Che Det, calon UMNO mana yang benar benar bersih?

posted by din merican–September 25, 2009
September 24, 2009


by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (

1. Saya akui calon yang bersih pun boleh kalah dan calon yang kotor pun boleh menang. Di Bagan Pinang, saya percaya siapa juga yang dilantik sebagai calon, besar kemungkinan dia akan menang.

2. Sudah lupakah kita akan pilihanraya kecil di Permatang Pasir di mana calon Barisan Nasional terdiri daripada seorang peguam yang dikatakan terlibat dengan melesapkan duit pelanggannya dan berbohong berkenaan dengan jumlah isterinya? Kempen BN mudah dipatah oleh parti lawan. Apabila ia kalah ramai yang berkata BN harus selidik dahulu latarbelakang calon. BN tidak harus letak calon yang mempunyai latar belakang yang mudah dijadikan isu oleh parti lawan.

3. Imej UMNO sekarang sudah banyak tercemar dengan politik wang semasa pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi. Boleh dikatakan hampir semua yang dipilih terlibat dengan rasuah.

4. Sesungguhnya orang ramai tidak lagi hormati UMNO. Dan besar kemungkinan mereka tidak akan undi calon UMNO dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.

5. Imej ini boleh diubah jika UMNO secara serius cuba bertindak membersihkan dirinya. Yang rakyat lihat ialah janji akan terus bertindak terhadap yang terlibat dengan penggunaan wang dalam pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi tidak dikotakan. Sebaliknya banyak tanda-tanda yang menunjuk yang kotor diterima juga. Jika yang dipilih sebagai calon di Bagan Pinang tidak bersih maka persepsi rakyat terhadap UMNO sebagai parti rasuah tidak akan berubah. Ia akan mempunyai kesan buruk dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.

6. Memang benar saya disingkir daripada UMNO dan kemudian diterima balik dan dicalonkan dalam Pilihanraya Umum 1974. Tetapi saya tidak disingkir kerana jenayah rasuah. Saya disingkir kerana saya telah suarakan pendapat ramai ahli parti yang tidak senang dengan dasar Presiden ketika itu.

7. Demikian juga beberapa orang ahli Semangat 46 telah diterima balik, dicalon dan ada yang dipilih menjadi menteri. Mereka bukan diambil tindakan disiplin kerana rasuah atau politik wang. Kesalahan mereka bukan satu jenayah. Sebaliknya tindakan mereka disebabkan perbezaan pendapat politik dengan kepimpinan parti.

8. Tidak ada persamaan di antara kes saya dengan kes tindakan tatatertib keatas seorang yang menggunakan wang untuk mendapat jawatan dalam parti.

9. Jika ahli UMNO utamakan orang tertentu lebih daripada parti dan penerimaannya oleh masyarakat, janganlah hairan jika UMNO sekali lagi ditolak dalam pilihanraya umum.

10. Sebenarnya penolakan UMNO dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 disebabkan kebanyakan ahli UMNO terus menyokong pemimpin yang tidak disukai oleh rakyat. Oleh kerana ahli UMNO tidak bertindak menukar pemimpin yang tercemar dengan rasuah dan nepotisme, maka rakyat sebagai pengundi terpaksa bertindak mengalahkan BN dan UMNO di banyak kawasan.

11. Kalau sayang pada parti, janganlah begitu utamakan individu tertentu sehingga imej parti tercemar lagi. Korbankanlah sedikit supaya akhirnya parti dapat dipulih semula.

23 thoughts on “Che Det, calon UMNO mana yang benar benar bersih?

  1. First the people would need to put a system of democracy together and not a sham that it is today.

    Corruption is not only a moral wrong but legally it is wrong and there are punishments, a universal value under the law and once everything is in place and aided by the right moral values, a wrong is still a wrong and it doesn’t matter who does it and for what reason or reasons. Period.

    The issue has never been and will never be who is more right and who more wrong; and if he is an UMNO rat rummaging for food in the sewers or a DAP parasite sucking off the blood of its It still corruption i.e. a betrayal of the trust given by the people.

  2. Apparently Dr Seed(y) has fallen victim to the kind of flawed reasoning encouraged by his UMNO masters. How else would they justify a moral wrong except by another moral wrong? The law can be made to work differently depending on who does the crime.

  3. UMNO has developed corruption into an art. By learning from each other they have developed a school for the corrupt i.e. the do’s and the don’ts.

    It is OK to pick the pocket of a greedy Chinaman given to the excesses of unbridled capitalism in his pursuit of obscene profits because then you’re not taking from him or her anything. You’re just sharing the loot i.e. taking some of it back to be shared equally under the doctrine of bumiputra participation. It is re-distributive economics. Plain and simple.

    It is not OK to rob a Malay struggling hard to make ends meet to support his family. But then some are better off than others and they make easy pickings. They want their share of the economic prosperity enjoyed by others more fortunate than they.

    There is social justice in self-enforced socialism.

  4. Dr Sidd, pakatan rakyat semua angel. Kalau yang ada scandal, semua adalah angkara UMNO. They just follow Umno conspiracy script. They never get punishment, at the most, cuti rehat. At least TDM speaks the truth, dare to admit weaknesses, instead of painting pretty pictures.

  5. Ah yes mickey, true love never fails, nor is jealous, boastful nor proud. It is not self seeking & preservering, easily angered nor does it keep a record of wrongs.
    The perfect ‘malay’, who loves painting over whatever he created, which is today – the whole ‘truth’ and nothing but the truth.

  6. if you were asking for credible information, its quite hard to be produced. but rumours always right, my firend. rumours never lie to us, like what RPK said.

    so if rumour tells u that umno reps are corrupted, it applies to PR leaders as well.

  7. Its absolutely absurd for TDM to come out preaching of what in his books , is deemed as right or wrong for the country. When he himself as a politician whom at the height of his political career as PM frequently played to the gallery to such an extent that at one particular stage appeared down right embarassing when seen shamelessly shedding crocodile tears on national tv supposedly for the Malay plight. All of this gimick, while events bare testimony that during the old man’s reign , his offsprings and cronies were having a ball , running rampaged looting the nations coffer on the pretext of the Malay-bumiputera agenda.

    If Jebat was alive today he’ll go berserk once again but this time it’ll be at the Putera world trade centre where umno’s AGMs are held, the place where false Malay warriors come to gather.

    In my book , Tok Chik is one modern day Malay warrior!!


    2:15 AM, September 26, 2009

  9. Xrey

    Coming from a flock of mix-heritage myself hence having relatives as well as friends from various religous backgrounds accross the four corners of earth , I normaly shun topics of alcohol consumption or other religous taboos.

    While being muslims , we are made to fully comprehend the do’s and donts of islam amongst them the restriction of fire water consumption which is similar to the other two Abrahamic faiths although it may not appear precisely written as a commandment ,all the same nonetheless.

    As its also against Hinduism or Buddhism to subject ones body to harmful substance. These are the good values not to be succumb by human reasoning or choice alone.

    However , I totaly disapprove of actions carried out by the relevent enforcement bodies in their over zealous attempt to flex their authority without careful consideration as vividly manifested in Kartika’s case. A predicament which even the PM choose to be non-commital that has subsequently left a mark , and that its easy to arrest , prosecute and to reach a verdict but difficult to execute.

    But above all , what is more damning is that these religous departments are causing their good office to be ridiculed by imposing law to prevent sin!

  10. I think the blog host should open up a thread on the do’s and don’ts of canning for consuming alcoholic beverages, a sentence imposed by the religious authorities which could well fit the definition of torture as defined under the United Nations Convention Against Torture.

    CNN has given top priority to the canning of Kartika for drinking beer. It has become such a high profile case and was front page news. The country can do without this kind of publicity. Would Mahathir have allowed this case to simmer for this long? I don’t think so. It probably shows Najib is not on top of anything.

  11. Actually, Malaysia government system is trembling down each second. You can take education system for example. From the time MM, AI, NR, Hisham and is trying to push the quantity, not quality. That is why MoE keep changing their system and sylibus to suit Malay student getting high grade, and send them overseas. In my years, 15-20 of my good malay friends was send to US, Ozzy, and London. 5 not finished, and back to MY continue local college (MARA n local University).

    Later few have failed. Some become teachers. I always argued that if second grade student remain in local universities, and government expert them to teach their student become first grade? There is saying, Master always is the master. They will eventually produce second or third grade student. And you can see the standard of our public school teacher, being it Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban or Kadazan, all is going down, and is matter of time.

    Poor family remain poor in the finance and knowledge. And I begin to realise that 2 of my children in early secondary, so important, for them to have good start of education. I went around KL for private and international school, there are many rich malay student. Surprisingly, so, my support of vote in GE13, I will look into their education manifesto.

  12. New Yorker Bean,

    Our religious establishment is full of people who see themselves as self-righteous people. In the case of Katrika, they have made a mountain out of a molehill. They could just fine her (which they did) and let her go with a severe warning. That is my point of view.

    The best is always self restraint. In the case of Muslims, abide by the rules of God (Allah) and follow the injunctions of the Holy Prophet with regard to alcohol consumption, and other haram stuff. I do not need some religious fella to tell me what to do because I will not live my iife according to someone else’s whims and fancies. At the end of the day, I answer to my God.–Din Merican

  13. Dr.Sidd, have you ever subscribed to the saying of: “lesser of evils?” Not a very pragmatic fellow are you…
    That is called discernment/wisdom – or are you a true protestant (of whatever religion) fundamentalist where sin is sin? Is rape equal to masturbation?
    We do realize that PR leaders are not necessarily angels, but they aren’t rapists either!

  14. Menyalak-er,

    We are all human. Yes, PR politicians are not perfect but we have our respective party rules with regard to discipline. We are strict yet very fair in the application of these rules. Transparency rules apply in all our cases.

    UMNO is different since their politicians are perfect. They only take commissions. As a result, we as taxpayers and citizens are being “screwed” everyday of our lives, in my case for 70 years, each year it is getting worse for me and my generation (future generations too) because we have irresponsible and corrupt politicians in power who manipulate our laws and abuse power.

    Hopefully, Ilham, Mickey and now Dr Sidd understand why we need to change the existing system to one that is based on competency, accountability and transparency and the rule of law. That is also why we must fight corruption and prevent abuse of power.–Din Merican

  15. Din, i was talking to a sr. civil servant (PTD, ambassadoral level) yesterday whom i had known from varsity days. He was reluctant (as usual) to admit that PR would be able to ensure good governance due to their ‘lack of experience’. I granted that.
    What he appreciated was PR’s will to fight CNC, for racial reintergration, wealth management/economics and social equitability. What he criticised was the apparent ‘open’ disaffection and quarreling amongst themselves. He ws actually quite aghast at the racial overtones in the recent past (and future) by bumno and the conservatism (thus hypocrisy) of PAS. Those who have worked under Anwar before, remain pro-PKR.

    Being of the age where most of my peers are now in sr. postions of the service about 1/2 are saying the same thing, while the others remain rabidly pro-CNC. It behooves me to tell you that all is not well in the service – but they are the ones actually running the system, without any stable input from those clowns (ministers etc).

    1Malaysia? Big joke to both sides of the divide.

  16. JUST imagine , the father and mother of malaysian corruption writes an article about picking a cleaner candidate for the next by election with his more then ” crooked face ” , and what do you get ? the article is carried in din merican’s blog and the pariah ex prime minister gets 20 plus comments but not even one of the comments talks about mahathir’s legacy or contribution towards money politics and corruption in both umno and malaysia in general.

    i just can’t believe this .

  17. Samad, what more can we say? The man who was our 4th Prime Minister destroyed everything that stood in his way. What legacy? Only lunacy, as far as I am concerned.

    Massive changes will be required and when we seek to do that, we must know that we will be taking on entrenched interests, which will not give us easy time. These interests will be fight us to the bitter end.–Din Merican

  18. din,

    with due respect we should let the ” entrenched interests ” do whatever they want . i am sure we reformists or ” change ” minded individuals , will not be allowed a carte blanche.

    but we must remember that ” adversity is the mother of all virtues “. hence , if there is virtue in facing adversity then adversity is a necessity . so din .. don’t fret about adversity. we have the intelligence to manage adversity.
    Samad, we are not allowing entrenched interests a free hand. Lawan tetap lawan. Thanks for the advice.–Din Merican

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