American Democracy Is in Crisis

September 18, 2018

American Democracy Is in Crisis

by Hillary Rodham Clinton



Our democratic institutions and traditions are under siege. We need to do everything we can to fight back.


It’s been nearly two years since Donald Trump won enough Electoral College votes to become president of the United States. On the day after, in my concession speech, I said, “We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.” I hoped that my fears for our future were overblown.

They were not.

In the roughly 21 months since he took the oath of office, Trump has sunk far below the already-low bar he set for himself in his ugly campaign. Exhibit A is the unspeakable cruelty that his administration has inflicted on undocumented families arriving at the border, including separating children, some as young as eight months, from their parents. According to The New York Times, the administration continues to detain 12,800 children right now, despite all the outcry and court orders. Then there’s the president’s monstrous neglect of Puerto Rico: After Hurricane Maria ravaged the island, his administration barely responded. Some 3,000 Americans died. Now Trump flatly denies those deaths were caused by the storm. And, of course, despite the recent indictments of several Russian military intelligence officers for hacking the Democratic National Committee in 2016, he continues to dismiss a serious attack on our country by a foreign power as a “hoax.”

Image result for hillary what happened

Trump and his cronies do so many despicable things that it can be hard to keep track. I think that may be the point—to confound us, so it’s harder to keep our eye on the ball. The ball, of course, is protecting American democracy. As citizens, that’s our most important charge. And right now, our democracy is in crisis.

I don’t use the word crisis lightly. There are no tanks in the streets. The administration’s malevolence may be constrained on some fronts—for now—by its incompetence. But our democratic institutions and traditions are under siege. We need to do everything we can to fight back. There’s not a moment to lose.

As I see it, there are five main fronts of this assault on our democracy.

First, there is Donald Trump’s assault on the rule of law.

John Adams wrote that the definition of a republic is “a government of laws, and not of men.” That ideal is enshrined in two powerful principles: No one, not even the most powerful leader, is above the law, and all citizens are due equal protection under the law. Those are big ideas, radical when America was formed and still vital today. The Founders knew that a leader who refuses to be subject to the law or who politicizes or obstructs its enforcement is a tyrant, plain and simple.

That sounds a lot like Donald Trump. He told The New York Times, “I have an absolute right to do what I want to with the Justice Department.” Back in January, according to that paper, Trump’s lawyers sent Special Counsel Robert Mueller a letter making that same argument: If Trump interferes with an investigation, it’s not obstruction of justice, because he’s the president.

The Times also reported that Trump told White House aides that he had expected Attorney General Jeff Sessions to protect him, regardless of the law. According to Jim Comey, the president demanded that the FBI director pledge his loyalty not to the Constitution but to Trump himself. And he has urged the Justice Department to go after his political opponents, violating an American tradition reaching back to Thomas Jefferson. After the bitterly contentious election of 1800, Jefferson could have railed against “Crooked John Adams” and tried to jail his supporters. Instead, Jefferson used his inaugural address to declare: “We are all republicans, we are all federalists.”

Second, the legitimacy of our elections is in doubt.

There’s Russia’s ongoing interference and Trump’s complete unwillingness to stop it or protect us. There’s voter suppression, as Republicans put onerous—and I believe illegal—requirements in place to stop people from voting. There’s gerrymandering, with partisans—these days, principally Republicans—drawing the lines for voting districts to ensure that their party nearly always wins. All of this carries us further away from the sacred principle of “one person, one vote.”

Third, the president is waging war on truth and reason.

Earlier this month, Trump made 125 false or misleading statements in 120 minutes, according to The Washington Post—a personal record for him (at least since becoming president). To date, according to the paper’s fact-checkers, Trump has made 5,000 false or misleading claims while in office and recently has averaged 32 a day.

Trump is also going after journalists with even greater fervor and intent than before. No one likes to be torn apart in the press—I certainly don’t—but when you’re a public official, it comes with the job. You get criticized a lot. You learn to take it. You push back and make your case, but you don’t fight back by abusing your power or denigrating the entire enterprise of a free press. Trump doesn’t hide his intent one bit. Lesley Stahl, the 60 Minutes reporter, asked Trump during his campaign why he’s always attacking the press. He said, “I do it to discredit you all and demean you all, so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.”

When we can’t trust what we hear from our leaders, experts, and news sources, we lose our ability to hold people to account, solve problems, comprehend threats, judge progress, and communicate effectively with one another—all of which are crucial to a functioning democracy.

Fourth, there’s Trump’s breathtaking corruption.

Considering that this administration promised to “drain the swamp,” it’s amazing how blithely the president and his Cabinet have piled up conflicts of interest, abuses of power, and blatant violations of ethics rules. Trump is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. He has refused to put his assets in a blind trust or divest himself of his properties and businesses, as previous presidents did. This has created unprecedented conflicts of interest, as industry lobbyists, foreign governments, and Republican organizations do business with Trump’s companies or hold lucrative events at his hotels, golf courses, and other properties. They are putting money directly into his pocket. He’s profiting off the business of the presidency.

Trump makes no pretense of prioritizing the public good above his own personal or political interests. He doesn’t seem to understand that public servants are supposed to serve the public, not the other way around. The Founders believed that for a republic to succeed, wise laws, robust institutions, and a brilliant Constitution would not be enough. Civic, republican virtue was the secret sauce that would make the whole system work. Donald Trump may well be the least lowercase-R republican president we’ve ever had.

Fifth, Trump undermines the national unity that makes democracy possible.

Democracies are rowdy by nature. We debate freely and disagree forcefully. It’s part of what distinguishes us from authoritarian societies, where dissent is forbidden. But we’re held together by deep “bonds of affection,” as Abraham Lincoln said, and by the shared belief that out of our fractious melting pot comes a unified whole that’s stronger than the sum of our parts.

At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work. Trump doesn’t even try to pretend he’s a president for all Americans. It’s hard to ignore the racial subtext of virtually everything Trump says. Often, it’s not even subtext. When he says that Haitian and African immigrants are from “shithole countries,” that’s impossible to misunderstand. Same when he says that an American judge can’t be trusted because of his Mexican heritage. None of this is a mark of authenticity or a refreshing break from political correctness. Hate speech isn’t “telling it like it is.” It’s just hate.

I don’t know whether Trump ignores the suffering of Puerto Ricans because he doesn’t know that they’re American citizens, because he assumes people with brown skin and Latino last names probably aren’t Trump fans, or because he just doesn’t have the capacity for empathy. And I don’t know whether he makes a similar judgment when he lashes out at NFL players protesting against systemic racism or when he fails to condemn hate crimes against Muslims. I do know he’s quick to defend or praise those whom he thinks are his people—like how he bent over backwards to defend the “very fine people” among the white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia. The message he sends by his lack of concern and respect for some Americans is unmistakable. He is saying that some of us don’t belong, that all people are not created equal, and that some are not endowed by their Creator with the same inalienable rights as others.

And it’s not just what he says. From day one, his administration has undermined civil rights that previous generations fought to secure and defend. There have been high-profile edicts like the Muslim travel ban and the barring of transgender Americans from serving in the military. Other actions have been quieter but just as insidious. The Department of Justice has largely abandoned oversight of police departments that have a history of civil-rights abuses and has switched sides in voting-rights cases. Nearly every federal agency has scaled back enforcement of civil-rights protections. All the while, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is running wild across the country. Federal agents are confronting citizens just for speaking Spanish, dragging parents away from children.

How did we get here?

Trump may be uniquely hostile to the rule of law, ethics in public service, and a free press. But the assault on our democracy didn’t start with his election. He is as much a symptom as a cause of what ails us. Think of our body politic like a human body, with our constitutional checks and balances, democratic norms and institutions, and well-informed citizenry all acting as an immune system protecting us from the disease of authoritarianism. Over many years, our defenses were worn down by a small group of right-wing billionaires—people like the Mercer family and Charles and David Koch—who spent a lot of time and money building an alternative reality where science is denied, lies masquerade as truth, and paranoia flourishes. By undermining the common factual framework that allows a free people to deliberate together and make the important decisions of self-governance, they opened the way for the infection of Russian propaganda and Trumpian lies to take hold. They’ve used their money and influence to capture our political system, impose a right-wing agenda, and disenfranchise millions of Americans.

I don’t agree with critics who say that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy—but unregulated, predatory capitalism certainly is. Massive economic inequality and corporate monopoly power are antidemocratic and corrode the American way of life.

Meanwhile, hyperpolarization now extends beyond politics into nearly every part of our culture. One recent study found that in 1960, just 5 percent of Republicans and 4 percent of Democrats said they’d be displeased if their son or daughter married a member of the other political party. In 2010, 49 percent of Republicans and 33 percent of Democrats said they’d be upset by that. The strength of partisan identity—and animosity—helps explain why so many Republicans continue to back a president so manifestly unfit for office and antithetical to many of the values and policies they once held dear. When you start seeing politics as a zero-sum game and view members of the other party as traitors, criminals, or otherwise illegitimate, then the normal give-and-take of politics turns into a blood sport.

There is a tendency, when talking about these things, to wring our hands about “both sides.” But the truth is that this is not a symmetrical problem. We should be clear about this: The increasing radicalism and irresponsibility of the Republican Party, including decades of demeaning government, demonizing Democrats, and debasing norms, is what gave us Donald Trump. Whether it was abusing the filibuster and stealing a Supreme Court seat, gerrymandering congressional districts to disenfranchise African Americans, or muzzling government climate scientists, Republicans were undermining American democracy long before Trump made it to the Oval Office.

Now we must do all we can to save our democracy and heal our body politic.

First, we’ve got to mobilize massive turnout in the 2018 midterms. There are fantastic candidates running all over the country, making their compelling cases every day about how they’ll raise wages, bring down health-care costs, and fight for justice. If they win, they’ll do great things for America. And we could finally see some congressional oversight of the White House.

When the dust settles, we have to do some serious housecleaning. After Watergate, Congress passed a whole slew of reforms in response to Richard Nixon’s abuses of power. After Trump, we’re going to need a similar process. For example, Trump’s corruption should teach us that all future candidates for president and presidents themselves should be required by law to release their tax returns. They also should not be exempt from ethics requirements and conflict-of-interest rules.


A main area of reform should be improving and protecting our elections. The Senate Intelligence Committee has made a series of bipartisan recommendations for how to better secure America’s voting systems, including paper ballot backups, vote audits, and better coordination among federal, state, and local authorities on cybersecurity. That’s a good start. Congress should also repair the damage the Supreme Court did to the Voting Rights Act by restoring the full protections that voters need and deserve, as well as the voting rights of Americans who have served time in prison and paid their debt to society. We need early voting and voting by mail in every state in America, and automatic, universal voter registration so every citizen who is eligible to vote is able to vote. We need to overturn Citizens United and get secret money out of our politics. And you won’t be surprised to hear that I passionately believe it’s time to abolish the Electoral College.

But even the best rules and regulations won’t protect us if we don’t find a way to restitch our fraying social fabric and rekindle our civic spirit. There are concrete steps that would help, like greatly expanding national-service programs and bringing back civics education in our schools. We also need systemic economic reforms that reduce inequality and the unchecked power of corporations and give a strong voice to working families. And ultimately, healing our country will come down to each of us, as citizens and individuals, doing the work—trying to reach across divides of race, class, and politics and see through the eyes of people very different from ourselves. When we think about politics and judge our leaders, we can’t just ask, “Am I better off than I was four years ago?” We have to ask, “Are we better off? Are we as a country better, stronger, and fairer?” Democracy works only when we accept that we’re all in this together.

In 1787, after the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a woman on the street outside Independence Hall, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin answered, “A republic, if you can keep it.” That response has been on my mind a lot lately. The contingency of it. How fragile our experiment in self-government is. And, when viewed against the sweep of human history, how fleeting. Democracy may be our birthright as Americans, but it’s not something we can ever take for granted. Every generation has to fight for it, has to push us closer to that more perfect union. That time has come again.

6 thoughts on “American Democracy Is in Crisis

  1. Just thought of mentioning this piece also from one of the editors of

    I have switched my party affiliation from Green to Democratic Party in the last election hoping that Bernie could represent the Democratic party. I didn’t get my wish. I have then voted for Trump in a deep blue district. A little red in a deep blue district helps. After all, I do believe that more rent control in an already overpriced region would not help, especially in a nation that suggests that they take pride in ownership. I have cast my vote of dissent.

    Drain the swamp is a legitimate call, though I have little faith that someone who operates a casino, huge part of his life, would actually work on such a call. Such is the choice this American had.

    Yet, I didn’t regret being an American. Of the 3 choices of being an American, a Malaysian, or a Chinese via Hong Kong ID, I chose America, and it is not because I like paying the tax to finance a ‘military-industrial’ complex.
    Of the three, to me, at least, Americans are more authentic in our lies.

    Lady liberty may not be proud of America. But, America is truthful in our own awareness., of well, at least a few of us do.
    I would be lying if I tell myself that I regret not being a happy loving second caste.
    But, such is the fate of many second caste reading this blog.

  2. The United States of America was founded on the suspicion and disbelief of democracy. Never in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America ever once mentioned the word democracy. But America became a shining democratic beacon nevertheless.

    And yes, American democracy today is in crisis. No doubt about it. But it is not all Donald Trump’s fault. This crisis of governance has been building for decades. The unchecked presidential power, dark money, and a politicized supreme court have long been wrecking the American democracy. It is only now, as Trump’s iconoclastic assaults on established beliefs, laws, institutions and values test the system to destruction, that the true scale of preexisting weaknesses and fault-lines is becoming apparent.

    I believe it’s Vietnam-era historian Arthur Schlesinger who dubbed the “imperial presidency” as a long recognized unchecked presidential power. The Congress, America’s constitutional pillar, has signally failed to curb the presidential power over the years. Take a case in point, with global implications: As commander-in-chief overseeing the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, Trump has repeatedly bragged about his willingness to use nuclear weapons. He threatened to “totally destroy” a small country North Korea. Such lunatic recklessness appalls many Americans but it transpires there is little we could do to stop him should he decide, on a whim, to press the “nuclear button”. What could be less democratic? Yet this dilemma was not created by Trump. It has existed for many years and Congress is now belatedly reviewing it. That’s why Americans exhibit a consistently low opinion of Congress in polls going back decades. In the Gallup Poll today, only 10% of Americans see the Congress favorably.

    Trump’s frequent use of “executive orders” has provided another wake-up call to the American people. His infamous travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries and others like his reversal of ObamaCare, his unilateral imposition of the steel and aluminium tariffs, and his Mexican border wall were also highly contentious. Yet, once issued, such orders are rarely overturned. Many Americans were shocked that an American president could issue diktats and fatwas like the worst kind of unelected despot or ayatollah. But the use of such orders is long-established. Abraham Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation ending slavery was an executive order. Franklin Roosevelt’s internment of Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor was an executive order. However undemocratic, Trump is following precedent in exercising this arbitrary power.

    In the dominant two-party American political system, virulent partisanship and out-of-touch politicians are to be blamed for chronic failures of governance. The advantages conferred by incumbency are overwhelming; 92% of the members are repeatedly re-elected, reducing democratic choice. In terms of the presidency – the second constitutional pillar – systemic problems produce even greater anomalies. Thanks to the archaic, unaccountably unreformed electoral college process, Trump was the fifth president to win office despite losing the popular vote. How democratic is that?

    The sums of money involved in greasing the wheels of American democracy are eye-watering. According to the campaign finance watchdog Open Secrets, an overall US$6.5 billion was spent by presidential and congressional candidates in 2016. The average cost of winning a Senate seat was US$19.4 million and winning a House of Representatives seat was US$1.5 million. The need for such huge war chests effectively excludes many would-be candidates from the democratic process and places others in hock to their financial backers. As a result, members of Congress are widely and overly beholden to corporations, wealthy donors and special interests. In other words, they are corrupt. Again, worries over excessive, non-transparent or illegal campaign financing long precede Trump.

    According to a recent USA Today investigation, 40% of all television ads for political candidates are financed by secret donors with private political or commercial agendas. Then there is untraceable money emanating from foreign governments or individuals, via agents and lobbyists – an issue of heightened concern in the context of the Robert Mueller inquiry into Trump’s 2016 campaign.

    It’s very unlikely that the Supreme Court – the third constitutional pillar and proud symbol of the founding fathers’ doctrine of the separation of powers – can save American democracy. In nominating Brett Kavanaugh, a prominent ultra-conservative for the latest court vacancy, Trump is following the practice in shaping the court to suit his political outlook. This is not what the constitution envisaged when the founding fathers wrote the rules in Philadelphia in 1787. The Supreme Court nominations were supposed to be apolitical.

    Trump’s erratic and crazy behavior highlights these entrenched structural problems. But the preexisting weaknesses and fault-lines of these structural problems of American democratic system are not why the world perceives the global role of the US as shining democratic beacon is dimming rapidly. Trump did this all by himself. His rogue presidency is uniquely corrosive of democracy all over the globe. His encouragement of ultra-nationalist, racist and neo-fascist forces, divisive demagoguery, relentless vilification of independent journalism, contempt for Western democracies, coddling of dictators and rejection of the established, rules-based international order all reinforce the perceptions of America as shining democratic beacon is dimming.

    But I believe American democracy will survive. This deep crisis of confidence comes as we hurtle towards midterm elections in November that could lead ultimately to Trump impeachment. For president comes and goes but America will be there. And great majority of the American people believe in democracy.

    Donald Trump’s day is numbered. He knows Robert Mueller is coming for him and his family and put them in orange jumpsuits. He knows the Blue Wave is coming strong and will sweep through November. He knows in January the Democrats will have subpoena and oversight power in the House. He knows the days when Paul Ryan let Devin Nunes and his clown crew run wild in defense of their crazy boss are soon over. He knows the only easy day for him was yesterday. As the most recent poll indicates, the Democrats are likely to win the Senate, too. He knows that means impeachment.

    I wish Hillary Clinton would fade away quietly instead of behaving like a sore loser. She was the establishment and a very big part of the problems.
    Hillary has no more credibility left. She should go back to being a good grandma.America is no longer “City on a Hill”. That’s disappointing. –Din Merican

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