri had said the opposition’s victory in five states was proof that the elections was exactly that: free and fair.

    That’s what deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak also said to Egypt’s opposition when he won 90 percent of the votes.

    An honest answer here would have been yes, there are aspects of unfairness that we need rectify. Members of the army and the police should get to meet opposition candidates.

    Adequate TV, radio and newspaper coverage should be given to opposition candidates.

    Their representatives should be present during polling in the army camps.

    And we will ensure senior commandants will not pressure the lower ranks to vote for the BN. These would have all been honest answers.

    Presidential-style GE

    The opposition has some very capable leaders. Husam Musa, for example, has an acute mind and a proven administrator.

    Anwar has to show the people the key policymakers of his government. No more fudging on his line-up.

    NONEThis election is about Najib vs Anwar.

    It’s almost presidential in style. It’s a head on combat, but the people also want to know who is more capable and more sincere.

    Najib has done well for himself but his party is still mired in the past. Najib will not reshuffle his cabinet because he can’t; but Anwar can show his line-up.

    It’s not difficult to parade better cabinet members than the present one.

    Najib will not be able to get BN ministers and excos to declare their assets to the public but Anwar should get all the Pakatan states to follow Penang and declare theirs.

    Najib will not be able make Petronas more transparent or accountable, but Anwar can.

    Najib may amend Section 15 of UUCA to give students a role in politics but he won’t give academic freedom, but Anwar can. BN will not make discrimination illegal, but Pakatan can.

    Pakatan has to be bold. Give the people clear choices. Give the people honest and capable leaders. Make this election a historic one. There is no second chance.

  8. Ask fellow Kedah-hans about this joke they will know, and i am sure familiar to Dr Mahathir as well :

    Two people cycling home from town to return to their houses across the ‘bendang’ (padi fields) . Half way, this one guy carried his bicycle across the small canal & then to cross the padi fields, whilst the other continued cycling. This guy then shouted out to the guy who was crossing the canal ; ‘ Apa hang nak buat Oiii….? ‘

    He shouted back at him : “….aku nak short-cut ikut dekat….hang Pi lah short-cut ikut jauh…..” !

    Parti Alternatif has a choice…..laaaaa….
    To make a difference, says Poet Robert Frost, take the road less traveled or not taken as:

    The Road Not Taken

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I marked the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.

    Have a good day, friend.–Din Merican

  9. Of course, Pakatan can make racial discrimination illegal and introduce all the laws needed to make it illegal. Victims of racial discrimination then can take their case to court and seek damages. BUT will Pakatan do it?? What do you think? You think we are stupid??

    It will require two-thirds majority of Parliament to amend the Constitution to make that possible. Racial discrimination has long been institutionalised. Racism? You cannot legislate away racism.

  10. scarlet.pimpernal, you are one of the fortunate few that doesn’t have to apply for “food stamps” unlike majority of poor Americans, they rely on “food stamps” for their basic food items. Sometimes some wise guys were able to exchange these “food stamps” for finger licking good or Uncle Jim Beam or a Colt 45 Malt.

    Overall the “food stamps” program have been sucessful in asissting the poor. Maybe as you say the stupid poor Malaysian don’t know what to do with the food stamps but lick it like they lick the asses of UMNO, who knows.

  11. Rather than a road map of economic policies, some clear political messages are enough from PR, at this stage.

    For example, Anwar said “It’s going to be a no-nonsense administration. You perform, you stay. You’re corrupt, out you go!”.

    That’s what Malaysians want to hear from PR at this moment in time.

  12. Ai Tze,

    All politicians once given power, forget their commitments. It is always a choice between two evils. In general, politicians promise you anything and everything to get power. On the other hand, those already in power will do anything and everything to stay in power.

    “Power is the great aphrodisiac”, says former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, the Iago of American foreign policy. But the problem with power, to quote Lord Acton, is that it corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely.

  13. Yep, Semper. Obama’s mom surivived on food stamps and was still able to raise a future President of the United States. But does it mean if you and I were to raise our kid on food stamps, he will grow to be a CEO of a manufacturer of stamps??

  14. Why do we need a road map? Is it because the road is always long and winding? You see. Politicians are responsible for that because the longer we stay on the roads the more money they make for themselves with all the tolls that we are being made to pay.

  15. “he will grow to be a CEO of a manufacturer of stamps??” That always happen. Remember who got the printing job for the seal for the cigarettes, and many others.

  16. That’s a beautifull allegory Dato Din, first time i have heard this poetry, though i rummage a lot into my Poetry books like the Golden Treasury…

    I’ll jot this down, & never forget it on : The Road Least Traveled……
    is a Road where only the Brave dares….
    Thanks, pal. Dare to be Different…it requires one to challenge conventional wisdom.–Din Merican

  17. Give DSAI a chance to prove his worth and words. If he doesn’t we’ll crucify him. That’s the beauty of a two-party system – an opportunity to pick and choose the most suitable party to manage the country. At this moment we don’t. Problem is, not many are privy to it. We still have those who think that Umno is “untuk selama-lama nya”.

  18. Everybody needs a road map. No use identifying a destination without a road map because without a road map you will not reach your destination and if you do you’d probably got lost several times. Imagine you’re a busy executive who needs to go to Alor Staq. You just tell your driver to drive you to Alor Setar. This mamat is in no hurry and like to stop by Tanjong Malim to buy some pau, then get some Menglembu kacang and some pomelos from Jong in Ipoh and some laksa and satay at Simpang in Changkat Jering. Imagine all the detour and you in a hurry. Well Mamat says you didn’t tell me drive straight to Alor Staq, how would I know?

  19. Simple. You need to be sure about Mamat’s sexual orientation. Is he straight or gay? A direct route is not necessarilly a straight line between two points.

  20. Ok You can focus on PJ (read Putra not Petaling). You know Anwar Ibrahim its not the destination but the journey. You can do good and SERVE now not only when you are there. IF and when you do you can change the psyche to one from POWER to SERVICE . The language has to be SERVICE .

    To SERVE the people.

    Good luck . Even if you dont make PM you have opened the way to challenging the status quo that has done nothing for the people.

  21. Statistics shows most of the time the UMNO controlled BN wins on appeal, not on merits of law , but based on the nexus between UMNO and the judiciary. In the first acquital you butter the rakyats mind and in the appeal you gulp it.

    The appeal , by nature of its political implication , will br directedx by Suprememos in the UMNO, not left to Bonking AG.

  22. I will like to help out if given a post (whether UMNO or PR) to further improve the quality of life of all Malaysians.I got plenty of ideas from my travels. – robert

    Try MCA… MCA needs people like YOU. Maybe you can share with Chua Soi Lek your experience in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia etc, starting with how to build more secure hotel rooms in the Klang Valley.

    After your try-out with MCA, you can then send your resume to DAP or PKR.

  23. You cannot legislate away racism – Mr Bean

    You can make it unlawful its practice or manifestation. There are civilised or more enlightened countries where legislation exists in the form of Anti racial discrimination laws. Ketuanann Melayu is the evil foundation in Malaysia for racial superiority of one ethnic group to lord it over other ethnic communities. It is well known Malaysia has institutionalised rascism and this will crumble if not in this generation maybe the next.

  24. You cannot legislate away racism – Mr Bean

    You can legislate racism the Chinese way…. put a bullet behind the head and ask the family of the victim to pay for the cost of the bullet. China has no racism problem.

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