Mr.Shanker’s Plea

October 20, 2011

Mr Shanker’s Plea: Mr. Prime Minister, please take charge

October 19–A good Chief Executive worth his salt would have his hand on the pulse of his nation, especially when his country is being overwhelmed by multiple and complex issues which would warrant urgent attention on his part.

The leaders in Europe are facing their financial woes head on; President Barrack Obama is pacing back and forth tirelessly to mend the United States’ recessional problems. One may not agree with their proposals and approaches; but you have to admit one thing – at least they are swimming in the rough waters together with their people.

And that brings me to our Prime Minister. Let me be point blank – is he solving problems with a similar vigour? Does he inspire even one iota of confidence that he is being the leader which this country desperately needs, at a time when multiple fractious issues are jabbing away at Malaysia with unheard off ferocity?

Greece, what’s Next?, Silvio Berlusconi

Let’s see now. The Allah issue? Looks like It’s All Quiet on The Putrajaya Front. Teoh Beng Hock’s death? Sorry, but that has Gone With The Wind. The massive KVMRT(Klang Valley Mass Transit) project and the various tensions it’s bringing to the fore? Well, as long as it’s Other People’s Money, it’s okay (perhaps in the tradition of his predecessors).

PERKASA, Utusan Malaysia and the rest of their twins who taunt Malaysia without fear of chastisement? Guess there ought to be no worries, as long as they wear a mask on behalf of UMNO’s… JAIS and the DUMC affair? Sorry, but the Prime Minister was nowhere to be seen.

Perhaps he went auditioning for Missing in Action, and he wanted to work at his method acting.

I suppose too, there’s nothing like watching Rooney get red carded to help me turn my face away, while another extremist group plans to hold a Himpunan (Sejuta Umat) soon that threatens racial and religious harmony.

If I recall the Prime Minister’s response to BERSIH2.0, he was pretty fast off the block in criticising the gathering. That’s why to those who are informed and not swayed by our mainstream media’s romance with all things Najib, they have a hard time believing his “moderate” position.

After all, he is the chap who wants to defend Putrajaya with crushed bodies. I really pity the foolish pawns that are willing to be crushed for UMNO’s sake, while their biggest warlord gets a travel budget that was worth millions for the past three years – wife included.

Mr Prime Minister, here’s to hoping that you would place your hands onto the control board, and not leave it to your image consultants.Trust me – missing in action doesn’t make you look cool.

* Shanker reads The Malaysian Insider.

6 thoughts on “Mr.Shanker’s Plea

  1. My community is very worried because our Prime Minister is not in control of his administration. He is allowing the Madam, Tun Maha, Perkasa, and others to interfere and confuse the Malaysian public.

    He is not missing in action as Mr Shanker suggests. Najib was never in action. He is all sound bites and plays according to the script provided by his highly paid (not his money but ours) foreign consultants and discredited local media people. He has adopted his predecessor’s elegant silence on critical issues.

    Najib also allows that Sabahan Anifah Aman to mess up our Foreign Policy and diplomatic relations with our neighbours in ASEAN. The Cambodian maid issue is hotting up and Anifah’s pal who is our Ambassador in Phnom Penh is not helpful at all on this matter.

    As a result, the country is rudderless and lost. I wonder what is in store for us in 2012. More uncertainty, corruption and mismanagement and reckless spending?

  2. The Allah Issue – not my problem that’s Jakim
    Teoh Beng Hock – Teoh who? ahhh MACC’s baby
    KVMRT – Is that another one of those Transformation project? Jala’s baby
    Perkasa – useful to have around as instigators
    Utusan – Don’t I look good on the front page every day? Hope the rakyat don’t use it when to go to toilet.
    Jais – Was that the singer that just passed away
    DUMC – Aiyahh the church going people, next time ask the Malays to go to Hari Raya open house for makan lah
    Himpunan – they should all come to my house and watch EPL

    Now where were we? Aaahh how many billions ringgit you said? That’s more like it. Lu tolong wa wa tolong lu. Lu smart feller.

  3. Guru and Webelos, give the guy a break. He inherited a lot of problems created by his predecessors, especially from that Hadhari-Mr. Clean Kepala Batas man who was sleep walking for 6 years.

    Not easy to deal with the pampered Malays who keep asking for contracts after contracts with fantastic margins,thereby making the Indians and Chinese angry with MCA and MIC. Gerakan? No problem because Tsu Koon is prepared to sacrifice himself–how noble of him– for the sake of the country. In fact, I would suggest to the former Chief Minister of Penang that he should jump from the Komtar Building for this noble cause. Space us all of at least one headache.

    Tun Maha, well, how to tell him to shut up. Ibrahim Ali, Ezam Noor, Zulkifli Nordin, Khairy Jamaluddin, and others too are making the Prime Minister’s job difficult and Najib cannot rely on Hishamuddin Hussein to deal with them. Really, I feel very sorry for Najib who is greying and aging faster than anyone I know of his age. Bukan senang jadi Perdana Menteri.

  4. “He inherited a lot of problems…” & “I feel sorry for him”-Abdul Haleem

    Where have you been…Timbuktu? Every item that webelos listed happened on Backdoor Jibby’s watch and is not inherited and feel sorry for this Spineless Jibby whose Govt. just approved another IPP to another crony and without even finalising the prices….a blank cheque to rob and plunder.

    Jibby is not an asset..not even a liabilty…worse…is a cancer to Malaysia!

    Get out Jibby and Shame no more Malaysia!

    Hidup Malaysia!

  5. “The leaders in Europe are facing their financial woes head on…and are swimming in the rough waters together with their people”.

    Where on earth has Mr. Shanker dug up this information from?

    A number of Europeans are at last realising that they were doing OK with their Social Democracies until their foolish politicians began aping their cousins across the Atlantic…. leaving a trail of social destruction the full effects of which have not even started to be felt.

    European leaders, far from facing this mess head on, are desperately trying to save their own skins and those of their bankers.

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