Guess this Personality with Octo Paul’s Help

July 21, 2010

Have a Good Guess: Consult Octo Paul if you must

Do you know this guy? I am told that he is a Malaysian Islamic cleric who has many things to say about corruption and good Muslim code of conduct. But of this I am sure: he is not   PAS member. He is on a crusade to build trust and confidence.Din Merican

Here is the answer:

Harussani Superficialises Islam yet Again!

By faroukaperu

Posted in Malaysia Today

The Mufti of Perak, Harussani Zakaria is a man notorious for stirring up trouble. In 2007, he helped cause a ruckus when he helped spread the rumour that Malay youth were being baptised at a church in Perak. He got off scot-free then and I wonder if the same will happen now. This time, our good mufti is embroiled in not one but two controversial issues.

The first of these issues involves the new fatwa that Muslims aren’t allowed to wear certain football jerseys. This time, to be fair, it wasn’t just Harussani but rather one Nooh Gadot, a Johor Religious Council adviser. Gadot said that Muslims were forbidden from wearing football jerseys with images of crosses, liquor brands and devils. Naturally, being a staunch ‘defender of faith’, Harussani had to have his say and claimed that ‘Islam did not forbid its followers from participating in sports or dressing up, it has to be done within the boundaries of Islamic law’.

Of course, let’s not forget here that the phrase ‘Islamic law’ most probably means ‘Harussani and Gadot’s version of Islamic law’. Interpretation in Islamic law is an often neglected aspect. Then you get people like Harussani who act as if diversity doesn’t exist and that they own Islamic law. When that happens, you will almost certainly get absolutely ridiculous understandings like this one and our notorious fatwa against Yoga.

Think about it for a minute. Manchester United is called the ‘Red Devils’. Do they worship the Devil? I have yet to see Man U fans congregate to the Church of Satan (with the upturned cross) after a match. It simply doesn’t happen. The ‘devil’ in the emblem is a metaphor, probably for how ‘bad’ (as in hated by their enemies sense of the word) Man U is. There is nothing more to it than that. Harussani should try to look beyond the literal wording or symbolism of the term and try to understand the metaphor. After all, much of the Quran uses metaphors. If Harussani read the Quran literally, he would be stuck with trying to explain how God has a throne, hands and a face. But no, the Quran is metaphorical so as a mufti, Harussani should understand other people have a right to use symbolic language too.

Symbols like the cross, the devil and various brands of alcohol are inconsequential for those who do not acknowledge the traditional meanings behind them. Wear a swiss flag, use a swiss army knife all you want but if your heart isn’t moved, you won’t suddenly want to embrace Christianity as Harussani surmises. Do we see people rush to embrace Islam after wearing the Bulan Sabit Merah uniform? And as Scott Thong points out, we expect all Malaysians regardless of faith to wear or display the Malaysian flag. Why can’t Malaysians of faiths other than Islam rebel against this and call it an affront to their faith? It is certainly a valid argument  by Harussani and Gadot’s logic.

People like Harussani Zakaria and Nooh Gadot are superficial in their treatment of Islam. They have reduced Islam to a mere symbolic expression. I’m sure they won’t have any problem at all if those football jerseys had the crescent moon on them. Why? Because the cresent moon is ostensibly ‘Islam’s’ symbol.  The thing is, neither the crescent moon nor any other symbol is proposed by the Quran to be ‘the symbol of Islam’. This is exactly the same with Christianity. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the cross is their symbol. It is simply tradition which dicates it so.

Stop buying Swiss made watches and armaments and ban Swiss nationals from Malaysia because of this Flag? How stupid can we get!!

This long tirade of mine above isn’t in the end of the story. Harussani is not just a mufti but also a master of intrigue. He recently claimed that PAS and UMNO leaders have approached him for his views of unity. If Harussani didn’t dream this episode up, those PAS and UMNO leaders must have been knocking on the wrong door! Harussani on unity? This is the man who spread vicious rumours on the strength of an SMS message!

Harussani says we should not be concerned about the identity of these people whom he met but rather if they are Muslims or not or whether or not they champion the cause of Islam? What exactly does he mean by the ‘cause of Islam’ here? He continues to rhetorically ask ‘why collaborate with others?’ By others, clearly he means other Malays not of the Islamic persuasion.  So from here we can see that Harussani has a very distorted understanding of ‘unity’. He wants Muslims to unite against other people! He will use any means necessary (including dreaming up unity talks) in order to reach that goal.

The superficialisation of Islam as we can see from the two incidents above is the reason why Malay-Muslims are caught in a quagmire and unable to move on to important subjects such as the backwardness of the Muslims and the problems facing the global community of mankind. My suggestion to the Malay-Muslims, forget these twitterings and move on to bigger things.

48 thoughts on “Guess this Personality with Octo Paul’s Help

  1. Mr Merican

    Heehee.I have consulted Mat Sotong. He told me the guy is Tan Sri Hussaini, the Perak Mufti. He’s the man of the moment. Building bridges between UMNO and PAS. Engaged in a war of words with PAS Youth who claimed there never was talk of UMNO-PAS cooperation.
    The good Tan Sri said there was such a talk; he attended it and he went on TV to say: “Saya Mufti. Saya tak bohong. Saya hadir di pertemuan itu. Saya hendakkan kerjasama itu kerana mati Islam matilah Melayu, mati Melayu matilah Islam”.

    I tabik you lah Tuan Mufti. Way to go. But I don’t know whether he’s a PAS or UMNO man.

  2. Oops, his name is Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria. The two are PAS VPs Salahuddin Ayob and Datuk Mahfuz Omar. Not PAS youths as stated earlier.

  3. “Crusade” too may be an unlslamic word since it can be linked to the Crusades and Richard The Lion Heart. Fancy, you can’t support Manchester United or the Swiss Football Team or Scotland’s Celtics because of some fatwa or other. I amazed what these clerics can come up from time to time.

    Yet no one in the leadership, not even that Dato Major-General in the PM’s Department, has the courage to knock the knuckles of these clerics and tell them enough is enough. Muslims are disciplined enough to self-govern, know what is right and wrong and no longer require constant badgering from these guys in the religious establishment.–Din Merican

  4. UMNO has been using Article 160 (2) of our Federal Malaysian Constitution 1957 (an article dealing with definitions like ‘Who is a Malay’ so constitutional provisions like Article 153 would not run into difficulties as to who are the intended beneficiaries) to link race with religion; and by doing so it interferes with the right of some 60% of Malaysians to choose their religion contrary to constitutional provision under Article 11 (1) which states clearly that “every person has the right to profess and practice his religion” subject only to the issue of propagation.

    What I would like to know is if Pakatan under the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim be prepared to sever the link between race and religion read into the country’s Constitution by UMNO for political reasons. UMNO has politicized religion. Would the Pakatan leadership led by Anwar Ibrahim be prepared to state here on Din’s blog that it would de-politicize religion?

    I don’t think so. It would be political suicide. Under Pakatan I’m convinced it is going to be business as usual. Pretty much.

  5. Bean,

    Anwar Ibrahim won’t play with fire..he dearly respects the constitution as framed by our founders. He has made this clear in all his ceramahs. He will do away with ISA and other repressive statutes, but not our constitutional provisions. Too problematic.–Din Merican

  6. What a surprise cannot support the red devil but if I am sure they even bet on football in a some way such like two cups of coffee. Some
    people ……

  7. Precisely my point!

    The country’s Federal Constitution of 1957 does not say that Malays must be Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus or Christians. All it says is that you cannot propagate other religious beliefs or doctrine among persons professing the Muslim religion.

    Article 11 (1) is very clear on the issue of religious freedom.

    Article 11(4) merely says that “Such law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the Muslim religion”.

    But UMNO uses an obscure definition at the back of the Constitution dealing with ‘definitions’ to enslave and control some 60% of the population who happen to be Malays.

    This issue has gone to the highest court in the country some years ago and the federal judges on the bench then decided to fall victims to the infamous ‘kecut teloq’ syndrome by not deciding on the issue but instead merely say it is for the syariah court to decide.

  8. “mati Islam matilah Melayu, mati Melayu matilah Islam”.

    Islam will die if Malays die – what shit is this Mufti talking about. Islam will live forever with or without Malays. Islam is a religion for all mankind.

    This Mufti is not fit to be a Mufti. It also reflects on the person who apppointed him Mufti. He is a Mufti under the tempurong. Everything he reads he takes it literally especially the word Devil and Idol. His dictionary must be a one meaning per word dictionary. With this kind of Mufti, Islam will perish in Malaysia.

  9. Mufti ini macam ulaq dalam semak. Dia tiada modal lain selain menimbul keraguaan dan rasa sangsi, menggunakan kedudukan beliau sebagai tokoh agama. Bercita cita tinggi dan berniat untuk menyatukan UMNO dan PAS demi kepentingan Bangsa Melayu!!! Mufti ini juga pandai tembak dan temberang tetapi tak berani menegur kemungkaran Sultan di Negeri sendiri yang ternyata. Sama saja kedua dua main politik. Satu , berlumba dengan rakyat untuk dapat projek tanpa tender, buat kerja sambil lewa, dari hospital hinggalah lebuhraya!!! Tak boleh ditegur bila buat projek substaandard atau AliBabakan projek!?

    Islam hidup selama lamanya tetapi orang Melayu boleh hilang di dunia kerana mereka sudah jadi lemah dari segi ekonomi , kematangan politik dan keutuhan sosial. Mengapa? Kerana mereka di manjakan sebenarnya diperbodoh oleh UMNO melalui pengaruh politik wang dan korupsi. Malah di Sarawak, kekayaan negeri disalahguna supaya rata rata rakyat miskin dan sentiasa boleh dibeli semasa pilihan raya.

    Melayu tidak serius dalam perjuangan untuk kepentingan bangsa, ugama dan negera. Hidup kita leka dengan wang / kekayaan secara mudah dan hilang daya saing. Rata rata pengundi Melayu kampung kecuali Kelantan, Kedah dan sebahagian Terenganu boleh dibeli dan disogok dengan gelaran yang tidak boleh dibawa mati seperti Tan Sri Datuk Seri Azlani Hussaini ini, tergadai maruah dan keislaman beliau kerana taksub dengan duniawi. Ini yang kita katakan Melayu mudah lupa, dan senang diperkudakan!!!

  10. Semper fidelis, you are wrong – with this kind of Mufti, Malays will be blessed and forever tied to Islam, and become more fanatical and bigotry will blossom.

  11. these bolehland ulamaks should issue fatwas that say Muslims must go forth progressively and learn earnestly, be the knowledge in science, maths, art, literature or even foreign language. so that the following Tshirt won’t be worn by a pious muslim during friday prayer somewhere in KL…the BIG white text message on the black Tee read ” Born to Rock, Drink…and Fuck!” *Pelik tapi Benar!*

    p/s i have 2 pix of such but dont know how to post ’em! Sorry.

  12. A couple of years back, they ask for a boycott of a certain brand of ice cream because there was a cross on the cone… that cross, as many food techies will tell you, is actually a marking on the mould… so Marina Mahathir tell them to stop sending sms texts then, cost everytime you send a sms text, you need to key in a “+” in the front of the number e.g. +6012xxxxxx….

  13. What about plundering the nations piggy bank and the issuance of legal documents to PTIs , aren’t these practice considered as going against the teachings of Islam Tan Sri Datuk Seri Azlani Hussaini??

    The mufti is among scores of diehard current ‘status quo’ worshippers playing a minor role in a bigger scheme of things . Look at Octo Mamak , architect of the present establishment who has a much higher stake at determining that the present setup is prolong indefinitely and who out of fear of loosing the impending battle had the nerve to suggest that if the malays are not tactful , a future PR government might just open the doors to chinese and other nationals that’ll overtime reduce the malays into being a minority race in the country. How thoughtful coming from a man whose manipulation of the NRD was instrumental in the issuance of legit papers to a multitude of illegals in Sabah. One thing is for sure unlike the mufti , he knows exactly what he is talking about.

    So , Deliver this message to the malayan leaders and their cohort muftis etc.etc , Paul the octopus a creature that he is , contrary to Ambassador Malott , has better useful matters to take care of rather than waste his very limited lifespan on a bunch of goons..

  14. He probably meant well to unite the Malay and ultimately the Muslim. But I have taken aback when he said ” saya Mufti, saya tak tipu” to strengthen his credibility. Sometime ago I was taught that true pak imam will never claim he is religious person and a thief never claim he steals.

  15. “mati Islam matilah Melayu, mati Melayu matilah Islam”

    This statement is amazing if not moronic considering it came out from a mufti. What is he trying to say? That only malays are muslims? Only malays are being promised jannah? Isn’t this the same line of thinking as the Jews? Never knew that the Malays are God chosen people too as the Jews. Maybe he ought to go out of the country more often.

  16. tean,

    I wanna be a Buddhist, shave myself bald and make Wat Siam, Lorong Wat Siam, Aloq Setaq not far from Din Merican’s playground (the nurses’ hostel), my home. Why can’t I do that? I want to give up the ronggeng and do the ramvhong instead. Why can’t I do that??

    I want to change my name to Mongkut and marry your daughter. Why can’t I do that?
    Bean aka Mongkut,
    You are free to choose. No one will stop you.Maybe the Mufti of Perak will have something to say. From now on, I will use Mongkut in stead of Bean. Like that? –Din Merican

  17. Mahathir says Malays can do all that but would have to give up their special privileges. Since I have nothing to give up, can I do all that?

    I hear Malays are converting (which is a crime in Malaysia) at the rate of 1,000 a month in Malaysia today.

  18. This is the mentality that Mahathir said his biggest failure was, to change the Malay mindset. This is it, the example of this mufti using religion and politics with no line drawn. Then it is his interpretation of the Koran, literal , yet the Koran has a more subliminal meaning that governs life on earth and finding our way back. It is a personal journey between the seeker and the Creator.

    Thus the the Constitution provides for the right to practice our religion. ( This in effect reflects the Koranic verse providing that there is no compulsion in religion!). It has been politicised. This is the biggest hiccup in the moving forward of the Malays. They are being held at ransom by these so called mufti’s who “interpret” and deny life to the Malays so the Malays do not live, they are afraid too.

    The consequence of this is that others enjoy economic freedom and the Malays struggle. Thus Mahathir he said he could not liberate the Malays, much as he tried the first few years, then well we all know he gave up and the rest is history albeit a bleak one.
    Kathy, why apologise for a man who manipulated the Malays to maintain his mental and political hegemony. When they rejected his leadership in 1999, he conveniently said he failed to change the Malay mind set. In truth, he did not want the Malays to change, he wanted them to “ikut pemimpin” like him who gave them crumbs while his cronies and lackeys took the loot.

    Now what is he doing? Sponsoring PERKASA and Ibrahim Ali who once said that he would piss on Mahathir’s grave. Can someone tell me why Mahathir is like this? I was once a diehard Mahathir fan, and now I realise– better late than never– that I was wrong to do so.–Din Merican

  19. Hi Din, Yes. I am not trying to apologise for him, merely making a point about malays being “enslaved and controlled” as Bean observes.(didnt take my own advise, should not make him relevant really)

    You are right . I have heard he looks down on the Malays. He is using their weknessess. I dont know Din, maybe your well connected friends who know him would be able to answer what game he tries to play amongst the malays.

  20. Sawatdikrap- Khun Mongkut,

    Actually, Wat Siam Bakar welcome every human beings and animals to take up residence in the temple and best of all f.o.c.

    All you have to do is just walk into the temple and ask the chief monk to shave your head and you will be given 3 pieces of clothes. Next you will be given a room plus all basic necessities. All you have to do is just sit there doing meditation and look into your own soul. This is the true and real purpose of becoming a monk. Your food will be provided one meal a day. Simple right.

    Ok Mongkut, can you do just that?. Nothing more is required from you.

    You cannot be too creative and want to do this and that. Sex and Chivas Regal are big sins and you will be kicked out immediately if you are involved. Politicking like that so called religious man from Perak is also a sure way for you to be drowned into the river behind the temple.

    So are you ready Mongkut ?

  21. “All you have to do is just walk into the temple and ask the chief monk to shave your head and you will be given 3 pieces of clothes” tean

    I hope for his safety the chief monk at Wat Siam is in Malaysia on a religious visa. Because then the worst thing that could happen is that his visa would be cancelled and he would have to return to Wat Pho in Bangkok.

    If the PAS state government could jail four of their own subjects for three years in 2004 for the crime of apostasy, I shudder to think what could happen to the chief monk of Wat Siam.

    I guess I will have to take up permanent residence in Patpong and earn my keep as a tourist guide in case Din Merican decides to postpone his final ride on the back of the carabao into the sunset.

  22. Ok Mongkut Bean, I want to ask you a question.

    You said according to the constitution ” you cannot propagate other religious beliefs or doctrine among persons professing the Muslim religion.”

    Do you think because of the clause, many people “masuk melayu” but not “masuk Islam’?

  23. Only in Bolehland can an idiot spew bigotry like “.mati Islam mati Melayu, mati Melayu mati Islam ” become a so called mufti and kept in comfort and a fat monthly salary at tax -payers expense !! If Melayu is an ethnic defination, there are so many Melayus ( Javanese, Bugis, Bataks, Banjar etc etc) who are not professing Islam. Only in Bolehland that Melayu is given a constitutional defination, so that Mamaks , Arabs and the likes off Ridhuan Tee and Mustapha Ong and son Omar Ong can be Melayu and members of UMNO !!Among Arabs in the Mid-East, that Melayus of Bolehland hold in reverence and call them TUAN, even Fuad’s and Ali’s can be Christians and whatever !!

  24. The world is full of nut cases. Unfortunately, Malaysia has a bigger share it seems. Another Malaysia boleh I suppose.

  25. The world is full of nut cases?
    But the can’t even chew betel nuts nowadays – haram!

    The other day, one of my SYT (sweet young thing) staff wore a lovely baju kurung to work. She’s Chinese. The next day she complained to the management that the office cleaners, drivers and tea ladies castigated her for not wearing a ‘tudung’ also!
    So i persuaded the Pas linked Kelantanese HR manager (who was foaming at the mouth for this insult to his ‘cultural superiority’) to give them a 15 min. lecture of what it means to be Muslim and Malay. Much anxiety, confusion and chaos amongst the unthinking masses..!

    So i told this pretty Chinese lass to wear a revealing cheong-sam or sari, when she feels like dressing ethnic again! This is an example of ‘form’ and substance.. Btw, I’m told that best Malay-style embroidery can be found at a China-Soh tailor at Amcorp mall..

    Btw, i always knew that inbreeding causes idiocy. It’s about the only thing i agree with the original OctoKutty.

  26. Looking at the carricature it has an uncanny resemblance to Paul the octo, only the tentacles are missing !!. But then again Paul does not wear a skull cap and a beard, but has more intutive skills !!

  27. Let them be…if they ever go overseas and travel and god forbid one day they meet an accident and if the ambulance comes with a red crossed on it they will not go into it and rather die on the road !

    what a shameful ulama or mufti semak semak semak…
    just like the gormen bans malays from reading the bible ?
    Why are we all so paranoid about it
    Read it understand it and than make a smart an inteligent study of it

    why worry if you are a true muslim nothing can shake you

  28. Kathy,
    Octokutty’s eugenics has been challenged by Dr. Bakri Musa in his book titled “The Malay Dilemma Revisited”. Mahathir wanted a reason to intervene in the lives of the Malay purportedly to help them since they are stupid and he knows best, and the rationale for his state interventionist policies (his NEP2.0 against Tun Razak’s National Unity and Poverty centric NEP1.0). His The Malay Dilemma like Hitler’s Mein Kampf is the blueprint for his control of the Malays.

    On economic policy, he chose privatization as his main tool for economic restructuring. So cronyism is his way of creating a viable Bumiputra Commercial and Industrial Community. He then chose the enigmatic diam Daim to be the executor of Mahathirian Economics, which is, in reality, “Sapu-nomics”.

    I talked to number from our fraternity of Malay women and we think Mahathir wants to make sure that his son Mukhriz becomes UMNO Youth Leader in place of the urbane and smart Khairy and be DPM with Muhyiddin as Prime Minister. Both Najib and his first cousin Hishamuddin will be out, if Mahathir has his way. So he will be a nuisance factor in the politics of UMNO. Najib beware of the ides of Mahathir. Rosmah is not much of a help to her husband either; in fact, she is a major and serious noose around Najib’s neck–with all her greed and urge for power–and if not properly controlled, she will be the cause of his political demise.

  29. Rosmah is not much of a help to her husband ..Kakrubi.


    Why you try to be nice to that fat, ugly and greedy Mah Chot who is officially just Najib’s second sex partner (officially-unofficial ask Bean) but behaving as though she is more the second in command of the government if not the de-facto Prime Minister and Najib as her office boy.

    Remember when RM 10 was announced, the clear budget figures mentioned by the office boy was only for her pet projects. What is really sickening is that TV3 must have news about her almost every night.

    I just wonder if the Mufti from Perak would dare to say a word on botox.

  30. Hey Tean, why bother watching TV3 at all ?. Maybe you are a secret of greedy grubby Mah Chot, kot ??. Perhaps its not the botox but the butttttttt. that overwhelms !!!. Poor Najib, so much to handle everday, so cannot focus on country’s numerous problems !!

  31. Tean,

    This is what I wrote earlier:

    “Rosmah is not much of a help to her husband either; in fact, she is a major and serious noose around Najib’s neck–with all her greed and urge for power–and if not properly controlled, she will be the cause of his political demise”.

    This is what you did from the above:

    “Rosmah is not much of a help to her husband ..Kakrubi.”

    You have either not understood me, which is not possible, or you have deliberately misquoted me so that like Mongkut Bean you can try to attack me, which you did in this instance.

    Be careful the next time and you are well advised to read and understand what I write before you pancut your missile. Otherwise, it will back fire on you. Cheers

  32. Let’s pause for a second and have a look at Malaysia through the eyes of the western world.

    She has a constitution that allows the country’s lawmaking body. the right to make laws pertaining to religion. Now that’s minefield to begin with. The Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitution had the wisdom (not that they had at first) to steer clear of this minefield. Let us not forget the reason which brought them here. Was it not religious persecution? So they decided to ‘separate’ church from state. Can anybody really do that? I mean separate the affairs of state from moral conscience? That was some 230 plus years ago. Today they say God who was kicked out through the door of the White House years earlier entered by the chimney albeit briefly when Bush Jr. as U.S. President carried his religion on his sleeve every morning to work and made everybody pray. Obama? I don’t want to go there. They say he is the country’s first Muslim president. Well, good luck to that!

    Now fast forward to 1957 to a little known secluded corner of Asia (you gotta be careful though because over here when they say Asia they mean India and images of bald headed men in diapers starving themselves to death would flash across their minds eye and remained there).The Brits because of their thirst for raw materials to run their factories and kick start their industrial revolution cared for nothing else and had sown seeds of discord among peoples and in territories which bore little resemblance to their own in terms of culture, race, religion etc. At the end of the Pacific War when they had their asses kicked so hard and with their vulnerability and their behind exposed for the world to see, they no longer had the confidence to rule nor the desire to cling on to territories not their own to begin with.

    Depressed, forlorn and dejected and on a strict regime of anti-depressants their leaders told us “You blokes are on your own now. Let’s see if you can manage yourselves, you semi-literate, semi-educated little brown asses!” Sure enough. Decades afterwards these same brown asses were cutting their own throats in the search to find who they really are, what system of government do they want for themselves etc. It is like Din Merican growing up, asking himself “Who am I” during his late teens (the first identity crisis); only later to be faced with the real ‘he’ (midlife crisis) i.e. the person he has become; and now he is asking what legacy he would like to leave behind (life without crisis) for his kids to remember him by.

    What were our framers of our constitution of 1957 thinking when they put together pieces of paper which came to be known collectively as our constitution. i.e. a collection of articles, self contradictory and inconsistent with each other and with issues unresolved written by men in three piece pin striped suits working in air conditioned rooms completely detached from reality – a minefield really for those with any common sense to have to walk through today. Today they talk of the underlying social contract! Hell, the only underlying social contract is when I took my marriage vows to be faithful to my wife. It is not worth the paper it is written on.

    Of course my grand uncle who took over the reins never really thought much about it. He was somewhat in a hurry to go places. He somehow convinced himself, as leaders always do, that if he’s happy why shouldn’t others be? His mistake really was to put full confidence in human nature, in the ability of men everywhere to work out their differences and get on with the business of living. This is the same man who, sent to study in England at one of the most prestigious institution of higher learning, found himself chasing after his land lady’s daughter whom he married years later – and who has had to have the likes of later-to-be federal court judge read notes to him so he wouldn’t fall asleep when preparing himself for his bar examination at the ripe old age of forty six. As to whether chief justice Eussoffe Abdool Cader’s suicide years later had anything to do with it, nobody really knows.

    Fast forward to the present. Thanks to the leadership of men like Mahathir b Mohammad (the ‘distinction’ should not go to him alone as he could not have done it single handedly) UMNO has completely high jacked Islam, demeaned it by politizing it, giving it a role never really intended by scotch and soda loving anglophiles who wrote our constitution. Islam was to be only the country’s official religion and not a state religion. Meaning at state functions ceremonies are to be guided by the dictates of Islam – no Chivas Regal, but only sky juice, orange or apple juice.

    I’m sorry. All this talk about juices is making me thirsty. I will have to stop here. It is time for my breakfast. Today it is coffee and donuts. Say hi to Jong.

  33. “..pancut your missile.” rubi

    Hahaha.., good original one dear lady!
    That’s what a good Patriots do to incoming missiles! C’mon lah guys, give the fairer gender fair play.. Taking things too seriously methinks. Remember the perpetual felicitous motto? “Walk silently and carry a big stick.”

  34. Guys,

    Why waste your precious time and energy spewing profanities at this imbecile, dumb-witted-moronic-skullcap-wearing ulamak who believes he’s a God-sent angel for Perakeans?

    You’re right Sherk. The guy who appointed him mufti is much a dumbo like his protege.

    This idiot goes on the air weekly on Perak FM. Hearing him speaks and preaches make me wanna puke.

    He lives in palatial bungalow and is driven around in a Merc. Not bad for a pea-brain ustaz with an ego the size of Tambun’s largest pomelo.

    Oh! God have mercy on we poor Perakeans. Take this idiot away from us. Don’t torture us any further. Amen…

  35. “She has a constitution that allows the country’s lawmaking body. the right to make laws pertaining to religion. Now that’s minefield to begin with.” Bean.

    So those who collectively crafted our Constitution were no better than the moronic-idiotic-skullcap-wearing mufti from Perak who thinks he’s a God-sent angle for Perakeans. Oh! God another bomb shell…

  36. And this shell is being fired from a 175 mm self-propelled howitzer. It’s an air burst round and is primed to detonate above our heads.

  37. Baju MU tak halal. Rasuah halal. Racism halal. ISA halal. Rompak wang rakyat halal. Sodomy 2 halal.

    …. Malaysia really boleh la

  38. Good thing here is that Rosmah is the First lady otherwise, she will be the first female mufti replacing the mufti of Perak. If she there oh my

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    nazik yorum için teşekkürler. Ben gerçekten senin benim blog ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz. Ben iyiyim ve sizi de var – Din Merican

  40. Kakrubi, thanks for the inside word. It helps us those who are faraway form home. However dont worry Mr Bean is quite nice to the ladies! He wont attack. Thanks Menyalak-er for being the ever so gentlemen.

    As for Mr Bean, wow I think you have outdone even yourself!

    Tokcik Dad is from Perak , they are the best!

    Absolutley nothing wrong with reading the Bible or the Tawrah. Very informative than we can compare to the Koran! Hopefully be more learned.

    Jesus by the way used Alaha, and the moslems today uses Allah. To know deeper than it upon us to seek the reasons why.

  41. Karubi, “Rosmah…she will be his political demise”

    He dumped his first wife for this woman who is known to calculate her way up (and now dictates the PM on what should be done.How does that work?)

    If he cannot take care of his family then how does he take care of the nation?

    Maybe he needs a reason…for political demise since nothing else is doing it…Rome’s downfall was the rot from within,wait a minute ? Rome . Ok this little peninsula.

  42. The topmost entry talks about a sharp drop in FDIs. A couple of entries later are the wise words of one of our Muftis. Wonder if the two are related…

  43. Rama org aggap blogger Msia nie kurang bagus.. nak cari rujukan selalunya blog international yg di rujuk… tapi artikel nie membuktikan yg blog dari Malaysia memang setanding dengan blog antarabangsa… tahniah admin

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