Hasan Ali does a Political Mambo

January 17, 2012

Hasan Ali does a Political Mambo

by Terence Netto@http://www.malaysiakini.com

” Good discernment is necessary for an assessment of the threat and a surgicaldecision is imperative once the menace threatens to go overboard. Pakatan’s attitude towards its dissidents should be – dissent yes, insurrection no.”–Terence Netto

COMMENT Every now and then a political party is wracked by the problems caused by a stormy petrel. The recalcitrant is born, not made, so a degree of prescience about when and how to put out the nuisance is to be greatly valued though rare to find.

It is now PAS’ turn to feel the heat generated by the decision to expel its former Selangor state executive councillor Hasan Ali. The man is not going to go gently into the night; he is determined to cause as much damage as possible.

Though he does not have much support, as evidenced by the lack of nominations from the PAS branches in the state ward in which he was elected, he can count on UMNO-wallahs to give him the publicity and audience for his rants. PAS has gotten rid of him but must live for some time with the consequences of its decision to excise the gangrene from its body.

Hasan is not like Zulkifli Nordin, the former PKR MP who spelt trouble for the party early in his tenure as the representative for the parliamentary seat of Kulim Bandar-Baru.

PKR were tardy in chopping him when they had the chance to in the later part of 2008, after Zulkifli had been flagrant in violating its ideological principles when he barged into a Bar Council-organised seminar on religious conversions.

A chop in time saves the chopping party much public mortification; delay emboldens the recalcitrant to go ballistic with his “I’m the wronged one” theatrics.  Zulkifli, unlike Hasan, is a small fry; so the consequences of the delay in getting rid of him were not too costly to PKR.

In contrast, Hasan is a man with the gravitas of a long-established reputation as a motivational expert. Reading him wrong means one is saddled with the consequences a long time after one realises the depth of one’s misreading.

Hasan’s appetite for power

Hasan’s ambition was stoked when he was consulted by UMNO’s Mohd Khir Toyo on the possibility of a coalition government between UMNO and PAS in Selangor as results came in on the night of March 8, 2008, that the opposition had won control of the state.

Khir was trying to forestall the formation of a PKR-led administration by propositioning Hasan, who was the PAS commissioner for Selangor, about an UMNO-PAS coalition. The talks reputedly broke down over Hasan’s insistence that he be the Menteri Besar in such an eventuality.

The next morning PKR’s Khalid Ibrahim unwittingly whetted Hasan’s appetite for power further by offering him the Deputy Menteri Besar’s position in a PKR-led government. After that Hasan was unstoppable, much like a shark with the scent of blood in the water: he was often a source of dissidence in the state administration led by Khalid.

Hasan, who held the Islamic affairs portfolio, took perverse pleasure in being at odds with the rest of the Selangor state government.

This he flagrantly demonstrated in the incursion of Jais (Selangor Islamic Affairs Department) into a charity dinner function hosted at the Damansara Utama Methodist Centre in August last year.

Before the initially confused matters of the incursion could settle down into something like clarity, Hasan went public with his alarums about Christian proselytisation of Muslims having occurred at the dinner.

This was a leap that turned out to be unsustainable by the facts, but that mattered little to the PAS legislator. Hasan was not only unconstrained in raising the alarm about Christian proselytisation of Muslims – this despite a lack of evidence that this had actually occurred at DUMC and elsewhere in the country – he went to make common cause with Himpun, a body that was hastily formed to campaign against the supposed threat.

More than a torn in PAS’ flesh

When it transpired that PAS wasn’t going to go along with the storm fomented by Himpun with an assist from Hasan over alleged Christian proselytisation, the alarmist was unfazed. Hasan persisted in his synthetic cause and with that he became not just an embarrassment to the party but a wound in its flesh.

That wound became an abscess when Hasan fulminated against Pakatan Rakyat supremo Anwar Ibrahim’s, predicament in the immediate prelude to the verdict to be delivered on Sodomy II.

The PAS central committee’s surgical decision to bring Hasan’s brazen run of dissidence to an end with his expulsion was the response of a party that knew any further forbearance towards would convert a torn in its flesh into a dagger at its heart.

The combined lessons of the Zulkifli Nordin (left) episode in PKR and the Hasan Ali imbroglio in PAS would support the conclusion that some prescience is needed when assessing the character of a refractory member. There are nuances to recalcitrance, the more brazen shades compounded of vaulting ambition and self-appointment as guardians of some confession.

The latter shades are recipes for recalcitrance morphing quickly into rebellion. Good discernment is necessary for an assessment of the threat and a surgical decision is imperative once the menace threatens to go overboard. Pakatan’s attitude towards its dissidents should be – dissent yes, insurrection no.

10 thoughts on “Hasan Ali does a Political Mambo

  1. When Pakatan Rakyat won the right to govern Selangor after 2008 General Elections, this political opportunist thought it was his God given right to be Menteri Besar of Selangor. But PAS together with Anwar Ibrahim and DAP leaders thought otherwise when they chose a corporate leader turned politician, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

    Imagine the mess Hasan would have created if he was in charge of Selangor. Since March, 2008 this self serving politician and religious bigot has been nothing but a pain in the side of the Selangor state administration, and a huge embarrassment to PAS. Good riddance to a political rubbish. Maybe UMNO will wants to mambo with him. Cry Geranimo.

  2. Wah.. So serious ah?
    Soon Hassan’s sistah, Nash, the mal-aligned dentition gonna get into the act of the PAS-UMNO imbroglio. Although I doubt, these flurs have the gravitas of Daniel Grayling Fogelberg. They seem to have lost their heart.., somewhere along the road. Watch:

  3. Hasan Ali seems to forget that PAS is here to stay while he and others too will fade away into history and irrelevance.

    He can make all the noise and the UMNO papers will give him his 15 minutes of fame… After that he will be a voice nobody cares two hoots about.

  4. For a US PHD grad, this guy sure doesn’t act like one with a doctoral degree. But he sure acts like someone with Permanent Head Damage. He keeps on spewing that nonsense about PAS-UMNO unity. Whatever for? Why is he so eager for a unity between the two parties? To me he should just be honest with himself and join UMNO. He wants to struggle for the Malay race doesn’t he? Where else could be more fitting for a racist bigot than UMNO? I wish he would just shut up about him being a champion of Islam. I doubt a person sincere of championing Islam would brag to everybody of what he’s doing.

  5. This kind of politician the country can do without . It’s not his extremist bigotry rantings that worries us… This virtue fades as soon as it appears , a kind of flash in the pan sought of thing. What we should look out for or be vary of is , characteristics of this nature exhibits a person who is full of himself , a mamak madir kind of an individual. Imagine having him as a daily dose of everyday national news.

  6. I somehow have this bias perception of motivation ‘specialists’ as being self centred. They think they are always right and smarter than other people. They talk too much but would fail practical test. My apology to other motivation experts but Hassan Ali strengthens my perception.

    Hopes were high when Hassan joined PAS a decade ago. Along the way its been proven that he talks empty. His participation in parliamentary debates when he was an MP was like a teacher giving lecture to students, long winded and hitting around the bush, forgetting the fact that he actually faced other MPs not students. That was the beginning of my losing respect to him. His performance as an Exco in Selangor is now history not worth remembering.

  7. I am with you, Pok Li. I have this uncanny distrust for motivational gurus, especially the religious type. They profess to know everything from the bedroom to the boardroom. And every little problem has to do with some religious mambo jumbo which if not done sincerely and faithfully will incur the wrath of heaven. Problem is, there are plenty of eager listeners out there. If only these “followers’ are like us, geeks like Hasan Ali will be quacks at pasar malam instead.

  8. Sorry for this poor Infantile jihaddist….he feels terribily Unwanted now after his bouts of religious bigotry….his desperation is forcing him to a panic state of wanting to remain in the ‘Limelight’ at whatever cost, by clinging on to Racism as his appocalypse….

    He must try harder….b’coz desperate people will do desperate things. What he must do is go. get a training in the remote mountains of AlQaeda dwellers on how to strap the ‘detonator’ around his belt….and then be gone forever not to become a nuisance anymore amongst people who want to live in Peace…..

  9. I’m beginning to be wary of any politician who is the son of Ali. I hope there’s not many of them.

    Every time I teach leadership one issue I always stress is HUMILITY. This is the trait that will guard you from going astray and brings you back if you have gone astray.

  10. Are you guys out there are better then Hassan Ali or Is he such a nuisance to some people (supporters) when he was holding PAS ticket. What really happen is already happen and it can’t be undone. His reaction to his dismissal is justifiable actions to his thoughts. Being experience in politics for some time he must be in total humiliation by his political colleagues and denied a fair stand before trial. I feel we should let him break the the true insight story of PAS/KEADILANR/UMNO a story that will link us to the true insight of those ruling parties of Malaysia for us to judge before next election. To choose him as our next leader to lead the ruling government is everyone prerogative. We need some intelligent groups of learned men capable of indexing the parties representatives for our needs. We have lost number of years in getting true culprits on the platform of cabinet members, why let them go untouched, media interrogation will surely able to reveal the true characters of our so call current leaders.

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