The “Allah” Issue

January 7, 2009

“Allah” use might have the opposite effect

by Terence Netto (January 6, 2009)

I came to a rather interesting conclusion about the rapidly escalating controversy over the High Court’s decision to allow the Catholic weekly Herald to use the term ‘Allah’ in its Bahasa Malaysia edition.

Purveyors of the concern that Muslims could be ‘confused’ have not considered the opposite prospect: when the term becomes common among Malaysian Catholics, it could pave the way for easier conversion to Islam.

As any Christian theologian would know, explaining concepts to laymen such as the Trinity, Original Sin and the dual nature of Christ is difficult.

In contrast, Islamic doctrine is much more clear-cut. Islam’s rigorous insistence on the oneness of Allah, His total unlikeness to humans, and its view of sin not as an aspect of human nature (the claim of Original Sin), but as something done against the bounds of God’s law, make it an easier religion to teach compared to Christianity.

You do not have to be too learned to know that one of the explanations by Christians for the rapid spread of Islam in the seventh century of the Common Era was the failure of Christian theologians to solve the riddle of the Trinity and Christ’s dual nature.

In this view, Islam is a monophysite religion (opposite of hypostatic, which is the term for the dual nature of Christ) that’s simple in creed and remarkably impervious to heresy. This explained the speed of its spread.

Malaysian Catholics shunned ‘Allah’

There is anecdotal evidence that Malaysian Catholics who were educated in the faith before the New Education Policy made Bahasa the medium of instruction in national schools from 1971 onwards, were uncomfortable over the use of the term Allah in liturgy and prayer.

That use became imperative in the churches when the effects of the language switch became evident by the early 1990s when Christian children in rural and semi-urban areas could no longer speak even a modicum of English.

Holdouts for English in the liturgy saw that their discomfort with Bahasa usage was selfish on account of its inevitability as a medium of discourse in all of Malaysian life and thus began to participate in masses said in Bahasa with greater enthusiasm.

Nevertheless, they were always uneasy with the use of the word ‘Allah’ for God the Father, thinking of it as a term specific to the Muslim understanding of their faith.

Even when they learned that Arab Christians used the term well before the inception of Islam in the 7th century of the Common Era (this marking of dates used to be rendered as AD for Anno Domini which means the year of the Lord), they were reluctant to use it.

But being members of a hierarchical church – and thereby conditioned to obey what the hierarchy decides on matters of faith – they confined their misgivings to murmurs among their peers.

The doubters conceded, however, that having been educated in the English language, they lacked appreciation of the need for the use of the term ‘Allah’ by Catholic kids whose entire schooling in Bahasa meant that the only biblical texts they could comprehend were the Bahasa Indonesia editions, Al-Kitab, where the term ‘Allah’ is freely used for God the Father.

Now this party of the uneasy, watching the current attempt by some quarters to stir Muslims to anxiety over last week’s High Court decision, are rueful over their stance of acquiescence in the hierarchy’s decision to seek judicial review of the Home Ministry’s proscription.

A man after the Catholics’ own heart

It must be said that this section of the Catholic faithful have for some time since written off the UMNO-led BN as irredeemably corrupt. In the corresponding period they watched with great expectation, tempered by a little trepidation, the battle between the liberal and conservative wings of PAS, hoping, praying even, that the liberals would triumph.

Shah Alam PAS MP Khalid Samad’s visit to a Catholic church in his constituency, in the aftermath of the March 2008 general election, was interpreted by these self-same Catholics as a momentous event, the beginnings of hope for a concordat between activists of both faiths in quest of higher standards of morality in Malaysian public life.

Khalid is now, arguably, the favourite PAS politician of Catholics, more so after he came out in support of the High Court decision. Regarded as faintly reprobate by some Muslims, the widely read Khalid, a man with an admirably determined belief in persuasion through reasoned argument, is perhaps keenly aware of medieval history when Christian bewilderment about the Trinity and the hypostatic nature of Christ paved the way for Islam’s spread at an electrifying pace.

Catholics viewing last week’s favourable court decision with a sense of vindication would be well advised to mull the thought that nothing is exempt from the law of unintended consequences.A deeper grasp of that law would lead to the view that life, that history, is tragic, a dimension that tends to be left out from abstract approaches to human affairs.

Alfred North Whitehead, a mathematician, observed, the “inner feeling belonging to the grasp of the service of tragedy is peace – the purification of emotions.” Christians recognise this as the peace that transcends all understanding.

29 thoughts on “The “Allah” Issue

  1. helo,
    tell your boss to work la…cakap banyak tapi selangor haprak pun
    idak…apa ke jadah nya buat wifi wimax 2mbit konon.bodo benar ke.hsbb dah nak datang and yet nak invest.kalau free ok tapi just
    like pasir biznes..i cut my dxxk n feed to the dog if this u wisel
    actually makes a single ringgit.

    p1 wimax this mth pun taka ada duit nak bayar gaji.spending
    at rgt 20mil per mth.

    bodo benor ke tsk ni?

    dsai asyik bercakap jer…meluat ler beb!


  2. Opposite effect? is this reverse psychology?
    It was put in great effects in Indonesia, and it is the indonesian injil that was used in Sabah & Sarawak for the same effect.

    I guess it won’t be that effective if the word Tuhan is used.
    Now did the missionary tried to use Allah in vietnamese, thai, or japanese. That word belongs to them too! No?

  3. Picaboy,

    Tulis bagi lengkap la brother. Sini banyak orang lama, tulis pendek pendek susah nak baca. Dan kalau nak hantam Anwar pun hantam la secara sopan. Itu yang mak bapa kita ajar bukan ka?

  4. Din,
    Something is very wrong. Connection broken still?
    Mr Bean – January 6, 2010 at 7:07 am.

    Dr. Bean’s last posting. Apa dia yang broken Dr. Bean. We want to hear your view on current court cases.

  5. Well Terence Netto has good points, but it is an established practice for the word that goes beyond traditions. It is in Scripture. The Holy Quran allows the Jews and Christians to use the same word (see Islam Today).

    Arguing this from the point of legalism, can only stoke the flames. How many true Muslims or for that matter Christians ‘understand’, much less read their Scripture? They leave the interpretation to their religious teachers/instructors, who are fallible.
    I don’t think that the unthinking masses will be able solve this conundrum in a civilised manner once it has been politicised.
    Only God knows what will befall the idiot ex-Home Minister, Syed Hamid, the Yemeni terrorist who started this provocation. Now it is being perpetuated by his successor and the Dear Leader, who would rather build a statue of himself.

    “They see, but do not perceive. They hear, but do not understand.”

    Terence, the fear of Christian prosyletizing amongst the Muslim scholars is very real. In sub-Sharan Africa and in China, the rates of conversion are unprecedented. Nobody can estimate the Christian growth in China (it is said that there are approximately 75-145 million mainline Chinese Christians, sans the officially sanctioned 3-SelfChurch). The ‘impossible to understand’ Doctrines of Hypostasis and Trinity are growing even if we mortals can’t truly grasp it… The shift in Northern Nigeria to fanatical Islam is a reaction to this. Islam is not making much headway, despite the propoganda that it is the fastest growing religion. I am not deluded to think that this is so. There are many ‘malay’ looking chaps who are in churches throughout the Peninsular every Sunday. I shall assume that they are Filipino’s, East Malaysians and Indonesians…

    Many tend to underplay the power of the Transcendent, for suffering and unhappiness during our transient journey on earth is tempered by the hope and joy of Life after Death. It is the Hope that motivates, it is not the Law. Why? Because God’s Law is inviolable.

  6. God gave us a conscience and reasoning powers. To each his own. Every man can chose the way he wants to worship God. This is God’s freewill to man. Why then must man lead his brother astray? In man’s heart deep inside he knows what is true. But he betrays himself when greed and envy enters his mind.

  7. Mnay of you must have been reminded of this .” Allah Is Great And There Is No God But Allah”. So what is the debate about. To me it aapears that it one and the same.

    Please correct me if I am wrong

  8. Yes Thumb logic, there is nothing to debate nor delibrate about. The problem arises because of polticizing ‘religion’ and there is no real “free-will” in this country, in part due to the constituition (Lina Joy Controversy). We must leave it as that.
    No one should legislate a transcendent “reality”.
    Meanwhile, wise dear leader claims to have One solution and reiterates that the Christians who are by no means united on this issue may not be ‘pleased’ and continue to provocate.
    As i have said before the Catholics and Protestants welcome such persecution, for it is in their doctrines of perserverance, patience and in their social creeds. Even the Great Atheist, Richard Dawkins admits to being a “cultural” Christian.
    The authorities will do what they will.

  9. It just goes to show that we cannot offend Allah, the There-is-none-like-unto-Him, but can offend humans who think they are defending Allah, who being Almighty would need nothing from presumptious humans.

    It is a strictly human affair. Let them decide what to call and whom to call, when and why. God, by the definition of the word God is God and is therefore, above it all. This confounds the human being, being a human being.

    Let the humans fight it out among themselves. Let them legislate laws to govern themselves according to their human understanding. Let their judges dictate to them what they can and cannot say. Let them watch what each other utters. Let them spy on each other in the privacy of their prayer houses and in each chamber of their hearts if they can. Let them fuss over us if they will. Perchance that it would gradually increase their understanding.

  10. People r behaving like orang is a very big god in the offend..oooo..if not big wrath..sheesh.all the bulding blocks of the infinite r already in us lah woi!!

  11. Whatever the pros and cons of the current views the simple fact of the matter is that the authorities are trying their level best to manufacture an issue and a crisis where absolutely none existed. In the process our country is, once again, the laughing stock.

    One more reason why voters are sick and tired…

  12. Puak dasyus UMNO and thieir toadies have created an artificial monster called “Islam tu Melayu” to stay in power,to manipulate other races,to exhtort money and macam macm..they will shout “nama Allah no kompromi..hanya muslim saja boleh pakai Allah!!..kalau kristin pakai nama Allah,Islam akan jahanam!”..they dont realise 1 whole world is laughing “kahak kahak at them”..1 whole world realise that UBN and their ularmaks r cacats..

  13. If the UMNOputras can do this to the Christians, who’s to prevent them from doing the same thing to their fellow Muslims. Since now they have copyrighted the name “Allah” and the priesthood of Islam Hadhari faithfully serve their every wishes, don’t you think that those fellow Muslims who oppose them will be declared unbelievers and will be stopped from using the name “Allah”. Remember a few years back there was an attempt by the UMNOputras to pressure the Agong to declare PAS as infidels and to ban them? Real frightening scenario indeed!

  14. Din, I received this from a Muslim buddy thru the email and I thought I should share this with your readers:

    Surah 29, Ayat 46:

    “And dispute you not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation) unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury); but say we believe in the revelation that has come down to us and in that which came down to you; our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow.”

    I thought this very phrase alone should bring some sense to a lot of us.

  15. It all revert to the shaman and the shepherd.

    UMNO has invented itself into a divinely politicised hand to fit snugly into the religious glove.

    Unfortunately, in BUMNO-land, the sheep only move at the direction of shepherds that worship the shaman !

    This is the danger we have allowed ourselves into – when religion is not separated from the state ,when state sponsored religious leaders need to toe the line to cari makan !

    Originally, the draft Constitution of Malaysia did not specify any official religion for the state. This move was supported by the rulers of the nine Malay states, who felt that it was sufficient that Islam was the official religion of each of their individual states. However, Justice Abdul Hamid of the Reid Commission which drafted the Constitution came out strongly in favour of making Islam the official religion, and as a result the final Constitution named Islam as the official religion of Malaysia.

    The beloved Tunku, God bless his soul, will be turning in his grave as he had once famously said, “”All talk on Islamic States is just an empty dream. No man in his right sense would accept a nation which bases its political administration on religion, and in a country like Malaysia with its multiracial and multireligious people, there is no room for an Islamic State.”.

    Guess which idiot changed all that !?!

  16. Hi ocho, the idiot that changed all “that” still listens to Slim Whitman – and still yodels no end. Geli+++… brr…
    Never mind ler, there was a failed Christian protest in Sabah, see: by Ronnie Klassen.

    The problem arose, i reckon, because they didn’t gather within a ‘church’ compound in accordance to idiotic igp’s quip:”How can we stop people from gathering in mosques!”

    The Christian’s never use churches for demonstrations, lest it be burned down or struck by lightning! Simple logic-la and they definitely won’t confront these tempurungs. Too small an anthill or dungheap to kick up a fuss…, and i beg the folks in Penampang to leave things alone.

    Another thing, is that the National Registration Bureau often changes the religion on the MyCard to Buddhist/Taoist or in my case ‘no religion’ – even if we write ‘Christian’ on it. Now, it obviously tells me, they are miscounting the number of Christians in the country and overcounting the Buddhist/Taoists. Guess there’s about 250,000 cases like this throughout the country, probably including Idris Jala, Lim Guan Eng etc. Can’t be bothered to change it. Hahaha…, not enough to ‘count’ in the next GE, i guess.

  17. Last night as usual I said a small prayer before I went to sleep. By mistake I used “Allah” instead of “God’. I then asked if I had done something wrong. They was no reply. In my language silence means He does not mind how we call Him.

  18. The Trinity, when considered as an abstract doctrine, can be confusing. But when it is explored as the gift of God in revealing Godself to humanity, it is a beautiful.
    God the Father is the creator and giver of all. Christianity and Islam share an understanding of God as all-powerful, all-wonderful, transcending human understanding. Our religions diverge on the consideration of God near and a part of the lives of humanity. Christianity defines God as Love and the doctrine of the Trinity arises from God expressing that love in a way humans can understand.

    Jesus is God. Yet, according to St. Paul, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. Instead, God’s great expression of power and love is that he took the form of a servant, he took human form, and came down among us to teach us, to lead us, to share the promises of God. We know God the Father through Jesus the Son. In the ultimate expression of love, Jesus died for us, the most incredible paradox, the all-powerful giving up his life.

    Jesus gave his life that we would not have to give our lives in payment, in atonement for our sins. But death cannot hold God and cannot hold Jesus. He is risen, bringing grace to all sinners who call on his name to know and be made children of God alongside him.

    All of these truths, these paradoxes, these stretches for us to have faith in are confirmed to us by God’s power expressed in the Holy Spirit. God came not only to be among us in the person of Jesus, but God indwells us in the person of the Holy Spirit.

    To understand the Trinity is to understand that God comes to us closer and closer, finally filling our hearts with the strength and love and power of the divine.

  19. Yes pastor, the Trinity is the cornerstone of our faith, but remember what St. Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologica said – no one can truly understand the Trinity – we take it on Faith, just as Theophilus, Tertullian, Augustine, Origen, Athanasius, Eusebius and the Church Father’s did. The Eastern Othrodox perceive the Trinity in a slightly different manner, as they contemplate.
    The Oness Pentacostals, Monophysites, Nazarite and Ebionites don’t, but does that detract them from being Christians?
    Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), knew about Christianity through his uncle-in-law (Kathijah’s uncle) who was probably an Ebionite/Nazarite.
    The problem seems that many Churches nowadays do away with the Nicene Creed and the Doxology and the new converts have very little conceptual ability to ‘apologise’ for this doctrine and often they leave the questioner with more doubt than understanding.

  20. The Prime Minister of Malaysia is up to his dirty tricks again !

    As UMNO Youth leader he orchestrated street demonstrations to provide his Master the excuse to launch “Operation Lalang” and the pretext to arrest all the social activists that were fighting for justice.

    The whole of Malaysia and the rest of world is watching and they know that he is bankrupt of ideas, desperate to keep his pants on, to hold on to the seat of power !

    Like a common village bully, he can only resort to intimidation , threats and even violence to quash anyone who disagree with him.

    His Master must be even prouder of him today but the question is, will the same dirty trick work again this time ?

    It is obvious that he has failed his history lessons of the Christians.
    They have gone through tougher and more challenging oppressors and not only survived but triumphed !
    After all, what is the burning of their Churches compared to being thrown down to the lions , right ?

    Anyway, what is the need for mass demonstrations if you have Truth on your side ? Unless you have none !?!

    Also ,Najib, while your demonstrators are exercising their democratic rights, make sure that UMNO provides them with placards and banners that say boldly, “DOWN WITH RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION “, “DOWN WITH CORRUPTION “, “DOWN WITH POLICE BRUTALITY”, “DOWN WITH INJUSTICE,” to show the whole world what a fair, glorious and democratic leader you are !

  21. As a Muslim from a war-torn region I ask my brothers of all faiths in Malaysia to be thankful to Allah for their peaceful country. This issue is of a linguistic nature, not religious, not political.

    The word “Allah. “The God” is a linguistic miracle in itself as it puts an emphasis on the English word “The” that is not attainable in any other Arabic word, which means that his Divinity is accurately expressed above every other thing.

    This is a moment to rejoice as we have a unity now with our brothers from the Christian faith in the first pillar of Islam, which is to confess that God is one, and Jesus and Muhammad are his Messengers.

    To my Muslim brothers

    If you want to escalate this issue to seek material gain, remember what you are going to lose; You will lose your status as monotheist (mowahhid) and become pagan (wathani), because you have denied that Allah is the creator of all beings and turned him into a God of yourself and no one else, which then make him no more than a Pagan God. Allah is above all this (subhanu Wa ta’ala).

  22. The non-muslims trying to define ” LaIllaHa’ IllalLah ” as ” There is no God, but God…” is actually nonsense.. .

    The exhortation in the Holy Book ( in Arabic ) Alif, Laam, Laam Ha is an invitation to mankind in its deepest mystical imperative ” to know ” ( arraf’ fah..) in the verse ” Know thyself in order to know thy Lord…” , that , ” if one does not know the Lord, one has not begun in his Religeon ” ( Arabic : Awal’luddin Ma’arifat’tul’Lah ).

    But yes, I agree with Terence Netto, to the effect that if non- muslims are allowed to have a deeper understanding of ” Allah “, the prospect for the journey into Islam would definitely be POSITIVE ( rather than merely understanding it face-value, which too often leads to deviation even by muslims themselves)

    As for example, where in Indonesia, the muslims allow our Christian brethren to use ” Allah “, Christian portray one of God’s highest attributes – LOVE . so muslims there say : ” If Christians say God is Love, they deserve the Name better, than those who understand Him as the God of Vengence…see the beauty…

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