PERKASA:Justice, not Malay Rights, is the Issue

March 27, 2010

Message to PERKASA

In the name of national unity,

“…we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender,”
Winston Churchill

Dr Mahathir launches PERKASA

By G. Manimaran and Debra Chong

The Neo-NEP Malay

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has asked for a comprehensive review to answer allegations that the Malays have stolen the country’s wealth and denied the rights of non-Malays.

The former UMNO president said the government or any other agency should conduct the review to refute such allegations or perception. “I ask that if people want to accuse, make accusations that have basis, don’t be unfair,” Dr Mahathir told those attending Malay rights movement PERKASA’s inaugural congress at the Putra World Trade Centre here.

Deputy Minister for International Trade and Industry, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir  present for the event.

“I am not racist, I love my country, we are not racists … if we cannot be fair to the Malays, then we cannot be fair to other races,” said the country’s longest-serving prime minister from 1981 to 2003.

Repeating more than 10 times in a disappointed tone to “conduct a review, conduct a census”, Dr Mahathir said, “if I

The New Perkasa Pope (extreme left) with the Katak Warrior

am wrong, prove it to me, prove it to others.”

Though his voice remained level, the 84-year-old still managed to stir the crowd into a frenzy when he remarked on how unfair it was for non-Malays to be allowed to call Malays “pendatang (immigrants)” and not vice versa.

“If Malays call the others ‘pendatang’, we must apologise. If we flourish a keris, we must also apologise. But a keris as big as this can hardly be used to stab anyone, maybe for knocking someone on the head,” he quipped while gesturing to a five-foot long sheathed keris placed on the opposite end of the stage from him.

“The keris is our symbol. Do not call us racist merely for defending our rights,” Dr Mahathir added. The appreciative crowd cheered him on.

The retired prime minister reminded the audience that the demands from the Malay community were based on the Federal Constitution which protected the rights and upheld the freedom of Malays, Muslims and not meant to strip away the rights of the other races and religious groups.

43 thoughts on “PERKASA:Justice, not Malay Rights, is the Issue

  1. It is remarkable that so-called learned & distinguished people like the Ex PM of 22 years for Malaysia speaks in loud monologues and expect sane answers. And with cheering fools as audience. If he is sincere , ask and request for a proper Debate / Forum and then see what Zaid Ibrahim, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang , Americk Sidhu or Karpal Singh has to say. And please throw in Ah Beng, Muthu and Ahmad for the proper numbers. This Ibrahim Ali the Father of all Malaysian Frogs should be thrown behind bars as a threat to Malaysian National Security and traitor of the Malay race

  2. “I am not racist, I love my country, we are not racists … ,” said the country’s longest-serving prime minister from 1981 to 2003.

    I used to hear that sentence from leaders and members of the Ku Klux Klan, from the white South Africans during the apartheid days and from rednecks in Australia.

    If you ask the KKK, they will tell you they are NOT racist because they love USA and they are fighting for fairplay of the white race of America.

    Sounds familiar coming from Mahathir’s comments at Perkasa???

    Racists always say they are NOT RACISTS. The indicator of whether you are racist is when you deny you are a racist.

  3. If you ask the KKK, they will tell you they are NOT racist because they love USA and they are fighting for fairplay of the white race of America.

    Frank – March 27, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    You cannot be more wrong, my friend. They admit to being whatever you say about them. They don’t have to hide behind anything. We have our FIRST AMENDMENT rights and they have theirs.

    You have misled yourself into believing that in Malaysia, Malaysians have a right to free speech. Our right to free speech is so heavily qualified that it is nonsensical nonsense for anyone to even imply or hint that we have or once had.

    Where in the Malaysian Federal Constitution of 1957 does it say that Parliament shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances?

  4. Mr Bean

    Unless we both talk about different KKK, read here what this leader of KKK said.

    Article: Racist US organistation Ku Klux Klan ‘in Perth’

    Speaking from Arkansas, Thomas Robb, the US national director of the major Klan faction, The Knights Party, told The Sunday Times that the group — infamous for murders and violence against African- Americans — was in Perth and other major Australian cities.

    ….Mr Robb denied the KKK was promoting violence against, or hatred of, non-whites. He blamed a few bad people and propaganda for the Klan’s negative image.

    The KKK was merely protecting “white people’s right to love their heritage and culture”, he said.

    Perhaps, you don’t see much KKK in New York or that you don’t read news about KKK and racist organisations around the world as I do.

  5. “Repeating more than 10 times in a disappointed tone..”
    Typical symptoms of “Sindrom Nyanyuk-Mengamuk”. Stuck on conducts of review and census – can’t remember when any were conducted publicly during his time.

    Bored & Gored to death over this Perkosa thing. Anything else happening?

  6. mr mahatir,

    who alleges the general malays stole the national wealth?

    its the bloody UMNO and their cronies.

    can you explain why the people in terengganu are so poor despite being rich in petroleum? who controls the funds? is it not UMNO?


  7. Yes, we must help the Malays. We must give all contracts to Ali before BABA pay him 3 percent.

    Yes, we must help Malays with all contracts from Petronas to son of Mamak Kutty from Kerala.

    Yes, we must help Malays and give them all APs before they passing it to others for 30,000 a piece.

    Yes, we must help Malays with pink forms before they exchange it with another pink younger pussies.

    Mak Cik and Pak Cik at kampung are also Malays and they can continue to eat pucuk paku. UMNO Malays can can eat Sirloin steak before “pakuing” their mistresses at 5 star hotels. Yes, Malays in kampung eat pucuk paku and UMNO Malays have all the right to paku in Pan Pacific PWTC.

    Yes, Umno’s teloq can goyang teloq and get paid while poor Malays can continue to eat teloq masin.

  8. “New advances in the mapping of the human genome show that there’s a strong possibility that blacks and Jews—and perhaps even the wily Chinee—are partially human, sharing some genetic characteristics with Whites. I didn’t set out to be a crusader, but we cannot blindly shut out the truth, however disturbing it may be. If we do, we are as bad as the filthy, savage blacks and Jews themselves, for as Jesus said, we have eyes but do not see.”

    This came out from the mouth of a Klan leader.

    Even quoting the Scriptures. Chinese are partially humans. How do you feel about that?

  9. There’s nobody worse than an old fool especially one who have opened a can of worms.
    He obviously needs to remove the cataracts that is clouding his sight as he seems to be having difficulty seeing all the worms that he released, crawling right under his nose and soon they will be crawling all over him when he goes six feet under !

  10. “Malays in kampung eat pucuk paku and UMNO Malays have all the right to paku in Pan Pacific PWTC. Umno’s teloq can goyang teloq and get paid while poor Malays can continue to eat teloq masin.”

    tean – March 27, 2010 at 7:39 pm

    Quotable Quotes from the wise Buddhist Monk Tean-Rean.

  11. This former Prime Minister cannot just keep still. He forgot what he said when he left office on October 31, 2003 and handed over the reins of power to his chosen successor, Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi. He promised not to interfere in Malaysian government affairs: “No, I have already made it very clear that when I leave, I leave completely” (Barry Wain page 307). He did the opposite; he went on a rampage and got Badawi out of office in April, 2009.

    Now he wants to do the same with Najib by saying that UMNO is weak (under Najib). This time he associates himself with PERKASA led by Ibrahim Ali al-Kataki. But the fact remains Mahathir is increasingly seen as bitter, irrational, irresponsible and profligate. The government should not ban the sale of Barry Wain’s book, Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times. Malaysians should be allowed to read it and know what really happened under this man’s long rule.

    I understand a free pdf version of the book is now on google. Please download and read it. After that, you can decide what manner of man and Prime Minister is this Mahathir. To me after having read the book from cover to cover, I can say that he has plenty to answer for. Supporting PERKASA will not prevent a full investigation on him. Will Najib do it? Not likely because it would expose UMNO and its corrupt politics. Mahathir thus holds UMNO and its leaders to a kind of emotional ransom.

  12. kakrubi56

    Is the book packaged as e-book? That would be great for my e-book reader. If not, will try to get hold of a hard copy.


  13. tean i can’t even get teloq masin over here laa ..– Mr. Bean

    That’s easy my friend. Just make a visit to a KKK Branch Office in New York and say you are an Asian migrated to US, a Muslim and you hate white rednecks. They might get out of you two teloq masin

  14. On Mahathir, I can only quote Lim Kit Siang’s view which I share:

    “Mahathir has come full circle, from an ultra back again to an ultra – repudiating Bangsa Malaysia and Vision 2020 which he enunciated in 1991. This is the greatest tragedy.” –Lim Kit Siang

  15. Sad indeed, Cheong. He should ride gracefully into the sunset, not allow PERKASA to use him to pressure Najib.

  16. Teloq masin? There’re plenty at the Vietnamese shop in Chinatown, Bean. You need to go out and find. Tean, will courier you some.

  17. Mahathir knows that he is now a hunted man ( or soon will be post Najib ), following the Great RM100 Billion Expose’ by Barry Wain. His gargantum family wealth is now shaking by the seams, balls and columns and he worries for his sons.

    He thinks only Ibrahim Ali , Najib & the Malays can save him now, forgetting that Najib himself is in deep inextricable shit of the highest order, with cliffhanging Anwar looming & Khairy’s Keris unsheathed for the kill. Mahathir can try to shadow dance & run his way out using the ole’ Malay Dilemma script but this time he cannot hide. Perkasa is his final shit hole

  18. Teloq masin ‘itek’ and some mergui ikan masin, Bean? Make your own for the time being.., and i’ll bring you some when/if i go to the big apple.

  19. “The grandson of an Indian immigrant and the first Malay commoner to become prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad turned the Muslim-majority Southeast Asian country into one of the developing world’s most successful economies.

    During his 22 years in power he adopted pragmatic economic policies alongside repressive political measures, and showed that Islam was compatible with representative government and modernization.

    Abrasive and outspoken, Mahathir emerged as a Third World champion and Islamic spokesman by condemning the West, not least for trying to impose liberal democracy and neo-liberal economics on developing nations.

    By raising living standards and winning international acclaim, he contributed to a sense of national identity, pride and confidence among ethnically diverse Malaysians. But in mixing business and politics, Mahathir encouraged cronyism and failed to prevent the spread of corruption.

    Authoritarian and impatient, he jailed opponents, sacked rivals and undermined institutions as he pursued his obsession with development. In retirement, he broke a promise to stay out of politics, falling out with his two successors while using all available means to protect his legacy.”–

  20. The Malaysian Insider comments on Perkasa and its stooge Dr. Mahathir”

    MARCH 27 — Nice try by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad but who is it exactly who has accused the Malays of stealing the wealth of the nation and denying the rights of non-Malays. Who? No one.

    Opening right-wing Malay group Perkasa’s AGM today, the former PM asked for a comprehensive review to answer allegations that the Malays have stolen the country’s wealth and denied the rights of non-Malays.

    “I ask that if people want to accuse, make accusations that have basis, don’t be unfair,” Dr Mahathir told the Perkasa faithful.

    “I am not racist, I love my country, we are not racists … if we cannot be fair to the Malays, then we cannot be fair to other races,” he had said.

    Dr Mahathir said: “If I am wrong, prove it to me, prove it to others.”

    Though his voice remained level, the 84-year-old still managed to stir the crowd this morning into a frenzy when he remarked on how unfair it was for non-Malays to be allowed to call Malays “pendatang (immigrants)” and not vice versa.

    This is Dr Mahathir at his best. Create an accusation, level it at his enemies or rivals and claim that they started it. It is clear that all the non-Malays want is not to be treated like tenants in the country.

    As for for wealth, the accusation has been leveled against a small group of Malay elite by Malaysians who have seen the abuses and leakages, most of which happened during Dr Mahathir’s time in government.

    Today was an exercise in deflecting true cause of unhappiness and disaffection among Malays. Today’s sabre-rattling rhetoric appears to be also aimed at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as well.

    On Tuesday, Najib is due to deliver a speech to outline administrative reforms and even possibly a timetable for removing subsidies and other crutches.

    It remains to be seen if today’s fighting talk from Dr Mahathir and other Perkasa leaders will lead to any dilution of Najib’s New Economic Model.

    Today’s rhetoric also runs counter to Najib’s vision of 1 Malaysia. In his speech Dr Mahathir also spoke of how he thought public debate on the issue of race had led the country towards a state of instability.
    His prescription is to put a lid on race issues because Malaysia’s economic growth had been hampered.

    The PM, on the other hand, has been trying to be inclusive in his public messages. Through the New Economic Model Najib is also making an attempt at pursuing reforms and rectifying structural weaknesses in the country’s administration. He could most certainly do without Dr Mahathir and Perkasa.

  21. This Ibrahim son of Ali can only scream, accuse and inflame, demand, wield the keris and make police reports.

    Let’s assume Najib rejects his demands and does not incorporate them in the NEM. What can he do? All he has is an old senile man for an patron and another 2,000 who do not understand the difference between debit and credit.

  22. “Frank kindly brief me on this e-book reader gadget!!”- Danildaud


    Its one of those electronic gadget in-things for those who enjoys reading. Most books are now in electronic form called E-BOOKS. Most publishers now have their books and magazines in electronic copies and compiled in book form. You can download these E-books from the internet bookstore (much cheaper than buying hard copies).

    They are light and able to score hundreds of books, reports, documents. Most able to read pdf and ms word documents and also ms-excel and you navigate via touch screen or with a “pen”.

    Battery life usually over 5 hours and more.

    These E-book readers are fantastic for travellers.

    Now instead of having volumes of hard copies, you have personal library in that little gadget like you have your notebook

    These gadgets are connected to the internet via wifi or wired.

    There are several gadgets now in the market. The latest is the I-PAD by Apple released in the US, I think, in February/March. Worldwide release will be from April right through to August this year or so.

    The screen size of these E-books are much bigger. The biggest I have seen is the 10-inch. Apple came out with the 10 inch version.

    The most popular todate which Apple came out to compete is Amazon’s Kindle-2. This is the current market standard unless I-PAD starts bringing down its price and capture Amazon’s market. Sony also came out one early this year a new model.

    Here are two links which you can have a look at the different E-BOOK READERS in the market now.


    Hope this helps.

  23. ”Speaking of teloq masin”.

    A delicacy introduced by the chinese. The traditional method of preserving salted eggs was to paste black mud all over duck eggs

    It so happened in the 50s , an elderly chinese immigrant who hardly spoke a word of english setup a grocery store in san francisco’s chinatown.
    His first customer was a white man who came into the store in search of fresh eggs. Agitated with the store’s owners inability to comprehend his request for eggs , the white man unzipped his pants and pointed at his balls.
    The old chinaman instantly got the message and said , aah ‘kai chun’

    Minutes later , an african american walked into the store wanting the same thing. He too had difficulty explaining what he wanted and , so he too resorted to unzipping his pants , gropping at his balls. Seeing that , the chinaman smile and said … Wo cher tao ” ham chun” !!

    Menyalaker , care to translate what ‘ham chun’ means?

  24. I like this piece….

    “…He has shattered an old myth which claimed Malays tend to be backward, laidback, lazy, no initiative and dependent on handouts.

    He has shown that the Malay are smart, keen to learn for knowledge, are dynamic and capable of hard work.

    The impression that Malays are laidback is being propagated by Umno cronies who want more handouts so that they can hijack them for their own bank accounts….”

    Read THIS article to know who this man is

    There are plenty more of his kind who could have been the foundation stones of our country right at the beginning … and many of them I know too personally first hand. But they are being marginalised and denigrated by the leeches in UMNO.

  25. So, the Klu Klux Klan/Pauline Hanson’s One Nation/Hitler’s Blue Eyed & Blonde Aryan clad in jackboots has arrived here. Wither a high income 1 Malaysia nation from here?

    But it’s all really a waying kulit/sandiwara. It’s IA’s play at reviving a failed career by resorting to some people’s bases instincts and Firaun’s desire to secure a legacy/dynasty for a clueless and slow witted son. It’s not the Malays they care a damn about; it’s all about the Umnoputeras and money big time and as someone said here earlier “duku-ing/paku-ing in 5 star hotels!”

    We are not fooled and we hope the Malays aren’t either!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  26. Danildaud,

    I have posted a response to your request to know more about the E-Book Reader.

    But Din has placed that posting as “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

    I must have said something wrong about E-Book Readers now being sold in the market

  27. Frank, when Dr. Bean and Din Merican start writing their book “Saya pun Melayu” perhaps we can read better stories than Zaid’s life stories.

    Din will tell us how he managed his cash flow from his parking basikal business in Bakar Bata.

    Dr. Bean will tell us how he collected teloq tuntung as a member of royal family and later dreaming of teloq masin in New York.

    Din graduated from Washington but not in Cambodia, while Dr. Bean read law in England but cannot understand the rule of law under the son of the soil from Karala. Subsequently, his teloq were squeezed by a new royalty from Kerala and he is now longing for telur masin from Bakar Bata.

    We must wait for their stories, just like we are waiting fro the next show coming soon from Chua Soi Lek.

  28. Tean,

    Your preview of Din and Mr Bean’s forthcoming books ” Saya Pun Melayu” is great marketing stuff… I can’t wait to read their autobiographies especially about Mr Bean’s teloq masin.

    Chua Soi Lek’s autobiography was put on VCD and since he is Najib’s favourite candidate to be MCA President, the VCD has been re-tagged by the Home Ministry from XXX-rate to PGR (Parental Guidance Recommended) for under 15 viewers.

  29. “Dr. Bean will tell us how he collected teloq tuntung as a member of royal family and later dreaming of teloq masin in New York.

    Din graduated from Washington but not in Cambodia, while Dr. Bean read law in England but cannot understand the rule of law under the son of the soil from Karala. Subsequently, his teloq were squeezed by a new royalty from Kerala and he is now longing for telur masin from Bakar Bata.”


    It is time I have my fifteen minutes of fame. Thanks tean.

  30. Sorry for the late reply Danil, i was looking for the teloq itek, that somehow became ‘ham chun’ without human intervention. Supernatural, just like that xxx stuff Frank’s talking about. Maybe it’s all that ‘pukau-ing’ that dpp is talking about.

    Very soon Din’s blog would have developed it’s own speaking in tongues! Hahaha.. With the state of our education, who knows – it might become required reading for Malaysianized lit. 5 decades from now.

    To be honest Din, Jibbo’s efforts (even if genuine) are in vain as soon as Octo opens his mouth. There will be the “official” policy and the “contingent-practical” policy all over again – NEP’esque. It’s going to be all flatus with no teloq. We need to change the whole rubbish, ‘cuz it’s too late to salvage this leaking perahu with Octo-nakhoda, at it’s helm.

  31. Oh Frank, the next video will be in 3 G technology and Chew May Fun will use it as new promoting material to lure young Chinese voters to register as Wanita MCA before the next erection. This is the new secret weapon of MCA and Pakatan better be warned.

    Eli Wong must be more innovative if she want to be elected again. She may consult Tok Cik, our technology expert on how to attack without wasting bullets and there are certain terrain that she should not engage with her enemies.

  32. Guys, just remember to update your voter registration and those of your friends and families. While we are caught up in this circus, don’t forget that we have anoble duty come GE-XIII to make a change. Que Sera Sera…

  33. This is a joke meant for Frank and menyalaker , two ardent Vincent Tan fans
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    An elderly woman walked into the Bank of Canada one morning with a purse full of money. She wanted to open a savings
    account and insisted on talking to the president of the Bank because, she said, she had a lot of money.

    After many lengthy discussions (after all, the client is always right) an employee took the elderly woman to the president’s

    The president of the Bank asked her how much she wanted to deposit. She placed her purse on his desk and replied, “$165,000”. The president was curious and asked her how she had been able to save so much money. The elderly woman replied that she made bets.

    The president was surprised and asked, “What kind of bets?”

    The elderly woman replied, “Well, I bet you $25,000 that your testicles are square.”
    The president started to laugh and told the woman that it was impossible to win a bet like that.

    The woman never batted an eye. She just looked at the president and said, “Would you like to take my bet?”

    “Certainly”, replied the president. “I bet you $25,000 that my testicles are not square.”

    “Done”, the elderly woman answered. “But given the amount of money involved, if you don’t mind I would like to come back at 10 o’ clock tomorrow morning with my lawyer as a witness.” “No problem”, said the president of the Bank confidently.

    That night, the president became very nervous about the bet and spent a long time in front of the mirror examining his testicles, turning them this way and that, checking them over again and again until he was positive that no one could consider his testicles as square and reassuring himself that there was no way he could lose the bet.

    The next morning at exactly 10 o’clock the elderly woman arrived at the president’s office with her lawyer and acknowledged the $25,000 bet made the day before that the president’s testicles were square.

    The president confirmed that the bet was the same as the one made the day before. Then the elderly woman asked him to drop his pants etc. so that she and her lawyer could see clearly.

    The president was happy to oblige.

    The elderly woman came closer so she could see better and asked the president if she could touch them. “Of course”, said the president. “Given the amount of money involved, you should be 100% sure.”

    The elderly woman did so with a little smile. Suddenly the president noticed that the lawyer was banging his head against the wall. He asked the elderly woman why he was doing that and she replied,
    “Oh, it’s probably because I bet him $100,000 that around 10 o’clock in the morning I would be holding the balls of the President of the Bank of Canada !”

  34. Received this via e-mail from a cousin of mine living in the States , something that Dr.Kam would consider worthy to ponder upon

    I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.

    I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, ‘If I give you this money, will you buy chocolate with it instead of dinner?’

    ‘No, I had to stop eating chocolate years ago’, the homeless woman told me.

    ‘Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?’ I asked..

    ‘No, I don’t waste time shopping,’ the homeless woman said. ‘I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.’

    ‘Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?’ I asked.

    ‘Are you NUTS!’ replied the homeless woman. I haven’t had my hair done in 20 years!’

    ‘Well, I said, ‘I’m not going to give you the money. Instead, I’m going to take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.’

    The homeless Woman was shocked. ‘Won’t your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I’m dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.’

    I said, ‘That’s okay. It’s important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and chocolate.’

    Thanks danildaud, but what’s the correlation between , the homeless woman and the woman that narrated the story and me? kamsiah

  35. “I am not racist, I love my country, we are not racists … if we cannot be fair to the Malays, then we cannot be fair to other races,” he had said.

    Amazing ! Hitler once uttered the same words when he sent the Jews to the gas chambers !

  36. Not many people complain about the various development policies and plans that have been implemented in this country since independence. So we must first of all stop this misconception that is been fanned by certain groups. The crux of the issue is that in all that implementatiom of policies the institutions of government took their eyes of the ball when it came to accountability and emasculation of institutions of government particularly since 1986.

    Yes, we have made progress. But the price we had to pay was too high because today no one, except those in power, will argue that our institutions of government are strong.

  37. Look around in SE Asia , all the PM’s etc running countries are all excessivly rich , and cling on the their power , and Malaysia is no exception .
    Anywhere else in the world they would be in front of a court , or in prison . There is not one real democracy in SE Asia , and too much interference in the state by religious leaders , and too much intererence in the legal system by politicians .
    Countries like China , Brazil etc are overtaking most countries in reform , democracy , and development .
    Look at what the NGO’s are saying about Asian countries , unecological , overconsumming , polluting , and unable to learn from other peoples mistakes and give their populations a better life and improve the planet. And all this with rich , overpaid and arrogant politicians , and incompetent/idle civil servants .
    Don’t worry I don’t have to prove this , the proof will be what happens to SE Asian countries in the very near future .

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