Najib slithers out of another scandalous revelation

Since when do public officials evade investigation and scrutiny simply by claiming they are innocent, swearing on a holy book, or referencing the blanket endorsement of another public official who is equally suspect of breaches of ethical conduct, corruption and cronyism.

Of course in Malaysia.

See how DPM Najib slithers his way out of the question about the SMS messages and the helicopter deal (towards the end of the video).

This man loses more credibility every day that the unanswered questions about his alleged involvement in and knowledge of backroom deals and criminal activity linger.

The reporters present at this press conference ought to get a basic training in how to grill a slithery politician on the most obvious and egregious of public scandals. Perhaps they can take notes the first time Najib sits across from Anwar Ibrahim in Paliament (if Najib every decides to show up), and Anwar tears into him.

Najib did not deny the text message exchanges between him and a lawyer at the heart of the allegations were genuine. “Why do I need to comment? There is no abuse of power,” the deputy prime minister said. He only said the SMS exchanges were a private matter. Well not anymore because they are in the public domain and people need to know that he’s not lying about his knowledge of the circumstances of the case.

Then…to be laughing and joking along with the PM-in-waiting as he dodges questions about Altantuyaa is just inexcusable, as many journalists seemed to have been doing. No abuse of power took place according to Najib. The Alaska government said the same thing about Gov. Sarah Palin regarding her involvement in “TrooperGate” although it did conclude she breached proper ethical conduct. Did the American media laugh and giggle as she evades questions about the matter. Not quite. They had a field day. Can we say the same about Najib in this case? Will anyone even try to get an answer? Would the ACA be bothered to investigate this, even if it would take precious resources away from their investigation of other more important cases? Does it at least raise some eyebrows given all the other circumstantial evidence linking Najib to the case?

Perhaps he should submit to a lie detector test, as simulated in the following video:

Then…to let the man walk out of the PC (final minute of video clip of his press conference) without giving a clear answer to the serious questions regarding the Helicopter purchase wins the award for the softest and most pliant “independent” journalism in Malaysia (perhaps we can call that the New Straits Times award for journalistic mediocrity).

Malaysiakini has published a clear enough article that would lead to at least a dozen questions that need to be answered by the Minister of Defense. The standard “we did nothing wrong” mantra doesnt work anymore. And it’s not an accusation being made by the opposition as Najib snickered. The accusations emanate from one of his own…an UMNO member – Capt (rtd) Zahar Hashim.

Things in Malaysia seem to be getting worse and worse before they hopefully get better.

PS Anyone heard from Bala?

42 thoughts on “Najib slithers out of another scandalous revelation

  1. I would ‘get rid’ of the snake first, in order to protect it because there’s nothing Najib wouldn’t do. Snake-infused vodka serve as aphrodisiac. Ask Che Mah Che Chot. She knows.

  2. The grill is on or shall I say, the heat is on,lmao.
    Perhaps someone should call back Fernandez(?), Anwar’s former lawyer to cross examine Najib further. Show no mercy, if there is solid evidence!

  3. It is not for Najib to exonerate himself by saying that there was no abuse of power. It is for the ACA and the people to decide. He is in the dock and he should stay there till he is vindicated.
    A PM with such a multiplicity of baggage can be disastrous for the country and foreign relations.

  4. Asking the ACA to investigate? I’ll rather not. We all know the answer don’t we? No corruption, case dismissed. No, better wait for a new government, then investigate, prosecute and jail. RPK will have the last laugh. Maybe he’ll bring Najib some really hard boiled eggs too.

  5. “Najib did not deny the text message exchanges between him and a lawyer at the heart of the allegations were genuine. “Why do I need to comment? There is no abuse of power,” the deputy prime minister said.”

    Of course he did not abuse his power. He does not need to. Period. That does not make him less culpable for the crime.

  6. For those Umnoputras – ‘abuse of power’ does not apply to them. They are king in control, remember? It only applies to those not in their favour.

  7. In other words, “So what if the smses are true???” What can anybody do to me? Remember Altantuya, Bala, RPK? They were silenced. The calibre of our PM-In-Waiting!

  8. remember me the world ranking of university malaya…out from 200..hee what ranking corruption for this bugger…this umno party is almost to monopoly family party..kick out this leader! for our rakyat bright futures…kick out the no moral+pirate leadership…

  9. Bro Din,

    Remember Najib denied seeing Saifool and then he couldn’t deny further then admitted but said he was showing concern for him(Saifool) because of distress over scholarship which Saifool actually was a drop-out!

    Now he did not deny but maintained it is private, the same kind of concern he had for Saifool he had for RB.

    What a concern to him as a DPM???? is what a serious concern to the Rakyat about his(Najib) concern!

  10. now this info from majlis raja-raja a progress meeting until 16 october for focus into badan kehakiman in kuala trengganu & taken over leader from BN with name of MP from BN to crossover to pakatan..meeting about dsai may a big thing will happen on 18/19 October…this that i heard form friend in trengganu..

  11. OMG. Before he sits on the throne, he gets involved in another suspicious deal. If he becomes the PM, what will happen to the coffers of this country.
    Guess, the plane, yachts and bugalows in Perth are nothing compared to what this man is going to do.
    God save Malaysia.

  12. Cross-breeding of human is a must for Malaysia – DIVERSITY OF


    via cross breeding of human

    People in Malaysia need to be cross-bred. Cross breeding of

    animals (e.g. in tilapia, goat, cow etc) and in plants (e.g. oil

    palm cross pollination in Malaysia ) have been very successful in

    many cases to improve quality of offspring. Malaysia needs to

    learn from this biology concept applied in animal kingdom.

    Set up a university to conduct research on cross breeding of

    human. Provide research funds / grants to Malaysian and

    international researchers to open up a new chapter for peace,

    prosperity, media freedom, freedom of expression and true justice

    in Malaysia . See what will be the changes (social, political,

    religious, intellectual, perceptual etc) that can be brought about

    via cross breeding of Malaysians.

    So far, over the last 100 years, most marriages in Malaysia were

    only inter-racial. We don’t need a rocket scientist to understand

    this. This simply means, there had been (and still is) very few

    inter racial marriages. Approximately 95% of the marriages are

    intra-racial. Malaysia needs to break this trend. We need at least

    60% of the marriages to be inter-racial. And only then we can have

    racial harmony in practice. We have heard plenty of sermons

    theorizing racial harmony. But in reality there is no racial

    harmony in Malaysia . What we have is racial tension and

    disharmony in this country. Thus, multiracial politics, though

    undoubtedly a good beginning towards racial harmony and racial

    unity, alone is not sufficient to ensure racial harmony in this

    multi racial country. Just like multiracial politics, multi racial

    marriages will bring lasting peace and sustainable development in

    Malaysia . Thus, the leaders of this country must encourage inter

    -racial marriages by rewarding them financially or in whatever

    ways possible and / or feasible. We wish to see the father to be a

    Malaysian Chinese and the mother to be Malay; the father to be a

    Malaysian Indian and the mother to be Malaysian Chinese, the

    father to be a Chinese and the mother is an Indian; the father to

    be a Malay and the mother is an Indian and so on. We want to see

    hybrid Malaysians. We do not want to see a Chinese, a Malay or an

    Indian on the Malaysian street. We want to see hybrid Malaysians.

    I have tried to form / change certain perception (of politics,

    race, religion etc) of a bumiputera family over the last few

    years. I found dead ends. I went no where. Certain beliefs and

    perceptions are so deeply founded that it is very hard to unroot

    them via traditional means. This family (specially the elderly

    ones) believes that there is no alternative to racial politics in

    Malaysia; that UMNO is the only future for Malays; that the

    Chinese are somewhat enemies of the Malays; America is a 100%

    evil; that it is anti Islamic to learn English or to speak in

    English; that it is anti-islamic to speak to / mingle with a

    Chinese or an Indian. We need extra ordinary measures to have

    better Malaysia for every Malaysian. We need the Malays prefer

    wedding Chinese. We need the Malays preferring to wed Indians. Off

    course, we also need the Malays to wed good people from Kerala.

    Until today, Malaysia belongs to only 10% of the Malaysians. These

    are elite Malaysians. People on the street, like you and me are

    Malaysians- just like we have Malaysian dogs and Malaysian cats.

    Just like cats and dogs, we eat, shit and die. There is no meaning

    of having such a life. While the elites in our society get richer

    and richer by every second, the average Malaysian gets poorer by

    every second. We must make Malaysians realize that life is not

    merely eating, shitting and dieing. We need to establish a

    university and conduct research to show clearly that the real

    problem of Malaysia is not race. The real problem of Malaysia is

    the tension between have and the have nots. The threat to Malaysia

    ’s peace is the fight between the elites (i.e. about 10% of the

    Malaysians- comprising Chinese, Malay and Indians) and the average

    Malaysians (the 90% of the Malaysians comprising Chinese, malays

    and Indians). The real threat to Malaysia is social injustice and

    unfair distribution of wealth. Lack of freedom of expression,

    corrupt judiciary, and the corrupt executive adds / exacerbate to

    this problem faced by our nation.

    Today, it is possible to identify any Malaysian by skin color and

    appearance. And instantly you can categorize one to be a Malay, a

    Chinese or an Indian. You even don’t need the national identity

    card to verify whether one’s racial identity in Malaysia . We must

    take immediate steps to ensure that in each Malaysian family we

    have someone Chinese looking, someone Malay looking and possibly

    someone Indian looking. Let us try to have at least two races in

    each family. This is / will be a very effective way to prevent any

    May 1969, Taman Medan or similar incidents.

    It is possible that some offspring from these cross marriages

    (i..e inter racial marriages) would be as idiots and as criminal

    as Madey. But it is highly unlikely that majority of these

    offsprings would support those Madeys. Nor would these majority

    offspring would keep quiet and do nothing about the atrocities

    committed by the few Madeys and Madey’s cronies. In the long run,

    many off these offsprings ( resulting from cross breeding- i.e.

    inter racial marriages. would become Novel prize winners, world’s

    best economists, peace makers, architects, engineers and


    To have a truly bangsa Malaysia , I suggest 5 pakatan state


    Offer this incentive for new and old (i.e. already existing)


    First time marriage between couples of different race OR different

    religion OR different nationality will receive a one-time cash

    award of RM10,000.

    First time marriage between couples of different race AND

    different religion will receive a one-time cash award of RM15,000.

    First time marriage between couples of different race AND

    different nationality will receive a one-time cash award of


    First time marriage between couples of different religion AND

    different nationality will receive a one-time cash award of


    First time marriage between couples of different race AND

    different religion AND different nationality will receive a one-

    time cash award of RM20,000.

    Notes: In all cases, the foreign national MUST be GRANTED

    MALAYSIAN PR (permanent residency within 60 DAYS of the marriage

    registered in Malaysia ). For this purpose, the 5 pakatan state

    governments must seek independence from the federation in terms of

    immigration POLICIES AND PRACTICES. The BN government will have

    power on immigration matters in BN run states only. The pakatan

    governments must make it happen via Malaysian judiciary. The

    judiciary must be brave to act independently. The judiciary must

    not take instructions from the federal BN government.

    * Any couple would be entitled to recieve any grant only once in a

    * The children off these inter-race and international (one parent

    / spouse being Malaysian) marriages should also be rewarded. All

    children (of such marriages) under the age of 20, should be given

    a one time cash rewrd of RM50,000 each and a monthly allowance of

    RM2000 till the age of 40. This is a small sacrifice by PR

    government for social reconstruction in Malaysia. Do this program

    for just five years and see the changes. It’s worth a sacrifice.

    The Pakatan Rakyat must also ensure/demand that all “ Malaysia

    second home” applications approved during BN government, must

    either be made public or WITHDRAWN/ CANCELLED IMMEDIATELY. The

    public must know the details of these people. The approvals are

    scandalous and fictitious. There are so much hidden agenda. Many

    criminals from other countries have been granted “ Malaysia second

    home” visa. It’s an abuse of power. It’s a crime committed by BN

    All PR (permanent residency) applications approved during BN

    tenure must be made public or WITHDRAWN/ CANCELLED IMMEDIATELY.
    All PR applications rejected during BN tenure must be approved by

    PR run government. This specially applies to foreign spouses

    married to Malaysian citizens. These foreign spouses already have

    had enough nightmares in Malaysia during BN tenure. UMNO is /was

    only interested in money; not in talents. So UMNO turned away all

    talents from Malaysia .

    *To qualify for these awards, All couples must preferably be at

    least a graduate from a university located in Malaysia . (If only

    one couple is graduate, while the other is not, then, may be the

    reward would be slashed to 50% or 25%; and /or help pay the

    tuition fees for the other couple to complete his/ her degree in a

    Malaysian university!). Priority would be given to those who are

    already graduates.

    In fact, the pakatan Government would not have to spend a single

    cent to finance these awards. All it needs to do is sell of all

    the lands / assets / properties owned by Madey and use that money

    to encourage cross-marriages among race, religion and

    nationalities. All cash owned by Madey should also be forfeited/

    frozen by pakatan government. Only this and other effective steps

    will ensure long-term sustainability and peace in Malaysia .

    These cross marriages will go a long way to see a truly united

    bangsa Malaysia . Together, those bangsa Malaysia will not

    tolerate dictators / criminals like Madey (TDM) even for a single

    day. Each one of those bangsa Malaysia would resemble Raja Petra.

    We can already see a million contrast between a true patriot (i.e.

    Raja Petra) and a fake PM (i.e. Madey). Madey is responsible for

    the poor economic state of the Malays today. Aren’t 90% of the

    Malays still poor? Isn’t an average Chinese is five times richer

    than an average Malay? Isn’t Madey directly responsible? Madey

    hates cross-marriages (among races/ religions/ nationalities)

    because he knows these cross marriages would give birth to

    thousands of true patriots who would fight till the last drop of

    their blood against zalim people like Madey.

    Madey’s children’s assets/ bank balances should also be frozen.

    His desposits are everywhere. From banks in Japan to Zimbabwe ;

    from Kerala to Switzerland .
    Malasyians must be made aware of all the businesses Madey and his

    cronies/ children have interest. All Malaysians must avoid any

    purchase from these businesses. A complete boycott is necessary.

    We must punish these criminals financially.
    We the rakyat must get (fu*k) Madey before he gets (fu*k) DSAI and

    the Rakayt.


  13. Panca,

    To be fair to Najib, what do you expect him to say? The first reaction is to deny, and deny he must, till the end or until cornered.
    I guess Najib did not realise there was a cctv right at the gate of the DPM’s house? 😀

    Just like he did not know that telcos do save all our call numbers and smses. Had he known, he would not have had such frequent calls and messaging with lawyer Shafie, would he? So Panca, watch out, be wise and brief when you next sms err ….heartthrob?

    Panca, Obviously you have missed out a part of the ‘story’. Najib did say later when cornered by reporters(was Sin Chew’s reporter Ms Tan Hoon Cheng there among them?), that Saifool was there to ‘seek his advice’ on how well to handle Anwar whom Saifool alleged had sodomised him.

    The question is, how did a college drop-out turned Anwar’s coffee-boy, then turned up at DPM’s office for scholar-ship talk, and again at DPM’s residence at night that dragged Opposition polician Anwar Ibrahim to a sodomy charge?

    Amazing isn’t it? – imagine a 60 year old Anwar with history of spinal and neck injury forcing himself onto a young energetic 22 year old Saiful? Is that possible? Well we need to ask Mr Bean who went chasing his chickens and fell flat with a few teeth missing and landed in ED! 😀

    And the joke of it was, after Saifool’s police report against Anwar on advice of Najib, he once again went back to Anwar the next day, to be once again sodomised? Hahhaa! I’m falling off the chair! 😀

  14. Its ok ocho-onda, when we call back Chris Fernandez, we might as well call back Altantunya, assuming that they are in the same ‘place’. But i seriously doubt they can give evidence…
    Din, since you asked about Bala SD I&II, could we also prevail on someone in Kemboja to offer services from the other ‘place’? Dottie and guru Ji aren’t opening their traps.
    Hope you are enjoying Phnom Penh.
    Glad you are monitoring shenanigans locally… Cheers.

  15. You should ask these Malaysian so-called “journalists” to take a leaf out of the manner in which the journos in Taiwan are, in pursuing the corruption scandal of their ex-president. Ours here is a big joke! You’d think they are all acting like a bunch of totally inapt school kids gathering around the school master with a big cane in hand and ready to lash out on whoever who dares ask sensitive questions. Where you wonder did they get their journalistic degrees from and what kind of ethic do they hold for their jobs. No sophistication whatsoever!

  16. I too agree with you,Din. Our political journalists are not in the real sense probing enough.just note – takers. Where is the investigative instinct? Seek, probe, question. Be bold, speak up, shout from the back! Raise your voice and ask the pertinentquestions , not snigger and play play like a bunch school kids given candy handouts. Pathetic. Simple questions like “do you deny the SMS’s “, “what did you mean by ‘tentative'” next time please. His shifty stances and just trying to laugh these serious accusations off makes me puke. This man, our future pm?give me Sarah Palin any day. God help Malaysia!

  17. I will as of now belief what Najib and his wife Rosmah says as the absolute “truth” and nothing but the absolute “truth”. I won’t believe what Ghandhi, Mandella, Ang Yang Su Kyi, Anwar Ibrahim or other totured souls who fight for freedom, justice and truth. The reason for my statement is because we are seeing the end of Kali Yuga or Stone Age and until December 21, 2012 whatever Najib or his goons and cronies says will prevail. The Age of Truth only starts after December, 21, 2012 when we will be again ushering the new cycle of Golden Age. After December 21, 2012, I will reverse my above stand as after December, 21, 2012 only the truth will prevail.

  18. Jong,

    Thanks. Yes, exactly why would a drop-out see him(Najib) on scholarship and next implicate DSAI over the “so-do-me, pls” as alleged(pleaded, pun intended) by Saifool? We all knew about these unintelligent lies perpetrated by these scumbags and were apparently up to these acts of evil against DSAI.

    But the umno president is ‘behind all this’ while money are surely going to accounts until the time he lets out the cat, “BAM, najis excretes”. Let’s see how it goes.

  19. Jong,

    Good one!! You should be performing on Saturday Nite Life to record crowds. Do a Sarah Palin or something. Such a waste of talent!

    To earn that trip to the Big Apple (and you’d do well to bring an umbrella along because everything is melting down here – raining stocks etc), you should give serious thought to your day job which is to carry Din Merican’s attaché case 🙂

  20. Hey Bean, did I say right? – to try catching a running chicken should be easier than going after an energetic young man who could fight back with all his might, betul tak?

    So what was that fool complaining of being sodomised? If it’s true it happened, as a result of submission, then it’s consensus mutually agreed between two parties! So what’s Saiful complaining about?

    That the danger of a blind leading the blind. See what’s happening to his ‘Advisor’ now?!

  21. The man tries to put on a calm demeanour but the SWEAT on the forehead is giving the game away.Its more accurate than a lie detector.Sweaty hands or sweaty forehead shows extreme nervousness.
    Don’t listen to his words…just watch the gistening forehead.

  22. 24)anewmalay,

    Sounds like a jolly good idea but it won’t work. Hitler tried it ,it didn’t work either. If you don’t believe, ask our apa nama, mudah lupa, pseudo Malay.
    All the -isms doesn’t work either, you want proof ? Look at USA and Wall Street today.
    If the history of human civilisation has taught us anything – like water finding its own level, Humans will eventually revert to his instinctive inborn traits.
    Even if every one starts from scratch it will end up with one individual or group dominating the rest of the herd , a community or group of communities, a nation or group of nations,etc, dominating the rest…..
    I think it is more practical, for Malaysia anyway, if all the leaders of the country from top to bottom – political leaders,religious leaders,corporate leaders, intellectuals, poets ,philosophers,community leaders – to work together to rewrite, to create new social/political/economic structures to develop and sustain a new culture of Bangsa Malaysia.
    That way , hopefully the present generation can pass on a Malaysia that future generations of Malaysians can be proud of , can belong to ,and, to die for.

  23. “…His desposits are everywhere. From banks in Japan to Zimbabwe …” – anewmalay

    Mana you tau? Ada a/c no. ke?

    Ni pasai kahwin antarabangsa bagus juga. Ada excuse guna 3 options?! 1 down 3 to go? Jangan cari pasai lah!

    Nanti seluruh dunia penuh dengan Melayu! 😀

    Hmm! Why 4 indeed!?

    Well, there’s 8, 64, 125 !

    Relax lah! You kasi tau itu orang Melayu UMNO pegi lelax!

  24. “Nanti seluruh dunia penuh dengan Melayu! :D”

    Betul, Di Malaysia, semua boleh!
    Tapi mana boleh ini macam punya. Jika semua terlalu banyak cham cham,
    Nanti seluruh Malaysia penuh dengan bangsa chapchai !:D”

  25. ocha-onda,

    How the heck did get a name like that?

    Anyway, seriously, we all know the UMNO Malay leaders are the ones who condition the Malay’s malaise. Ever heard of the snide retort “Bumiputera arh? Sorry to say”. I walked off a Bumi company whose Boss, hurts lah, he’s a friend, talked like that one!

    Later I walked into another one, still singing the same tune, and more off key in their corporate acts. Teruklah!

    Can I change my race in my IC, do you think? I want to be a Penan lah! Balik hutan kejar kijang! 😦

  26. Bukan semua nya gemar dengan nasi campur se tiap hari.
    Ada lain yang syiok dengan daging rendang,char koay teow atau nasi daun pisang. Pokok nya ada pilihan bebas lol

  27. Salak, it shouldn’t matter if you are Malay,Chinese,Indian,Mamak or Dayak but sadly, 51 years after kemerdekaan it still does and the people in power who can affect change are as blind as the bats of hell, to bring the nation forward!
    So, what must we do? Mr, Din, the ball is in your/PKR’s court.

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