The Nobel Peace Prize and Barack Obama

October 14, 2009

Peace Prize a self-fulfilling prophecy?

by W.Scott Thompson*

w. scott thompsonWhen the news of Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize came through, I was trying to decide…

Well, what can we say? When you think about it, is there anyone more deserving? Obama himself said he wondered how he could be in the company of such transformative leaders, but that is self-answering, because he already has transformed not just America’s ability to foster peace in the world, but the whole international climate of cooperative endeavour.

Two sitting American presidents have won it before — Theodore Roosevelt for bringing about the 1905 settlement of the Russo-Japanese war, and Woodrow Wilson, in 1919, for his campaign for the League of Nations.

Neither of these awards was in the Obama league, though. Roosevelt brokered a useful truce but he just enjoyed a bit too much “walking softly and carrying the big stick”, with emphasis on the latter. Wilson campaigned hard for the League as a panacea of war, but his rigidity in his American campaign, refusing to yield on his 14 points, ensured that his own country wouldn’t ratify it, thus dooming its effectiveness. It was a reward for a noble effort.

Now we learn how controversial the award already is in Obama’s backyard. It no doubt will harm him in the short run. It looks like an award for good intentions to which he can’t possibly live up. The right wing is having a field day. The worst American diplomat of recent decades, John Bolton, saw it entirely in partisan terms — the award having gone to Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and now a third Democrat all in a decade. “Got the message, America?” he mocked the Norwegian committee.

Well, John, are there any Republicans around who might even be considered? It just had nothing whatever to do with party. Let the Republicans stew in their soup of national aggrandisement, while Barack Obama walks with heroes. If to some the award is Europe’s answer to George W. Bush, so be it.

To me, the award seems to be two things. One, Obama already has had a transformative effect. It took more than personal ambition for a junior senator and an African-American to drive to the presidency. It took vision. The guts he showed in raising the discourse of American politics, never once yielding to the partisan (and often racist) bait around him, is still memorable — with a great message to the world about what one man or woman can achieve.

Have we already forgotten what the world looked like a year ago, with the stock market crashing and a sandbox president as usual closing his eyes to the ruin around him that he had facilitated, if not caused? There have been many important transitions in American politics; but the one this year stands at least with Franklin Roosevelt’s seizing the reins from Herbert Hoover as the most significant in our history.

There’s a second thought that surely was in the Norwegian committee’s mind. Obama walks tall, and expectations throughout the world must weigh heavily on his shoulders. But he was still just the American president. The Nobel committee has now elevated him — whether or not prematurely — to world statesman. They surely saw their decision as a self-fulfilling prophecy, one that would add to the huge forward wave of good influence.

In the morrow of the announcement Obama has the awesome responsibility of deciding on a course for the allies in Afghanistan. How well my generation recalls the decisions, so deeply flawed, of American presidents 30 and 40 years ago for Vietnam, leading to outright catastrophe (not to mention Iraq in 2003). My edited book Lessons of Vietnam was already at the publishers when the evacuation from Saigon took place.

The prime lesson was that our leaders didn’t have a clue about the reality in Vietnam that they were trying to influence. They refused to learn lessons from the similar French debacle of a generation earlier, and they always sought to reinforce the weaknesses in their strategy (and Bush just repeated the British mistakes of the 1920s). Obama is tutoring himself, with a sense of history, on just precisely what the Afghan situation is.

I think the decoration now weighing down Obama’s shoulders will give him the necessary sense of destiny in the decisions to be made. We in the outer ring of the White House used to joke about how American presidents talked of the awesome responsibility they had as leaders of the free world — while demonstrably enjoying the even more awesome perks of the office. The Nobel Peace Prize has put all that behind Obama, if there was any risk of it to begin with.

Maybe there is a last objection. Obama hasn’t done anything yet as president. OK, grant it. If this is the first time the Nobel was awarded to someone just for being who he is, then stand by it. Can anyone point to me anything more extraordinary in the history of democracy than that this quite young man, with roots in Africa and Southeast Asia, was elected to be the most powerful person in the world, just because of who he was, is and shall be?

God bless the Norwegian committee for reminding us what is at stake.

*W. Scott Thompson, a member of both Ford and Reagan Administrations, has been Adjunct Professor of International Politics at Georgetown University and on the faculty of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.  He also is president of Strategic Research Associates, an international consulting firm, dealing today with issues of corruption, and Chairman of the Board of UTICo, a Massachusetts company specializing in repatriation of laundered and stolen funds to clients, including banks, investors, corporations, and governments.

A graduate of Stanford and Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar from California, Prof. Thompson has regularly lectured on defense, Third World, corruption and communication issues, before various forums including international conferences.  He is the author and editor of numerous books and articles on foreign policy and governance.

34 thoughts on “The Nobel Peace Prize and Barack Obama

  1. Obama dont deserve the prize. There are lots of people who have died defending democracy and human rights and the very fact they are forgotten makes the Nobel Peace Price a piece of toilet paper.

  2. C’mon, james – he’s their great white hope!
    The Noble Commitee often votes for portent-ial besides potential.
    Just like when they voted Al Gore – the hubris of Global Warming, who jets around like nobody’s business.
    The only Republican that could have won this was the elephant.

  3. ” The nobel committee has now elevated him (Barack Obama ) …………. , to world statesman “. – W.S.Thompson.

    James .. ,

    if there is anyone who deserves the prize , it is ONLY BARACK OBAMA . If at all there is a second , he/ she is no where to be seen – meaning he or she is not even close .

    He ascended the presidency by capturing not only the imagination of the americans but also the imagination of the people from all over the world. He is the first American PRESIDENT TO TALK OF SHARED LEADERSHIP and not unilateral American leadership . This in essence means an end to THE ANGLO SAXON – JEWISH leadership of this world.

    He is also the first president to take real steps towards nuclear disarmament . He is also the first president attempting to bring peace to the middle east and resolving the Palestinian issue with an even hand . Last but not least , he single handedly has brought HOPE to all the people of this world and he has done this in a very very short space of time .


  4. Jeffrey, I dont agree. Obama winning the presidency has nothing to do with world peace. Of course you can point to all the things he is trying to do, but if that is the acid test then how about former President Clinton – he tried the same thing too and if there is one US president that has been promoting world peace and common good that would be former President Jimmy Carter. Please tell me that Barrack Obama has done more for world peace than Jimmy Carter, and I will retract my opinion.

    Obama’s strategy of political communication rhetoric of common good and world peace has yet to drip down to Federal Agencies such as DOD, DHS. Just look at Afghanistan – NGOS and civilians are coming out of the woodworks pointing out that the US strategy utilizing warlords is promoting further violence than peace. Convince me, Jeffrey.

    National pride and presidency should have nothing to do with the Nobel Peace Prize. Sitting in a chair using professional written up speeches do not commensurate with the risk that many are giving in the name of peace.

    My call for the Nobel Peace Prize – Jimmy Carter

  5. I agree he deserves the Nobel Prize. If at all, he deserves it for giving the rest of the world a sense of relief after 10 years of despair.

    The fact that Nobel Committee was criticised means they must done something right.

    But I think the Nobel prize will be burden round his neck as US President as it puts higher expectations for him to deliver the hopes he promised.

    On foreign policy, he knows his problem is not foreign governments, but the Israeli and Jewish lobby. Don’t forget his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is an Israeli citizen (dual citizenship status) and who had joined the IDF against the Palestinians and the Arabs.

    Obama has to tread very carefully, slowing and surely. Putting Hillary as Secretary of State was a strategic move because Hillary is an apologist for Israel.

  6. When I first heard it on CNN, I thought; what the hell is this? But if one reflect on it, I think there is a lot of sense in it. Obama since day 1 as President has put world peace as his main priority. And this award will be a constant reminder that he has an obligation to not just the Americans but to the whole world. And I believe that he’s smart enough to make a big difference. If he can get countries like North Korea and Iran to disarm their nuclear weapons, he would achieve more than any other world leaders, thus thoroughly deserve the Nobel price. The other issue which he has been working on is the environment which is now under duress. This award is rather like putting the cart before the horse but there’s a lot of hope resting on his shoulders and I believe he will prevail.

  7. Nobel Peace Prize has two other words attached to it, and it is not only about ACHIEVEMENT.

    It is also about Inspiration and Aspiration. The ability to MOBILISE humanity in thoughts and action through great difficulties. Obama achieved what Americans dream of, and what the rest of world thought he could never have achieved it.

    He represents what American can do and he represents hopes of minorities and of those perceived to be disadvantaged by the majority. He brought out the better angels of White America.

    Ever wonder why the world over celebrated his win as a president of USA?

    What he had achieved is intangible, sure. Yet his achievement of reaching the position as the head of the world’s most powerful nation is tangible enough for everyone around the globe, including the villages in Africa.

    No other human with such power and influence had reached so many people, perhaps with the exception the founders of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.

  8. ” The award is rather like putting the cart before the horse but ….. and i believe he will prevail “. – imwatchinu

    james ,

    Like iamwatchinu , i too believe that BARACK OBAMA will prevail and in the process of ” prevailing ” you will be convinced . THIS MAN NAMED BARACK OBAMA IS NO ORDINARY MAN .

    Vested interests in the united states like the jewish lobby will put obstacles along his path to do GOOD FOR MANKIND but barack obama not only has the charm but he also has the humility and ability to overcome these obstacles as he goes along deeper into his presidency. JAMES – JUST YOU WATCH.

  9. Mahatma Ghandi was nominated five times and never won the Nobel Peace Prize. It has a lot to do with the times. The world was different then.

    Barack Hussein Obama would not have won the Peace Prize without help from Bush Jr.

  10. When I heard his speech delivered at the Democratic Convention back in 2004, I asked myself “Who is this guy?” I’ve never heard anybody giving a speech like that. It was inspiring to say the least. And when he decided to stand as the Democratic candidate for the Presidential nomination, I knew it in my heart that he would win and go on to become the 44th President.

    I read both his books and wherever I went (when I was reading his books) I kept telling those I met “This is the next President of the United States”. They looked at me with skepticism.

    A man like Barack Obama comes maybe once in a hundred years. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize just for being Barack Obama.

  11. Mr Bean

    You are right. There is no day without night.

    Likewise, if Satan is not created in the minds of man, there will be no need for God to exist.

  12. What is conscience if not God’s presence in man? Some ask.

    God is not a figment of our imagination. Heaven and Hell are not inventions so that Man could live in peace with himself. God is real – just as Evil is real. Who is Satan if not God’s Fallen Angel? In the Book of Job, he challenged God. He wanted to show how Man could be manipulated, and that tempted with the luxuries of life he would forget his God. It didn’t end with Job. It is an on-going battle for control of the Universe.

    More than 2,000 years later, it was Evil that piloted the planes that went crashing into the WTC eight years ago. God told us to look upon our body as our temple, not to abuse it but to cleanse it of all that is impure. I believe it is Evil that teaches men to use their bodies as weapons which is his message to God that while He gives life it is not His to choose the moment of our deaths.

  13. Barack Obama is a refreshing change for the US. Let us hope his foreign policies will succeed in lowering the temperature of war of the Bush-Neo-Con era. Iran, Venezuela and North Korea must not see his gesture of goodwill and cooperation as a weakening of American resolve to defend its strategic interests around the world. Peace not war is the Obama way forward for US relations with the rest of the world.

    Obama’s approach (and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s too) is subtle and more enlightened compared to the Bush-Dick Cheney cowboy diplomacy. If Obama fails, then the US may be forced to return to unilateralism, which is the preferred option of the Vulcans, the Neo-Cons, and the Jewish Lobby in Congress. That cannot be good for world peace and security.

    In awarding the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Barack Obama, the Nobel Committee, Dr W. Scott Thompson said,”has now elevated him — whether or not prematurely — to world statesman. They surely saw their decision as a self-fulfilling prophecy, one that would add to the huge forward wave of good influence”.–Din Merican

  14. God is real – just as Evil is real.-Mr Bean

    When taken out of the religious context, it cannot be disputed in any reasoned argument that God, as are Heaven and Hell, is only real between our ears.

    I did read that brain scientists are studying responses of religious people to find which part of the brain or which neurons are firing in the search for God or when these people feel the presence of God. That’s because these people could not express the existence of God beyond what they perceive or conceive between their ears.

    There is no Goodness without Evil. You cannot be Good if there is no Evil. Where does Evil come from? One has to read Darwin’s ideas on Evolution and its impact on specie survival. That’s the big picture view of Evil.

  15. Okay, I will wait and see. But, I happen to live in a territory of the United States, and we dont see Obama they way almost everyone else does on this blog – it is just typical presidential rhetoric with no real susbstance. And for those who dont really know, the real function of the US President is to guide the US at war. I am also politically involved here, and we see the difference in rhetoric versus the imposition of regulations by Homeland Security that would essentially destroy the economic base of a small island. Jeffrey, if you are interested, go to, read the comments posted by senator guerrero (I wrote it) and there is a subsequent posting on my name if they ever publish it. The US is a farce when it comes to treating minorities, especially those without a voice in congress.

  16. Oops – I meant I did not write it (ie for senator guerrero). Sorry to include it but I just want to show the readers who are interested that the President of the US says one thing, the Federal Agencies dont really care and do what they want unless ordered otherwise.

  17. Frank,

    What is Good and Evil? Where does it come from? What is the definition of Sin. It started of as Man’s disobedience of God’s instruction but then became larger than that.

    Hence the question: “What is conscience if not God’s presence in Man.”

    The Jews don’t believe in the concept of Heaven and Hell. The Christians and Muslims do and all three are people of the Book.

  18. Mr. Bean

    I do not wish to digress to far off from the theme of this post. A discussion worthy of a separate heading.

    A couple of parameters need to be established for a rational discussion on this: Firstly:The concept and idea of God. God with given human attributes such as anger, compassion, hate, revenge etc as described in almost all the religious books. Is is that God is a mental creation of mankind to fill in the gaps of the unknowns which he cannot solve. Or as physicists like to say, God is akin to electricity, you feel the presence but you cannot see. Or cosmologist would say God is the the Mathematical Equation that rules the laws of physics.

    Secondly, why mankind needs religion while others in the animal kingdom do not need one.

    Evil and Good are tribal value concepts based on human self interest, as individuals as a specie.

    To understand Good and Evil, it is worth reading Richard Dawkin’s book, The Selfish Gene. He describes in secular terms why there is good and evil.

  19. “I just want to show the readers who are interested that the President of the US says one thing, the Federal Agencies dont really care and do what they want unless ordered otherwise.” James

    Nothing unusual. The contry’s Founding Fathers preferred government to be small. They believed in free will. The states jealously guard their independence from federal interferance.

    The Justice Department, the FBI and CIA, for example, are independent of each other. It is an extension of the doctrine of separation of powers that keep them separate. It is the doctrine of separation of powers that keeps the U.S. President from setting foot in the Capitol and from addressing the joint session of the U.S. Congress except when invited to do so.

    Before the formation of the Homeland Security Department there was no one to coordinate and it was the failure to connect the dots that led to the tragedy of 2001.

    Bills may be passed by the U.S. Congress i.e. the legislative assembly. It does not mean the U.S. President must sign them into law.

    It is about checks and balances and the doctrine of separation of powers i.e. something students of Malaysian politics, constitutional law will find it hard to grasp unless they live here for a while.

  20. james ,

    thank you . i will definately go and check out that reference u mentioned. and james , as always and as is with all of us , you are entitled to your opinion but i am certain time will prove you wrong vis a vis barack’s nobel prize.


    his opponents cant bare to see a black president do better then all the white presidents . but they will appreciate barack in time , especially when his initiatives start to flower and fruit. but even if the opponents still don’t or dont want to , then the wider public opinion will sway them . it is just a matter of time james.

  21. According to a source the winner of the nobel peace prize should have the following characteristics: “during the preceding year […] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

    In my opinion Obama hasn’t done enough to win this prize first off, he has only been in office for only eight months, and has not followed anything that he said that he was going to do in his campaign. If he thinks that he is going to try and take over the world such as taking over health care, raising out taxes to outrageous prices so that a certain population of people have to pick up the gap for others.

    If he and the government take over the health care, which means we will have to run by him if we can get a surgery or what not. Especially for the elderly; if they need surgery hes not going to give the money because “there going to die anyway”. I think a persojn like this should not have won the nobel peace prize. All he is trying to do is rewen our country and turn everything into the power of his own hands.

    The only thing that i think that he has accomplished is to becoming the first Black American President, when we dont even know if he is really an american considering the fact that he wont show his birth certificate. I completely appose the fact that Obama won the Nobel peace prize!

  22. Jeffrey

    There are many red necks that cannot handle the fact that Obama won because he was a black vying for president at the right time. It is generally accepted by the red necks that the younger generation wanted to show that it was important that the United States discarded racism by electing a black. McCain lost because the people got tired of republicans and the war despot Bush.

    I am not qualified to critize President Obama, even if he had Taliban parents. I do think President Obama has the right intents and has and will do America good in the eyes of the world, but it will take years before any of his rhetoric be translated into action by Federal Agencies. Nevertheless, it does not change the fact that Jimmy Carter has done more to promote world peace than any other leader or president of the United States. Jimmy Carter would be a more acceptable recipient even though he is no longer the President. The award to Obama is simply because he is the current President.

    Americans are fortunate that their forefathers had the foresight of crafting the Constitution of the United State, one that have integrated the fifty states and made Americans proud. It will take Malaysia decades to reach the perceived political correctness of the United States.

    Now having said that, the politics in the United States and the lack of compassion, and its hypocrite ways are the biggest stumbling block for Americans to be truly welcomed outside of North America. The United States is a bully, and one so preoccupied with its self interest that it willingly abandons its allies and supporters simply to into a better political position. Case in point, the Hmongs, the Vietnanmese left behind, the Cambodians abandoned, and remember OLD EUROPE?

    The Government of the United States cannot be trusted. History has repeatedly shown that given their lives in supporting United States interest had done so at their own peril. It took the United States nearly 60 years to honor their obligations to the Filipinos who served the United States in World War II against the Imperialist Japanese.

    Colonialism exist in United States Government. It has already been proven. Look at Guam, and Northern Marianas, American Samoa and even Alaska. I live in the Northern Marianas. These are people entrapped by the United States Federal Government to ensure their dependency on Federal Government Aid. They lost their EEZ to the United States, and the United States will not honor their obligation under an agreement executed in 1976.

    The United States agricultural sector is so dependent on illegal immigrants, which nobody in US Congress is willing to acknowledge because it is politically incorrect. More than half of the United States prisons are filled with illegal immigrants who serve Uncle Sam cheap labor. This despite the fact that many have US born children. The lack of political will to address their very own people for fear of voter backlash is why we cannot trust the United States.

    The United States is only useful for Asia for economic growth and economic stability. Its reliability as a true and trusted partner has been long trashed, and political self interest is no longer a secret. Jeffrey’s ideals about the anglo saxon and jewish control relates to the economic side of the United States which we dont have to really worry about because the greenback is fast turning into a banana republic print.

  23. James

    Agreed with your view on good old Uncle Sam.

    USA needs as much transformation as UMNO. The former bullies the rest of the world, and the latter bully non UMNO Malaysians. And both share the same first alphabet in their names.

    Najib… Malaysian version of Obama without the scandals???

  24. ” I completely appose the fact that Obama won the Nobel peace prize!” Andrew B

    No one can “oppose” a fact. Obama is this year’s Nobel Prize winner! Deal with it.

  25. “In my opinion Obama hasn’t done enough to win this prize first off, he has only been in office for only eight months …” Andrew B

    It is not given to him for his work done during the eight months into his presidency. The decision was made eleven days after he took office. What does that tell you??

    I have lived in both the ‘cradle to grave’ system as practiced in the U.K. and here where you are at the mercy of insurance companies and special interests, and where capitalism has run amok, forcing the economy to collapse leaving the top 2% to reap obscene profits and live an obscene lifestyle at the expense of the working class. I have no sympathy for the victims of Bernie Madoff who lost millions. They lost to greed and not to Madoff.

    Nobody is denying that they are having problems with funding the NHS. But at least such a system is morally superior. ‘Death panels’ are an invention of Sarah Palin another redkneck Republican who is an embarassment to her own party and to women despite appearing to energize her party base and women.

  26. Right now the only reason why I’m still alive is because my wife pays about $5,000 a year as health insurance premium working for Macy’s. More than 16 millions have recently lost their jobs and are without health insurance. That is in addition to the 46 millions or so who cannot afford health insurance or/and who refuse health insurance because it costs too much and they are young and healthy. But there are those who need health insurance and these health insurance companies refuse them because of pre-existing conditions.

    The United States is the only western industrialized developed country that is facing a crisis of this proportions in its hospitals and over its health care because its leaders especially Republicans believe the market should be left alone to sort out the mess and that the government should not take over health care. But then who is taking over health care? All Obama suggests is that we be given a choice. This is just a scare by the Republicans (GOP or Grand Old Party which has yet to shed their image of a party for the rich whites) so they and their cronies in the private insurance companies could continue to make obscene profits on the back of the working class.

    Forget Malaysia. Malaysia is a very primitive place to be in. There isn’t a health care system at all. Malaysian workers don’t have to pay unemployment insurance because you don’t have unemployment benefits. So what happens when you lose your job? There is no equivalent of the Medicare. So what happens when somebody aged 55 (the mandatory retirement age in Malaysia) gets sick? Over here at that age you’re too young to retire. There is no Medicaid. So what happens you are too poor to afford health care?

    It blows my mind.

  27. Mary J. Blige: “Barack Obama is a true example of something different. He’s a true example of something our children can have in the future, what they can look at and say: ‘Wow, we can really, really do something. We can really, really be something.'”

    Here I’ve tried to collect all notable tributes paid to Barack Obama by peers:

  28. Bean

    In Malaysia health care insurance is not yet possible because the risk exposure to insurers would be akin to insuring the poor in the US. Just look at the food we consume, high cholestrol, high sodium, sugar to the max, and of course tongue stimulant – Ms. Ajinomoto, high population exposure to hepatitis, bla bla bla and lack of preventive health concerns. If our demographic health profile is the same as the United States, the health care insurance there wont exist either. Anyway, even in the states, your health care premium would rise significantly, or you will not be insurable if you have pre-existing conditions.

    Now on Obama on the issue of health care, it will only put the greenback on further risk. Obama says the additional cost of health care coverage for the poor is marginal. If so, it would be most profitable for the insurers to jump in. The fact that nobody wants the business tells you something. Healthcare coverage for the poor needs subsidy. The US government since Reagan has far more willing to put subsidies in steel products, pay through the nose for military contracts, and get into unwarranted wars, put machinery in space, than to take care of its poor. In one sense Jeffrey Gascon is right, Obama is exactly the type of leadership that the US needs. On the other, my opinion is that it still dont warrant the award of the nobel peace prize. It should have gone to Jimmy Carter for all the years he has put in to foster peace and to help the under-privileged and doing so quietly and not seeking recognition. Shouting cries of peace, versus poverty eradication and helping people all over the world are two ends of the spectrum, and I simply cannot help having more empathy for those who put their lives into doing what needs to be done, versus talk and little commitment. To put it in a Malaysian perspective, it would be akin to support Najib simply because in the last whatever months, he has come out to desire social change that includes the minorities. To proclaim is of course the beginning for any change, but lest we forget the doers.

  29. The wise man does at the beginning what the not so wise man does at the end. That is wisdom.Many leaders do not have the opportunity to talk about world peace at the beginning of their rule. Bush had the opportunity but he never used it. This peace idea only comes at the end of their rule when they start thinking about their legacy.

    If you scan the globe it will very difficult to find areas that do not have conflicts. Countries that are not fighting their neighbours are fighting among themselves. The new economic order is placing tremendous pressure on leaders to improve the lives of their citizens. Hence you find that conflicts of all kinds, political, economic, and social has the world on its edge. We need somekind of force that will tell everyone that these conflicts will only weaken us and undermine our own ability to get ahead in this world.

    Just look at us. Malaysia has been sleeping since Dr. Mahathir left office. Everything has become an issue and everything has become priority because eveyone wants to become rich to the extent they can take care of seven generations. Greed has become the order of the day. The volume of money involed in our daily disscussions takes your mind away to another planet. Never forget that when GOD wants to make you mad he makes you greedy first. Once you get into that mode there is a mad rush and everything goes.

    We need someone to provide that assurance that there is no need to fight. What we want could be achieved if we follow the road that gradully smoothens the rough edges of our pesonality governed by greed and allow all to work through the system and be all that they want to be.

    There lies the wisdom of the Five wise men in Norway who made this controversial decision to honour Barak Obama. I think that we should celeberate this bold decision and stop questioning waether he should have got the honour or not. I am sure that many of think that some of our leaders and many other around the world are up to the honour. Your time has not come. So please wait.

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