Kling Versus Aziz on Colonisation of Malaya

September 12, 2011

Kling Versus Aziz on Colonisation of Malaya

by Malaysiakini :Sep 11, 11 12:24pm

The British had introduced a system of indirect rule in Malaysia unlike in India, but in reality the presence of residents and later British high commissioners as ‘advisors’, showed we were colonised.

International Islamic University Malaysia law professor Abdul Aziz Bari asked if Malaysia was not colonised, then why do we celebrate our independence every year since 1957? He said according to international law concepts there were differences between colonies and protectorates or protected states, which may not be clearly seen.

“Such differences may not be obvious to the man in the street. What is the difference between Malacca and Penang as straits settlements to Malay states like Selangor and Perak. Also what is the difference between Malaya and India which is a British colony?

“The British allowed the Malay rulers to remain and the states were designated as protectorates to prevent defiance as occurred in India. That is why British introduced the indirect rule system in Malaysia by placing residents as advisors to the sultans when in reality they were the real administrators.”

He was responding to Professor Zainal Kling’s assertion on Friday that Malaya had “never been colonised”.

Forbidden by Treaty

The IIUM professor said the British wanted to show the Malays that the states remained in Malay hands by allowing the sultans to remain in power.

“However in reality, the administration of the state was done by the British through their residents. This means in theory, the Malay states were not being colonised as the sultans were not removed as was done in India and Burma. But in reality, the British made all decisions,” he stressed.

“Even in Islamic or religious affairs there was also interference although by treaty it was forbidden. For example British governor Sir Andrew Clarke interfered to prevent the then-Perak Raja Muda from leading a religious council.

“That is why there were incidents of rebellion against the British with Datuk Maharajalela in Perak, Mat Kilau and Datuk Bahaman in Pahang, Tok Janggut in Kelantan and Abdul Rahman Limbong in Terengganu.”

Abdul Aziz said in reality all these Malay warriors were fighting the British but they were fighting them with indirect support or backing from the sultans who were silently objecting to colonial rule.

“We acknowledge the sultans were given wealth and titles by the British and they also fought among themselves for power.

“However, the British felt uncomfortable with the sultans and tried to remove by introducing the Malayan Union.”

“This was resisted by the Malays. If Malayan Union was implemented then it would seem the British mission to colonise Malaya would be complete. However, this, as we know, did not happen.”

He pointed out that before Merdeka, constitutionally, the laws were made by the sultan.This, Abdul Aziz said was because the house was appointed by the sultan and he signed the law.

“However, in reality did this happen?” he asked, adding that sultan only signed the legislation and in fact the laws were made by the British. “Legally it is viewed that the laws came from the sultan and not the British,” he stressed.

“Whatever laws not repealed by the Parliament or the state legislative assembly are still legal till today.”

In reference to the federated and unfederated Malay states, Abdul Aziz noted that both groups operated in essentially the same way, with one group having British ‘advisors’ and the other British ‘residents’.

State of confusion

Abdul Aziz said Zainal Kling, a professor in sociology, and Khoo Kay Kim, a history professor, were confused and had confused the people with their statements.

tunku abdul rahman 290809“Historians themselves say the British administered Peninsular Malaysia. If what they (Zainal and Khoo) claim is the truth, then why do we celebrate Merdeka?” he asked.

“It would be unfortunate that the first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman (right) would lose his title as the Father of Independence because we had never been colonised!”

Abdul Aziz jokingly pointed out that it was funny the National Professor’s Council (of whom he is not a member) did not seem to know what they were actually debating.

“They are bent on attacking (PAS deputy president) Mat Sabu…who said one thing but the council has interpreted it as meaning something different,” he said.

The PAS deputy president in his speech on Aug 21 at Tasek Gelugor, had reportedly said that Mat Indera, who was part of the attack by insurgents on the Bukit Kepong police station, was the real hero of the incident.

His view went against the version perpetuated by UMNO and sparked off a huge debate.On the same matter, Perak PKR expressed shock with the remarks by Zainal and said “nobody in his right mind would say this land was never colonised.”

Its information chief Zulkifly Ibrahim also slammed the academics for failing to mention the role of the ulama in the independence struggle such as those in PKMM, API, Awas, KMM, Hizbul Muslimin and individuals such as Abu Bakar Baqir, Dr Burhanuddin Al Helmi, Ahmad Boestaman and Ishak Haji Muhamad (Pak Sako).

Zulkifly also described Zainal’s statement as mirroring that of an apologist for British colonialism and UMNO for ommitting to cite the contributions of nationalist and ulama activists other than those in UMNO.

“PKR is of the view that one result of being colonised is that a number of us are trapped in that syndrom whereby we measure ourselves only according to terms accepted by the British.

“Although our lands were freed 54 years ago, our people still maintain characteristics of a colonised people,” he added.

24 thoughts on “Kling Versus Aziz on Colonisation of Malaya

  1. if we were not colonised how come the the british can bring back all the fortunes back to uk during those period…in fact after the 2nd world war, malaya contributed a good sum of money to the uk treasury ….and if were not colonised how come we were celebrating merdeka the last 54 years….

  2. hahahah..good argument put forward by Prof Aziz to counter what both UM graduates, i.e. Prof. KKK and ZKling mumblings about Malaya?
    The best part is the so called Professor Council also jump the bandwagon in making statement that the leftist doesnt struggle/intend to fight for independence – the bullshit statement from Professor Council that havent done their work but has gut to say in line with UMNO? Be End! Please look at their website – judge for yourself????

    Thus, we need to relook, rethink, relearn and rewrite the history of Malaysia. Good for Mat Sabu just touching on the issue of Mat Indera – and look all the professor aka Kang Kong King Kong in that Council – probably similar to the one in Ambulance Council decided that Malaya/Malaysia has never been colonised by the British.

    Now that we knew that these two clowns, e.g. Prof. Kang Kong KKK n Prof. Kang Kong ZKling are reality in malaysian tertiary education system. Of, course, there are also many examples – but we don’t need to put forward their names in here. Those, in the universities should know who are they..hehehehe..dunn worry, your secret is safe with me!

  3. UMNO is trying to show through intellectual enquiry that the Malay states under the sultans were not colonies, but merely protectorates. Just so to validate their attacks on Mat Sabu, and now, confuse the judiciary who are going to preside over Mat Sabu’s law suit against Utusan.

    Note that Bukit Kepong incident occured in a state under a sultan, and if UMNO got their way, the attackers of Bukit Kepong would be seen as attacking Malay property and killing of Malay policemen and Malay civillians under a Malay govenrment.

    It will virtually reverse or ridicule the contention of Mat Sabu, provide ammunitation for the defence of Utusan, and finally portray UMNO as championing Malay rights right from the beginning.

    I am pretty sure that the two intellectuals involved (so far) will be called as defence witnesses. Malaysians may have more than enough ‘kangkong goreng sambal belacan’ to last a lifetime in the aftermath.

    The game is afoot.

  4. I have always wondered why ‘intellectuals’ like Khoo and Zainal devalue themselves for some ‘crumbs’ from the establishment.
    Its the same with ‘learned’ judges, civil service, GLCs and even among clerics who preach the word of God.

  5. Why they do it does not matter right now. These ‘experts’ are human and surely have faults. What matters is their actions form part of a long chain of events engineered for some specific political goals.

  6. History as it should and history as written by those who wants others to take their version only.

    If Prof Aziz of UIA dare to say his point of view or what actually as it is, ain’t he scared that suddenly “UIA ” might ‘silence’ him ??? As long as you keep to the facts.

    Prof ZK and Prof KKK point of view keep them safe … isn’t it. I pity them.

    Is there conscience in all the others … if they say things that is not what it suppose to be???

    Nowadays, % of people who would just accept what is said by others no matter how long their credential are in the minority.

  7. For the sake of future generations, let us get our history right. Don’t subject it to politics. Our historians should not let the politicians influence their thinking and research. Shame on academics like Zainal Kling and Khoo Kay Kim. To them, I say, respect yourself and be true to your profession.–Din Merican

  8. I think Prof Zainal Kling is now silently praying that the damage he had caused is not too extensive. Personally, I think it’ll blow over and the professor ought to thank his lucky stars that by and large Malaysians are intellectually passive. (No thanks to the sub-standard education system Malaysians have been subjected to over the last four decades.)

    If the ’eminent intellectual and much-vaunted professor’ is now ruing the moment he opened his big mouth to say Malaya was never colonised, then there is hope for him yet to reclaim some measure of intellectual integrity, if he cares for it, that is. I am not sure if he does. even his name went down in ignominy as one who destroyed our perception of this nation’s history as long as the rewards he gets are aplenty.

    But let us not be too hasty. Either way too.

    We have seen how lowly Malaysian public figures can be. Integrity and honour are such distant concepts to them.

    So lately we see how other ‘intellectual giants’ have been reduced to blobs of jelly as they tried to do their master’s bidding. Professor KKY has long known which side of the toast is buttered. At least he does not pretend otherwise.

    Once Ghani Othman, MB of Johore, too was a respected intellectual. Then he had to go into politics. Now we see Ghani trying to squirm out of the sunlight by making light the endorsement to which his name was attached as preface to the book published by his own state government; the book that acknowledged Mat Indera as one of the many movers and shakers who had shaped Johore. The very same subject unwittingly (or otherwise) resurrected by Mat Sabu that sparked off this silly polemics.

    As if a kind of twisted serendipity would have it played out, we now see another ‘intellectual and professor of great eminence’ who also had been a part of that same Johor state publication project (as co-editor, was it?) Professorbeing placed in an awkward position. For one who endorsed Mat Indera the integrity of Professor Ramlah Adam too is now being put to a test. As one of those seated at the same table during which the eminent professor Zainal announced on behalf of Majlis Professor Negara (did not know we needed to have such a body) that we had never been colonised, Professor Ramlah Adam has to state her stand about Mat Indera, colonisation, UMNO’s role etc.

    But then again she is a top echelon leader of PERKASA, so do we forgive her if she falls short? Way short?

    Back to the earth-shaking declaration by Prof Zainal King…he has not only opened a can of worms but showed himself up to be a silly man disguising as an intellectual, a professor that our nation has entrusted to shape the minds of our young leaders! IN UPSI he minds the minds of future teachers. Please help Malaysia oh, God.

    Clearly the professor’s effort at sycophancy has gone awry. Could this self-inflicted shot in the foot is just a way the Hidden Hand of the Force is telling us to always be truthful? We have seen similar justifications too many times to brush them off as mere concidences.

    But before I leave this platform, I must say that I am interested in what Ibrahim Ali has to say about this silliness.

    Now that is one heavyweight intellectual whose pronouncement is much awaited, I wonder what he makes of the present conundrum into which Prof Zainal has dragged us.

  9. If one says Malaya was never colonised then my questions here are

    1. Whose flag was hoisted? Union Jack?
    2. Which national anthem was sung? God Save The Queen?

    Did Malaya ever had a national flag?????????

  10. Din

    For some lessons in history and the interpretation of the facts, documents and events of history, people like the good Prof Kling et alia should read Art Harun with his precise and concise summary and comments on such matters.
    The Pangkor Treaty that led to the colonisation of the Malay states, the earlier (?) Anglo-dutch Treaty that divided the the Peninsula plus Singapore (which the British forceably “bought’ from the Johor ruler) from Indonesia, the Anglo-siam Treaty that divided the northern part of the Peninsula bertween the British and the Siamese kingdom etc etc.
    If these are the sort of so-called intellectuals who are teaching our children , whether it is history or science or what ever, god help us!

  11. The Hegelian term for all this brouhaha, is “The End of History”.
    Some Historians, are trying to re-invent themselves, much to the chagrin of non-historians, like me who live in the Present and trying to figure out the Future. Relevancy is never their forte. When they mess around with interpretations and practical definitions like “Administrative Responsibilities” vs “Colonialism” like that, the Marx-Engels theory of Materialistic History becomes even more viable.

    Shall we move on to “The End of God”?

  12. Aziz Bari is among the few that I salute. He talks without fear or favor. As for the 3 stooges, dont think they are worth mentioning

  13. I really don’t know what to say. Even if it’s technically correct, you really believe we are not under the rule of the british

    Defending the indefensible. I rest my case

  14. Dr Farish Noor’s piece “Toying with History Again in Malaysia” is worth a read on the issue of whether Malaya was colonised or not by the Brits.


    “…The terms of the Pahang Treaty of 1888 and the Pangkor Treaty of 1874 were more or less the same, and they implied that henceforth the Malay Rulers of Pahang, Perak and the other Malay protectorates would be under the coercive “advice” of the British Resident who was in turn backed by British arms and military power. So while the Malay Rulers were allowed to keep their flags and banners, the real power — political and economic — was robbed of them by the British. Now tell me, how is this any different from outright colonialism? Or are we to give lip service to British colonial propaganda that claimed that this sort of intervention was done “for the good of the natives” and to bring development for the Malays?

    I am baffled by the recent turn of events in Malaysia where all sorts of characters are now claiming that this charade of colonial intervention was something less than outright colonisation.

    ….To our esteemed dons and doyens of the ivory towers who claim that British Malaya was never truly a colonial construct, I would serious advise a trip to the library, or even a conversation with Tun Dr Mahathir to sort out some of the lingering doubts about the past of the country. Malaysia’s youth may be confused enough today; the least that we — teachers — can and ought to do is to help clarify their understanding a little further; rather than muddy the already murky waters of the past with revisionist obfuscation even further…”


    A National COUNCIL of Professors??? What is that? For What? To be Intellectual advisers to the UMNO-BN Govt or to be Expert Panelists for the Minister of Higher Education????

    We need to also get an opinion from the National Council of Kangkung Professors on this issue of colonisation of Malaya.

    Typical ofMalaysians’ favorite pastime of forming silly fraternities: Here are some suggestions to those who want to form groups as experts to the UMNO-BN Govt.

    — National Council of Undergraduates

    — National Council of Form Five Students

    — National Council of 10As Students

    — National Council of Pemangku Pengarah Jabatan-Jabatan Kerajaan (Acting Directors)

    – National Council of Arts Graduates

    – National Council of Masters Degree Graduates

    — National Council of Graduates of Primary Schools

    — National Council of University Lavatory Cleaners

    So that we here are not left out, we should also form

    — National Council of Bloggers

    — National Council of Blogging Commenters

  15. National Council of Professors should be renamed Umno council of Professors. It is obvious Zainal Kling’s statemet on behalf of the council was made to support Umno’s quarrel & badgering of Mat Sabu.

    What an idiotic statement. We all study history back then and our History book was written by Joginder Singh Jessy( where is he now?). Joginder Singh wrote: ” In Jan 1956, Tunku headed the Merdeka mission to London..agreement was reached between the two parties..Full independence was given..on 31st Aug. This must be the same history book used by Zainal Kling when he took his SC/MCE. What did he do all these while?

  16. “This must be the same history book used by Zainal Kling when he took his SC/MCE. What did he do all these while?” LA

    Well, over the years when he was made professor he suddenly found Joginder’s history not Umno biased so he cooked up his own version. He can’t differentiate between colonies and protectorates. To Kling, protecting Umno’s interest is all that matters.

  17. Don’t let these pseudo-intellectuals dictate to us as to how we should think. They see themselves as pioneers and trail blazers when there is no trail for them to blaze and nothing to pioneer. In reality they are just prostituting themselves to their political masters, working to skew history to their advantage; and as researchers in their respective fields are a disgrace to their profession. They should discard their whoring ways and be true researchers and allow their findings to take them wherever they may lead them.

    Colonies or protectorates? The latter is euphemism for the former. That should have been obvious. It is all about who has control. A simple analogy should demonstrate what I mean. If I let you drive your car but remains in control, not allowing you to decide but telling you what to do every step of the way, what does that make me? Your chauffeur?

  18. Colonized or not, but I remember singing “God save the Queen” during our school assembly.
    I also remember the 10 cent and 20 cent coins with the images of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II.
    I still have a couple of these coins in my collection. (I will part with them for the right price)

    We were also told to draw the Union Jack during our art lessons.
    If I am not mistaken we had a holiday on the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II sometime in 1953. Yes, there was some big celebrations.

    And Zainal Keling said we were never colonized. That means the British were taking orders from the Malay rulers and perhaps from UMNO and bowing to them in obedience.
    But then who used to say , “Yes, Tuan?”

  19. Be careful there, Sam01 !

    Or else you may end up being branded an ‘old fart’ by none other than ‘rakantulen’ who has a problem with age. The bloghost has a good following of old geezers (including yours truly who is six years his junior) on this blog who take pride in the knowledge that they have been around the block a few times, and have seen it all and done it all and they cannot be that easily hoodwinked by self-proclaimed pseudo-intellectuals who are out to polish their masters’ asses.

  20. you may end up being branded an ‘old fart’ – Mr Bean

    But when it comes to experience of any sorts, “old farts” are like vintage red wine.

    Unfortunately alcohol in vintage red wine can cause the attack-dogs from Jais to have rabies.

  21. National Council of Kankung Professors? I know that they wanted to show how ignorant Mat Sabu is on history, but I’m afraid in order to discredit Mat Sabu the only thing that they are doing now is just to discredit themselves. The British said we were colonized and we taught that we were colonized. Now these so-called academics are saying that we were not? Why don’t they just rewrite the history and say UMNO is good and everything else is bad. Oh wait they already did that…

  22. “We acknowledge the sultans were given wealth and titles by the British and they also fought among themselves for power.”

    Nothing ever changes. Only this time we are colonized by UMNO.

  23. Reid Commission? What? Who? When? Were we colonised?

    No wonder our 1957 Constitution is now so disfigured, deformed and perhaps even partly dysfunctional with the manner of UMNO-esque thinking and its merry ways of trampling on what’s sacrosanct.

    Do the likes of India, Pakistan, Singapore and numerous other Commonwealth countries ever bother debate whether they were colonised before? No, they all work towards progress and betterment of their people!!. Unlike here in Malaise-sia.

    What a ‘fitting’ hullabaloo this Kling v Colonisation debate is in capping off a series of typically diversionary in intent and delusional in nature controversies. To describe it as intellectual masturbation would be an understatement. It is really taking ‘Syiok Sendiri’ to historic heights.

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